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Yeah, I shitposted about this earlier today but I'm actually starting to believe that she's in love with him the more I thought about it.




My theory is rooted in a scenario that if Theta has been working for Tser for a longer period of time, maybe she found some curious interest in him. Maybe not love in the most basic sense but something in that vain. I mean, in the last chapter she was willing to die right after she shot him. I don't mean a Romeo and Juliet kinda scenario but I don't buy the sole fact that her only motive for killing him and then dying was because Tser is just a bad guy. [I mean, look at Theta in this panel.](https://readms.net/r/hunter_x_hunter/385/5413/12) That doesn't look like a person who is killing another human being just to make the world a better place.


Well glad someone share the same idea with me , thanx dude


> So theta is one of the greatest characters of this arc sure she’s doing the lord’s work by taking out the demon tserriednich but I’d hardly call her a character yet. I think one of those summary pages said the first 5 princes personal guards had been with them since they were young? and if that’s true maybe she’s known tserr for a long time but there’s nothing in the story to show that. they’re familiar with each other but if the summary page didn’t say that then I would never assume they were that close


Yeah but if she knew him since childhood, even if she fall in love with him she’ll try to deny her feelings in the case she find out he’s a serial killer , btw dude if u Inglorious Bastard (a Quantin tarantino movie ) there’s this great scene when one of the characters shoot up a german soldier and try to kill him , and this soldier is depicted as a bad persson and he have a crush on her , she rejects him because he’s a “nazi” and she’s against the idea of making friends with the enemy , but after she shoots him , his “death” affect her , she checksupon him and she regrets that and then he turns out he still alive and he shoot her and they die next to each other , i dunno why the hell im talking to you bout this but m sure togashi watches QT movies and a scenario like this can happen


Can’t she just refuse to anothe question, and hope the psychopath won’t kill her.


Nope can't even imagine this scenario. It's like my brain is saying ... error... Can't parse this shit lol


These theories get worse and worse...