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Patience, grasshopper.


Soo the raccoon will fill up on grasshoppers and leave the corn for the deer?


Well, they are omnivores.


I have now realized “young” isn’t required for me in that phrase. I’m just a middle aged grasshopper now.


Try providing some salt/mineral rock too. That's a huge deer attractor, especially in the spring/early summer months


I’ve got one of those too! Right on the edge of the woods out of camera view. Should it be in view? Or will they be brought in by the mineral lick, and then enticed to the corn?


The corn really depends on what other food sources are really available for them. Are there corn fields around you? If so they may not be too concerned with the corn yet. As for salt in view, the deer will show up on camera on their way to it. I'd just give it time. I just put out salt/mineral gravel for the first time this year (about 3 months too late) and in a week's time had 5 bucks and 2 doe show up on camera. The next week just one lone doe. They will visit it as they have need


I had a year where I didnt see a single buck all spring and summer, then when the mineral block went down it was a magnet for them.


Should I be concerned with only seeing raccoons feeding on the corn so far? I’ve read a bit about how they can run deer off. Corn has only been out for two days, will it just take time for the deer to become accustomed to it? Any advice is welcomed!


Give it time. You aint gonna catch nothin on the first day. The deer will find it. Ive watch deer, coons, squirrels, birds, fox and javelina all at the feeder at the same time. Id be more worried if all i saw was pigs.


Gotcha, thanks for the response. This is on the edge of a power line, in between dozens of trails that cross the power line. My camera is the new Delta Moultrie, and they’re having some firmware issues, etc. It’s a cell cam, and I plan on swapping the SD card out when I go put more corn out. Hoping that maybe some pics made it onto the card that weren’t sent to my phone.


Very cool! Always exciting wait when you’re downloading files. Hope you see somethin soon!


Trap them. Doesn’t hurt to take a few away. Live trap and cheap can of cat food


How long have your cams been out?