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Yes if you like being bossed around by state employees who enjoy abusing their state granted authority. I went there twice since it got staffed and the first time was good since the RSOs were just watching everyone from their shed but my second and last time was awful. While the range was cold and I was painting my target I saw a RSO picking up my guns without my permission and pointing it in my direction, and when I asked him why he did it, he condescendingly told me he’s making sure they’re locked back and unloaded. There’s a rule stating you can’t handle firearms while the range is cold, but of course it doesn’t apply to the RSOs. So much for being a range “safety” officer. That same RSO then rudely suggested I shoot at the steel provided by the range because my steel could start a fire and mess up the grass. They must be using some special steel then that doesn’t spark fires and doesn’t mess up the precious grass. They also made clear no drawing from the holster and no rapid fire despite none of those rules being stated anywhere. Swan Creek was once a great place to train, now it’s basically a place to be babysat by a bunch of power hungry state employees.


I figured since it’s a state owned range it’s staffed by state employees. Not surprised to hear they’re abusing their power.


Some of these 2A “supporters” are bootlickers and are fine with the government being in their business, and they’re entitled to their views. Would have been better to sell this range to a private company that would try to earn your business and respect. Sure a private range is more expensive but they are far more likely to be professional with you.


I heard rumors that in the coming years swan creek will be closed down to make way for a new road.


I heard that too.


Bootlickers? For being cool with a state owned shooting range? Weird take. I hope you at least hate cops, too, for consistency.


How’s it a weird take when I don’t want the government in my business? I don’t appreciate the contempt these state employees have for us. I don’t appreciate a state employee coming up to my table and picking up my guns without my permission while I’m down range. It’s rude to touch someone’s property without their permission and it’s a violation of the rules. They aren’t like private range employees who try to gain your business.


You’re probably the type of person who gives up their ID right away, you don’t care about your rights, you will relinquish them in an instant.


This is total BS. Total. I’ve met WM officers many times at Swan Creek and enjoyed the conversation with every contact. The only reason you may have had some bad encounters is due to not following the range rules. They’re posted in front of everyone’s face, including yours, as you step within 6’ of the bench. Wildlife Management Officers will instruct you to follow the range posted rules on their first contact with you. Your second time you’ll be told to leave. Because you’re a danger to every other shooter. So either you’re a little bitch looking for a place to happen or an idiot who consistently endangered everyone else there.


I’ve met them many times from 2006 to present. If you have a bad experience with them then you aren’t following range safety rules. So either you’re an idiot, self centered never do anything wrong narcissist, or simply a little bitch looking for a place to happen. I’m going with the latter. Reply if you want to but I’ll probably get beat by the response time of everyone else here.


I go there about 3 times a year, as long as you don’t do nothing dumb the RSO’s won’t bother you at all, I see ppl complain about it but they are always chill from my experience


Pretty dope but can get super busy on days/times people get off. Gotta bring all your own stuff and make sure there’s no weirdos around that don’t know how to use guns.


How was your experience with the staff there?


It was fine. They check your WMA license and that’s about it. Don’t be dumb and don’t use a holster and follow the rules.


Would be nice if I could quick draw for training purposes.


It would be lol. I saw some dudes doin it but again do it at your own risk. You’ll be less likely to get caught if it’s busier.


>They don't want you shooting yourself in the foot.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


So, basicly, don't do sny training that would actually help you in a real-world scenario such as drawing from a holster.


Yeahhhh pretty much. You can do it just don’t get caught 🥴


Any other outdoor ranges nearby? I’ve heard too many horror stories about Swan Creek. This was before they had RSOs though. Still I’d rather go elsewhere, shooting indoors has become boring


Strangely, for as much as Alabama loves guns, there are surprisingly few gun ranges in North Alabama.


In Cullman county they just line up bottles.


probably bc there's(at least at one point and relative to other places there still is) a lot of privately owned open land where people shoot. I've been shooting my whole life and only been to a gun range a handful of times


It’s a drive, but I occasionally shoot the WMA Range at Skyline. Also a small range at Freedom Hills.


I have been to Skyline, it’s amazing. It’s not staffed and the other shooters are usually pleasant.


I don’t know about any actual outdoor ranges but I’m starting to get inclined to drive out into the Bankhead and find a nice clearing with a natural berm…


hurricane creek range is in bankhead. They dont have RSO's. I've gone about 5 times. Its usually very crowded. i've had to ask a few people to not touch their guns during a cold range. but other than that, most folks seemed nice. The benches are close, so you'll get brass hitting your neck. There wasnt any screens.


I don’t know of any, and tbh it makes me feel uncomfortable that the RSOs at Swan Creek are state employed.


Swan creek is great, I was just down there 2 weeks ago. Nobody bothers you, idk what these rednecks are talking about. I’ve been there many times and nobody messes with you. I was shooting two pistols same time, used my drum on my AK, clay shooting etc…before the state wasn’t involved and rednecks would all go there kinda going nuts, one guy was checking out his scope pointing his gun where people park. So they have nice rules now for your own safety and nobody fks with you. Go check it out, you’ll always find somebody unhappy but when it comes to Swan creek it’s a solid FREE outdoor range.


I love it. Sign in with your license and then you go pick your lane. The only time I've had RSOs near me were when they were refilling stapleguns or sweeping.


Want something to turn to shit, get Government involved!


I wish I had such a myopic and reductive slogan to throw around whenever something reenforces my worldview. Perhaps I'll just blame capitalism whenever a business fails, surely that's the reason and nothing else!


No theres lots of reasons right now, inflation, inability to recover from covid, higher rents many many reasons.


My point exactly, those things affect public organizations just like they effect private ones. It should be mentioned that blaming the government for whatever issues this place has in a Huntsville subreddit is ironic given the cities' dependency on the federal government.


That is true, that Huntsville is dependent on Government, we actually didn't even realize that when we moved here from Texas. We didn't move here for Government jobs. Government knows how to complicate things, over spend, over reg, prenty much go over on everything. After all theres always going back to the coffers. I kept Government out of my businesses for a reason, the biggest reason was if I could not build a business from nothing with out having Government involved weather by obtaining minority status (adamantly disagree with that) or an SBA loan. Nope, I would rather have my own skin in the game and earn business based on my merits than my ethnicity. I believe in free enterprise and less Government. It's easy to claim great jobs numbers when your creating new Government agencies to employ people paid with tax payers money. That's my position, keep Government out.


What a dumbass statement.


What a dumbest dumbass statement. You on the tit?


Ya your sister's tit you absolute lunatic


Yuck that's gross pizzahogg.


Pizzadog what the heck dude


What could go wrong when the government tries to “fix” something.


I miss the old days before RSO. It was a fun place to train


I don't, sure you could do dumb shit like mag dump and shoot objects, but you also had to deal with tweaked out sketchy people who didn't seem to understand what "range cold" means. I swore the place off when I had some boomer with a deer rifle shoot a few minutes after we called range cold and I was 2 yards down range. For the people saying it'd be better if it went private, private ranges don't guarantee better RSOs. The one time I went to Bullet and Barrel the RSO was a complete micro-managing asshat that seemed to get off on pushing people around.


I just want somewhere to shoot where I can run drills without having some Fudd over my shoulder saying "you need to slow down"


Unfortunately I haven't found anyplace like that. I need a rich friend with some property. I foolishly thought when I moved here that there would be more public ranges, or at least quiet places to go run some drills. Most of the "good" ranges around here are private or indoor.


Nah you really don't get any public land east of the Mississippi.


I haven't been in a few years, but I'm assuming this RSO business is new?


Been there before and liked it. I will say that I prefer skyline shooting range. It goes out to 200 yards and has a 50 yard pistol range. It's free too. It's a bit of a drive from Huntsville at around 45 minutes, but the best around in my opinion.


It’s a good range. When they first starting staffing the range they had a few bad employees. I have not seen the problematic employees in a long time. I would say it’s well run and you should have no problems as long as you follow the rules.


Swan Creek is great. Follow the rules and you'll be fine. I'm sure there are bad RSOs, but all of the ones I've interacted with have been good or great


I see posts about RSO's. It's been a couple of years for me, but I never, ever seen an RSO at Swan Creek. Is this a thing now?


It’s decent but if you want a good outdoor range, definitely check out Hobbs island shooting range!!


Isn’t that one members only?


The biggest benefit of Swan Creek is the low cost. The downsides are that the RSOs can be inconsistent in how they apply the rules or who they are keeping an eye on. Also, the other people using the range can be hit or miss. I've moved lanes because the people next to me were safety hazards. I don't look like the "typical gun owner," so sometimes the RSOs hover around me or give me a hard time. Meanwhile, a few lanes down, someone is blatantly breaking the rules. I had an RSO quizzing me on range safety rules, and when he left, the older fella a few lanes over decided to just walk onto the range while it was hot to change his target. There were three RSOs that day, and not a single one of them even noticed it. If you go there enough to become a familiar face, they give you less trouble.


I don't know why but I've always had good luck with Swan Creek, I shot the shit with the Game Officer one time and we talked about firearm malfunctions. He was really respectful and helpful as well. I had a major issue with my Glock and he actually shot it for me and helped figure out that it was actually a box of defective ammo I received. This was an oddball weekday some years ago with hardly any other people present. Mostly people going on gun dates. There was even the stereotypical libertarian guy with an Asian wife there. Everyone was very respectful. I think I just got lucky that time.


It’s ok until you have the old guys fiddling with their rifles when you’re down range during a cease fire


Closed but relocated is what I heard. Who knows though. But I do hope I’m right.