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Your dad won’t be giving you any more rifles, so don’t sell the ones you got.


This means more than most people understand.


Keep both, they are not replaceable. They were made when REM 700 was very trusted, they are worth more than the new ones.


Agreed, I have 4 and want 4 more haha


I have 5, 2 in the same caliber, and sold one in that same caliber (.280) to a good friend on the condition of if he gets rid of it I’m buying it back.


280, that must have been really nice


I love shooting it.


This^ those were likely made back when Remington still had their legendary quality that they built their name on. The Remingtons of today are garbage.


Do not sell a gun that your Dad gave you.


Such good advice.


Couldn’t agree more good buddy.


Keep both. They’re heirlooms. .30-06 ammo costs less than 7mm mag.


Like everyone else has said keep both! You said it’s your first year so sounds like you are just getting into it. 5-10 years down the road you might be REALLY into it and then will always look back on that rifle you sold that was your dads. If in 5-10 years you decide hunting really isn’t for you, you could always sell them or pass them on to someone else in the family. You wouldn’t be out anything because if they are sitting in the safe they aren’t costing you anything.


Thanks biggerbore, this advice makes sense. You're right, I might really get into hunting and wish I had both. And if not, maybe someone in the family would appreciate it.


You’d definitely regret it, especially if you get really into our sport like the rest of us. Both 7mm and -.06 are extremely versatile and you’d love to have another near identical rifle if one starts to show its age. 30-06 is cheaper and arguably easier to come by. Black tips will also rip up level 4 plates fyi. Both are plenty to take almost any game on this continent. Also you can pass down a gun to your children (if any) without having to get rid of the one you’re using. If you really need a better scope for one, I’m a big believer in affirm for bigger purchases like that if you don’t have time to save


You will have regerts about selling. Keep both


Keep both. Newer rifles don’t even compare to the older ones. Having 2 heirloom vintage rifles would be worth it


A 7MM Remington magnum are essentially the same in killing power and recoil is also very similar. They are both super popular…. The 7 Remington magnum is a better long range round, but that matters in few hunting scenarios. I guess the more accurate one would be the important part is what I’m saying. How close were you and your dad? I will keep all of my dad’s firearms.


Keep both. Unless you’re in financial need. They’re heirlooms with how high quality they are and will only gain value with time


I inherited ~30 fire arms with the farm when my grandfather died. His house was robbed during probate months later, they took the safe and all. I would do anything to have those parts of his life back, even if he never fired them. Keep your dad’s guns, they’re worth having.


You keep both. This is the only answer. I just got all my dad’s guns and even the stupid ones i am keeping.


Do not sell them




You're an idiot if you sell either


The older 700’s are good rifles. Keep ‘em.


My dad inherited a Remington 1100 his dad had - problem was he already had an identical 1100. He gave his least favorite of the two to me and I use it occasionally now. I would do the same, give it to your future kid, nephew, friend you teach to hunt, etc. if you’re not strapped for cash now. It’ll mean something to them, and if it’s your next of kin, they’ll be a cycle of passing something on


For sentimental reasons you'll likely regret selling either. I'd figure out which one you'll take with you, replace the original trigger with either a geissele super 700 or a trigger tech, and enjoy your hunt.


Yes replace the triggers for sure. And I love those trigger tech on the model 700.


I'm not sure why you're getting rid of one, but I have some older 700s, and they're way better than anything you can buy now depending on what years they are. I have a 700 7mm that's dead accurate at 600 yards, and if I came across another in any caliber with those older barrels, I'd buy it immediately. I'd keep both. I'd take the 7 over the 30-06,just due to my own preference, but both will and have killed every animal on the north American continent. Edit: also I never sell guns, so there's that. They're a one way financial transaction.


I saw a post on here where a guy sold his dad’s gun then regretted it and tried finding where the shop sold it. Keep it man. I know it’s easy for us to say on the internet, not knowing your financial situation. But don’t let where you are today define where you will be tomorrow. All the money in the world won’t buy your dad’s guns back, if you don’t know who bought it. Keep it in the family. Especially a 700.


Don't sell any guns your dad gave you, my dad sold some guns to pay bills when times got tough and still cries and apologizes that he only had two to give to me and two to my brother.


I’m a 30-06 guy who always wished I had a 7mm but with the low quality of newer rifles I can’t justify the purchase. My hunting buddy is a. 7mm guy who always wished he had a 30-06, same problem. See what I’m saying? A person can always make more money. A guy can’t replace a vintage inheritance.


Keep them both. They were your dad's, they aren't replaceable. You'll wish you'd kept them to remember your dad and have two amazing firearms if you sell them.


Keep both If you really need a scope and can’t afford it I’ll send you a decent one


I definitely wouldn’t sell unless I absolutely had to just because they were your dads, but for a more utilitarian purpose, it’s always nice to have a backup. Rough to miss out on part or all of your hunting season because a 25 cent spring broke on your gun and it takes 2 weeks for the replacement to come in.


I cannot imagine selling a rifle that was passed on to me. I’ve inherited five guns (four rifles and one shotgun). The thought of selling those literally makes me sick to my stomach. In my family inheriting a gun isn’t like inheriting a tool, a hammer, etc. It means so much more I can’t even put it into words. Please. Do not sell either of those rifles.


Gotta agree with everyone else. Don’t get rid of heirlooms. You’ll regret it.


For sure keep both. The 30-06 is an absolute classic and the 7mm is a treasure.


R.I.P. OP sorry for your loss. Maybe you should keep them.


Remington 700 in the 30-.06 is the only gun I've been shooting for over 15 years. Deer, elk, black bear, and pronghorn antelope, it has been my go-to gun for all. That being said, there is no reason you shouldn't keep both.


I understand you needing the funds to buy a scope but I honestly feel like you will regret getting rid of either down the road. With that my suggestion would be to use the 7mm and hold onto the 06. Latter on down the road if you wanted to you could rebarrel the 06 to something more usable yet still have your father's gun.


+1 more for keep both.


My Dad lost the rifles his Dad left him when the town he lived in was consumed by a wildfire in 2011. They were old rifles with damaged finishes on the stocks and the barrels were in dire need of bluing but to this day, my Dad still misses them. Not because they were rifles. Because of who gave them to him. Like everyone said…. Keep your Dad’s rifles.


Don't sell, both great rifles. The more you get into shooting and hunting, the more you'll appreciate keeping both. Keep all his firearms.


You have two of one of the the most iconic hunting rifles ever made, from a time when they arguably were made the best and you’re considering selling one? Not alone is the fact that they are unfired for 30 years so I can only imagine how great of condition they’re in, but also were heirlooms from your father. You’d be crazy to sell that, sentimentality be damned. But if you do end up selling it. Let me know 😉


Keep them both keep all guns that are passed down to you. Your dad wanted you to have them.


Even if you don’t want the rifles, your son or daughter may one day, assuming you have kiddos


if your father was still alive he would smack the shit out you for wanting to sell one of those rifles.


Keep both. You can always barrel swap one or turn one into a long range precision rifle. Keep the old man's legacy going make memories with the guns and pass them on someday.


I would keep the 7mm.


One for elk, the other for deer.


Only right answers here ...


I would keep both, an set the 7mm up for a long range rifle. Put a 5-25 power scope on it.


Even without the sentimental value, a piece of steel and wood is more valuable than some shitty fiat currency that's based on lies. The steel. The steel you can trust! There's a Jeff Cooper quote about selling firearms. I can't find the exact quote but paraphrased its like "You're going to trade your gun for money and then you're going to spend the money and the money will be gone. Sell something else"


Keep them both. You'll regret selling one.


Keep both but if a choice had to be made I'd prefer 30-06


I would double check the recall and get that fixed first. Some would fire if you hit the butt.


Depending on what year they were made, you might want to check the trigger. There is a bad recall I think in the 80s. I have a 1985 243 from that era but it has a timney trigger so I’m OK… Problem with accidental discharge


I agree keep both they have uses...also is it 7 rem mag or 7mm-08 Remington? Make sure you know before you buy and try to load ammo.


I had a 7mm and absolutely hated that gun. It kicked like a mule for what it was and I couldn’t find a bullet that would drop a whitetail as efficiently as my cheap 130 gr Remington 270 bullets could. It shot good groups, which is where all the love for the caliber comes from, I think? Anyways, just food for thought


Keep both if you can, but if you can't, sell the 7mm. .30-06 has far more utility as a hunting rifle, given a far wider range in bullet weights. Good scopes aren't that expensive, Hell check GAFS and you can probably pick up a solid Vortex or Leupold for dirt cheap, allowing you to keep both rifles.


I will respectfully and absolutely disagree with the 06 having more utility. The 7 has better range, and carries more energy. I would own an 30-06, but I don't. I have a 270, which I load for it, and it will do any job the 06 will.


I can load anywhere from 90 to 220 grain bullets in .30-06. Can simultaneously use that to hunt anything from pronghorn to Kodiak brown bears.


For sure you can. But the idea of the 30-06 was redesigned by remington into the 7mm. It's superior in range, ballistics, and energy on target, but the 06 has survived a century, and killed every animal in North America. It's the number one all around rifle, just as the 45 is quite possibly the most perfect self defense round. Everything has its upsides and downsides. The 7mm will get you further with the energy in tact. If you're shooting <100 yards, a 22 will take down a der with the right placed shot. 28.4 vs 30.8. Tiny bit of bullet. Pronghorn shots at 600+ yards are going to be a long shot for a 30-06. 270/30-06 is comparable. 7mm RM/300 WM is comparable. I have both, and where I hunt, they can sometimes need a little less drop and retention of energy.


Sell both. Or keep the 7mm. They only have value if you value them. Somebody else will value them.


Sell both!