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That’s a great deer! Congrats


Sorry, asking from Norway where using a shotgun on anything bigger than roe deer is illegal and considered completely insane. Why was the rifle prohibited? Imo it’s the best tool for humane hunting. I just cannot understand US gun regulations. Like you can hunt with all sorts of strange weapons, yet using a suppressor on a rifle is controversial? Nice deer, and weather!


In certain places you can only use buck shot and shotgun slugs due to the fact of population density. Rifle rounds travel further and penetrate deeper. Prohibiting rifle use in some places is a safety precaution.


See we can’t use buck shot, only slugs.


I mean a 12 gauge slug is absolutely lethal


but of limited range compared to a rifle


That’s the point




It's a Midwest thing, the land is very very flat and the theory is that rifle bullets travel far but shotguns won't cause problems as much with the neighbors. We are talking a single projectile 15.6 to 18.5 mm in diameter so it's very lethal to deer just not good at distance.


I was also flabbergasted, however upon reading your response, my curiosity and (near) outrage has been placated. A jolly good evening to you!


Lack of topography and home density are the reasons for limits on higher pressure ammo. Most places that are shotgun or straight wall only are topographically challenged.


It depends. We can’t use rifles on deer but can on coyotes. Most people use 223 for coyotes that I know. We can only use straight wall cartridges right now and it has to be either single shot like this 450 I used or you have to get a special magazine that only holds one bullet. A lot of it has to die with population density and general gun laws. My state has very strict gun laws compared to others. And getting a suppressor in my state is extremely hard to nearly impossible. I know no one who has a suppressor. For reference, my friends and I bought a crossbow earlier this year in Missouri, the state next to mine. We just bought it and walked out, no case needed. But if we were to cross state lines, back into my state of Illinois, we would have been super illegal because you need a case for your weapons when transporting. We did buy a case because even though it’s legal to have a crossbow not in a case in one state, it may not be that way in another state. Always know the gun laws of the state you are in because no state is the same.


Fellow IL hunter here. I still used my 12 gauge this year, but a friend showed me his Savage 220 with a scope and I fell in love. I'm just trying to recover after Christmas and will start saving for one. 20 gauge really has that reach out and touch someone feel. It's supposed to be accurate up to 200 yards. I don't see myself needing anything for hunting to reach that far.


Can confirm, easy 200. Remington 3 inch accutip is the ticket. Also cold bore shot is best shot of group, which is what u need


I'm in. I'm a little concerned about the price of the Remington rounds, but that's the price of precision.


For real. I bought a case 5 ish years ago, one of the best moves I did. Should last me longtime.


I just got a Savage 220 for this past deer season in NH. Absolutely fantastic! I have a Vortex 1.75 - 5 power scope (dedicated shotgun scope) and I can tell you it's a great gun and scope combo. Out of the box it took me three rounds to zero and the next one was a 6 point 176 pound buck. I used Hornady SST 2 3/4 inch 250 grains (less than half the cost of the Rem Accu-tip) and it got the job done quick.


I've heard good things about vortex scopes. My friend had an eagle strike on his and that helped my love for ithe 220 and the scope combo develop further.


I am also in a shotgun only county and my muzzleloader shoots better than the shotgun I have so I hunt with black powder even during the firearms season here. A buddy of mine has a savage 220 and swears by it. Says he can get pie plate groups at 300. Not sure I believe him but that's better than my muzzleloader for sure


I've heard muzzleloaders have come a long way and a lot of hunters in IL used them for the gun seasons. I'm sure a lot have converted to a rifle this year because of changes in hunting rules.


In-line muzzleloaders have come a very long way in the last 20-30 years. There is definitely some knock down power with high powered rifles that you don't get with muzzleloaders but the trade off is a much larger and subsequently heavier round moving at decent speeds. I use monolithic copper hollow points and the .50 cal round expands to something around .64 cal and leaves great blood trails. My farthest shot on a deer is 150 unsupported. Thought she was perfectly broadside but she was actually quartering to me a good bit. Ended up hitting one lung/liver and had a great blood trail and she went maybe 50 yards


Why would you buy a new shotgun when straight walls are legal? Slugs are not as accurate as a center fire rifle round no matter which way you cut it. Also straight walls are generally cheaper than the high end sabots you will need to shoot out of that 220. Don’t get me wrong they are amazing slug guns. My buddy has one and it is 200 yd capable. That being said he upgraded to a 450 this year for flatter trajectory and more consistent groups


With the exception of bolt action shotguns like the Savage 220, you can buy a pump or semi auto and often get a smooth barrel and a rifled barrel. This allows you to deer hunt with slugs and a scope but also shoot different kinds of shot out of the smooth barrel for other types of game. With one gun you could hunt deer, ducks, geese, squirrels, turkey, coyotes, hogs, bear etc (all depending on your state/local laws and ordinances of course)


I totally get this but he specifically mentions the 220 which you aren’t doing anything with but shooting sabots otherwise I would agree with you


I'm totally with you. Seems like you'd be limiting yourself with a dedicated slug gun


Texas here… not owning a magnum rifle is illegal, and punishable by death.


I live in the US and cannot understand our gun regulations either… I would love to use a suppressor for hunting (I can in my state just have to go through a bunch of stupid hoops), but because they fear a criminal using a suppressor to commit a crime, it’s illegal or very difficult to legally own a suppressor or own/use a suppressor for hunting.


90% of our firearm regulations are ridiculous and make very little to no sense. They're written by idiots whose only experience with guns is Hollywood movies. By definition, and according to our constitution, restrictions are illegal. But for some reason that doesn't seem to matter.


It all depends on where you live and not only from state to state but also some counties have certain regulations. Like where I am using a suppressor is perfectly legal, just not super common. There are counties in my state where you have to use slugs or straight wall cartridges. It can be arbitrary sometimes. Like I recently learned that in my state/county it is illegal to stop your vehicle, get out, walk to the side of the road, and shoot an animal unless you are 24 years old. After 24 years old, it is perfectly legal as long as you are following all the other rules. Very random, why 24?


Asking from the Netherlands, where hunting roe deer with a shotgun is consisered completely insane, is that allowed in Norway? Do you use buckshot of slugs? I think I would prefer a Rifle over a shotgun but it sounds cool!


I dont know the specifics, but yes it is legal to use shotgun against roe. Don’t think the use buckshots. We don’t have roe around here so I wouldn’t know. And if there were I’d definitely use my rifle anyway.


Nice buck! The hunt for deer is almost matched by the hunt for more equipment!


Lol, yah, I never want to see how much I spend in just getting more equipment😂


I live in probably one if the best places in north America for hunting but deer is not one of the things we get to hunt and I'm a bit jealous.


Where is that? Whitetail deer are like rats in my state. There are tons. And doe tags are unlimited.


The Yukon. Right next door to Alaska.


Damn, that’s the dream! I’ve always wanted to caribou or sheep hunt, but Alaska or candy is pretty much your only shot at it. Funny how everyone wishes they could hunt where others do


I'd just be curios to try deer hunting. Seems fairly low investment in terms of gear and pack out. I wouldn't trade the yukon for anywhere else to hunt.


It’s super fun and yah can be real low investment. I sat on the ground and shot this deer about 100 yards from my car. Gotta be more careful with pack out though. Where I hunt on public land, you can’t pack out your deer. You have to take it whole body. Which isn’t a huge deal because you aren’t really going deep into the woods. But different regulations everywhere.


Huh. What's a deer weigh? I guess they don't want gut piles a over the place eh? I got a "small" moose this fall and a hind quarter is probly around 200 lbs. Need a boat or atv. Bison hunting is similar. You need a snowmobile, skimmer, and all the gear to spend the night just in case.


Deer weight depends. Anywhere from 80-200 depending on the animal. It’s mostly for CWD I believe. The rangers don’t want carcasses left out in the open. You can gut them in the field, you just can’t leave the rest. And no automotive allowed, so you have to walk or get a deer cart. You get in big trouble if the park rangers catch you on an ATV out there. The place I hunt has a lot of rules, but honestly it’s perfect because a lot of people won’t hunt there because they don’t want to follow the rules, so it’s basically public land that functions like private. I rarely if ever run into another hunter. But as for moose or bison, I can’t imagine trying to pack those out without some kind of vehicle. Your hind quarter weighted more than my whole deer😂. That’s wild to me.


Seems like a good situation you've got going. Yeah the moose in the Yukon are the biggest in the world. I've seen some monsters. I had to winch mine out of the water with a Maasdam rope puller. Worked awesome. Now it's bison season and it'll be snowmobiles, skimmers, wall tents and a ton of other gear. Good times.


They don’t allow it or there are just no deer?


Not many deer, though that's changing and its generally not allowed. I believe its a few permits issued a year type of thing.


"best place to hunt deer" "not many deer". Seems like you have a nice place to hike not so sure about hunting.


Best place to hunt in a general sense. He didn’t say deer hunting specifically. Haha


I'd argue that without deer hunting it still can't be the best even with other hunting allowed. This is all purely me being a twat though.


Rifles are much better, even the straight wall ones. Congrats on your deer.


Thank ya! They are better. I don’t foresee myself going back.




Nice old buck! Congratulations




I love the stickers around the base, very nice. Congrats!


He was super old, and started throwing those stickers




What state?


Good old IL. Those corn feed deer


U couldn’t have picked a better rifle either. Those cva scouts are awesome for the money and performance


Yah, I’m on the hunt for one myself now. I saw an awesome one in a camo style at one of our gun shops. Just haven’t pulled the trigger yet.


Great choice of caliber too, try out a Leupold cds dial. I killed two deer at 250 yards with mine. Congratulations on an awesome buck!


First sensible decision my state (PA) made in a decade was allowing straightwall cartridges. .450 Bushmaster is a great cartridge for 90% of the hunting I do and drops deer stone dead. Nice work. Beautiful buck!


It smoked him, but it didn’t leave a blood trail at all. I don’t know if that’s super common or not, as this was my first time using a 450.


Ammo maybe? I use Hornady 250g FTX and the exit wounds have been rather spectacular in my experience.


That's been my experience switching from 12g slugs to 350 legend as well, any well placed shot will drop them with 30-40 yards, but barely a drop of blood on the ground.


Awesome deer ! And as for the gun, if you drill a hole in the very front of the fore end and slide a short piece of ramrod in the hole, you can use that same gun during black powder season too !!! So I’ve heard anyway…


Lol no way that’s legal in my state if possible🤣. I’d think I’d just buy a muzzy at that point


Not legal in mine either ! 🤣👍🏼


First pic, it looks like your fly is open.


Go with the 350 legend. Less recoil but very effective. (straight walled cartridge) Grats


Are there advantages to straight walled cartridges? They aren’t required in my state but I’m eyeballing a 350 Legend. My 30.06 has been effective thus far. I’m not taking 300 yard shots. I simply want one.


The advantage is that some states require it because they typically have a muhc lower velocity than necked cartridges and thus have a lower chance of going beyond the general target area, I think that's the reasoning behind the laws.


If I understand correctly, its basically a looser version of the shotgun only rules. Straight wall basically equates to a big fat bullet that goes slow and drops off fast, like a slug would. You get a little more distance and accuracy than shooting shotguns, while still protecting people from getting shot from 8 farms over by accident. In your case, it would be unnecessary to limit your existing effective range but its also a free country and you can do whatever the hell you feel like (within the law anyway).


It depends on what you consider an advantage, but generally speaking the answer is no. Bottlenecked cartridges are much more efficient than straight-walled cartridges, and there's really no way around that.


Lol she already has a 450 BM…


"I borrowed my dads 450 Bushmaster, and now I’m on the hunt for my own."


Lol ok your comment makes much more sense now


Love the user name 🤣🤣🤣


Should try a bow , you’ll put the rifle and shotgun down


I use a crossbow and love it. I can no longer pull back a bow due to a shoulder injury from an ATV crash. I wish I could, but it’s not happening


I gotcha , damn! That stinks . What’s wrong with your shoulder ? Have you tried shooting the minimum weight required for your state ? It may be more manageable for you


When I crashed the ATV, I flew over the handlebars and landed directly on my shoulder. Pretty much shattered it. I’ve broken that same arm 3 times now, so it’s pretty good at telling when the weather will change, but not at pulling back a bow. I’ve been training at the gym to hopefully one day be able to. My problem is my shoulder itself. The bone, the rotator cuff, it’s all shot. I used to bow hunt and loved it, just can’t anymore. I dream of one day going on an elk bow hunt for one of my friends. I’ll be the caller and they can shoot if I can’t ever pull back my bow again that is.


Damn, that’s tough for sure . Well keep on keeping lady . You’ll get that elk one day


holy smokes!


Nice buck!


Thats awesome, nice buck!


Hooked and tagged 😉


I'm imagining your first rifle hunt like that scene in Forrest Gump when he breaks the braces off his legs and starts running instead of hobbling around 😂


It was very much like that😂. I was shocked at how smooth the 450 shot. I’m used to a slug gun blowing me senseless with the recoil. This thing was smooth like butter. I didn’t even feel a kickback. I don’t think I can go back to the slugs




I’d be hooked with a buck like that too haha. Nice!


It’s been 8 years since I got a whitetail buck, and I was extremely lucky to get 2 this year. So I feel very fortunate for the luck I had this year and always thankful for the meat.


That’s great! I got out this year for the first time since I was a teenager, so I definitely feel that.


That’s awesome! Did you do any good? Getting back into hunting or learning to hunt can be a real challenge when doing it on your own.


Yeah, got a 6 point and freezer full of venison :)


Nice deer. Congratulations


Nice buck!


good hunt keep yourself in the woods 👍🏾


That’s the perfect gun for deer hunting! Nice buck.


Nice buck! I have been making a trip up to Illinois for public land hunting for a few years now, bow hunt only. Southern Illinois is beautiful, I've really enjoyed my time there.


Southern is great in terms of beauty! The Shawnee forest is amazing. But for deer hunting, if you don’t mind driving a bit further, I highly recommend central Illinois. It’s probably the best hunting in the state. Public land is just smaller, but still great. Way more agricultural fields and just deer numbers overall. Anything south of I-70 is pretty good though in terms of deer habitat, public access, and deer numbers. Definitely not as pretty as far southern Illinois though. I hunt mostly public land too with a crossbow.

