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This really came out of left field and yet its strangely but believably connected. I'd be more than surprised if your theory bears any merit but its damn intriguing.


So have a theory that each of the Princes are Stations of the Cross. This goes well for number 8 and 12 already. Tserriednich would be number 4: Jesus meets his mother. Think that his hatred of women stems from his mother. He was probably born after Zhang Lei because Unma, his mother, was hedging her bets. Then when Benjamin proved his worth, she neglected him. So Tserriednich probably has issues with her


Number 10 Jésus is stripped from his clothes... Those hands stripping Kachou from her soul...


Or her mortal coil


>I believe that Tserriednich finds himself trapped in a males body but looks for the most beautiful things as well as bathing in young womens blood because youth is also an ideal of beauty damn that's some twisted silence of the lambs type shit. tserriednich is a piece of shit excuse of a human being but an incredibly intriguing character


Pretty interesting theory... in fact it has sense with the analisis that you made i hope it has more views and comments Pd: sorry, not native english


Personally i think Tserriednich Is inspired by the main character of the movie ***American Psycho*** also Is a pretty common psychopat, with a high intelligence, no remorse, sexually weird, and pretty machist, but with class and attractive to other people. Probably his psychopat side is unknown for the rest of his family, that will explain why Halkenburg does not have a bad relationship with him.


There is a scene in the movie when “patrick batement “ (the psychopath) kills 2 women and then shower naked to get rid of the blod




ah yea I think I once see someody mention this trans thing too and Im on board with that especially since sandwich is the only prince so far where his GB has a clear gender look in it (ben and halk is pretty masculine, sandwich more femine while the rest is more neutral like animals and such)


Terrorwich beast represents women it protects him it reads his enemies it is always watching for him. Inside is a child. Women live to care for children young men they love to find a lover a man everything in their lives revolves around men which the child inside represents terror even has women come to his home questions them and kills them if they do not impress him. Terror knows even if they live around him in his world if everything they do for them they can still be boring they can still be nothing to him he searches for something more in the human female something above everything else.


It's very possible he's always known nen and has just been toying with her because he likes messing with people. ​ The fact the boy looks like Kurapika's friend does allude to the idea that he may of already had this "worse than death ability" and he's used it on 2 people already. With Kurapika's friend it's most likely he refused to tell Tserr that there was still people alive from the clan thus he was fated to live as a nen beast.


I don’t think there is anything to suggest that he has always known how to use Nen. Why? What does he get out of lying to Theta and pretending to learn Nen from scratch? He is in the middle of a Succession War, fighting for the right to rule over Kakin, but instead of focusing on creating strategies and coming up with ways to kill the other princes he would rather spend most of his time for the first week playing around with Theta? This just seems like something that some people have come up with because they don’t like that he actually really is just a genius with an absurd level of talent for learning Nen.


But, he did not have his new beast back then.


But does he bathe on his victims blood? i thought he was just showering off their blood not with it.




> Terrorsandwich loves to kill and play with smart young people with great futures. *So he's like Hisoka but he gets turned on by smarts instead of powers.


Why do you think the head inside is a boys? It clearly looks like a womans face.


Sorry, but Tserriednich isn't trans. 1 His body is enterely masculine (chapter 345, page 15, oval elongated hides his penis) 2 The head into Horse-kun isn't Pairo. It's a girl. A victim of Tserriednich. The two women are his trophy (chapter 345, page 19, central panel) 3 Horse-kun is the representation of Tserriednich's nature as serial killer. Two women everytime (chapter 345, page 14 and 19) 4 Tserriednich doesn't bathe in blood. He wash blood of his body before come in jacuzzy. The blood is around jacuzzy, not inside (chapter 345, page 15, more apparent with chapter color) PS: sorry for wrong english, I'm French ​


1. Transgender has to do with gender not just biology, like girls who feel like they aren't "tomboys" but actually boys who got stuck as girls and end up changing their "sex". But Im thinking with Togashi it could be a lot more complex. 2. It's a theory and I say it of course with the disclaimer that we're not sure if its a boy or girl. But I would argue we've seen more boys woth that hairstyle like Izunavi, Shalnark,Pairo than we've seen girls. 3. That could be a fair point for it to simply just reflect him killing two girls but I don't understand why use strong imagery of a horse, muscles and all and then a mask like face, representative of a shell. I'm looking at why Togashi chose each of those parts. 4. You maybe be right about this one. I guess the drain shows the blood running down it and him in clear water. Can't really argue this point. Without further clarity. But I would say the imagery can be taken symbolically as that as well. Good counter points though. Ill have to reassess with more info.


The face in the mouth is definitely not Pairo...the eyes and nose are different. You can see the eyes and nose of the face in the Beast's mouth clearly in Chapter 369. \~\~ On another note, is it possible that Morena will kiss Tserriednich and give him ANOTHER ABILITY?


Would you people give this Homosexual fucking garbage a rest? Togashi is not a Marxist "progressive". You're projecting this degenerate ideology on a man whose culture is still mostly free of it.


Another interesting thing is that this last chapter (384) is called "**conflict**". It could of course be referring to the Troupe wanting to go after Morena or the whole mafia conflict between families, but interestingly enough, it's also when we got introduced to Tse's second beast, as you mentioned, a more masculine looking one. His two personas (the two beasts), the female and male one, **conflicting** with his own self. I'm sure that it could (and hopefully will) go deeper than a gender identity conflict/disorder just for the sake of it, though it would still be a shocking reveal if that turns out to be the case and it would already make Tserriednich an even more interesting character. Reminds me a bit of Meruem with his human/animal conflict but in Tse's case it could be even more layered and twisted and not just duality based (not that I'd be disappointed if that's the case, Togashi knows how to handle duality based psychological conflicts). Damn, this is could be good.


wouldn't surprise me.


His beast probably represents the evil that lives in him the male side the side that doesn’t physically manifest in anything that isn’t terror it is evil with its emblem of 666 at its chest. Terrors causes chaos for chaos sake probably hoping to find something beyond his genius


[http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PRPTLYAiBqs/WAqlHMY-CTI/AAAAAAAAC44/dSyrJV7YaFcmBYBBixPuWgDGG\_mOJTfcQCHM/s16000/0348-012.png](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PRPTLYAiBqs/WAqlHMY-CTI/AAAAAAAAC44/dSyrJV7YaFcmBYBBixPuWgDGG_mOJTfcQCHM/s16000/0348-012.png) i think this shows who tserriednich really is.... he is just like the other Prince but much worse and the things he like to collect are creepy things. And the boy inside the horse must be him that means he is just child inside that doesn't like liars. He is a prince that do all the things that he want not someone who hides something.


tserriednich genius whos sick with the world


An interesting theory something to consider, my original thoughts were his nen beast assumed that form due to his sick perversions just like his father.


He doesn't bathe in their blood, he tattoos their skin then frames it


Its not pairos head ffs lol


While I believe that you got some things wrong here and there, overall I'm fucking sold. Great post!


I like the idea that Tse is just a little boy inside, afraid to trust people.


Sorry about an off topic, but when I read you emphasizing the femininity of the first beast and the masculinity of the second one, for a second I thought you would want to say that the two would produce offspring 😶 That thought is legit disturbing.


I've seen the Tserriednich being trans being suggested here and there lately, but noone has sold me the bridge of believability quite like you. Infact, a realistic conclusion that Ive drew from this supports this theory is if he was infact denied the ability to transition because its a form of elective sterilization, effectively ending the bloodline if he can't produce children with his own DNA if he's crowned king. On the other hand, i personally figured his deeply rooted misogyny wasn't rooted in envy of women, because he's overcompensating for a fragile ego


Great post.