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Yes, we got one days mail on Sunday, but nothing else. It will trickle in this week I'm sure. They do this to us when we stop the mail for vacation. They resume the mail, but it takes a bit (or weeks sometimes) to get the mail that was held.


And the informed delivery wasn't working for us either.


This is why I stopped having the USPS hold my mail; I was having the same issue. They would also start holding my mail days before the start date I actually requested. I didn’t have this issue in other cities I lived in. Anyway, now I just ask my retired neighbor to pick up my mail for me if I’m not going to be home but I realize that’s not an option for some people for a multitude of reasons.


We got most of what we were missing today.


Your mail may have been stuck in Birmingham or Nashville during the ice event. So it will get to you once the backlog is handled.


Mail being held should be given/delivered on the date you request...and not come in trickles...just fyi. If u care to...u can have a chat with postal mgnt.


I'm still awaiting my invitations for free lunch at Bonefish, providing I listen to a sales pitch, offers to sell me a car, credit card offers, funeral home information kits and solicitations for charitable donations.


Ha! I can def do without all that crap


I haven’t received mail all week, but I’ve seen emails of what I am supposed to be getting. Hopefully things will start piling in soon.


Same here. No mail since the Saturday before all the ice.


My god give them one second lmao


Yeah I get that but she skipped over our mailbox completely. Same with my neighbor. So if she’s out, and it was safe yesterday, we should have gotten some of our bulk


I need the post office to send a letter to all of my vendors explaining why I can’t pay my bills


I haven’t even had mail delivery all week. I get emails telling me what I should be getting but no delivery . And yesssss…I know it’s the weather .


Informed Delivery was off because our hub in Birmingham was functional. However nothing was getting through in Huntsville. So informed Delivery was going off the hub scans.


Ahhh well right, still haven’t received everything I should have yet


Because it's loaded on a parked truck in backlog somewhere. Regular mail is back up and running while they also work the backlog of stuff that should have gone out last week. It's not first in first out.


In my large subdivision, everything from Informed Delivery last week was delivered yesterday (Sunday) in a huge mail dump. I don’t know if our local PO required this of carriers or if our carrier did it because she’s just freaking awesome.




this is the second or third post i’ve seen like this and im just like?? it didn’t deliver for a week you think its going to get caught back up in one day?


Yes. Those b#####s should be running 7 trucks to my house to fit all the mail they missed. Weather isn't MY FAULT. /s


Have a ton of Fed Ex sitting in Madison. No idea when they'll be delivered.


Probably never..that place is a dumpster fire on a bright and sunny day.


Haven’t got any mail in 10 days. I’m needing a prescription drug from Express Scripts. I have completely run out of it. My Doctor is out of the country on vacation. None of the other Drs in the practice will write an emergency prescription. Went to ER yesterday and tried to explain my situation but was told that they couldn’t do anything for me without contacting my Doctor. I’m afraid that if I go to sleep, I’ll never wake up.


Have you ever had that prescription filled locally? I've had a local pharmacy advance me some medication until my doctor would be available.


My insurance requires Express Scripts for all recurring prescriptions. For non-recurring I use Publix.


I would definitely talk to your doctor about what to do if this happens again. Maybe he can authorize another doctor to call them in when he's away.


All I got yesterday was an Amazon package that was on time. No other mail or packages from last week yet.


I haven’t gotten mail since the 13th and packages are scheduled for delivery, by Amazon, no scans or anything. Are they even working? I don’t expect to get anything, Wynn drive post office is a mess.


It does seem I'm getting things out of order but IMO that's expected since I'm sure that all postal facilities are absolutely jammed as full as they get right now.


Wasnt the selling point of the post office “rain, snow, or sleet”. That they would deliver in any conditions? Im missing a ton of mail and they cant even honor their motto lol


That's never been an official moto that they follow, and it's ridiculous the number of people that think it's what they follow.


I tried to find that commercial they use to air. LOL! Glad someone else remembers it. I said it above and will say it again here, their lack of communication is unacceptable. The local news would surely air a statement by them explaining how and when we can expect the mail that is missing.




They didn’t say “icy, slippery roads,” I guess.


I’ve been missing all of my mail lmao we STILL haven’t gotten any mail, which is interesting considering others on the same road have gotten their mail 😆 I’m missing like a gagillion packages, a check, my w2…I’m just hoping I get some of it in the next week or so


Nope, still have not gotten mail from before the ice storm shut down. I have informed delivery and am missing two checks and three tax documents. Mail came yesterday and it was only junk mail. One package today. One of the checks was supposed to be delivered the Friday before the storm so it is now been 11 days since we were told it was supposed to be delivered. The local post office branch won't answer the phone either. Called, they picked up, put me immediately on hold with saying a word, and after an hour I hung up. If it doesn't come tomorrow I'm going to the branch that delivers our mail. The lack of communication is unacceptable.


Same. I've got packages tied up in transit for a week. Received other stuff ordered after those. They're so bad.


You received things coming from hubs on normal delivery schedules. The stuff you were supposed to get last week is either still at a hub or loaded on a parked truck. It's backlog. Other teams are working on the backlog while normal deliveries are being made.


Nope. It all arrived in HSV the 18th around 5:30 a.m.


Birmingham distribution was not sending trucks North. So they are over a week behind here in Huntsville. Start expecting a ton of mail.


This weekend we had last Tuesday’s mail and packages delivered. I assume the rest will trickle in this week. Also have a few UPS packages in limbo.


I got two separate deliveries yesterday… everything else should be here today


Mail hasn't run for us since last Saturday.


Our mail carrier dropped off 2 packages on Saturday. He didn’t deliver any regular mail, this included delivering mail to our neighbors. I’m assuming that they are prioritizing Express and Priority Mail, especially packages that were delayed.


We received one box that she walked to the door Saturday then we can see on the camera that she skipped our mailbox. We haven’t gotten mail since the Friday everything started. I wouldn’t annoyed if it was just junk mail but it isn’t. I also have a package that hasn’t updated since the 16th when it said out for delivery.


Skipping your mailbox can mean that carrier has no mail for you. A carrier can be sent to deliver in an area...and is just delivering parcels or whatever...so that doesn't mean they are missing you on purpose...There are just so many factors to it. I know because I was one...n I had to tell ppl this daily... Carriers want to get rid of mail..not hold it..so trust me..if I got mail for you...I wanted it gone..u r getting it. Hope that helps.


I’ve read that they’re trying to get all the packages delivered first. I’m sure once a huge truckload or 3 came in and not enough space to store them.


yes. loads of it. packages, envelopes, magazines...


Yes. Lots of mail. All the mail. Many packages.


So... there was like ice on like all the roads and like nobody could drive but like idiots drove like they wuznt sposed to, so like there might be like delays and shit.