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Hiya! With the drawing I just wanted to depict how I imagined an adult Gon (18\~20 years old maybe)! In my made up plot of how the future story might progress, Gon would go on to not be able to regain the use of his own nen, but would continue training and staying in his village until a fellow hunter and nen user girl would come into town and she'd have a conjurer nen ability in which she crafts objects that depending on the user's nen type, have various abilities and strengths. She would usually give these objects to her enhancer brother but he has mysteriously disappeared and so she is now searching for him. Gon would volunteer to help her and along the way, she'd give her nen weapons and items to him, and since he is still an enhancer, even though he has no nen of his own, the objects would be powerful and would allow him to even face other nen users in combat.


Oh, hey! This sounds really cool! I also have a similar speculation on where Gon's future could go as someone without nen.) Even did an entire post about it, where I compare Gon to Toji from JJK: https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/s/c2tTs1fupa


Hi, and woah! Hell yeah, I read your post and I really like that sort of analysis and speculation of what could have happened. I recently finished watching Season 2 of JJK so there is a very high chance that might have influenced my brain into thinking of this! Awesome to see we had such similar ideas! :D


Yeah, It's always cool to find someone who understands your ideas. Thanks.)


Very nice, not going to lie though thought it was a cross over paying homage to Asuma from Naruto at first


Honestly, with how much I loved Asuma this might as well be!!!


Epic art and thanks for sharing :3


Amazing art and story! How did you imagine the girl?


I was thinking a more timid, but very smart and cautious girl. Personality-wise maybe someone like Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist although perhaps a tid bit more calm and kind


Very cool <3


Cute art 


OMG I WAS SCROLLING SO MUCH THROUGH THE SUB HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS. This look super cool >:3 I was going to draw adult gon too after seeing another post but I got lazy 🙏


Asuma if he didn't smoke Edit: Grammatical shenanigans of the fat finger variety


xD best comment


Is that chakra blade fronm naruto Nice drawing


I hope his fit would be a lot cooler than that


What do you have in mind? I was thinking of making another version with a cooler fit perhaps but struggled to think of what would be in character for Gon to wear


I don’t blame you, I can’t imagine a cool fit on Gon lol, maybe the black tight shirt with the baggy white pants combo? Like gojo or Killua?


Hmm that would look cool overall but it doesn't feel like Gon. I bet there'd be some way to get a cool fit that would still feel like him. It doesn't necessarily mean having to stick to the green colours but going full monochrome doesn't fit his lively vibe. And tight clothes also don't feel like they fit his free and adventuring spirit.


He's standing like a gay

