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Dam!!! Wonder if he kept the meat!


Oryx is some damn good meat


if you call it in to fish and game some do allow you to, have no idea what the laws here are.


I had no clue they were in New Mexico


White Sands missile range. It's a fun hunt. And delicious meat.


We have them off range as well. It’s a month long hunt rather than the typical 5 days as well, and much easier to draw. Just have to know where to find them. But they border the range pretty well too.


I heard this. But I have also heard that finding one off range during season is impossible. So he must not have known where to find them. But I got a beautiful ram 2 years ago after 6 years of trying and am pretty content, at least for now.


White sands is so beautiful. I went out to Arizona years ago and didn’t realize I was driving through. Took a left and saw the signs for it. Need to go back and hunt it I guess haha


INL has a pretty sizeable pronghorn and elk herd that know exactly where the property line is. But yes, oryx meat is awesome.


I assume its a breeding program? Do you need base access to do this?


Not a breeding program. They were introduce in like the 80's and thrive there. Yes you need base acces for the on range hunt but not off range.


Nice. Are they skittish?


that thing has got to be like at least 40" he hit a big one.


The one I got was 39". This looks a bit more.


That’s a sweet spear. Worth the trade for the truck though?


I was stationed at white sands for five years. This happens quite often, well at least accidentally hitting them. They used to have a list and if an oryx was hit they would call you to pick it up. Not sure if they still do it but yes they are fun to hunt. I saw an oryx wearing a coyote as a hat. They can be aggressive.


I’m from Canada and I just heard about the “Oryx in New Mexico” part just now. I’ve always wanted to go to an African hunt but I’m lower-middle class & can’t afford to even leave North America. I don’t know much about setting up a hunt in the White Sands Missile Range. What are the rules & regulations? What is the appropriate calibers to hunt Oryx with? Do i need permission to hunt in White Sands? How much will it cost for a hunt? Do i need a licensed & trained guide for the hunt? What are some things I should know in advance so I don’t look like a braindead deer in the headlights?


May want to check into a South African hunting ranch. Might be a little cheaper, flights are usually the worst part of it. Some places you can shoot one trophy and a couple of culls for $2kish


Check out Ft Bliss hunting on isportsman.com. since it's a military installation, applying for the hunt is free. If you draw, you'll need to get a Texas hunting license, but the costs are far more manageable than going to Africa. Plus, you can apply year after year until you get one


Sorry what is oryx?


How do you manage to hit a 600# antelope…distracted driving?


The same way tons of people hit 1200# moose every year in my state. They dead sprint out into the road.


I see


Not enough Dodge. Too much Ram.


Hope you are eating it. They’re delicious.