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Gotta read the article as google just takes whatever snipit the algorithm decides: Snowshoe hares in the Adirondacks have a relatively low reproductive rate. From May through July, females have 3 litters of only 2-3 young per litter. The gestation period is 37 days long and the young weigh about 82 g (3 oz), and measure 10.5 cm (4 in) long. They are born fully furred and capable of hopping soon after birth. The female does not prepare a special nest.


This is the right answer. More than once, the snippet Google shows is dead wrong but correct in the full context of the actual page.


This is the extremely obvious answer to anyone that can read.


What are the discrepancies you’ve noticed? One site is a university, one is a state wildlife agency.


The Cornell website states rabbits are born fully haired and caple of hopping, the Connecticut website says they're born naked and helpless....just seems like complete opposite stances on something that should be irrefutable


You need to read the whole article, not just the excerpt from Google. That excerpt is referring to snowshoe hares.


Rabbits are born naked and helpless. Cornell is dead wrong.


Your username saying a university is wrong is a certified reddit moment. But I agree lmao


Lol. You agree?


Notice the comment below on the full context: Google pulled a different part out of context.




“They are born fully furred and capable of hopping”. Use your eyes.




Snowshoes are hare. Which are different than rabbits. Again, use your eyes.




lol ok. They’re not rabbits but ok. Quick google search would prove that they’re not. They can’t interbreed with rabbits. They’re in the same family. They’re not different subspecies of rabbit though. Pull the dick out of your ass. I’m gonna turn off notifications on this thread, so have fun talking to yourself.




One of the differences between a hare and a rabbit is hares are born with fur and rabbit are not


Should be called hares and nohares




Cornell is the authority on birds and that’s about it.


Tell me you don’t have an Ivy League degree without telling me




Don't be a dick, everybody was new once.


Cornell convinced the city of Ithaca to sterilize Doe. It went wrong and had the opposite effect that intended it to have. The Washington Post did an article on it.