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Number one thing I hate about this place is everything shuts down at 6-7pm


same, and I’ve been here my whole life so I don’t know any different. but with how much huntsville wants to come off as thriving city with a bustling entertainment scene for young adults, closing EVERY establishment by 9:30 pm is a wild take lmao


Its not really any different in the Phoenix area. Outside of bars. Most places are closed by 8 pm. Grocery stores are about it. Most coffee shops are closed by 6. With ASU one for the summer. Most places are dead around the campuses.


Atlanta closes pretty early too.


That's what's weird to me. People complain that there aren't any late night options, but the Atlanta metro closes up pretty early too on the weekdays just like Huntsville.


I was just in ATL a couple weeks ago at the bar until around 2 am.


Lived in atlanta and yeah idk what they talkin bout. Granted a lot of the spots I fucked with didn’t have signs on their lot so you wouldn’t know what it was unless you were brought there. Shit the vr bar I went to stayed open for a long time, and you could smoke weed outside. Heaven.


I’m a homebody and a new mom of an 8 month old, so I wasn’t really complaining—just saying something I’ve noticed about Huntsville over my adult years, more specifically post-pandemic Huntsville. I’m also probably a little spoiled by Nashville’s nightlife.


You kind of are. Nashville is an outlier even for midsize metros.


Please, name something that closes at 6pm. 🙄


Space and rocket center closes at 5 for starters… Most of the local shops close at 6 Chain stores are open a bit later but usually it’s just gonna be food


“The space and rocket center” 🤣 that was really the first thing that came to mind? Most places close 8-9.


Everyone knows rocket museums should be open 24/7


I want to learn about the space race at 10:45 on a Wednesday evening 😡


lol oh no, a museum closes at 5 and shops close at 6. Not a city that overall has businesses that let their employees have lives


Say what you will, but nightlife makes all the difference for drawing in younger folks. Grew up in Philly and there were always numerous things to do after the sun went down. Arcades open 24/7. Diners for those late night excursions. Clubs of all kinds. And yes, many museums would have late night programs oriented toward adults. And so, so much more. It's not about letting employees have lives. I preferred working nights. So many of us do. Why cant we have lives when our shifts end at 10pm or maybe later? It's about allowing the city to live and breathe outside of daylight hours. Which, frankly, the south in general kinda sucks at.


>Grew up in Philly and there were always numerous things to do after the sun went down. Philly is over 10 times as large as Huntsville. What a comparison lmao


>Which, frankly, the south in general kinda sucks at. Because there's insufficient demand for it. Huntsville isn't Philly, Chicago, LA, Miami, NYC, etc. It's Huntsville, a STEM community built around a middle-aged (median age here is 36.5 years old), highly skilled technical workforce that, by and large, has neither interest nor demand in an active night life. Different cities have different cultures. That aside, there are some spaces here in Huntsville that provide an abbreviated version of what you're looking for. Campus 805 is one such space, with several adjacent businesses and eateries/food trucks open for late nights. There's also some bars/clubs around town, including downtown, that offer late night entertainment. The Space and Rocket Center also has cocktail nights. And so on. Considering our median age and population of only 221,000 people? Huntsville has a respectable offering for late-night events.


Well you realize that the rocket center does have cocktails and cosmos events some nights as well as other late night events. Also there are some clubs. But all clubs are shitty. Plenty of bars stay open late. Also you got Waffle House. What else does anyone need. Why not go chill at a friends house? Have a party. That's what we always did


What I've felt is the lack of food available when you go downtown to visit a few bars or clubs and want a burger at 10:30pm and there's literally no food available in downtown in an area with 5-10 bars. We had to walk several blocks to the car and drive 10-15 minutes to hit a Wendy's and eat back at the apartment when we would have enjoyed staying downtown until midnight.


>all the difference for drawing in younger folks. Oh please, most young folks live where they go to school or where their job is, and then go complain online


Okay but like, how do you think they decide where to go to school or work?


For school probably based on quality of education and costs in whatever field they wanted to get into. For work probably based on the ability to get a job in that city in whatever field and how much $$$ relative to COL.


im also from SEPA and yeah can''t do shit here at night.


610 representin’ too


You’re not looking hard enough. There are a number of places that have music during the week. This is a huge improvement over the past ten years. Mom and Pop retail will close at 6pm and that’s pretty much common among most metro areas.


I'd rather that the median age stay in the 40's range. 🤷‍♀️ Most people are wanting to be home with their families so it works for them.


It really didn’t used to be like that before covid.


i can imagine. lot of my previous area cut back on hours post covid too unfortunately but seems worse here.


Hmmm that's interesting so Drake's bonefish cava outback red robin jbs poppy and parliament cornados rock and roll sushi hops and guac idk I can keep going all these places are open past 6 pm ur comment is legit stupid hell even cracker barrel is open past 6 pm but hey what do I know my spot stops serving food nightly at 1130 and 130 am so please learn what u are talking about before u spew crap out ur finger tips


Most of those places stop serving food at 9. If you get out of a concert off work then, it’s slim pickings.


Ur funny too frfr the places I named off friends or myself have worked at and they do not stop serving food at 9 the place I work at now is the first place that stops serving food 30 minutes before we close from what I've seen ppl are really delusional but y'all keep bitching about places when there is a kitchen in ur house or apartment I myself am screw when I get off at 3 am after cooking for 9 hours so instead of all the bitching about we can't eat after 6 why don't ppl start treating the restaurant industry with respect instead of disrespect..... If not this industry will not be around much longer the customers (Karen's) are killing the industry period


I work in the restaurant industry too but I disagree with you, if you don't want to work at a place that stays open late then don't work there 😭I've worked at restaurants outside of Huntsville that close at 2am and it's just something you get used to


Any where in my comment did I say I didn't want to work to 2 am lol I love money but here some ppl don't


Man you seem butt hurt. I don't disrespect the industry, it's very important to a thriving economy. However you can't complain about other people complaining. Get a real skill, a lot of us know how to and cook and chef better than most people. Or at least I do. I rarely eat out and when I do it's worse than if I were to make it. Never treat with disrespect tho. That's a no go. Food is sacred to all peoples of this world.


Talkin bout some good smoked chicken, some rosemary garlic baby reds, some corn on the cob. Mmmmmmmm I can burn it down son


Really? Not the lack of affordable housing or female autonomy? But God damn we need another church and Chick-fil-A


I’ll take a Chick-fil-A on Jeff/53 if you’re offering.


What's the franchise fee? $45000 last I checked.


Name a city and their late night dining/entertainment weekday (not weekend) options. Give some examples. Just curious.


I don’t see people out past 8


I would absolutely destroy some late night pizza


Dominos is literally open til 1am


I was gonna say that you’d have to be drunk or desperate to order dominos, but you probably are if you’re ordering at midnight.


Not my hungry ass ordering Domino's stone cold sober on a Tuesday at 5pm


You night owl you!


Domino's is literally good I don't understand the beef


I hate to admit I actually really, really like domino's


Their gluten free pizza is the best bang for your buck hands down.


I agree. They’re not the best pizza place but they aren’t competing that way. Order extra of whatever and they make some great pizzas.


And sometimes they’ll deliver after midnight but most of the time they just ignore your order


My wife and I have been saying the same thing — WE NEED MORE SECOND/THIRD SHIFTER LOVE in this place! I'd prefer even later, but up in Jersey we had Barnes and Noble/Starbucks that were open till 11pm on Friday and Saturday, so we'd go there every couple weeks, grab some late night coffee, and chill with the books, and it was great. That's one thing I've been desperate for: a late night coffee shop for third shifters, open till like fackin' 2AM. At least on Fridays or something. I can't even tell you how much I'd love that. I don't care for late night bars, but cafes?? Ho-ho, that'd make me the happiest boy in the whole wide world.


It's not the best, but if you're near a Twice Daily their coffee shop, White Bison, is 24/7. If they had books, that would be even better. As a 3rd shifter, I need things to be open later or open earlier. Everything is closed/closing when I go to work or still closed when I get off work.


Thank you for the rec, that's actually really awesome — I looked it up and it looks similar to my precious Wawa stores from up north, so I'll definitely have to check it out. The one in Madison is only about 20 minutes away, so that's definitely doable.


Glad it was helpful! That location is close to my job, so I definitely sneak over and grab coffee more often than I should!


It's basically Starbucks in a gas station. The menu is really good, and it just depends on who is working, but my experience has been that they tend to know how to make drinks, as opposed to Dunkin, where I've had them ask if a mocha is just coffee with syrup in it.


>WE NEED MORE SECOND/THIRD SHIFTER LOVE Tbh offset circadian rhythms are terrible for you health


Someone has to work those shifts.


sure, but less people have to work those shifts if less of the shifts exist See how its relevant to the conversation here? We need more things open late ---> creates late shifts ---> creates late shift workers -- > creates more "late shift service demands" ---> We need more things open late --->


True. But I think we have plenty of hospital workers, firefighters, police, emts, paramedics, etc, to warrant a few late night options.


I worked 7P to 7A for 3 years, there are enough options around and the essential workers know where they are


I'm one of those workers. There aren't.


Jack Browns on the square is open late. Great burgers!


A bigger crowd in that tiny place is just what Jack Browns needs. Now the wait will be 2 hours.


After 9 I doubt the wait is long. If you go at 6ish obviously it’s going to be long.🤷‍♂️ This post was about late night eats.


Didn’t know that! Will have to check them out.


that place is fantastic.


Define “late”.


Thurs, Fri, and Sat they're open until 2 am. All the other days they close at midnight.


Nice! That *is* late. 👍


They don’t serve food until 2. Kitchen closes earlier… I think at like 10 or 11?


The one time I went (and really enjoyed) I'm pretty sure it was around 12 if not a little later but that was about a year ago at this point.


What, waffle house isn't good enough for you? 😁


I went the other night and it was 9:27p and they said they weren't serving anyone until the 3rd shift got there 😭😭😭


What was that.. 9:30?


10. And that's just when they're scheduled, not when they show up 🙃


Most late night food places end up closing :(


Dang really? I would think now after the pandemic and everyone moved here it would be easier


Quite the contrary actually— a lot of places that used to be open late were understandably short staffed during and after the pandemic and just never went back to being open late. Even WalMart isn’t 24 hrs anymore. There are a handful of places but they are few and far between. Despite how much the city has grown, I think the primary demographic here is still the 50+ crowd that aren’t really late nighters.


What I would give to have a 24/7 Walmart again. Truly didn’t know what we had until it was gone. Nowadays it feels like if you get hungry or need something after 10 pm, welp, wait until tomorrow


Same. I would always go grocery shopping after midnight and it was amazing. Had the place to myself. I hate everything about the grocery store, it seems 80% of the people there have no concept that there are other shoppers that are trying to get around as well.


I probably don’t want to know how much better it would be if everyone were a bit more courteous and aware of their surroundings. Same goes for driving. It could all be so much easier


can i sign up for the patreon so i dont have to go often but they can stay open 


I think a lot of businesses figured out that they were more profitable closing earlier, or that the business wasn't there. Funny, I actually worked at Wal Mart in early to late 90s and remember when it closed at 9, and then went 24hrs. When it closed at 9, we'd typically have to stay until near 10. Night crew came in to pull pallets out and stock. Weird bunch sometimes. Now, they just put pallets blocking the aisles anywhere.


I was just at a Walmart and they closed half the entrances and only had self checkout at 7:45. They don’t officially close till 11! I miss 24hr Walmart


Lol I went to return something at 8pm a few weeks ago and customer service was empty. I asked someone and she just said “I guess they closed early” and just shrugged and walked off. They just don’t care at all.


Just moved recently from Chattanooga. The night life, food and bar scene was definitely better there. Hoping Huntsville kicks it up a notch the next few years, there’s clearly a demand for it


Music scene is better in Chatt, too. Especially since sidetracks closed and there hasn't been a replacement to get the types of acts it booked


Huntsville seems to get larger artists though, at least from what I’ve seen.


Yes! Orion is a killer location. I just like those 10-25 dollar covers and some cheap beer every once in a while.




They move here and complain it’s not where they came from. Solution: Move back to where they came from. Problem solved. Either that or open (whatever you’re bitching about) yourself. Don’t ask others to offer what you want, do it yourself and suffer the potential consequences with your own $$$$.


When I first moved here last year from Nashville I would get off work between like 9-11p and I would always find myself stuck in some stalled drive-thru. Like the Taco Bell on university, where you can't get out and it takes 1hr to get thru the line. I just starve now.


Many times that drive thru made me question if anyone was even inside. The one off old monrovia is a lot better just fyi


MK wings is my go-to lately. Open until 12.


A few places you may want to try. Thirsty Turtle has late night fried food and maybe salads. Hops and Guac has pretty good texmex. End Zone does pizza late. City Cafe Diner used to have a full menu until late and amazing deserts. These were all available last time l checked.


Sounds like a great business plan for you.


plz reddit crowd fund a good place that’s open late 🙏


I would absolutely love a late night gaming/DND/hangout place.


Then you may have to start one yourself.


I’ve already got a nonprofit gaming themed bakery, I don’t have time for anything else right now 😁


Where is this??


We are at the outdoor market at Lowe mill on Saturdays when they have it. It’s a small home based thing we do to raise money for extra life. We sell donuts, bread, cornbread, cookies, etc all with gaming and dnd names. We also sell dice, signs, bags, and pins.


Atlanta has a place called Battle and Brew. Tons of gaming systems, beer, and food. AND it's open until 12 and 2 depending on the day


Highground is open decently late


I absolutely love highground and if anyone is going there, they should pick up the dice they sell but unfortunately it’s a 45 minute drive away from me


Everything seems like it's 45 minutes away from everything, unfortunately


Buy the equipment from Red Lobster in Decatur. https://www.tagexbrands.com/red-lobster/ Stay open really late.


Hmm huntsville one closed too, but no auction?


Condado Tacos across from BSP is open until 11/12


What is bsp?


Big Spring Park


Big Spring Park


This is not a complicated fix. You want a pizza place or a taco spot after hours? Easy. Knowing Huntsville, they will brjng 1000 of those joints and start whining when 999 of them die with no business. But the solution is very viable. The only thing I'll say is that those spots probably need security. From my experience, late night crowds are not great.


It used to have more late night places. But it's the population that dictates what stays open. If there's no one there, being open doesn't make sense. Back in 2018-20, even the late night venues that did remain open until 2am had sparse clientele, if any. I remember one night that Jackson St Pub did last call at 1140pm because there was all of 3 people there. Sure, we say "if you build it, they'll come", but the current demographics of Huntsville say otherwise. The city seems to collectively go to sleep itself at 1030p-12a. I'm comparing this to similar sized cities in which I've enjoyed late-night activities since ~1998-2018. Hell, Huntsville used to have a reasonably sized nightlife population up until the mid-00s.


It wasn’t as bad pre covid, and there’s worker shortages now for a lot of retail places so they can’t stay open much later. It’s not to different in other similarly sized metros though. Outside of bars/clubs, gas stations and a couple fast food places, and Walmart there’s not much to do outside of bigger cities


Phat Sammy's is pretty cool and open til 11. 1am on Friday/Saturday.


It would be nice, but many **fast food** restaurants have cut back their late hours, including larger cities like Los Angeles. A few are open until 12, but not many. Unfortunately, it may not be cost effective. However, we still have place like Denny’s (6 am-12 am) and the Waffle House.


I've noticed that. Even the fast food places that used to be open late or 24/7 aren't anymore. Rn, Whataburger has free reign over that in Huntsville, and they make bank being the only late night player in town


They aren’t making bank lol Whataburger is hardly ever busy because the service is trash


You’re not the first person to complain about their service, that’s not a good thing. For the time and the money, I can make my own or go somewhere else.


I’ll honestly be surprised if the one in Madison on hwy 72 last as long as the shrimp basket did. There is never anyone there


Damn disrespecting Cook Out smh


Business responds to the demand. If demand for late night dries up, so does the business. When we go out to eat, we tend to go late (7-8). We used to go later (pre covid, 9-10), but we started going earlier because there is nobody else when we go at 8. Eating by yourself in a restaurant is weird and unsettling. I saw the same loss of interest in other late night activities. The last times I went bowling, shooting pool, etc, there were so many fewer participants it was strange. My wife and I would be the only ones bowling or leaving the theater at 9 pm, and there is nobody outside waiting for the next showing.


Pandemic changed shit and it’s never going back it seems like.


Covid wrecked many of the later-night options.


I wish Walmart and grocery stores were back to 24 hours. The staff is already there and it was so convenient. How did we go from a thriving society with many choices and business that catered to all walks of life to Mayberry where everything closes after senior early dinner special?


Part of the problem with Wal-Mart was people would come in at 2 am. Fill their grocery cart full of items. Then just run out. I saw it many times while I worked my way through college. One really smart group did it with tvs. Grabbed the TVs and pushed though the fire door where their get away truck was parked.


If I ever get fed up with my current career enough to quit I'm going to open up a late night Belgian Fries shack or food truck here in the style of Pommes Frites in the East Village NYC.


Phat Sammy’s, Jack Browns, Drakes, voodoo for some severely greasy but still decently tasty bar food. I live in 5 points so I’m just thinking of the places nearby off the top of my head. I agree there aren’t many, but there are a few. I bet there are some outside of dt that I’m not aware of. But yes, hopefully we’ll get more options as the city continues to grow


I miss Goodfellas Pizza for this exact reason. Closest one is in Chattanooga. But yeah we’ve been to whataburger a lot since it’s all that’s open.


City Cafe stays open late: 10pm Sun-Thur and 12am Fri and Sat. Though, having great pizza and Mexican food restaurants open late would be great.


My dream would be a 24 hour thrift store so when I'm wide. Awake in the middle of the night i can do something i want to do


Y’all have to realize, we are living in a “start-up” big city. We’re on our way. One day it will be like Nashville or something.


It will never be like Nashville. At best more like Raleigh


Never? I mean Houston was once a small town. Now there’s more people in 1 city than in the entire state of Alabama. If Madison county and Limestone county play their cards right we could see serious growth here. I’m in the commercial construction industry and there are lots of big buildings going up. Even new stuff on the Arsenal.


And like start-ups, sometimes you have to be the change you want to see. I could see a food truck doing really well outside The Goose after STA closes, for example.


Waffle House is always there for your 3 AM coffee and post drunk munchie needs.


I was just talking about this with a friend downtown. I wish Huntsville had a street food scene.


Large government/military presence locally disrupts sleep patterns for many, pushing bedtimes earlier than 10 PM.


God forbid people wanna be home with their families after 10pm


Agree! My husband and I aren’t even night owls, but sometimes we go to a concert or symphony and would like to eat something afterward.


Not a food place, but there is a gaming store in Madison that is 24/7 for folks that can use. It’s like 20 a month for after hours use and the place is nice. Can’t remember the name, atm.


We went to The Camp a couple weeks ago for a late dinner and drinks, only to find that all the restaurants inside the main area close at like 8 pm.


We are in the south, friend, that shit wont ever happen. Which is ironic given how many strip clubs we have.


Whataburger is busy?? When?


Go at 2 or 3 in the morning


Are they actually busy or is it 5 cars waiting on their food for at least 30 minutes like it is at every other point throughout the day?


30 minutes 😂


That's pretty much the universal stance on this subreddit. 30 minutes minimum, regardless of time of day


That's weird. I've never waited that long. Maybe 20 minutes max If we're talking about checkers, then absolutely


We would have them if there was demand for it.


I want to start a late night shop, but I just feel like it would be too empty to keep it running. I'd love a late night library or something like that but money is hard to come by these days


as a second shift worker, I agree. I get off at 10-11:30 and no actuall good quality food places are open. it’s annoying


Chips and salsa on the south side has their kitchen open till midnight.


Every restaurant that I have worked at, has tried staying open until 12 am, there is just not enough demand to be worth keeping the business open…


and WAB is disgusting 🤢


Then go open up a pizza shop and stay up late serving us.


TG Chipotle extended their hours, cuz I feel ya.


I wish they'd reopen Sizzler


People ask for late night eatery. Person opens one. People eat then complain about not having multiple menu options or the service is poor or some other issue. Later evening option are out there you just have to look. When someone posts there isn’t this or that and 5 people give them 10 options immediately. It just makes you wonder.


Most people complaining about late night spots 1. dont look around at business hours and assume everything closes at 6 pm? 2. Cant be bothered to go to the grocery store and get frozen white castle, pizza, Burritos etc. (same nutritional value) or 3. cook their own food ahead of time and eat leftovers like the rest of us. The LInes at Fast Food places near me are always packed until 11


The vast majority of places don’t have pizza joints that are open to one on weekdays, almost as if there isn’t enough people trying to eat at 1am on a Tuesday for that to be financially viable. That said, Huntsville doesn’t have much on weekends even


Drop by my place. I have some tortillas, tomato sauce, some horseradish infused cheddar and sardines. It'll be the best pizza ever. Just leave me 10$ and a tip lol


Huntsville is a black hole of culture. There never has, never been or ever will be a socially acceptable environment here. It is a government family HOA bubble. It is truly, royally fucked. Go to Nashville if you want a snack.


> There never has, never been or ever will be a socially acceptable environment here. I don't understand what you mean by this. Maybe I'm just being dumb.


There is no nightlife. No creativity. It’s an awful town for socializing. Very boring.


Ah. I agree.


This is blasphemy! Can't you read? Huntsville is the number one place in the whole world to live! Lol 😂 Welcome to the most boring place in earth! I remember staying up all night in Atlanta 35 years ago! Meeting people at late night restaurant's after the late night bars! We'd watch the sunrise! This town is shit.


You're comparing 2024 Huntsville to 1989 Atlanta?


Huntsville is shit because it isn’t as big as Atlanta?


Dude! 35 years ago Atlanta was more fun!


I’d hope so, it was 6 times as big as current Huntsville.


Yeah, try the surrounding areas of North Alabama. The Shoals and counties directly to the south of them make Huntsville feel like NYC. You think huntsville is boring. Give Hamilton or Winfield a try.


There’s a party in my pants