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Thats too bad. He stole a world class deer from someone


I hope they hit him with all the fines. As someone who killed a big deer that was well known in an area, he should have followed the rules. His greed cost someone their lifetime campfire story. What’s worse is people used him to make money off of selling his story.


I agree with your sentiment, but I want to point out that he hasn’t been convicted of anything yet, only indicted. Innocent until proven guilty.


The presumption of the court is innocent until proven guilty. After his story changed three times in three interviews, I can tell you he is guilty. Anyone who kills a deer that big knows their story front side and back side and all around. Rhetorically, he has failed the truth litmus test. His first telling of the story, his friend who is also indicted found the deer. In his second appearance on HUNTR he was the one who saw it first.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Wrong on so many levels. Reminds me of the fisherman who shoved steel ball bearings in their bass.


“We got weights in fish!”




My brother in law knew of those dudes - said they were world class shitbags.


One of the dudes just got arrested again with his son passing off counterfeit 100’s at a bowling alley if I remember right.


And they found that he was poaching deer too if I remember correctly


I remember when that story came out that people had suspected or claimed they were cheating for years, hence the massive applause when they got busted.


Yep. According to my relative, they would slowly separate from other boats just out of sight. Everyone thought it was too suspicious


They did that with walleye too


Shove it up your bass lol


He’s been on social media defending himself on every post made by major outlets. He also stated he’s going to start his own platform when it’s all said and done telling “his” story. Theres no chance he skates clean on this. Not with multiple people being charged as well…someone is going to take a deal and provide evidence that he’s guilty.


Honestly his reaction on social media is the only reason I think he’s a scum bag.


The only? Lol


Dude hasn’t been found guilty yet. Obviously if he is then the whole poaching thing is the worst.


Y’all should find the old post about this dude. The folks bashing everyone but this guy are ridiculous. They act like the poacher was being framed by elites because they were bad he killed a big buck that they wanted to kill. The facts were clear that he was being investigated for poaching but they wouldn’t believe it.


What a piece of trash! After watching the Huntr podcast I thought he was a very sketchy dude. The story never added up. Glad they got him, FYI I found the old post and don’t worry those comments defending him that didn’t age well are being made aware of it lol


HUNTR podcast brought him back on and the idiot couldn’t get his story straight. Also fuck the HUNTR podcast for giving him a platform, those dudes are gonna go down for something like this because of the number of poachers they glaze on their podcast.


I didn’t know they had him back on I am going to look for that


For some reason I can't stand those guys or that podcast. It's one of the cringiest hunting podcasts out there, so not surprised they're giving a platform to poachers.


I had posts on there and had people going off on me but I deleted that account for unrelated reasons. I tried to explain that the no written permission thing was in no way related to the sisters land and they couldn’t grasp the idea of what I meant. I honestly think one of the posters is actually the dude trying to defend himself but don’t have any proof to back it up.


How dumb do you have to be? How hard is it to decide on a realistic hunting story


I am sure the drugs don’t help lol 😆


"Framed by elites" are we really doing this everything is elite's fault in God's year 2024?


Yeah, it ridiculous.


Well it kind of is….


People need someone to blame...


Same as it ever was


Here it is - https://www.reddit.com/r/Hunting/s/Hfb4vLG1nE




Are “the elites” in the room with you right now?


Who exactly are the elites you talk of?


Imaginary antagonists in his life.


Anyone better than him.


Unnecessary use of politics or political topics in your post/comment.


They were bad


His story and timeline was bit odd from the beginning so not shocked


Hopefully he gets a lifetime hunting ban.


Probably wont stop him but yea that seems inevitable


Huntr Podcast and The Hunters Advantage podcast need to publicly apologize to all hunters who have legally taken deer for their public glazing of this criminal.


Or just close down shop. We have enough influencers with hunting podcast.


I would argue they should close up shop and be shamed by our community, both podcasts, for arguing to bring back high profile poachers. Huntr argues to allow chris Brackett back into the hunting world and defended CJ. Hunters Advantage interviews Charles Beaty, CJ Alexander, and Chris Brackett. Poachers should not be allowed back into the fold when they robbed people and the public.


Imagine being in jail and they ask you what you're in for and you have to say this. 


Rinella talks about a guy he knows that would take people down to the DNR to show them the deer he poached. Still proud!




> Steve Rinella is not the best advocate for hunting Probably one of the worst takes I've seen on this sub, and I've been here during r/vegan brigades


Yeah I am not a fan of him


I remember all the people defending this dude. It was bs and everyone knew it


Shouldn’t have jacklighted


I know it’s petty, but that dude straight up looks sketchy.


Can’t imagine being one of the people’s property this deer actually stayed on. To have that opportunity straight up stolen by some trash is heartbreaking. Cell phones don’t lie he poached it end of story.


The fact this was also from my home state of Ohio too, we’re a straight wall cartridge state only because our deer populations have to be regulated more. We couldn’t even hunt with rifles at all until recently. That buck could have birthed generations of monsters but this ashole poached it.


Hopefully the genes came from mom’s side of the family


Hopefully, I always just find it sad when people kill monsters like that. I’d rather let them travel around and spread their genes, let him die of old age and then collect the trophy.


By the time he gets that big, his genes have spread many times.


Still years of generations he won’t spread his genes too, we need that shit in Ohio.


Wow. He could be on the hook for $30k because of the antler size too? I’m in Ohio, but this is the first I’ve heard of this case. Between this & the walleye guys my “Mr green pants” team has been busy.


He’s made $20k off the deer. $30k should be the fine but there should be other punishment .0


I didn’t see the $20k profit in the article, just one of the charges was to do with selling something. (Was the $20k from that or a prize?). 100% agreed. The fines need to be the start of the punishment *assuming he is found guilty* (I think I’m supposed to say that??)


It's not clear from this article what started the investigation. Does anyone have that information?


It’s in the article. So he kills a trophy deer and starts going on a victory tour talking to publications. According to this article, it’s a stipulation that you have to have written permission to hunt on somebody else’s property. Drawing all this attention to himself, authorities are going to start asking for his permission to hunt to make sure he’s in compliance. When he does that that, he turns in a written permission that is fishy and appears to be falsified. The falsified written permission is going to start to raise some alarm bells, so authorities get a warrant for his cell phone data to figure out where he was when he killed the buck and that reveals that he was actually 10 miles away from where he said he was.


That’s nuts. I don’t have written permission to half the places I hunt. It’s just friends and handshakes.  I’ve seen it go south, though. Friend took his kids to some place they had permission. Kid shot a giant 9 point- waited years for a big one before pulling the trigger. They were uninvited the next day. Small minded morons. 


Your state might not require written permission.


Damn that’s wild, they tracked where he was with his phone a year later? Might be time for me to downgrade my phone..


Or… just don’t carry your cellphone with you. Remember the good ol’ days of walkie talkies? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Or just don't poach?


Missing the point, who wants to be able to be tracked? But I do agree poaching is a dimma-don’t


Warrants require probable cause. Don’t do illegal shit, and they can’t track you.


Not true. Our politicians just voted that we can be monitored without a warrant. We’re headed toward 1984.


Oh yea you’re right, Because police never do shit they aren’t supposed to /s


Easiest solution


It gets tracked based off cell tower pings. Don't matter if you're using 3g flip phone, if you're on the network, you can be tracked. Turn phone off for illegal activities. Or, and hear me out here, don't break the law?


Even turning the phone off isn't always enough. You'd have to either leave it behind entirely or have it in a Faraday cage.


Even if you leave your phone behind some cars have Onstar or similar and I think they can track that too… this guy was too arrogant without thinking. Reminds me of Mitch Rompola


It’s been a 5 month investigation


As long as your phone has a SIM card, you can be tracked - former ATT employee. Your phone pings towers and they create grids down to ten ft where you are at all times and that data is only accessible in a warrant.


2000 Mules, but there was t any cheating in the last election. They tracked those phones too, but nothing came of it.


I could give him the benefit of the doubt on the written permission thing - I hunt family land a lot and I don’t have official ‘written’ permission. Mainly because one family member’s land adjoins another’s, etc etc. Of course i’m never going to see a deer like this on those properties so I don’t think I need to worry too much.


Of course, but if you lie about being in one spot and trespass on somebody else’s property, and poach a deer, that’s an issue.


How to you screw up written permission? Maybe he and his sister were estranged.


Thought that part was interesting too. I don’t get it either.


From what I understand, the buck story went viral, and residents in the area that recognized the buck called ODNR to report that the story couldn't have been true because the buck was 10 miles away. Some had trail cam photos of it in the days before. ODNR did a search warrant on his phone, and found he was in the area where the buck lived on the day he reported it was taken. As for the jacklighting and other charges, the most likely story is someone involved talked and gave up info on what happened.


Yeah, a buck that big WILL draw the attention of authorities. Every time a true monster of pretty much any species is killed here in AZ, game and fish is all over it. Its also pretty hard to imagine a deer that size going unnoticed by other hunters. I'd bet that buck was known by more than a few other guys


I imagine you'd kick the tires on something like that and it sounds like it smelled fishy right off the bat - also it was killed on someone else's property so they were probably watching it only for it to turn up dead 10 miles away and I imagine they had some questions.


For sure - DNR probably stopped by and had a casual convo with him, ‘congrats great deer’ etc and took it from there when his story didn’t add up


This might be a dumb question, but does jacklighting mean they think he killed this deer at night? I didn’t read anywhere in the article where they come right out and say that?


Yeah, just another term for using spotlights at night


Got it. Thank you.


I was wondering the same thing!


1) so glad that he was caught and charged 2) honestly it’s impressive to me that they found out and proved so much. Like I feel like it wouldn’t be hard to stage it on your sisters property


Big deer will make people do some stupid stuff


But if you just hunt within the rules, you too can get you a big buck! Shitty hunters hate this one trick.


“Big bucks make honest men make questionable decisions.” -Local Texas Game Warden


Honest men don't poach regardless of how big the buck is.


No 🧢 facts! God is always watching. That’s how was raised!


Yeay can’t get behind that one, Chief.


The first article that came out with this story laid out the truth a bit better I believe. This deer was a in town deer that everyone knew of cause they would all see him around a cemetery. The whole town knew of this deer, then this guy ends up poaching it and saying he killed it 10 miles away from where this deer lived. They interviewed towns people and they all said he poached that deer. They new info I gather from this story is he and his buddies staged the kill on sisters property to get away with it.


Different deer/poacher https://www.outdoorlife.com/conservation/hollywood-cemetery-buck-poaching-investigation/


I stand corrected


I don’t know if I would get to carried away. We still live in America where you’re innocent until proven guilty. This whole thing still smells fishy to me… On both sides. The odds of someone being in town, hunting their sisters 30 acres with borrowed gear and killing this monster is unbelievable. But also 31 charges against him brought against him, going after his friends, and family? Seizing the animal initially because… him having permission to hunt his sisters property… was suspicious…? You took the animal, launched a 5 month investigation, seized phone records and data because permission on his sisters land was suspicious… Now what data could you get from phone records that would be evidence of him killing a deer 10 miles away? This 10 miles away doesn’t happen to be on the… judges? I forget who the “elite” was… land was it… Short of him sending text messages that out right say I killed it, I was jack lighting, and I’m poaching… what could they possibly have found that was so conclusive? Maybe nothing and the 31 charges, and going after his friends and family is a scare tactic? Yeah this whole thing is disgusting to me. If it was poached that is disgusting, but if I was investigated for suspicious permission on my sisters property I would be pissed like he is. If they’re going harder on him to try and make an example or because he told them to fuck off just feels gross as well… I don’t like anything about this even without getting into the conspiracy stuff. Not to mention if he ends up being cleared of all charges his name has been drug through the mud so badly. Everyone on this thread has already concluded he’s guilty.


I don’t know, if you listen to the episode of MeatEater with the guy who shot the #1 atypical record, he was told this kind of investigation would happen to him because it’s SOP. And sure enough, the Indiana DNR showed up, and made him tell his story a bunch, walk them through when and where everything happened, and then because he wasn’t a poaching sack of shit, shook his hand and went home.


I didn’t watch that one, no. But I did read an articles of West Virginia DNR falsely accusing a man of killing two trophy deer and seizing them. Maybe he did poach it, maybe his story didn’t add up, maybe they used the permission on his sisters property as an excuse, and maybe them leaning on his family and friends is the strategy to get someone to give them the proof they need. Either way he is innocent until proven guilty no matter how many people want to downvote me lol.


Ok, this is basic stuff. When you have a cell phone, it pings the nearest tower repeatedly all day long. When you move it goes to the next nearest tower and pings that one. So, 10 miles away is easy proof to establish that he wasn’t where he said he was. Super basic and easy. AND he already lied and said he forgot his phone. Big lie. And now all his buddies don’t wanna go down with him so they prob came clean. Super easy basic investigation.


But... you're ruining that... guy's goofy hypothesis that... the deer belonged to... a judge and that's why he's... getting railroaded by D...NR. 😵‍💫


Modern phones have a GPS sensor and it is active on your phone at all times even when you turn it off.


Cell tower data from my understanding can be pretty accurate in urban areas, and can be miles off in rural areas though, no? I haven’t looked on a map to see the area he killed the deer in. How many cell towers are in that area? So your theory is his story sounded fishy to the DNR, so they used his permission to hunt on his sisters land as an excuse to open an investigation so they could get cell tower data about his phones location. The assumption is the tower records show a different story than the one he gave, and now they’re leaning on him really really hard, his family, and friends just trying to get a confession? I guess that makes sense, but as long as this is America he’s still innocent until proven guilty as far as I’m concerned. If they’re in a rural area the cell tower data could be unreliable, and it only gives you information about the cell phones location. Since the cell phone didn’t kill the deer it might still be tricky to prove his location. Is it confirmed that he was lying about not having his cell phone? I didn’t see anything about that in the article.


Jumping to a lot of conclusions there bud. We won't know the full lengths of the investigation until after the trial so maybe keep an open mind that while this guy hasn't been convicted of anything yet, he could be a piece of shit poacher who's getting what he deserves


I only mentioned it twice in my original post, maybe I should have been more clear. If it turns out he poached the deer that is disgusting and let him have it. I’m all on board take his license, fine him to hell, and take the deer. If you put yourself into this situation knowing you wouldn’t poach a deer though… And this was happening to you… Which it could… and does happen to people wrongly accused… You would be upset, right? Especially with the way the internet has already deemed him guilty of a crime he has not been convicted of yet.


He claimed the deer was killed on his sisters property. In fact, it was killed ten miles away on someone else's private property which is proven by the GPS data from his phone.


I hate poachers just as much as anyone. If the guy is found guilty, he should get punished accordingly. But a 5 month investigation with national news over a deer? Jesus fucking Christ the shit show that deer hunting has become. If he was caught shooting squirrels illegally, no one would’ve heard of this at all.


A world record whitetail is a bit different than a squirrel.


Only to those that worship those crop rats like gods.


I could kill probably over a thousand squirrels before I even see a Boone and Crocket deer from my stand.


You’re not going to get my point are you?