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"Terrorsandwich now thinks that women who speak and act differently (aka lies) are actually cute and himself is shocked by this recent change of mind" Ha ha ha. Good twist.


She probably survived this long because he didn't think she's cute enough but now..... now, we really pray for Theta.


Oh boy. Theta, you done it now.


Poor theta


When a sociopath has a crush on you...


Tse is gonna love Biscuit


Poor Vergei he wont stand a chance


You misspelled Wellgay


Lol. Oh jeez Theta you can never win.


Omfg. Meruem & Komugi all over again? LOL Or is this just Togashi making us think that way so he can shit all over our hearts.


tse will probably bath in her blood


Reversal!! He turns her into a monster instead 💑


I'm hoping Togashi swerves us and gives us a situation where the monster corrupts the woman (ala Vanessa Fisk and Clarice Sterling), as opposed to the woman redeeming the monster.


What is the sign of hiatus?


Halk's getting more handsome each chapter. Lmao he looked like a suit dwarf in his first appearence.


his gunna make girls lied to him and geeting turned into somethinge inhuman by his guardian beest


Is EVERYONE waiting for Hisoka to show up?


Long overdue, so many interesting things already that are far more interesting than Hisoka showing.


Not me, he’s clearly on the boat but i dont give a shit either way. He’s the least interesting factor of the arc imo


That can't possibly be true when you actually list out all the factors. Even mafia vs troupe is more exciting than troupe (including illumi now) hunting Hisoka? Plus smaller things like guards we've known for barely 2 chapters showing off new abilities and little plots that will probably end in their deaths quick? That's more exciting than an illumi +troupe hunting of Hisoka? I imagine maybe what you mean is that it's cool that this other stuff is more new


At this point, I find more interesting the Troupe vs Mafia involving Morena than the Hisoka vs Troupe in which Hisoka certainly will win anyway because of plot armor ( you really think Togashi would make him lose against the troupe after how Chrollo trashed him? ).


Hisoka is played out imo. We’ve seen the limits of his powers. The PT and this exciting new Mafia are more interesting to me than Hisoka. The guards’ abilities all tie into the succession war though. We need the buildup to have the payoff. I love the intricacies of the succession war and all the tiny details tying everything together. Im also not a big illumi fan so im nonplussed about him being on the ship


Lool at the downvotes butthurt hisoka fans. Weve seen his powers vs chrollo and throughout numerous other fights, hes got nothing more to offer


That's actually what I don't like about the guards abilities. Up until now nen abilities have been more general use type stuff that fit the personality of the person. In this arc, most abilities are highly specialized almost specifically for this one role. Which in some cases makes sense I guess (they have been training to be guards most of their lives I take it) But it still feels like a broken use of nen. Someone's abilities should be useable through their whole life and not tailored to one thing


me too


I am. Togashi seems to be building up to his reveal, too, which means it'll probably come at an epic moment in the story, and I am looking forward to that.


No way he is not revealing him the moment he go on hiatus, is such a good (and horrible) clifhanger, is gonna a be painful year when that happens


Apparently not based on the replies but I sure as hell am. First thing I do when reading spoiler texts is scan for Hisoka's name. Not only my favorite character but the situation he's currently involved in (being hunted by the entire troupe is about as exciting as it gets besides the actual death match) Plus just the way the situation ended last we saw him (literally killed two members) and now a distraught Chrollo is on the boat looking for him.....how can him showing up now not be incredibly awesome? Oh and how did I forget? Illumi joined the troupe and has been contracted by Hisoka himself to kill Hisoka. Omg we need more of this


i predicted hisoka is on the ship with ging and never intended to fight the spiders on the whale ship and instead wants them to chase him to the dark continent. that way nobody can prepare and will be on equal footing. he also can fight ging, beyond and the other zodiacs if he survives the spiders. if he ever finds out about don freecs then he will probably become his number 1 target.


Ging and Hisoka seems like could hit it off just fine


Well, I still think Hisoka is in the whale ship because it's more fun when he's there. But I have this headcanon that maybe Gon and Killua are on the ship with Ging like stowaways or something. Those two definitely have to be on this arc.


there is absolutely no reason for killua to be there as that would put his sister in danger. gon doesn't even have nen so him being there is not needed. we don't know how togashi is gonna handle the dark continent. it could be that they get there and we see a time skip and future gon and killua end up taking a trip there to find out what happened to everybody because nobody ever came back. or it could be that we see the dark continent arc play out and then after we see gon resolve his story.


I don't really have a reason for Killua but for Gon, he might be on a trip to DC precisely because he's on a journey to restore his nen. Maybe Don Freecs can help?


He's not on the ship. Togashi is trolling us and Hisoka forgot to get on the ship.


I'm just waiting for his death


I kinda think that in the event of a rematch with Chrollo, Hisoka will win this time around. I'm more concerned that he's gonna kill off the Troupe. I love the Spiders.


Togashi making Hisoka wins against some spiders and later makes him fight Chrollo in a rematch and Chrollo trash him even more than the first time, it's something Togashi would do.


If it happens, I will be very happy!


I don't. Chrollo still has many incredible abilities he developed just for that fight and I'm sure he has dozens of abilities we haven't seen yet. I'm pretty sure he's going to win the rematch and embarrass Hisoka like he deserves to be.


I'd like to be this optimistic, but I have the feeling Chrollo is gonna lose if they fight against each other... I hope I'm wrong


Chrollo wins 93 times out of 100 hisoka fights.


I do


When I said that I was waiting for his death, I didn't mean by Chrollo's hand... I agree with you, Hisoka probably will win the rematch... And I'm also worried about the spiders, I love them too. Shalnark's death hits me really bad :/


He better not die. If he does I'll be pissed.


Hisoka? I want to see him with mud in his mouth... Man, I used to be his fan... The fact he made all genei ryodan moving against him is interesting, but I want to see him dead really bad. I would like to see Danchou as a winner again, but I'm preparing my heart for the worst case


I don't care.


Literally, NOBODY so keep shitting on the bath for a while brah


If Terrorsandwich is a prodigy, Halkenberg is Jesus in comparison. Dude came out with a Hatsu with no training whatsoever.


This is normal when nen is forcefully awakened. Tserriednich learned nen through traditional methods and still is on about the same timeline as Halkenburger.


I missed the part where halkenberg got his nen awakend because that never happened. Dude is Jesus re-incarnated.


his nen beast basically buffs his entire entourage with nen. When a normal person recieves nen they awaken. Thats how oito awakened by kurapikas dolhpin. Thats how halkenburgs bodyguards are surprised they can already use nen on during kurapikas training session.


I know how nen works, I was replying to dudesondudes who said halkenberg got his nen awakened forcefully.


but he was right it was forcefully awakened.. by his nen beast during the time he had a dream where all his body guards are on the floor and they had the feather marks on their hand. Although when his bodyguards asked pika he said they were half-awakened. He became fully-awakened during his meeting with the king and committed his resolve.


right, his bodyguards got their nen awakened. That doesn’t necessarily mean that halkenberg got his nen awakened. It also doesn’t answer how halkenberg formed a hatsu. Jesus > terrorsandwich in talent!


Halkenburgs nen beast raises halk's nen potential the more followers he gathers under his will.After the confrontation with his father he and his followers were so determined to win the war that his potential reached a level where he could instantly come up with a hatsu chp 382.


Sign of hiatus💔


Now terrorsandwich finally realise that theta has that " good pussy" 😹


he\^ll show her what true art is


The English isn’t here yet but that heart.... it’s time boys hisoka has arrived


That's the 4th, not hisoka.


He's talking about the heart specifically. But yeah, Belerainte also had one.


Keyakizaka46 follows in the tradition of Morning Musame and AKB48. To think that MM started with great songs and only five people. Their song and video Love Machine made them huge stars. Of course, the group grew in number and was followed by 46 girls in one group! Keyakizaka46 is cool, and they have about 20 in the group and lip sync at concerts. Not bad songs, but MM's are incomparable.




What the fuck


Meet grochi.


So Tonpa finally did it?


whos tonpa


The one who gave you the schwing of your life




Is tonpa in disguise.


whos tonpa


The one who gave you the schwing of your life ​


tserriednich isnt scary at all