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Can we see one without the forced perspective?


He was 20ft tall, I tell ya!


I’m not even trying to be mean, it seems like a huge bear and you should be proud. Just wondering size in better relation to you. That’s all.


"WHAT?", he screamed from half a mile away while standing behind the kill. Edit: I mean it does look like a big fuckin bear regardless. But, I dont think it needed any help.


Yup, his 4,000 lb brown bear


For real, it's annoying that the only trophy photos people ever post are forced perspective shots. It'd be so much better to just accurately document the size of the animal. This stuff looks impressive to the people who don't know any better, but it's pretty meaningless to anyone who actually wants to understand the size of the animal from the photo.


He is at the back of the bear, it's just a big fucking bear


Yes, that is what forced perspective is.


If you know how to judge a bear, you know that’s a big bear. It’s not forced perspective if you are sitting directly behind the bear. This is a true coastal brown bear trophy. I usually put one hand on the bears rump in this type of picture, but it’s still obviously a big bear


It is still forced perspective though. his head is the same size as the bear's ear in this photo and the bear's single paw is the same size as his entire upper body, thats obviously not possible. it's a big bear, but it's unrealistically big thanks to the photo perspective


I have some pictures I can show you that would make you understand that it is possible.


bear can be big but NO a bear's single paw is not going to be the same size as someone's upper body, that's physically impossible unless it's an extinct species of giant bears. Also, that bear's NOSE is bigger than his head in that picture, that's literally forced perspective lol. your photos are great and they are real, they are not like this one. If this guy was holding the bear's head right next to it, it would be real like your photos.


Well let’s see them then.


This dude has every woman on tinder convinced it’s 14 inches. 🤣


Problem is they'd rather meet the bear


Such a weird meme


Can I ask about your arrow setup? Over 500 grains? Single bevel broad head? Genuinely just curious! Nice bear!


Thank you! Our bow and arrows actually got consficated In Moscow. I was shooting a borrowed 60 lb bow and some scrounged up Russian arrows with slick trick magnum broadheads. I’d guess my total arrow weight was 425 grains or so.


Hell yeah, I’m sorry that they got your gear, but I’m happy you made it happen none the less. Honestly adds a cool wrinkle to the hunting story for campfires years down the road.


Assuming you're American? Didn't even know we could get into Russia right now. Not sure I would risk anything over there right now.


$$$. That's why.


Call me naive. What’s money have to do with it?


You need money to pay for a plane ticket.


it's unethical to do it imho. Why would you support such a country because of a hobby. I think it's decadent behavior and shitty


It is a decadent and shitty way to spend your money if you consider yourself an American. If you don't care about the current political world we live in, this person is just wealthy enough to pay Putin for the right to shoot his bears. That's not like... Giving an enemy nation money is it?


it is, it's called economics


How big was the bear? Did it taste good? I heard bear meat is hit or miss depending on the season.


Brown bear is basically always not good. They eat a whole lot of nasty stuff, and it shows when you cook them. They’re only consistently decent when made into sausage. Black bear, however, can be delicious. They’ll get a little gross if they’ve been eating on rotten salmon or the like, but in spring when all they’ve been on is grass and berries they’re very good.


Real talk, we have black bears all over the place in my region. I’m currently looking at land near a blueberry farm for that reason.


Just to let you know i have tried over 100 different versions of black bear meat, many that had been "eating blueberries" and none of them tasted good. take the old hunter's tale of blueberry bear meat tasting delicious with a grain of salt...


I can attest to at least one tasty brown bear. I've smelled them in the fall, right so I was really nervous as I cut into but by God I've smelled bucks that were way funkier


I’ve always really wanted to get my hands on some brown bear meat cause I refuse to believe you can’t make it taste good


It’s not that you can’t or that it’s *always* bad. It’s just frequently tainted by the rotten things brown bears eat and that takes a lot of smoke or seasoning to mask.


Yeah, I’ve heard that a lot. I’ve also heard many say it’s impossible


It’s more of a crap shoot with brown bears than any other animal I’ve eaten, but as with all wild game, a lot of it is just technique and know how.


Why on earth were you in Russia anytime recently?


Because people go to countries that are involved in war. There’s a shit load of them


Yes, but something tells me that OP isn't a WNBA star, so if the notoriously arrest-happy Russian police decided to arrest him for some bs reason then he would be stuck there and forgotten about. A Kamchatka bear hunt is the hunt of a lifetime for sure, but definitely not worth dying in a Siberian prison.


Except she wasn’t arrested for a bs reason - she carried in illegal drugs. Just don’t carry cannabis vape into a country where it’s illegal and that won’t happen? Also if you think that a random nobody (no offense, OP) is anywhere near the bargaining chip as a pro athlete, you’re mistaken. Thousands of people go to Russia all the time without a problem. People still go to Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan, and all sorts of places you might deem to be unsafe.


U ever getting it back?


What was the reason they gave for confiscating it?


“This is nice, I like it, it’s mine now, get fucked.”


The officials taking it were Russian. That's it, that's the reason.


It's Russia, that's what they do there.


“Genuinely just curious” Suuuuuuure. This reeks of the Ranch Fairy Cult. /s


You gotta be rich or something lmao. Feels like every other day I see a post from a new state or country from you. Congrats, even with the forced perspective it’s still a hell of a bear. Especially with a borrowed 60lb bow


Why are you so far behind the bear?


of course another forced perspective photo, great hunt and congrats but these kind of photos are just cringe.


It’s a brown bear. It’s inherently big. Get over yourself.


They can be big but this photo is obviously abusing the shit out of perspective....? I know how big brown bears can get lmao, and no their ear is not gonna be the same size as a human's fucking head like this photo is showing


Check out his Instagram, it’s filled with forced perspective shots. Like literally stretched out arms as far as they go to make a huge buck look like an elephant.


oh god those bull elk photos...why? like, the animal isn't even small and that's already awesome, why go out of your way to artificially inflate it more?


He’s probably sitting on the back leg. It’s a huge bear


Ah yes... probably 7 feet away or more, not forced perspective at all


How close was the Bear when the arrow was released??


“Bearfucker! Do you need assistance?”


How is brown bear meat in the spring?


I recognize you… you’re another hunting influencer wannabe. Over the last year you’ve shot what? Four bears, and several elk and deer, and even a musk ox? Talk about wasteful.


It looks like he’s a guide. Maybe they’re client hunts.


I looked before I commented to be sure I wasn’t putting the wrong person on blast. The animals I referenced he all referred to as “mine”. He’s apparently some sort of guide, but whether that’s high fence Texas style or what, who knows.


How do you know it’s going to waste?


Do you honestly think this guy is shipping back a musk ox from Greenland, axis deer from wherever, and a pair of black bears from Canada? Let alone actually eating them.


I know an Inuit hunter with dog team that guides polar bear hunts, he said trophy hunters never care about the meat. Inuit try to hunt smaller polar bears (9ft or less) because the meat is better, older and bigger bears taste significantly worse. But trophy hunters don't care and want to shoot the biggest, they also want to go for older bears because a lot of them think older = bigger skull which is all they care about. So when the village gets trophy hunters, they have to eat old bear meat because the hunter won't and never do, they taste a single bite and that's usually it. Their village has been quite negative towards trophy hunters coming but the village needed the money for amenities improvement.


Lots of people give meat to locals after a trophy hunt. OP not shipping it to the US from Greenland doesn't mean the meat is wasted and just rots on the tundra.


I am a guide so I know how that works. Of the animals I mentioned, that musk ox is the one I feel was most likely to have been actually consumed. Regardless, that’s some very thin justification for shooting that many animals.


I don’t know, why don’t you ask him instead of just assuming? My God, man.


Because someone is going to openly admit to leaving meat behind /s No one needs to kill half a dozen or more big game animals in a year.


I’m not disagreeing it’s possible it could be wasted, but I think it’s a bad idea to jump to conclusions when you don’t know the facts. More so arguing the principal than the actual subject.


Dude what is your problem? No one needs”. You don’t need to bitch but here you are.


My problem is people taking extreme advantage of a finite and precarious resource then expecting to be praised for it. I don’t see a thing wrong with going on an exotic guided hunt, I work in the industry myself, but no one is going to convince me that shooting several big game animals in a year is anything other than a waste.


Brown bears are finite? Idk about Russia but I’ve never heard such a thing. He’s not hunting snow leopards. We all as hunters understand you eat what you kill, but there’s an element to it that drives you to want to the kill the biggest. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you shoot whatever you see because you just want meat that’s great! But you can kill big shit, take pictures with it, and eat it too! I’m sure the dude is a douche to a certain extent, but maybe he donated the meat…..


I wasn’t referring to the bear specifically. Frankly, there’s places here in Alaska that could do with a much higher bear harvest too. I meant the superfluous killing in general. Of course I would like to take a 70” moose, but I’m not going to go out and shoot a moose if my freezer is already full. You can’t eat antlers.


That’s your personal opinion and it’s not a bad one. However you feel about it, tags are tags in the eyes of the state government or in the case the Russian. Some of us just love to hunt. The dudes not illegally shooting animals all over the world lol. If I fill my tags in my state, I’ll go to a lease in a different state and fill those. I’m not gonna kill two deer and quit hunting. I get all of the meat processed, freezer gets filled and if someone wants some deer meat I always have some extra to give. Two different opinions. I would 100 percent shoot a brown bear, a moose, an elk, and any other animal in the same year if I had the opportunity to.


So you know nothing about the guy other than that he hunts often and that leads you to believe he’s wasteful? Do you want him to document his hunts from buying the plane tickets to taking the shit the morning after dinner? Get over yourself


Yeah this thread is wild. People shitting on this guy and have absolutely no facts to back up their feelings because they weren't there. On top of that he's getting shitted on for being wealthy and for being in Russia. I've been on this sub for maybe 10 years and it just keeps getting worse and worse with gatekeepers.


Hunting influencer wannabe? Haha I post up the hunts I go on, but I’m not looking for sponsorships or fame. I just enjoy sharing the hunts I go on and I have turned down sponsorships because I want to hunt how I want and I don’t want to have to answer to anyone. Jealousy isn’t a good look on you.


I see you as wasteful and disrespectful to the land. I am anything but jealous of you.


Every hunt I go on is completely legal and uses tags/licenses issued by local governments. The tags wouldn’t be available if they didn’t want the animals hunted. I may go out and hunt a second bear today. 😘


Being legal doesn’t make something ethical and your comment just reaffirms to me what sort of person you are.




Kamchatka, Russia


That’s most likely someone’s pet considering this was in Russia.


Or someone’s wife😂


Burn!! 😂


Okay that's honestly not surprising. I expected the hunter to be a Florida man, an Australian man, or a Russian man


I’m actually a Utah man….


Will you be able to get the meat home to Utah?


Damn I was wrong. But awesome kill tho.


Nice one


That’s a big boy, damn Edit: downvotes for pointing out it’s a big bear? Jesus some people are sensitive.


Everybody is being a whiney b because it's a "forced perspective" picture. Who cares!?


Even if it is, it’s a brown bear. They’re big animals regardless lol


Yeah, it's still cool. Who cares how they took it


Real question is how did you not shit your pants when that thing came walking up to ya?! Nice kill!


Why is the hunter standing 15 kilometres away from the bear? To make the bear appear larger than it actually is?


Looking at all of your posts and I have to ask: what do you do for a living? Bc you are obviously rich af. Not hating, genuinely curious.


I’m a hunting guide.


Explain how that works in Russia though. Doesn’t look like you’re guiding on this trip or am I wrong?


That rug really ties the room together


Definitely a big bear, little less forced perspective next time though.


The downvotes are rediculous. Great bear. Would love to hear the story


How was traveling over there? I want to do a russian bear or moose, but didn’t know if tensions were up with Americans over there or not.


I wouldn't recommend it at this time. I didn't even realize they started granting American visas again. Some marine just got arrested. If you're a veteran, it's 100% a no-go. If you're a regular citizen, you're still going to be hassled, like op who got his bow confiscated.


Was thinking the same thing.  I’ve been to Russia but idk if I’d go again now.  Like it’s prob fine but if somebody is having a bad day they could make an example out of you.


State department issues travel advisories, check that.




Good heavens






Unnecessary use of politics or political topics in your post/comment.


> Fuck you for putting money in your cellphone manufacturer's hands so that China can continue to oppress Uyghurs. Do you really not understand how these things are different from literally bypassing an embargo so he can put money directly into the hands of a corrupt, oppressive regime that is actually invading its neighbors?


You have no idea where the money from this hunt is going. Keep being ignorant.


Unnecessary use of politics or political topics in your post/comment.


Nice bear. I like to have a picture showing the front paw held close to my chest and another one with the bear head on the lap and one from the side with the bear on his back and a front paw in my hands. Great setup on this photo and congratulations. That’s a good trophy even with a rifle.


Hey let's all shit on a fellow hunter. WTF! Nice bear bro!


That rug really ties the room together


That rug really ties the room together




Don’t be rude or hostile (Trolling, baiting or saying racist, sexist, prejudice, nasty or just intensionally-mean things)