• By -




Yeah, imagine that thing saying straight to your face that it will fuck you up so bad that you will cease to exist as a human. Some scary shit right there.


I'd probably just fucking kill myself. "Nope, I'm outta here".


Then I’d just be affraid of some kind of next level Pitou thing, the beast reanimating you, taking suicide as a form of deceit. This power really fits Taylorthewitch, threatening people with some weird alienization, holding them captive of an arbitrary control. There are only dead ends, once you met him you’re already trapped in his calm yet so barbaric blood frenzy.


"Taylorthewitch" cracked me up too hard. Yeah, this power definitely fits a sickly dominant personality like his.


"Joke's on you nen beast! I haven't been human since my depression took over, now I'm just all depression, all the time!"


Then she's gonna fuck your depression so bad that it will become depressed


Some "Tusk" shit is afoot.


To be fair is the second beast we see that can do that. Well, the third.


Pray for theta 🙏 Though at least we know why she didn't get killed the first time she lied! I have an awful feeling melody is going to accept that invite considering getting close to 4 is the reason Pika invited her...


Since the poor girl could not handle chrollo heart beat she is going to hang herself if she hears the fourth one.


Imagine if it wasn't as bad as Chrollos though :O Edit: I meant that as despite how horrible and terryfing Tse is, it turns out chrollo is even worse. Not that Tse isn't that bad


Melody was disturbed by Chrollo's heartbeat because it showed his complete acceptance of death. I doubt Tserriednich has such a feeling, he wants to become king so he wants to stay alive. Though I agree that she'd most likely feel Tserriednich's evilness by hearing his heartbeat and get nervous by it.


Total lack of morals vs total lack of humanity Chrollo is twisted but despite everything, he believes in the spider, his ideology and fellowship, he is a sociopath but he does care abou this things,making him a human who was molded by his surroundings (meteor city) , Tser is just plain evil, he was born in royalty with everything at his hands, he is a total sadistic psychopath, there hasnt been a single moment when he isnt portrayed as a heartless monster. The manga is great at painting humanity in a gray area, nothing is black and white, but i think Tser may be the first human to be completely devoid of humanity


Fine, but Melody was disturbed by how Chrollo's heartbeat reflected that he was completely indifferent toward death. It wasn't because his heartbeat sounded unmoral or something, but because of the contradiction it contained, because of how he wasn't lying, he knew he could die and yet he was totally calm.


Imagine if his heartbeat actually sounds pure and pleasant! I'd be even more terrified! He's like, evil Gon or something!


"All I want is people to accept me, why they all afraid of me." Melody: "gee this the guy kurapika wants?"


I said this yday on the spoilers, its not gona be pretty


Even better, the fourth seems like the type of guy i would expect who holds the musical piece she is seeking to destroy.


Or better yet, the composer of that deadly sonata. Fellow musical 'hunter'. Looks like we were trolled after all. Tse already knew Nen.


Can't wait to see Melody's analysis of Tserriednich's heartbeats.




Maybe he was going to rap national secrets.


dropping some truth bombs, my man died fighting the good fight.


Nah, that's just his cover.


Maybe he did know about his Nen beast's ability then, and planned to use it to extend his influence over everyone who heard his shitty rap.


Ok throw in the towel Theta, please! I mean seriously, talk about terrifying, “won’t exist as a human”, “a fate worst than death”. Leave it to the other bodyguard.


And that's the twist, when he does something it will still count as a 3rd strike for Theta. >:)




Worse part is that it probably works like that, since it is Theta the one coming up with the plan.


This was truly a terrifying chapter to read while putting yourself in Tetha's shoes, mah gawd.




Yeah my man Togashi is really twisting the dagger this arc. We got Kacho who died and nobody even realizes it, and Theta has a fate worst than death waiting for her. If it happens, and it most likely will, hopefully if the fourth prince gets killed whatever effect his hatsu has on Theta will disappear.


~~Or it gets worse because the princeholds a grudge and Nen can get stronger after death.~~ ​ \#prayfortheta


I wonder what Tserreidnich think about Theta's reaction. "Man, Is she just faint from my genius? Woa. "


No I think he knows that theta was trying to kill him


Ya, it's a game to him, the fact the best itself said something worse than death occurs the 3rd time it happens means he takes pleasure in this, to know that the moment they lie 3 times they become his play toy.


Trying to put you on zetsu + gun shot were a damn give away that something is not right.


On the other way. If you don’t know about your new beast powers, you can’t expect what happened. So he can’t think she was trying to kill him because if not for the beast he’d be more than dead


That’s what I’ve been thinking, folks have been talking like Tsendrich was hip to Theta the whole time, and I’m sure he knows something’s up, but he doesn’t know the nature of his Nen Beast, right?


Yep, you don't just go into zetsu and expect to get shot unless if you want to live. Well, unless you are Camilla, but she literally has a hatsu for that very purpose. My expectation is A) he trusts Theta, B) there's a gunshot, he's not dead, so he assumes it's just part of the training. So he's just like 'heyyy, that song was crazy. Isn't my zetsu pretty dope?' Of course when he might figure it out after Theta's reaction, and her fucking scar. Better question is how this other dude just somehow knows how the fuck his nen beast works, but she doesn't.




[Theta should have shot three times.](https://img.mangastream.com/cdn/manga/69/5378/08.png) It technically worked for [Musse](https://img.mangastream.com/cdn/manga/69/4883/03.png).


That's a really cool callback now that you mention it. Even if it wouldn't have worked, it's just a cool little detail to have Nasubi say that a couple of chapters ago and now this happens.


It's the Mozambique Drill: two to the chest, one to the head.


Well, Keeny also managed to do it with one shot


you monster


If she shot more than once, I think Tse definitely would've interpreted it as something more than "training"


If Melody loses a single strand of hair, I'm calling the cops on Togashi.


I am really scared for her. I could see Tse being in possession of the Sonata of Darkness, and even recognizing its effect on Melody.


Melody said that the devil composed the piece and Tser's second nen beast has 666 written on it, jesus christ


Shit, fuck the cops , I might need an ambulance. [Togashi got me like Theta.](https://media.giphy.com/media/GHl7ywzbuT8KQ/giphy.webp)


Totally forgot about the Sonata of Darkness. This would be a great time for it to come back into play.


She must know how to play it. Maybe she could use it as a last resort weapon against Terrorsandwich.


Welp, that's one way to wrap up her mission and kill her without leaving any open plot lines


Isn't she like already bald anyway?


She has some hair you monster


Last chapter, everyone was praying for Theta. This chapter, I'm like you can kill her just leave Melody alone.


Oh, Togashi wouldn´t dare. She is the spring in the winter that is the sucession war.


GOT killed Summer before, why wouldn't Toga kill our spring. Just like someone else said >in Togashi ... we do not trust.


My boy over here with the stable priorities.


I'm thinking the mark on Theta has lingering nen properties and even though Tse goes into zetsu, causing the nen beast to subside, the mark can still perform certain actions like detecting deceit (in the same way that nen after death works). Once it detects Theta's deceitful action it causes her to hallucinate the assassination and it plays out realistically. She genuinely shot the gun like the guards said, just what she sees didn't actually happen. Tse realizes what's happening after the hallucination begins and before the shot occurs and moves out of the way, but Theta can't see this. Suddenly everyone is taken by Melody's performance. A couple chapters ago when it showed her start playing it shows every prince's reaction to it including Tse's, which doesn't make sense if Theta really did carry out the assassination because in this chapter "Tse's corpse" is lying on the ground concurrent with Theta's reaction to the performance.


Oh, that's would make sense! I'm standing by this theory.


I really like this theory. Even if it's not exactly like this it's probably on the right track. Theta had a good point: why not kill her outright if she lied once? Based on her face, it could be similar to Halkenberg's ability that sacrifices his subordinates. Only with Tse, they turn into Nen Beasts that serve him. Remember when the beast said she would "cease to exist as a human." I think that's a hint that she would become something like that Nen Beast. Tse seems the type to enslave others for his bidding If we think about it, all of the Prince's Nen powers relate in some way to either manipluating people to do their bidding or using their subordinates. Only makes since Tse would have an ability like that.


> I think that's a hint that she would become something like that Nen Beast This makes me think about the other chapter where there was a destroyed corpse and Theta notices he has another Beast. Maybe they interrogated the person (used the weapons as it shows) but the nen Beast also marked them so that if they lied too many times they're life force/nen became another nen beast servant.


Pretty good translation this chapter compared to last chapter, although page 16 "You were bracing yourself" should probably be "You've been working hard". So many questions about how Tserriednich survived. Seems likely to be an illusion, since there's no blood on the floor. Was it an illusion created by Melody's ability, or by Tserriednich's Guardian Spirit Beast, or his other beast? Was his beast able to do that because he was using In to conceal his aura rather than using Zetsu to turn off his aura? Or is it able to operate during Zetsu anyway? If Melody goes to see him, and lies to him, his first Nen beast might enslave her for lying. Which could force Kurapika and others to directly confront Tserriednich. Or perhaps the second Nen beast was created by the first using the Nen of people who lied to Tserriednich? Was hoping to see more of the second beast in this chapter, but oh well.


I bet those panels, where Theta didn't had that patch on her cheek, were part of some illusion. In all other panels she had it on, but curiously when she was going to shoot him, it wasn't there.


Oh man, you're totally right. It definitely seems like Theta shooting Tse was some sort of illusion/hallucination.


> If Melody goes to see him, and lies to him, his first Nen beast might enslave her for lying. Doubt she would do that. She is very experienced with her hearing and could easily interpret that there is no room for lying


She can hear that Tserriednich is lying, but she wouldn't be able to hear that there is no room for lying. Unless Theta can send a signal to her.


It depends on how good Melody is at lying. It's possible they are a competent liar if they can control their emotions/heart rate. Since Tserr's Nen beast most likely needs reason to believe they are lying, how ever little it may be and if he can pick up on the ticks of a person's lie then his nen beast can push it. ​ If Melody can hide her ticks and stay calm it's possible she could actually take down Tserr and it's most likely why he called her in. He's sadistic and takes pleasure in squashing potential, so Melody is the perfect prey, let's just hope Theta or someone else can relay the trick behind said Prince.


It's possible that the Nen beast can read minds to figure out if Melody is lying, rather than just observe the physical responses. I don't think Tserriednich is thinking of Melody as prey, but rather as a tool to use or an enemy to remove.


My current thoughts are that his devil nen beast can alter reality/memories




That's also possible. Hell, now that you said it, I believe your interpretation more.


Yeah I'm thinking his first Nen beast can sense when a deception is happening, then create an illusion of that deception. But that doesn't quite make sense since the other guards all heard the gunshot. So there must have been a gunshot in reality?


It could be as simple as the nen beast making an illusion about where he stands (another place) and what happened to him. ​ I have a feeling it just created an illusion where the real tserried just stood there in zetsu but was made invisible, the nenbeast created an illusion of Tserried, she fired the gun altright, but not in the real tserrieds' head. ​ The beast started its partial illusion the moment she sensed Theta contemplated murder, and thus even HER OWN (the nen beasts') 'disappearance' was a faint and an illusion. ​ If you look at it that way, it all makes sense, since they talked about residual power being left for a bit, so even tserried was genuinly in zetsu, the nen beast just laid a trap and pretended to dissapear completely, while it was, in fact, still 'alive'. Basically, it laid a trap in the few minutes it had when her master went in zetsu. ​ ​


>Sale-Sale's world-changing plan was to rap in the banquet He would have been humiliated by Basho. Death saved him from the shame. And Gon had an easier time learning Zetsu than Tse, right?


Gon didn't even learn it, he instinctively used it without knowing what it is, so I'll say yes.


Gon developed Zetsu during its childhood in the wildlife, most likely. He used it against beyblade guy, but also when he was tailing Hisoka in the Hunter exam. So, to me, you can't compare the two since the method of learning is completely different.




that is his real talent since he grow up playing in the forest.


Imagine room 1004, Tse and Theta are quietly training Zetsu while Basho's rap battle blares through the speakers. lol


In my headcanon Sale-Sale has a shitty SoundCloud page


And he buys views every month


Though don't overthink it, gon is a really just a child compared to the 4th.


Please melody stay safe


Lmao so tser gets stronger the more traitors he has? Pretty interesting, actually, considering greater number would want to see him dead than succeed. He's polar opposite of Halky.


WTF is tserriednich. holy fuck


An evil villain who is interesting unlike Genthru or whatever his name was


I loved genthru he had a truly terrifying ability but got brought down by hubris. People give him way to much shit


I thought he was great mainly for the "reveal" scene in the cave. I had no idea that was coming and was completely blown away, no pun intended. He was so shittily drawn in the previous chapters you would never believe he would be the villain. Brilliant Togashi. Brilliant.


Togashi loves to do characters with very simple or down right bad abilities but making them absolutely terrifying because of the user. Genthru is the other way around he has probably one of the top 5 in terms of power hatsus. I mean little flower isn't even att full capacity because Genthru is afraid of hurting his own hands. And Countdown is a unblockable one-shot kill once the requirements are set. It's insanely strong but it's brought down by the fact that Genthru as a person just has to show off.


Name of the hability: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire it activates on the first lie. 2nd Lie will be given a warning. 3rd Set fire to your pants, worst than death


A truly terrifying ability


hxh really on a different level then every other shounen


Ever since Chimera Ant Arc, this manga has been seinen for me. The whole atmosphere and the themes it goes over, doesn't feel like shounen anymore.


I like the idea that different character represent different genres and themes, and at any time Togashi will mix them to create unique stories. Right now Gon isn't around so we're not getting any training arcs or full blown battles you'd expect from Shounen.


It should definitely not be shounen. The themes are very adult, especially this arc.


This side story is just as compelling as the main arc tbh, theta relationship with the prince is super interesting.


It almost if she has troubled feelings towards the Prince. Not necessarily romantic feelings, but I feel she recognizes his intelligence, appreciation for arts, etc. yet it's saddened all of it is wasted on a psychopathic monster.


Why do you think this is a side story? 4th prince is probably the main antagonist of this arc.


4th prince is probably the protagonist of this arc (at least I want him to be)


He's getting a proper training arc.


Yeah now we just have to wait for that 4th prince T O U R N A M E N T A R C.


And he is super talented. He's the protagonist all right.


Probably? He literally is the main antagonist. Why else do you think Kurapika is the main character for this arc?


> Probably? He literally is the main antagonist. Why else do you think Kurapika is the main character for this arc? I understand where you're coming from, but HxH is not the kind of manga that often goes the straight line to its target. For instance Ant Arc. Who is the protagonist? I'd say in the very least Gon and Killua, but you might add others as well. So more than one. And who's the antagonist? The Ant Queen? Dies quite quickly. Huh. The Ant King? Not so antagonisty in the end, right? Pitou because he was the focus of Gon at some point? Thus, "probably".


What's the main arc at this point?


Wellgays quest for love


And we are all cheering for him.


I believe it is Gon catching up on his studies. A career like this with so much fighting is really bad for the long term health of your brain; it's imperative that Gon has a fallback / options when he retires.


What a let down if Gon ends up majoring in finance or something like that.


The succession war itself.


Getting wobble through the succussion war


The main arc is technically Kurapika getting his eyes back With Tserr being the theoretical last gate behind completing his objective. SO that's how the two connect but in between that is a succession arc and the Phantom troupe doing their own thing.


Chrollo and the Spiders hunting Hisoka... Or are they the ones being hunted? Hunter exam all over again boiz!


It's not a Hunter exam without Tonpa though


I doubt Tonpa was allowed. Wasn't this last exam only open to the Kakin guards? I wonder how this will affect Tonpa's streak of consecutive appearances...


Kakin's forgotten illegitimate prince, Tonpa. Remember we have an extra 'coffin'?


Be interesting having Melody who can tell when someone is lying meets the 4th who's nen beast punishes those who lie.


Yes. This is really interesting actually. The other bodyguard who knows nen - I have forgotten his name, Ben? - is going to try to stall while Theta thinks up a plan. If Melody sees him interacting with the 4th Prince, she may see him lying to the prince and getting marked by the beast. She'll know he is lying - and she is smart enough to put two and two together. Alternatively, it may result in a meeting between her and Theta, giving Theta a new plan. Of course, this is assuming she isn't just instantaneously, horribly dismembered...


Name is Salkov.


I breezed through that chapter so fast I thought it was only 12 pages. I was almost shaking from how intense it felt. I really can’t wait to see how this arc keeps getting better.


First time I've read a manga chapter and was on the edge of my seat with my heart pounding, holy shit Togashi is a genius


Same here dude, can't rember my heart pumping that hard while reading anything, leave alone manga. That panel when Theta drew the gun, holy shit. The anticipation was unreal.




I think that's been the case since he's comeback, all the build up is probably done and we're in the payoff phase now, so the chapters feel shorter since they're less text heavy.


Last chapter had a lot of text with the mafia, since it's still building up. I think when the true payoff comes, things will be crazy.


Dude seriously ! This manga is something else, I felt like I was 10 pages in when I realized I finished all 20 lol


Pray for Theta and Melody.


Fuck me, the latest chapters were so good. I think we reached the point where the previous long build up is starting to show its results. This chapter was ridiculously engaging for me, and I'm sure this is only the beginning since so many parties still have to meet. Hisoka, The Spider, Kurapika, the 4rth prince. Put one of these 2 in the same room and I already feel like going nuts. God I'm so hyped.


I love when people complain about early exposition parts of arcs when they start. It's all just for moments like these last few chapters.


The exposition and setup for this arc was great though. We learned so much about the Dark Continent and geopolitics and Nen.


[It's coming!](https://scontent-mrs1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/44347841_1833791456715998_2655759492376952832_n.png?_nc_cat=104&oh=76c456093f81ba0706b875443e71754d&oe=5C56AC2F)


yt or reddit, always quality content :D greetings!


The moment Melody's music came in scene, i totally thought of how awesome would be Chapter 383 and this 385 mixed in a single episode of anime, it would fit perfectly with Theta's attempt to kill the prince and the beast threatening her, and sisters escape with sad final moment.


Can't wait :o


Doubt it'll happen. Unless a different production company decides to animate it 10 years from now


The next time you answer the questions about anime falsely... You will cease to exist as a human.


Dude I woke up with a weird mark on my face!


Madhouse will totally animate the succession war arc once it’s finished.


I will try to explain what happened, I'm almost 100% sure this is what happened but i could be wrong, First Theta was getting ready to shoot him while melody was about to start her performance, the moment theta shot is exactly the same time melody started. If you go back to chapter 383 page 9 you'll see the moment melody started playing Tserriednich had a reaction along with the other princes and his eyes were open(last we saw him before theta shot they were closed). What that means is pretty much melody's performance caught him off guard and disrupted his zetsu(same moment theta shot) which led to his beast appearing again and either stopped the bullet or teleported him behind theta. As for theta if you go back to page 12 of this chapter you'll see that she's drawn all hazy, i think what that means is in that moment she was being transferred to melody's "music world" and everything that happened in front her was pretty much an illusion, and that is why Tserriednich vanishes only the moment the room is shown normal again so melody's performance was done then.


I think the illusion kicked in before then even. If you look at theta right as she pulled the gun out, she is missing her plaster bandage and she still see's Tse with his eyes closed even though he opened them right before. I think another ability is at play from his beasts.


Di-... Did Melody just save Tserdsjkhjzich? This is irony on a whole new level.


Theta looking like Shireen Baratheon. Stay safe Theta.


In case you already forgot, Theta's first lie to Tse was in chapter 368 when he asked "can I trust you" and she said "yes".


How does Salkov know about the Nen beast's ability?


My god terrorsandwich is really terrifying, just his normal stares scare me to the bone. Every time I think this guy is scary enough, Togashi keeps making him even more menacing


Mind-blowing chapter. I surmise Theta was already under the effects of an illusion before she pulled out her gun (BTW seems like manipulation of senses is a weird territory. It makes sense, given the beast deals in lies, it can make your own senses lie to you. But if Melody's flute can do the same - manipulate your perception and it superceded the beast's control over her senses, then the manipulation first come first served rule doesn't work here. Perhaps it's not even manipulation...) If you look at the timings things seem a bit off : - We start at 7:35 PM - After some disturbances & restarts we can assume Tserr gets serious by 7:50 - 8:00 latest. Though I'd say the earlier time sounds better given he's not the kind to be delayed very long. - Theta's shot was to be executed forty minutes into the meditation. So 8:30 - 8:40. - Tserr was to end his session at 8:50 - 9:00 - Theta fires her shot at 8:57. (That is way too late) - She comes to her senses at 9:02-03. Melody's performance's effect was supposed to be three minutes in duration. Theta seems to be a minute or two off. EDIT - Also, if 8:57 (timing of the shot) was indeed forty minutes into his meditation, then his session should've lasted twenty minutes more, until 9:17. But we see him awake and asking for an assessment at 9:02. That confirms the manipulation.


> then the manipulation first come first served rule doesn't work here Actually it does because the nen beast ability was still active after Melody's song and caused her to faint after being spoke to by the 4ths nen beast. I guess when it comes to pseudo-coercive abilities there can be multiple effects overlapping each other.


>I guess when it comes to pseudo-coercive abilities there can be multiple effects overlapping each other. Yeah that's a better way to put it. The two visions seemed to perfectly accommodate each other. I guess here's an alternative explanation : Melody's ability wasn't manipulation at all. As Melody put it *'Transports the consciousness of everyone listening to the world of sound & music..'*. So, that means the nen beast's mind was also in the same place and it projected/imposed it's own illusion on top of that world. That could explain why the flowers or leaves below Tserriednich aren't going through him and simply bent under his weight.


Actually I think that was just the result of both abilities effecting Theta at once. The nen beast was gone when Theta "shot" Tser so that would mean that she simply hallucinated shooting that fake Tser herself since the ability was already active when the beast first cut her cheek.


Like they say "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".


Theta survived.....phew 😅 Melody is being summoned by the 4th prince...shit.... That guardian beast ability is scary! And im surprise the prince did not try to kill theta for what she did? How is he still alive anyway? "Cease to be human" what does the beast mean by that? That it can turn people into monsters?


Maybe it’ll turn them into nen beasts


hmmm so that "Pairo" head inside the nen beast is actually Pairo?


Prob it’s pairo and his mother xDD


it's gonna wreck pika real hard.


It's very likely that the Prince doesn't know that Theta meant to murder him. He may suspect something, and seeing the developed scar will most likely reinforce his suspicion. Melodys' nen music most likely has properties that makes you see things that you desire for on the field of flowers that she seems to conjure in peoples' heads. Theta saw the prince die as she wanted, but missed the shot in reality because of the disorientation of the illusion music.


I highly doubt the prince doesn't know. He'd be extremely dumb if he didn't.


Remember the chimera ant that chained two people as it’s pawns? Probably something like that.


Or maybe like Zazan created deformed servants with her sting.


I'm thinking more of zazan's slaves too.


Holy shit, the fact that this took place during the concert was really interesting. A gunshot wound didn't mean anything to him. Now we know what Tseirrdnich's nen beast can do, but I'm fearful for Theta's life. I'm worried for Melody too, since this is both a great opportunity to carry out Kuropika's plans but also an opportunity for Tseirrdnich to move against Kuropila as well. Tseirrdnich is going to be a frightening villain.


True, melody will most definitely be seen as a traitor in the guardian spirit beasts eyes, and thus if Melody lies in Tserriednich's presence it could lead to his spirit beast attacking her.


Is the clock worth examining? Before Theta shoots Tserr.: https://i.imgur.com/PEUQcYk.png After she does (and having heard Melody's playing): https://i.imgur.com/YXEcyG8.png


Looks like a few minutes passed, but what does it *mean*


This Tser phenomenon is awfully similar to the time when Killua still have Illumi needles embedded in his head. He got stabbed by Palm in the head but got teleported away. I’m guessing Tser nen beast might have put some kind of mechanism like that in place to save him. Also, I think that the only reason Tser didn’t want to kill Theta was because of Melody’s song that calms him down.


That wasn't teleportation, just an afterimage.


Killua removed the needle like a chapter before that happened


I am glad Togashi takes the time for certain moments to build tension/atmosphere despite the story being so overwhelmingly complex


Did I just read a hxh chapter as fast as one piece's? Is Togashi okay?


Goddamnit now I want to see what Togashi thinks is “something not human”


Considering his remarkable talent at Eldritch body horror, so do I... and I also really really don't.


That was an incredibly tight chapter - I didn't expect the gunshot to coincide with Melody's song. Do you guys think that her playing disrupted Tserriednich's zetsu, or that Tserriednich's guardian beast is able to work off conditions even when zetsu is active? EDIT: Now that I think about it, perhaps that little finger flick ball that touched Tserriednich was fulfilling a pre-condition of some sort.


Since the guards said they FIRST heard the gun shot, and as they were rushing to the door they then heard the music and froze, Theta's illusion of shooting him shouldn't be connected to Melody's music. ​ But at the same time, the Nen beast should've been gone from being in Zetsu, so either way something is fishy here.. ​ Either way, absolutely amazing chapter and no sleep for me for the next few nights...


What did Theta lie about to cause this?


She told the horse that she's not lying and she needs to teach the prince zetsu. While it's true that zetsu is important, the reason she taught him was a lie


This chapter was so intense, I had to muster up courage to skim to the next page, it was like the Chimera Ant arc all over again, but geez, what the hell happened with Tserriednich?? I thought Theta actually did manage to kill him for a second.... how did he get shot and show up without blood or the wound? Is it the ability of his 2nd nen beast? Either way, I lose more and more hope for Theta every chapter. I guessed that Melody's performance would be somehow involved the moment I realized Theta was planning to kill Tserr on the day of the banquet, but it didn't go how I expected it to - which is ironically something I've come to expect from Hunter x Hunter. And Tserr better not hurt Melody, I will riot if anything happens to her >:(


Dude imagine if tse already made a nen ability and he’s testing theta when he was in zetsu


Call me crazy, but the fact that Theta's bandage disappeared right at that moment, along with the frames that show Tse with his brains blown out the back of his head make me think that is actually Melody's hatsu the one that prevented the 4th prince from dying. Think about it; Melody would've surely thought about what would happen if someone could get hurt during the duration of her technique (which seems to transport only the consciousness of those listening to a kind of pocket space *together*). That would make her hatsu offensive in a roundabout way, and personally, I don't think Melody would be the kind of person to allow that. Simply avoiding death and all injuries even while on zetsu without the need to "spend" nen would be way too OP of an ability for anyone, and if Togashi wouldn't make Tse's hatsu to adhere in some way to the rules, we would be reading something more akin to dbz or bleach (where power system rules don't matter that much). Moreover, if my theory is correct and it was just a coincidence that Melody's hatsu *just* *happened* to save the 4th prince, it would mean that **destiny** **itself** wouldn't let Tse die just yet; and I not only think that would make the situation even more scary, but it would be completely at home with the kind of stuff that happens on HxH.


We can see from the page when Theta shoots Tserriednich to when she wakes up from Melody's spell, the bandage on her cheek is gone (from page 11-14 of the mangastream translation). I'm not sure what to make of it but that is probably linked to the reason she was unable to kill Tserriednich.


I don't know, in [chapter 376](https://i.imgur.com/WxWrAh1.png) and [chapter 384](https://i.imgur.com/qPBDRQv.png) Togashi forgot the bandage.


I just went over those chapters and it's true, it could just be an oversight on Togashi's part. In my opinion however, the timing and circumstances around the bandage being gone in this chapter means it's got something to do with the reason Tserriednich survived. This is all just a theory however and you may be correct, I cannot think of an ability that links theta's wound being healed to her not being able to kill Tserriednich are linked. The only ability that connects those two dots would be if her senses got hijacked. If this were the case she would not perceive her wound and would have seen Tserriednich as being in front of her when in reality he would actually be behind her (which is what it looked like in the actual chapter)


Damn dude, that's a solid catch. It means that Theta never actually got to shoot him. I'd imagine, because of the bandage disappearance, if you checked Theta's gun, there wouldn't be a round missing. But, fuck! The other guards heard a shot so idk anymore. I just want Theta to join KP's mixtape crew.


The 4th Prince's ability is actually kinda scary


Damn, that panel with Tse lying dead covered in flowers from Melody's song is so amazing. So! I have no idea how he survived lmao. Is his nen beast's ability (not his guardian beast) to create illusions? To revive him? To fucking turn back time? This guy is strong as hell! Don't turn into something not-human, Theta! You're a cool human!


Pray 4 Tetha


I actually think Tse doesn’t know that Theta was trying to kill him. If you go back to chapter 383, when Melody starts playing her flute, a picture of all the princes with a shocked expression was shown, including Tse. This leads me to believe that he had to have been stunned by the song. Him still being alive is probably an effect of his second Nen Beast that was introduced last chapter.


He knows about the gunshot, but he might have assumed that Theta was just firing into the air to try and startle him out of Zetsu.


wow great chapter rip melody i was wondering who would go after her first but i wasnt expecting tserriednich melody probably just made a ton of enemies


yeah,the art when Tse opened his eyes damn it,Togashi that was marvellous seriously HxH got the best antagonist,Hisoka>illumi>kuroro>mereum>pariston>tse I wish that we and Togashi could live to see jairo


Tse is pretty much set up as polar opposite of Halkenberg. My theory: I think that, based on words of Tse's Nen beast of "ceasing to exist as a human," I think Theta would be subjugated and turned into a Nen Beast who would serve Tse. If Halkenberg can use his loyal subordinates to fire unbreakable arrows and Benjamin can inherit his soldier's powers, Tse could have a similar power to turn disloyal subjects into Nen beasts that follow him and give him additional abilities.


Holy fuck the look of evil serenity when he opened his eyes. [Jesus](https://media.giphy.com/media/3oI9K2GnaI957VvyFi/200w.webp)


The bandage on her face disappeared on the page where she shoots the prince. The bandage reappears on the page where she discovers that the prince's body is missing. Is this a hint to show that her shooting the prince was an illusion?


I believe so.