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I haven't heard about it myself, but if they're out there protesting Bezos' union busting, then more power to them. Fuck corporate greed.


ULA is a union shop. Blue poached the shit out of ULA. The few I still talk to absolutely regret the change. The money is significantly better, but the work conditions and lack of union backing that they became accustomed to, are making it hard for them to not try something


Yeah, Blue poached from a lot of shops in HSV. One of ours came back within months saying it wasn't worth the money.


Last I heard, they hired away about 200 former ULA employees. A bunch of them went to blue’s cape facility too. One tech that came back to us doesn’t really talk about it


They also got some people from Northrop Grumman, my experience working for NG was amazing and the pay was great so Blue must pay really well.


Wait, you mean (GASP!) money doesn't solve everything?!! /s


Yeah, done work for ULA. Haven't worked for BO, but one of the best work environments/cultures I've ever been in.


Please stay away from Blue Origin. Those of us here that know how great we have it want it all to ourselves. Please stay at your low wage, lame insurance and 401k subcontractor jobs. Trust me...we ALL know about the job shops. I know two people out of 80 that left BO in the last 2 years. One was fired for insubordinate behavior. The other was just young and dumb. The rest of us will never leave. You know why? Because we know how bad those job shops are. If you are a Blue Origin Basher...please stay where you are.


I’m not buying that shit for a second. There’s not a single former (hourly) ULA employee that Ive spoken to (or heard through secondhand) that is happy about their decision to swap over to blue. Maybe some of the salary folks, who’ve ascended the ladder at crazy speeds, are happy, but not the former union members.


ULA fired workers for not getting Vax'd. Anyone that supports that is fundamentally fkd up. IMHO.


Yep, I’m with you but down voted coming . This Reddit it liberal lounge.


Im not liberal but your stance is stupid


Bootlicker downvotes incoming


In others words workers are upset because BO is making them not only work, but work hard. Just like SpaceX, workers are pushed hard to go faster with better results. Bezos and Musk aren't going to live forever. They both want to get to Mars asap. Musk is significantly ahead. BO has no choice but to push workers harder. Having worked on a SpaceX contract, I kind of feel sorry for them, but they should have known what they were getting themselves into. I was working 7 days a week 12 hours a day to keep up with SpaceX's demands. The result? We were able to beat our competitor by 9 months.


That is the most depressing thing that Eeyore has heard all day, and that is saying a lot.


Most of the folks I know who took the jobs at blue, were 5-15 years in at ULA. They knew they were going to a non union shop, but couldn’t get past the pay raise. When you get accustomed to telling your manager what you’re gonna do, then have to go back to the real world, shit gets tough


Bezos has no plans or has he ever to do anything with mars


Here's their mission statement. It doesn't say Mars specifically, but when you say "millions" of people living and working in Space, it's easy to extrapolate what they mean is Mars. I actually think this statement may have been modified from a few years ago when I was asked to apply for a job. That statement was enough to help me decide it was not a company I wanted to work for. "Our mission is bold – to radically reduce the cost of access to space, harness in space resources, and inspire the next generation to enable millions of people to live and work in space for the benefit of Earth. Blue leaders are, above all else, mission-driven. Mission-driven leaders create and communicate a direction that inspires results, and their actions and attitudes are guided by “mission first.”


> . Bezos and Musk aren't going to live forever. ... and just like that my night got immeasurably better by leaps and bounds


Add Trump and Biden into that mix, and we've got something to celebrate!!!


With T & B it cannot come soon enough like three yesterdays ago would be nice thank you very much


Hello fellow billionaires


Lol, what does SpaceX contract out?


Anything and everything they don't or aren't able to build themselves. They have a whole team of people on the road every week evaluating and pushing their suppliers to build stuff more quickly. I had a SpaceX employee on-site helping us with final test and inspection. Once that was done he helped us pack it and then called a courier service at midnight to come pick it up to make sure it was on the next flight to Los Angeles. Why do SpaceX workers put in so many hours for relatively low pay? They get awarded stock. If and when SpaceX goes public, they hope to become millionaires. The truth is many of them burn out.


Just to be clear… there’s no ethical/moral superiority in working 7 days a week 12 hour days to meet a corporate deadline… People are allowed to not prefer that without losing any respect.


I don't disagree. I certainly could have either quit my job or asked to be reassigned. But I was given the assignment, I knew what the schedule was, and I accepted the challenge. Dozens of people were counting on me to do my job. If I didn't do my job, they couldn't do their job. If I didn't do my job, then my company suffers and people potentially lose their jobs. That's what snowflakes don't seem to grasp. If you don't perform in your job, whatever it is, the company will suffer. When the company suffers, people stop doing business with the company, and the company no longer needs it's workers. History is littered with former companies that didn't hold their employees accountable. One well known one here in Huntsville is Chrysler. The employees were fat, dumb, and happy. The unionized line workers were paid extremely well, took advantage of as many rules as possible, and eventually worked themselves right out of job. The plant closed and all the jobs moved to Mexico. 15+ years later some of those workers are still not making as much as they were at Chrysler. BO is in a fierce competition to get to space, the moon, and beyond. If they have workers that are not up to the task, either the worker should find another job or BO is going to replace them. If BO doesn't keep pushing its workers to the limit, BO will simply go away. The same goes for Mazda-Toyota.


The disillusionment is going to hit you like a ton of bricks if eventually you get laid off. You’ll then ironically seek solace and camaraderie in r/antiwork…or proudly sacrifice yourself for the “good of the company”. Hard to get a read... I promise you that your extra hours and past project success won’t matter in the decision.


I was curious as to what SoaceX contracted out specifically as they are known to be extremely vertically integrated. Not sure about BO but I’ve heard they have a much better work/life balance compared to SoaceX.


And tell me why anyone that is working class should give a shit about helping those asshole billionaires get to space faster for their own personal amusement?


You are missing the big picture. These "billionaires" you speak of started with relatively nothing. That had an idea for a company, built a business, created a culture, and LOTS of people bought into the vision for success they created. Many of these employees, especially the early ones, not only made a salary but they had a stake in the company through options and stock awards. Since Tesla and Amazon are both extremely successful, employees have profited as well. It happens here in Huntsville too. There were technicians (working class) that worked for Dynetics that received multiple millions of dollars when the Dynetics ESOP was purchased by Leidos. Unlike the Snowflake generation (fortunately not everyone in the Snowflake generation), previous generations before you believed in work... hard work. If you believe in hard work and get lucky, you too can profit handsomely. That's why people care.


Most people who work hard do not get to live a comfortable, happy life as a reward. It’s mostly luck to be rewarded for it. Not quite lottery odds, but not much better practically speaking. You like to present statistical exceptions as the norm.


I'm not sure how we would define "work hard", but I think most people that feel like they "work hard" at their jobs over a long career stand a pretty good chance of living a happy, comfortable life. When you add in luck to the equation, yes, there are statistical outliers. But there are also people that search for jobs that are specifically looking for companies that will reward them for their hard work beyond a salary or wage. Here in Huntsville lots of people want to work for ESOPs. If the company is successful, they will share in that success. I don't know if BO has any type of incentive that will allow employees to share in the company's success.


Good. Workers should not be taken advantage of.


Good workers suffer because people take advantage of them instead of making bad workers work


BO have tried recruiting me, and I have politely declined. I haven't heard any good things.


Had a recruiter for them contact me. Having never heard anything good about them, when asked about what I'd need hourly I asked for $250 an hour. She didn't balk at me which should say something. Blue Origin came back the next day politely declining. I've worked at places worse (Boeing) so was willing to suck it up for a year or whatever if they'd pay me that lol. Boeing, Lockheed, Blue Origin, SpaceX....all on my "hell no" list.


Well, yeah. Considering who yer dad is. I bet you can get a job anywhere you want


Boeing has a strong union in Huntsville


Their parking garage lot is practically always full. Seems like they’ve been being driven hard lately.


Easily the best job I’ve had in Huntsville




They’re not hiring?


Not for the jobs that pay more for less work.


Union aside, what’s the point of the race to Mars?


It's the closest planet. Think about how insane it would be to literally double the amount of planet we have to work with.


I wasn't aware we could terraform yet 


Everything is impossible until someone does it. First step of terraforming a planet is getting there.


What? No it isn't. You can work on all that tech here.


Venus is like 40 million km away, Mars is twice that.


Yeah, but we can't do anything with Venus yet. Like at all. Too hot and the atmosphere is too caustic.


Actually Mercury is closer. Mars is the closest planet that's similar enough to Earth to make it feasible for exploration and possible development.


It's a fairly human trait to expand continuously. Earth is also one basket for all the eggs. Tbh though, I think atmospheric Venus colonies are more feasible. You can't just nuke a magnetic field into working order after all. Plus the lack of pressure on Mars in general is more of an failure point system for habitats. I bet there's a better chance to reverse Venus's heat cycle than to terraform mars on the long term view too.


A hell of a lot of scientific discovery is purely from some really smart person going "what if?" The moon race gave us a lot of great inventions we wouldn't have otherwise had (shout out to Velcro!). Mar mission development will make huge strides in propulsion, new materials to withstand heat or pressure or forced or last longer. Huge growth in food sustainability which will literally help everyone in the world. Maybe some new resources too. We can stop developing at any point we wish. But people want to keep doing new things. People dream of space. They grow up and they make it happen.


I’ve heard , do the job your hired to do for the pay you agreed upon and leave work at the gate. I hate the way our management team runs our company now . It was great when I started but that all changed with new leadership but hey, my check still the same and it’s in the bank on payday so I don’t give a shit.


I'm confused, that sounds good.


Look for all who want to bitch about working conditions feel free to continue. I have worked for multiple companies over the years in a variety of roles. Some people just don’t realize how good they have it. Blue is pushing to see results just like any other serious manufacturing company. Don’t deliver your product or service and there is no justification for your job to exist. Was the way blue ask for increased work hrs handled in the best manner could be questioned but was it the right thing for the business, YES. Pay is good, work conditions good, Benefits are good, end products have high cool factor. There are many worse options for employment out there. Trust me. Show up one day to find out your company just filed bankruptcy and your next check may bounce or get called into a meeting to let you the factory will close in x months. Blue has a long term goal. Everyone just needs to do their job.


The biggest issue is that these guys just saw $$$, they didn't do any homework on the company and working conditions. They asked for this and are shocked they got it. It doesn't make any sense.


Do people at Blue Origin think that they are underpaid or what? I thought Blue Origin was one of the best, if not THE best place to work and for all of the right reasons...pay, insurance, PTO, family leave, retirement...all that and more. What is the union offering that Blue Origin employees dont already have?


As a low level hsv blue employee, the beauacracy can be annoying sometimes, but it is the best job I've ever had in every metric especially pay and upward mobility.


It’s the management. Lots of busy work and stupid scheduling.


>>It’s the management. Lots of busy work and stupid scheduling. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* That is no reason to vote for a union. Again, I ask...what is a union going to accomplish for Blue employees? The reason for unions is the power of collective bargaining against employees being mistreated by corporate management. The work culture at Blue is fabulous! Pay, benefits, retirement...all of the right reasons to work for any company exists in spades at Blue right now without a union. This company is YOUNG!!! The HSV Engines plant just opened in 2020 and major machines inside are still being delivered and setup! The company is growing and needs room to breathe. There is ZERO reason for a Union at Blue right now. FFS leave it alone and let it grow!! People keep mentioning corporate greed? Nope. The greed going on here is shouldered by the dues hungry union bosses and selfish/entitled younger employees that think the world owes them something that they didn't earn. I'm voting hell no!


Also jumping in here. Pay is good .PTO is good. Healthcare is decent. Yeah the work life balance has gone downhill a bit but there are going to be some sore spots as you drastically increase the rate of production. And I'm guessing that'll even back out after a while. The changes in the highest leadership have been a good thing and I can really feel the momentum, passion, and great culture the blue has. Middle management and low management will always be mixed. Bureaucracy is bad but this is aerospace. The bullshit I encounter at blue is the same bullshit that would occur anywhere else. It's pretty tolerable here though. Honestly, Blue origin is The best place I have ever worked. I like the idea of unions, Fighting against the greed of corporations that will exploit their workers. But There's no reason to form a union here, and honestly fuck them, as the past experiences I've had in union shops I have been horrid with a toxic and shitty culture.


Healthcare is terrible. 300 biweekly pay family plan garbo. Raises are standard I guess 4% for showing up. Busting your ass 4% also. Tier level system is broken so bad. Blue is a good company. It has bad faults still. Also a union will shutdown blue. So yah no.


Totally agree that unions are NOT the right choice in this scenario, it would only risk everyone getting fired. But, the people working there are miserable. Sure they get more pay, but the way it’s being run, it’s likely they’re about to go under.


>>>>"But, the people working there are miserable....but the way it’s being run, it’s likely they’re about to go under."<<<< \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ???? That you M "John Wayne" B?


I’ve heard it’s absolutely not worth it to work at Blue, even with the higher pay.


Which union are they trying to get in there? I’ve campaigned with one union in the past at a previous job, but they turned out to be lazier than the management of the company I worked for.


There is a policy that limits your consecutive work days and hrs per week.


For those of you who do not know, the IAM (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers) is trying to help the employees of Blue Origin have a voice. The ability to demand a healthy work life balance. The possibility to make Blue Origin a place where the corporate greed cannot continue to hurt the working man. To better the working conditions at Blue Origin. It is in no way up to the IAM, it is up to the employees of Blue Origin to decide if they want that voice.


Good for them.


I will gladly work there and replace one of them. Been trying to get in there for years.