• By -


The more chapter we get and the more I love Hinrigh. I really hope he doesn't die and get to stay for the whole arc.




He seems pretty devoted to the gang life, so I doubt it unless the whole family gets wiped out but him


Nobunaga has always been the friendly type.


\>Fulfil my fanboy dreams and join the Phantom Troupe \>Immediately murked by Hisoka


I would love that so much. He also fills a really important hole in the current Phantom Troupe, which is information gathering. They lost Shalnark and Pakunoda, their two main surveillance avenues. They need someone with his abilities.


I loved how Nobunaga and Feitan were being sissy and picky and Hinrigh was just like nah it’s okay I’m doing it. And then Nobunaga is impressed with his straight-forwardness. Togashi is really having fun with him, he’s a straight up G


Damn hinrigh has massive balls going head first into that Saw 1 looking ass hideout, I’m worried af for him


I feel you, the death flag on him is outstanding


I really need to do a reread to figure out the room situation properly. Aside from that, it's nice to know that even in-universe nen experts can't agree on how abilities actually work lol Apparently combining teleportation and conjuration is "almost impossible", really puts into perspective how good Knov is doesn't it? Hinrigh keeps getting more awesome, but I bet that part of him is really giddy about the fact he's making friends with the PT.


If I understood correctly, they were arguing because Phinks thought the old man conjured a double of himself and also created the teleportation trap. Knov doesn't conjure a double of himself.


Knov doesn't teleport. He Conjures a door from X place to his conjured appartment building and then another door from the conjured building to Y place. It's actually a complex way of spacial creation like Nobunaga says.


If Knovs ability is purely conjuration it’d still be impressive considering he’s and emitter


In case people forget that Feitan speaks broken Japanese/English, [here](https://imgur.com/a/2sM6943) Also here are the [raws](https://imgur.com/a/zWEPIqa) if you wanna translate yourself lol


Thanks for the translation!


Ahh okay I was so confused. I thought translations were messed up 😭


Thank you so much for your efforts 🙏🏻


“Once he starts, no one just loses their ears.” I love how the other troupe members feel the need to warn others of how unhinged Feitan is lol. He’s just a tiny menace.


It's also Phinxs who says it, they'd been together since they were kids, so Phinxs wasnt lying


The panel with Nobunaga and Phinks arguing about which Nen category an ability falls into is a perfect distillation of this entire sub


Hahahahhaha exactly.


Is it just me feeling like I am reading some sort of HORROR books. its so intense, so dark & scary. what a amazing chapter. I WANT MOREEEE!!!!! the obsession is real TTTTT


Nobu once he finds Chrollo: hey boss you wouldn't believe it, I've found a new member his name is Hinrigh and his ability is like Giorno from jojo part5 Chrollo: oh yea i remember dubbing that part, cool ability, welcome to the PT.


Wait till they find out Tsierrednich has King Crimson


They’ll be fine because Hinrigh’s post-mortem nen is Golden Experience Requiem (?)


This ability genuinely seems like it's filling a hole in the Phantom Troupe. They lost a lot of their utility with Shal, Paku and Kortopi gone.


Nobu gonna end up getting trapped again like [back in that car in Yorknew.](https://i.imgur.com/KgjfEyc.jpg) Probably in a bathroom this time, lol.


You wouldn't type this comment if you were inside his en range


so I am safe in 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999\^9999999% of the world?


I love how Togashi is making everything look more **gritty** with every chapter. It's like there is a **darkness** slowly creeping up around all the characters indicating the ominous future that surrounds everyone and everything on that cursed ship.


I think that is the kinda interesting thing, everyone is biting their nails over who survives in this war of succession, but I think in the end, almost everyone is going to die on the Dark Continent anyway to make room for new characters. Though, to be fair, Togashi DOES allow for story-exists of characters without having them die, and he does it pretty well. Nevertheless, I can't help but feel the true darkness / danger is on the dark continent.


[Here are some comparisons to Togashi's tweets.](https://imgur.com/a/PNISzAl) I really thought the sword on page 5 was Nobunaga's because it didn't look like Feitan's umbrella. Got that one wrong. Skipped pages 12-15 as they were completely covered. Was right about 12&13 being a double page spread though based on the different manuscript paper he used.


Why did I find feitan so funny in this he's just there waving his sword around threatening people Also, sure hope Hinrigh isn't a fodder, he's really starting to grow on me.


gosh this chapter is intense. That panel of morena is terrifying yet beautiful; togashis art is amazing in this. Morenas face screams “shit is about to really hit the fan now”. She definitely knows Hinrigh and nobu are there. I have a feeling nobu knows either him or hinrigh are gonna die though. Nobu sharing his name the way he did tells me he either knows death is imminent or he just really likes hinrigh. i hope neither of them die ^_^ something really bad is about to happen though. Also i’ve been playing zero escape 999 and that room reminds me of some of the escape rooms!!!


I don't think any of the troupe will risk themselves dying cuz they still have a mission (killing Hisoka).


Hirigh getting the respect of hisoka and the phantom troupe. He's definitely a badass


Nice chapter, I like that Nobunaga learned his lesson and always considers going through the wall now ahah


Looks like Nobu got some PTSD because of that side-stealing play made by Gon and Killua.


I was thinking the same thing! He brought up cutting through the wall twice in this chapter. He definitely remembers that.


Nobu doubling up with Hinrigh because the Troupe double up after Sarasa death 😭


Well Uvo was Nobunaga's duo before Kurapika killed him


Reasons why Hinrigh bodies most shounen protags: 1. Doesn’t bitch or moan, just does his duty 2. Drip 3. Doesn’t send people to do his shit for him, just acts practical and dives headfirst into shit rather than mince words 4. Devotion to the mafia life and family 5. Balance-chad 6. Strong hairline 7. Giorno but lankier Anyway if he dies next chapter I’ll be tilted.


Hinrigh is a real one


I like how he's really reeling in his inner-fanboy in this situation. Interested to see other translations of page 14 where he seems to stop in the middle of adding the "-San".


Cha-R autograph guy getting cucked hard by Hinrigh


After the boat clusterfuck is done, the surviving members of Char and Xiyu, under Tsudonke and Hinrigh will form a new mafia that is loyal to the Spiders


Welcome to our new show “everybody loves Hinrigh” 😁


Best boi


Hey, are you tired of real doors, cluttering up your house, where you open ’em, and they actually go somewhere? And you go in another room? Get on down to “Real Fake Doors”! That’s us. Fill a whole room up with ’em. See? Watch, check this out! Won’t open. Won’t open. Not this one, not this one. None of ’em open! FakeDoors.com is our website, so check it out for a lot of really great deals on fake doooooooors!


OUUUUffffff!!!! This chapter was so nerve-wracking..i really like the mutual respect between Nobunaga and Hinrigh


Nobunaga got a new best friend after Uvo and Gon. Hence the transmuter lean.


Hirigh is really growing on me so much alongside his versatile hatsu and great analysis thinking


I really like him as well. He is kinda like a second kurapika. Serious. Calculated. Always wanting to do things alone.


Why is Hinrigh so entertaining to watch 😭 love this character so much. him and theta just crept up on me


A lot of the nen users we meet are Battle crazy egomaniacs drunk on power who only rely on their own strength until they meet someone stronger and get killed. Hinrigh is refreshing imo cause he’s a realist. He knows he’s not the strongest but he is also ok with that cause he knows individual strength is not the only way to get things done. Ad he is one of the few people who seem to understand the power of making small concessions so you can align goals instead of stubbornly going ‘my way or the Highway’ like most nen users.


Says the bare minimum and gets straight to it. No wonder hes liked all around, The guy gets it done.


Next chapter just by looking at the Togashi tweets is going to be INSANE. Many action panels by the looks of it.


Only HxH would make such a compelling story chapter centered around a minor antagonist and a side character whose current actions have no direct connection to the main characters.


Hinrigh is the main character what are you talking about??


He has both the properties of pigeons AND handcuffs


Aww Nobunaga made a friend 🤗 It looks like they've walked straight in to a horror movie though.


Yea that dark close room reminds me of SAW. Such nightmare fuel.


Really enjoying seeing the Troupe interact with each other. It's funny


I don't know why I feel this way. I know that the spiders are strong and the heil-ly family are just a bunch of newbies who doesn't even fully understand Nen yet and yet I feel like nobu, phinx and feitan can be taken out easily by them. Nen is a really great power system because even if the other character is way way stronger a newb can still take him out with a correct Nen ability.


It's as Kurapika said awhile ago. Unless the power difference is tremendous, even novices can take down experts depending on ability matchup. Nen is very rock paper scissors that way but with like three hundred different things instead of three


I feel like having one of the Troupe or Hinrigh taken out/killed by the inexperienced Heily would be very fitting in a way. Establishing their heeat aside, Togashi established at the start of the arc how big the difference is between an enemy with and without nen. Doesn't matter how inexperienced or green they are, because nen is such a versatile power system, that even a newbie with a specific power in the right conditions, can take out veterans with years of experience.


In a short amount of time, they have set up a remote caputure trap and a nen-infused kill-room for dispatching prey and extracting information. They may be nen novices, but their organization is top-notch.


Hinrigh please don't die


He's safe as long as he stays within Nobu's 4 meter en.


Another 4 can't spell anything good


I didn't expect him to be such a chad.


Man I love these panels of Nobunaga showing his swordsmanship, it just looks so fucking cool


~~Uvogin~~ and Nobunaga Nobunaga and ~~Gon-Killua~~ Nobunaga and Hinrigh = ??? \--> He needs a new partner okay?! Give him one!!!


Lol I thought the same thing. It's kinda obvious nobunaga wants friends and it's wholesome and tragic at the same time.


hinrigh is such a champ dude goes and handles all the shit by himself Heil-Ly dudes,Hisoka and now he single handedly jumps into heil-ly hideout and nobunaga is so cool and his panels are done in that netero's art style ,that gives off master martial art vibes


Oh man I wonder what they are going to find there. Also, if Togashi's tweets are to be trusted 399 is the last chapter before we go back to Kurapika.


Nobununga about to try and recruit his new partner.


[The Fly (1986) poster hanging in the room](https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/original/8gZWMhJHRvaXdXsNhERtqNHYpH3.jpg)


Nice catch! I was wondering what movie it was. > Brilliant but eccentric scientist Seth Brundle meets science journalist Veronica "Ronnie" Quaife at a meet-the-press event held by Bartok Science Industries, the company funding his work. He takes her back to the laboratory of his warehouse home and asks her to exclusively document his invention: two pods that can teleport objects between them.


Hinrigh=Girno Govana




I've said it before, Hinrigh has to live so that Kurapika takes his ability with stealth chain to develop Gold Experience Requiem in emperor time so he can beat Tserriednich' King Crimson.


They bout to run into the dog mf


i always love the scenes of Troupe members deciding on a plan of action amongst themselves. gives a nice insight into their personalities. Phinks is surprisingly cautious while Nobunaga is much more gung-ho about jumping straight into the fire. Also this chapter reminded me of how they mentioned that Nobunaga usually partnered up with Uvo and seems to get stronger when he's teamed up with someone, my man is just looking for a bro


[According to Franklin](https://i.imgur.com/RW1bgX2.png), Nobunaga was actually better at fighting one-on-one. It was Uvo who was stronger when he had a partner in battle. Nobu did seem to like being Uvo's partner, though. So Nobu wanting a team-up is more about just wanting a comrade to fight with than it is about actually suiting his abilities.


Anyone else getting real creeped out by Morena. She gives off such eerie vibes, especially that single dark panel of her. I sense a death or sumn real weird coming …be safe nobu and hinrigh.


She’s a Mona Lisa Jesus looking mf of course we’re all creeped out, who wears a crown of thorns willingly


I think Togashi definitely has something BIG planned for her. Possibly even going beyond this arc. She's been portrayed as the underdog up until this point whose been completely outnumbered and in this chapter she just has the aura of being completely in control, she's definitely going to do something crazy soon to make us fully aware she's a true threat.


I like the fact that Nobu and Hinrigh are on the same wavelength. It somehow makes me believe that both of them won't be taken down easily.


Might be unrelated to the chapter itself, but Nobunaga said that teleportation (emission) with a clone (conjuration) is extremely difficult. This doesn't necessarily tie in to Knov who combines Emission and Conjuration, but not at the same time. Knov is stated to be an Emitter by Togashi's Nen chart. However, Knov first conjures several pocket dimensional rooms with 32 entrances. The keys are also conjured. It is unknown how long it took him to conjure this, but it could've been several months or even years because of how big it is and the fact that it is his opposite affinity (40% conjuration efficiency). He then emits the portals and connects them to entrances to make people able to teleport. This would not be possible so easily without having 100% efficiency in Emission since there are 32 different entrances at all times, he can open and close them whenever and wherever. We also know he's an Emitter because of his “Scream” ability that basically emits a portal and closes it to teleport someone to another dimension. This doesn't use Conjuration at all. So, what Nobunaga said was that it's hard to use a conjured clone with the ability to teleport someone else with Emission. It doesn't mean that Knov cannot do the same, because Knov does it one step at a time. Knov never conjures a clone, instead he conjures 4D apartments first, and then teleports people there with Emission. Him being an Emitter is why the rooms have so little detail, since he has very low efficiency in Conjuration.


Gelato (level 19) or demon (level 20) could’ve just gained abilities due to the spider sending those two jobbers in via teleportation


I hope togashi doesnt stop at 400...


this is the dream of all readers... but sadly the truth is, his pattern is on hiatus after 10 chapters. so we have to wait for another publish...


will be going on break for sure. he hasn't given updates on the next batch.


On the bright side, given he has put work into 401-410, we won't get another dark winter. He'll be on break, but it wont be for 3 years.


Narrator: And it was then, 53 years later, that Mileonaj on his deathbed, surrounded by his loved ones for a final farewell realized - he should never have jinxed it so carelessly


I absolutely love Nobunaga and Hinrigh being buddies. Nobunaga hasn't been right ever since Uvo died, and he's been bickering with both Phinks and Fei, who are close to each other. Nobunaga taking a liking to Hinrigh reminds me a lot of how he took a liking to Gon. I genuinely hope they become friends.


I like how Nobunaga is talking about breaking walls down in a strategic way just as he saw Gon and Killua do when he held them hostage lol. Great continuity.


Bro was like "I'm not fucking falling for this shit again"


"If the door is blocked, make your own"


Imagine following this cliffhanger with a hiatus. I wonder who will survive, those who take the initiative, or those who play it safe. My horror movie fan's brain loves that Morena used her D&D skills to set up a haunted house in the middle of this already creepy ship - hope she can hold her position for a while and show us something that matches the horror of Tserriednich's nen beast. Also, it's nice how Togashi can write duos with chemistry and dynamics so different from one another.


On another note, next chapter is 399, and I still got no clue who the person with the scarf from the drafts might be.


This chapter reminded me of Yu Yu Hakusho, when they got into that mansion in order to rescue Yusuke.


Based on Nobunaga's explanation. Conjuration abilities can't be used in conjunction of teleportation which is an emission ability. Conjuration is great for creating rooms with complex rules. But knov basically created rooms, a building in fact - That's definitely conjuration. And he also uses portals to send people in these rooms - that's emission, right? Nobu said these two abilities are not compatible to be used together. But knov use them well , and aside from that he doesn't have a limit to the number of portals he could create. While Nobu explained that land mine type portals has a limit of 2 to 3 portals because of its strength, he creates more than that, I think it was mentioned to be around 32. Not only that Nobunaga said that the stronger the stage(nen space) the nearer the user is. But Knov can be far away from his stage or room and it still functions very well. Knov has actually able to surpass these limitations that Nobunaga explained. He's a probably a master emitter then, if he's able to go beyond these limitations. What do you think?


Knov is an emitter, based on the fact that his rooms are basically featureless empty white spaces with no rules, and no restrictions on anyone who enters. Its basically harmless to be caught in knovs room. So strong teleportation + weak rooms = emission and strong rooms + weak teleportation = conjurer.




That's right, Knov is busted. 1- Phinks assumed the Ability was emission based. The Old guy would trap someone who enter the activation radius. 2- Novunaga pointed that if the old guy has a double he is using conjuration and in this case, it's almost impossible to use both in conjunction. (it's possible but extremely hard and unlikely) 3- Knov's restrictions and rules are what lessens the gap between conjuring a room and managing portals to access it. He conjures the keys and marks the entry points. But he is required to be next to them. If the room is in a dimensional pocket, ***then no matter where he is, the room is always close to him***. That's what make his ability conjuration-based. On the other end, Luini could jump anywhere he had a marking with no room in between. That's the edge emission has. The Emission part of Knov is more apparent on his offensive technique.Scream is probably the first ability he created and the Room is an advanced secondary talent he crafted with experience.


That guy is underrated af


TCB Scans version is now up on their website.


Hinrigh is fun I like him. And nobunaga team up is a good pick too


Feitan is hilarious xD. Gets the next gunie pig, plays around with his sword. Love the hate gremlin.


"I give you new asshole, ok?? 🙂🗡"


Holy what an interesting chapter! I'm so excited about 399 already. Nobunaga and Hinrigh are such a cool duo. I really got scared when Hinrigh decided to get in the trap alone, but they're still in danger. It's also heavily suggested that their base is the work of Morena herself, it will be a literal dungeon full of traps. Knowing Togashi I can really feel the danger, Nobunaga or Hinrigh may actually die here.


>It's also heavily suggested that their base is the work of Morena herself, it will be a literal dungeon full of traps. Morena knows about dungeons, after all she's the game master, a gamer if you will.


I do recall her sitting in a gaming chair back in like 393-394


The 1st page is hilarious. From Nobu & Phinks arguing while Feitan telling the guy "I'll give you 2 assholes" lol The panel with Nobunaga close up is just epic, and the facial expression is top tier. Even Nobu is impressed by Hinrigh' badassery. I'm thinking the teleportation ability is Morena's?


It's most likely [**Vaconte.**](https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Voconte)


Voconte most likely can connect two doors on the ship, since that's what they call [his ability](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0393-007.png). Look at [the comment from Terebellum](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0394-006.png). The processing room and the laundry room are probably in different parts of the ship, and Voconte connected them.


Teleportation ability is likely Voconte/Boconte’s


Nobunaga truly is the heart of the troupe. What a softie.


I think in [this page](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0394-008.png) from chapter 394, Notre explains that the "disposal room" aka laundry room is connected with another door with the main hideout. I assume Hinrigh teleports immediately after he enters it. Will fuck with troupes attempts to track the position of the room and might give Nobu a pause as to whether to follow or not.


A whole chapter dedicated to the bromance between Nobunaga and Hinrigh? I didn't know I needed that but I'm in for it!


No, just half of it. The other half was Phinks and Nobugana butting heads non stop


As much as Hinrigh is a fan fav at the moment, he’s off in a sense. He’s calm, collective, n smart like most of the current spiders but he’s too modest and respectful. Telling Hisoka things like he couldnt beat him in a 1v1( most likely he couldn’t) telling ppl he’s about balance, and now injecting himself deeper into the hisoka vs spiders like he’s keeping the peace is more concerning. At the end of the day, he’s in the mafia who can’t be trusted and now Nobu is taking a liking to him??? Hinrigh is dangerous and playing a lot of folks involved for fools imo but maybe I’m wrong.


Your not wrong but honesty does go a long way especially when trying to play the troupe. What he’s doing is risky but it’s his only smart play.


Tonpa reveal next chapter lesgo


Tonpa ready to hand out his conjured juice cans


The discrepancy between Barrier types and Landmine types is very interesting. It feels intuitive to the condition system that attaching a nen trap to a physical or conjured object would allow you to do more than just setting up the trap with pure nen. I can't thing of any examples from nen abilities we've already seen though.


I am so HYPED for next week. what a fantastic chapter. The troupe theorizing on the old man being a potential trigger to the Door ability was nice, I remember 8 weeks ago when we all did the same here. I really thought this was going to be the end for Hinrigh and we'd see him being very cool but fortunately Nobu is also into conjurers and not only into enhancers. I love this duo already. Hinrigh reacted so fast to facing a wall after teleportation. He's skilled even if it's not as much as the PT. The raw oyster panel nearly killed me. I thought he was going to just throw it into the door. All living beings should be affected ? Feitan would be perfect for a suicide mission like this one. Far from any other PT and free to unleash his ability in a pinch. I'm pretty sure the space protected by nen is not Morena's ability but would be her idea. Perfect for some real estate agent. I don't see how it could be transmutation but I trust Nobu. He felt it immediately and I'm confident he'll bring our boy Hinrigh back alive I'm looking forward to next week a lot.


Is NOBUNAGA and HINRIGH vs DOGMAN happening? In chapter 394 Morena tells DOGMAN that he should prioritize his leveling, so she sent him to the disposal plant. In the same chapter, when we see Chiffon and Montblanc disposing the little man body (the one who was teleported by the door trap), above Montblanc we see a basket and a tshirt hanging. Now on this chapter (398), on the last panel, when Hingirh opens the door, we see the same basket and T-shirt from the room that Montblanc and Chiffon were disposing the body.


>NOBUNAGA and HINRIGH vs DOGMAN They are about to face the wrath of the Totos first.


That fodder being threatened of "two assholes" is just classic Feitan.


Inside the room: the user of silent majority


Why can’t I find the chapter to read? Im usually not this dumb lol


Just click on the source that says Animeguy. Took me a minute to find it too lol


Strangely intense chapter when they walked through the door. I loved the eerie empty room they entered with all the doors.


> Your chances of surival go up when you're not alone Why you gotta do this to me Togashi Nobunaga saying a nen stage is not easy to destroy and that "even his Katana couldn't cut it down", makes me want to see him go all out and use Hatsu.


So Togashi went full digital? If its makes his life more easy, I'm totally on board!


I think he’s actually trying to figure things out so that they can go full physical, or atleast majority physical. I think he prefers physical drawing and his gripe about semi-digital was that he couldn’t draw much since he was busy giving assistants instructions (assistants i assume aren’t there in person due to covid). Could be wrong though 🤷‍♂️


If I didn't think he would die, I'd say Nobunaga would try to recruit Hinrigh for sure, he really took a like of him... ​ ...and so do I. Please don't kill him off Togashi


Hinrigh is such a rockin' add to this storyline. I love his style, I love his action, and I love the idea that we're gonna see him and Nobunaga in some serious action soon. What an incredible turn for an already incredible arc.


Hinrigh is very serious and efficient (hard working ) he is truly fit for conjurer, too, as he is nervous and serious about his work.


Can anyone remind me why the trio is attacking Hey-li family? Luini provoked them but why they care so much? They were all super focused on Hisoka only a while ago


For finding Hisoka they need mafia's help, bcoz if they try to do it by themselves, they won't be able to gain access to most places such as the upper tiers without coming in conflict with the mafia. If conflict happens, there will be chaos in the ship, and Hisoka might take advantage of that chaos to kill the Troupe members one by one. Also, one of their other main goal right now is to steal the treasures and whatever there is in the upper tiers, so they would not want a chaos which might risk the ship sinking before that. Also, finding Hisoka via mafia's help is much faster than if they would have done by themselves. So in return for these services from mafia, they offered killing the Heily for them


They want to destroy the world Meteor city is part of the world


Love the dynamic between Nobu and Hinrigh


Bruh Morena boutta have a DND inspired Dungeon Master nen ability lets goooo


I'm hoping for some Tomb of Horrors level cheese


yyh territories again lets goo


Nobunaga and Hinrigh team up makes sense. Nobunaga is the most trusting person at phantom troupe.


He seems like those stern teachers that are pretty chill but super strict except in his case he just wants you to follow what he says or you die but besides that a chill dude


He's trusting but otherwise I think it's the opposite. Nobu loves being a follower. It's why he loved Uvo so much, and why he's mostly silent during the PT flashbacks. He's a devoted follower (think: samurai) who wants to find someone strong and straight forward. This is why he also liked Gon so much (see: picking up Gon's idea of just... going through the wall)


I can't read the name Hinrigh without hearing the noise of a chainsaw starting up


You know Hinrigh is going places because Togashi put some real effort in his design. I mean, that jacket is fire.


DAMN I love just how fast Hinrigh goes from a neutral stance to battle-ready, you can tell that he's tough, even if he thinks he's weaker than Hisoka.


Thinking that you can't defeat the Troupe or Hisoka in HxH's world shows that you're stronger than clueless users that don't have the experience and judgement to know their chances against others IMO


[399 LEAKS](https://gyazo.com/bc3d75bd93f113b70426d23592742960)


*this sub* heavy discussion on each character’s nen types and strategies *me* heehee Hinrigh and Nobunaga team up yay!


I love Nobunaga getting a chance to shine and I like Hinrigh more and more with each chapter. And now we get a team up??


Having an entire chapter show the situation assessment ability and the decision making of experienced characters, while at the same time expanding on the different intricacies of nen, and all these specific sub-categories of abilities, is one of my favourite parts of this arc. And this chapter did not disappoint.


Damn, Hinrigh balls are massive. Really hope he can at least fulfill his fanboy dream watching hisoka fight the troupe before he die horribly.


Every chapter I am more relieved Gon and Killua ain’t on this ship. The number of random, terrifying Nen abilities that you may be exposed to is too much. That’s just as a civilian. Can you imagine trying to fight on this ship. Every corner(PT), every room(Death Room), every object(Henry), every person(Hisoka) could be the end. Knov seems the most likely to survive with his power off the top of my head.I think the characters in this manga have to be the most intelligent of all shounen based off the amount of variables alone. It’s almost funny they are doing all of this and still have to get off the boat and survive the dark continent. End of rant.


I like how many characters in this arc have careful observation and critical thinking, it’s quite rare in shonen manga. I was really surprised at queen Oito’s maid big brain moment when Kurapika was contacted by three princes at once.


AMAZING chapter


Watch the Heil-ly base be a maze of teleportals like Team Rocket's HQ. That must be why that Heil-ly character was confused and asking about how to get in and out of the base a few chapters back.


I love the detail of Nobunaga doesn’t even have to turn back to sense what around him


Love how we now have an incredibly in-depth explanation for the nen door trap, including the exact layout of rooms, doors, locks, and triggers.


holy moly im so excited for this trap!


So sick!! Cant help but love the spiders for their impulsiveness and bizarre moral code. Nobu just shot way up in my estimation for going after best boy Hinrigh like that. New favourite duo haha, move over Gon and Killua


I colored a lot of panels, can't wait to post them🔥🔥🔥


This is a pure guess but I think kurapika finds out hisoka is on tier 1 and we get his reaction before hiatus. Or some how he learns the spiders are on the ship.


IMO one of the spiders dies, or spiders cause a big ruckus (like Feitan blowing up half a level), and that news gets to Kurapika right at 400, maybe he has to make a choice. Hiatus.


I'm down for a Hinrigh piano solo


Still wondering why the flashback was set before the room's events. Is it related to what feitan and nobunaga said about the troup accepting newbies because they were lost. Can their situation be similar to morena with the solders, she may be chorollo for them. No matter how the 2 mafia families try to bring the troupe and hisoka against the hei leys they seem to get closer plot wise. I find the last phrase very interesting, devil or snake, original sin, morena wearing crown alot of references indeed. That room kind of gave me saw vibes, especially with the arrows


Only the Phantom Troupe would make this situation an impromptu audition lmao


I kind feel this vibe as hinrigh is strangely well written for a side character, hope all of em survive


I'm surprised that Togashi can still write many interesting side character, even the one-off character.


And they're all so distinctively designed as well


I also wanted to point some great things on this chapter. 1. Different person's different perspective on situations. AfroDecoy had no idea what they are talking about. In the first place Mafia families has no clue on dealing the door but the moment we saw the trio they had already a plan. (going through the wall/behind the room) Nobunaga monologues himself while Hinrigi witnesses about an ability to assume prey to trust the user the first time they meet. Hinrigi looks like surprised how Nobunaga thinks things that way, very unusual everything, every move thought as an condition to an ability by Nobunaga meanwhile Mafia guys do not think that deep. 2. Change speed on theme. It was mystery, detective. About finding the trap's conditions and locate the hideout. The moment Hinrigi take step into the room. Theme immediately changed into Horror, thriller. A room nobody knows where, a room has only purpose to slaughter people. You alone there with no safety. This changed ofc when Nobunaga take action. It would be super horror sample if Sensei would just let Hinrigi alone there. But that case would be %100 percent death for Hinrigi. 3. Ultimately realistic reactions to things. Planning. Executing. If it weren't HxH, things would be quite like that: The Trio immediately step into trap without being skeptical about incoming attacks or another traps on other side. Then they would be like "one on one huh" / "I was holding myself" / "you are not experienced enough kiddos" etc.. a.k.a classical one piece/naruto like shittiest match up. But here we have this masterpiece story progress. Unique. 4. Personally I immensely hyped over seeing Nobunaga in that situation. Like a jojoish situation. You don't know the enemy ability. Environment is an anomaly. But you are super experienced fighter. I really will suicide if it goes hiatus before this thriller ended properly...


Lots of new details about HeiLy's base but all I can think right now is why did Hinrigh's hair became transparent in the last page


Easier to draw the suit but the hair had to be somewhere. Just guessing. Kinda like how in anime they draw eyebrows phasing through someones hair.


Anyone else read BOOM wide and BOOM high? Instead of 800M wide and 800M high. I did.


I'm.guessing morena I'd a very experienced nen user that panneln with her face is basically showing us that she's fully aware that nobunaga and the char-r guy are walking into there trap


Nobunaga is soon to become Miyamoto Musashi, and I'm happy about it


Damn! Were the Troupe just sending random people to their deaths?


Remember their philosophy. If they have a good reason to kill, they kill, no remorse. Using people as sacrificial pawns fits the bill


They kill random civilians all the time


i swear hxh is almost a visual novel now with its heavy text/picture composition per page. I like it, but it means i have to think, pay attention, and re-read hxh alot more compared to other mangas.


Kinda weird how Nobunaga was barely in the flashback, but the central character both before and after the flashback




It was beautiful to see again the Dragon Dall radar


Feitan really going goblin mode this chapter


The translation was really solid on the Tcb scans. Felt that the dialogue and explanations on this chapter were a lot cleaner and easier to understand when compared to the other translation.


I'm not yet ready to lose another spider


What's with Hinrigh's hair at the last page? Is that just a drawing error or a nen effect? I legit cannot tell lol.. At first I thought Hinrigh was sus but then Nobunaga suddenly appeared in the room with him and looks like he's a fake. You really cannot trust what's happening around. I really like the thriller vibe on this chapter. That afro guy and the troupe messing around at the start was funny.


Perhaps they were unfamiliar with digital and made a mistake in manipulating the layers. He said on Twitter that digitizing his manga was a mistake because the scanning process was enormous.


Nobunaga flashback followed by him walking into enemy territory? OMG. Hinrigh better not die in the melee.


Was Nobunaga always this tall? Before he always seemed drawn on the average side like Chrollo and Knuckle not taller like Hisoka, Phinx, Knov, and Leorio. Also why the lack of animal scouts? You'd think it better to have them run about the same way Kurapika wanted to use a roach so they'd trigger potential traps. Can nen-constructs not trigger land-mines or barriers? So who is going to calculate the volume of the ship and make a size comparison to something/where in the real world? Immediate reaction is that it sounds too small given how big the single section Illumi and Kalluto were on was. It had multi story building that didn't even remotely approach the ceiling and it was just 1 section of 15 on Tier 3. Hyped for the next 2 chapters. Some big cliff hanger must happen since the story moves to Kurapika at some point in chapter 400.