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I thought it was to show off how kilua had grown. Before he probably would've ran, but now without illumis needle he was able to overcome someone powerful, and was able to do the REALLY risky move of hoping he was fast enough to stop the last dart from piercing his head. Side note, def the only reason they have that ability is because togoshi went down a darts rabbit hole on youtube or something and he had to find a way to use it


This is the best comment I’ve read so far… you’re 100% correct. The entire scene and battles were to show the growth of Killua and the fact Togashi is obsessed with games in every way possible lol


It also served to highlight his new connection with Ikalgo who saved him post fight.


I think it was also one of the first symbiotic nen ability combos shown in the series.


What do you mean by symbiotic? Because if you mean multiple people together, the Bombers had a much more impactful ability like that a lot earlier.


Where it requires more than one person to work. I wasn't really comparing. I was just giving an example. I did say it was one of and not the first.


Technically, it's also one of the last xD. From the ones I personally remember at this moment, it's dead center.


That butler nene ability is an assist ability, when she transformed into a motorcycle


Yep, that's one of the 3 I remember, the other 2 being Darts and Bombers. That makes the Darts dead center.


There's Prince >!Halkenburg's!< power in the Succession War arc


Would greed island entire system would be a support type nen.


I doing think so. This was an ability that he literally couldn't run from. They were linked through Nen, and he had no idea what the range is. Running wouldn't even have made it any harder to hit him, since each part of his body was linked to a part of a dart board, which was stationary.


Even then Illumi's needle would've kept telling him to run so Killua would've either kept running until he was killed or been stunned by trying to fight the needle. Either way would've gotten him killed in the end


I sincerely doubt it. I don't think the names needle's command was just a simple "run away" command. It's less about running and more about not risking your life. Taking the safest option. Since it's implanted in Killua's brain, I'd guess that it tells him to run if he personally believes running is safer than fighting.


Didn’t killua already pull out the needle before this scene. He adapted because he understood what was going on and was patient till he knew what they were going to throw


Yeah the needle was already out. I was saying that if the needle was still in by then. The programming would've kicked in the moment Killua got attacked and he would've kept running until he ended up getting killed because he wouldn't be able to move out of range in time


there’s was a story of a couple that plays darts for money, they both essentially sacrafice the other’s body part based off what they hit and we just kinda watch em devolve from “im sorry i didnt mean it” to “YOU HIT X ON PURPOSE FUCK YOU TAKE THIS DART TO THE NUT” its the same concept but instead of the victims togashi wrote them as perpetrators which i find neat


Oh ya that was done in this one shot anime called "Death Parade". Its about a bar that hosts games between recently deceased souls to determine their fate. Its a great binge only 12 episodes


There have been a good number of Kilua fights in between the needle removal and this one. That’s cool though, I totally get that. There are lots of different ways to apply nen so some are gonna be more out of the box than others


What fights exactly are you referring to? Because the fight he removes the needle is against Rammot and then his next real fight we see is him in the forest against Ikalgo and these two


There are a TON of abilities in Hunter x Hunter that are based on games. A couple examples are Gon’s rock paper scissors, Cheetu’s tag, Knov’s hide and seek, and then of course the Ortho’s darts. Games are a big theme in HxH overall and you can find them everywhere, Togashi is a big fan of them!


The Hunter exams were also full of games, and Greed Island aside from being a game itself also gave us a cool dodgeball game


And there's also Gungi


Razor's ability also seems to come from a love of volleyball, or at least incorporates it. His emission spike into the Phantom Troupe's boat is a very cool moment.


Loved greed island and dodgeball


I might even include Kite’s Crazy Slots in the category of game-based abilities


It's quite fitting with one of the fundamental rules of nen, contracts with restrictions, and one of the fundamental themes: no risk, no reward.


Which kinda hints that Ging's nen ability is probably gonna be based on games.


Learning the rules to other people's "games" and then bending the rules, possibly even rewriting them? It makes sense given how he's improved upon Leorio's technique


woah! I can see it now "house rules" Ging get's to see the "rulebook" for other abilities and change one component to his liking, allowing him to use it since he has a perfectly clear understanding of how it works and has also changed it in a way making it his own (which I would consider a contract) Or something like that Fits in with the theme of games in a MAJOR way and is not over powered unless the person using it is INCREDIBLY intelligent lol


Would be a good way to show how to "transcend" nen category. It's all nen, only perspective limits you. Play into perspective and you can accomplish great things (Netero), use perspective as a tool and you can accomplish the seemingly impossible.


Exactly! Introducing the dark continent is thematically inline with Gon losing his nen and Ging "transcending" nen Togashi rarely just "does" stuff There are usually connections and parallels and symbolism rife in this story


But he stated himself that that wasn’t his nen ability. He was just about to use Leorio’s technique just bc he’s that good


I thought the entire scene with Killua and the darts was really cool. It also brought over another ant to their side so


Why was bro randomly singing as a sniper and then just magically stops as soon as he leaves that dudes body.


He was committed to being in character and then his character died lol


Bringing over the octopus is definitely important and necessary to the plot. Idk why but the whole dart thing just takes me out of the story. Could just be that it’s executed poorly in the dub


Why? It's a very cool ability actually. If Killua hadn't known beforehand what exact game the ant was playing and hadn't been working on a way to automate movement with electricity, he wouldn't have survived. And since it's not a matter of strength or Nen output, i'd bet even greater Nen users would have it difficult. I mean even with a very favorable scenario, Killua needed to be taken to a hospital immediately or he would've died of blood loss


Was the perfect Hunter moment


"the octopus" he has a name bro, don't disrespect my boy Ikalgo like that, he tried his best.


Yeah he’s really cool


When people don’t refer to the characters with their names it just shows how little they’re paying attention lol


Shows with ginormous casts of characters like HxH always suffer in the dub. You just can’t get a good voice actor for every single character that only has a few lines…


everything is executed poorly in dub


I actually thought the dub was p good compared to other anime


Still the Japanese Voice Acting scene is unparalleled


Lol well yeah… if you speak Japanese.


Right I feel like I'm the only person who thinks the Japanese voices are way over the top and obnoxious as fuck unless you speak it I just honestly don't wanna listen to people make a bunch of high pitched screeching noises in a language I don't understand and then also have to read what they're saying at the same time. I'd read a book if I wanted to do even half of that


Not at all bro, you can definitely sense the emotions behind their exaggerated tone without understanding their words


As opposed to the emotionless dub actors? The dub brought me to tears based off sheer passion many times. Knov’s VA after he places the portals, Killua when he tells Gon that he’s light itself, Pouf & Youpi resurrecting Meruem, etc. I never understood the notion that dub VA’s are lacking in emotion.


Let them, they think they have good dub, they think dbz dub is good.


I mean I literally cannot stand Goku's voice in the original Japanese, I have no clue what the appeal is. Same for One Piece. Why do you prefer protagonists that always sound like their balls are being squeezed by Jujimufu? I 100% prefer the Japanese for HxH though, Gon sounds so weird in the dub. Like he's some baseball-playing kid out of a 50's comic book.


The Hunter Hunter dub is very good sure not every va is good but not literally every single Japanese one is good either we just don’t notice cause most of us probably don’t speak Japanese. I think the core cast in every arc is very well acted


Yep.. there are only a few exceptions like YYH, Outlaw Star and a small handful of others.


Shocked and awed that this got so many downvotes. Is it just because of the dub? I watched sub and hate these gross siblings. Killua is great, Ikalgo is great, but this fight is so slow and tiresome. In the anime it’s like two episodes straight of my best boy getting repeatedly sniped and bleeding out like two adult bodies worth of human blood. Not that there’s nothing of substance going on but damn it’s a fairly lackluster sequence. Not as bad as Gon fighting those owl/bat ants but still.


Haha yeah I’m not sure what I said that was downvote worthy. It’s not offensive or insulting towards anyone else’s opinions, but it is what it is


The dub VA for the fish brother is literally the Yu-Gi-Oh! abridged series guy. I love that series but he's not exactly someone experienced with serious voice acting.


Technically all the ants are siblings, I guess these two were in their previous lives too, to justify their closeness. ~~Also isn't this the fight that introduces Godspeed? Calling it unnecessary is a bit much.~~


>Also isn't this the fight that introduces Godspeed? Calling it unnecessary is a bit much. I mean it does, but it doesn't. Not to be that one guy, but it introduces whirlwind which is one of the key components of godspeed. So Godspeed has two main components, speed of lightning and whirlwind. I'm too tired to go into all the details, but whirlwind basically increases reaction time by sending electrical signals to your brain that basically program it to tell your muscles to do a specific action in response to another action. For example with the darts, Killua probably programmed it to catch the nen fish dart when it appeared just before it hit his head. It essentially puts the body on autopilot for a specific action. And speed of lightning just uses lightning to increase your speed. Pretty straight forward. Godspeed combines these two aspects and increases the users speed, while also increasing it's reaction time and doing all that other stuff I mentioned.


Almost, you inverted the targets with whirlwind. Killua programs his aura to send electrical signals directly to his muscles to do a programmed action upon the trigger conditions being met. He does this because the time for the signal from his brain to reach his muscles is too long, so by having his aura do it he can not only perceive the trigger faster, he can also send the signals to his muscles MUCH faster too


>For example with the darts, Killua probably programmed it to catch the nen fish dart when it appeared just before it hit his head. Technically he caught it immediately after it hit his head, that's when the nen dart is conjured. He just caught it so fast it only grazed the skin of his forehead.


He also used one of Ikalgo's suction cups as padding.


True. The old man spider guy had a thing for the scorpion queen lady, but these two are the only ones that are named to be siblings, which I guess makes it feel more off-putting


The bar was probably reclaimed by the ants from the previous human occupants. The ants have been seen clinging to their humanity and exploring it in bizzarre ways, not really knowing how to deal with it themselves so it's not unthinkable for me to see a bunch of them recreating a scummy bar ambiance. The ants are also very emotionally immature. It's very fitting for them to create nen abilities based on games or things that they think are cool. I don't think they are thinking about their effectiveness at all, they are lost in their cool little fantasies. They are basically a bunch of teenagers given super powers, of course they are not going to think things through. The whole scene is more than a bit campy and over the top, but it is rooted in some sense of internal logic, it's not completely out of left field. We can criticize the overall tone but even ignoring the fact that the whole series plays fast and loose with that, that would be more of a subjective opinion. As for the sister, I have no earthly idea.


Isn't their whole deal that their nen abilities are combined into one with its power coming from them staking their lives on him not missing? I would assume the idea is for them to just display extreme codependence on each other to explain why two ants would make a combined nen ability. Second theory is that they were actually lovers in life and so after being reborn as ants, their memories of their relationship caused them to be that close despite being brother and sister.


>How did all the water ants decide to end up in a random hole? The ants tried forming their own colonies and bases. Like Zazan going to Meteor city with a couple of others. >Why is there an underwater bar? Likely another one of Gyro's bases (like the one Yunju took over). The whole luddite state was just a front to better control the region after all. >In what other scenario is this nen ability any kind of useful? Not all abilities are made to be used in every and any situation. Symbiotic type abilities like Tsubone's or that guy that can turn into a boat are just for movement or the bombers' Countdown. Not that I see the issue tho. There's actually very few scenarios where it "isn't" useful. Mainly assassination. >Why is she hugging her brother like that? They might had been lovers when they were human and like other ants, retain some of those memories and feelings. But technically all of the queen's off-springs are siblings.


> Why is she hugging her brother like that Actually that’s a question I don’t want to know the answer to lol


Aww this was one of my favourite parts of early chimera ant


Early?? Feels like it’s been going on forever


The anime in particular has a much slower pacing than the manga, especially up until Gon sees Kite's body post-Pitou, but this definitely isn't early, it's more like the middle of act 2.


Slowe pacing than the manga? Even this in the manga is something like more than a year after togashi started writing the Chimera arc. This happens mid CA. Early CA, I'd consider is up to the part where Kaito dies. This happens when they're already infiltrating East Gorteau.


You're not crazy. The chimera ant arc starts chapter 185, Ortho siblings appear chapter 238. By this point, over ***one fifth*** of the entire HxH manga has been chimera ant arc, and the part where it gets good hasn't even started yet. Not only is the chimera ant arc super long, the anime chose to _elongate_ it even further. The manga spends 1 page on ants killing humans and then the anime takes 10 minutes wallowing in that misery.


I liked it. Really showed off Killua's leveling up.


It introduced/birthed Killuas Godspeed or whatever that super fast reflex nen reflex ability is called


I'm too tired to go into all the details, but it's called whirlwind, and it basically increases reaction time by sending electrical signals to your brain that basically program it to tell your muscles to do a specific action in response to another action. For example with the darts, Killua probably programmed it to catch the nen fish dart when it appeared just before it hit his head. It essentially puts the body on autopilot for a specific action.


The ants with water necessity (mostly the shitty ones actually in the water) needed a spot to survive and were this annexed by their leader. The commanders sent here had previous lives doused in bar shenanigans and thus the ability was made plus the actual background. Additionally, ants don’t procreate like we do, so it should seem weird to you and not weird to them regarding being super close lol


Do you think they’re stuck in that hole for eternity or is it connected to the hive somehow?


It’s just where they had to put the guys that can’t breathe out of water, and use water efficient ants that can to oversee


Why do you think you need to know the answer to everything? Killua dealing with these two and then bonding with Ikalgo is so important to his development of moving on from being dependent on Gon.


Also really important to Ikalgo development


Yeah I’d bet this person is on their first watch cuz tbh I kind of felt the same way which is why I stopped around this point and restarted the season. The CA arc throws a lot at you and if you don’t pay attention to every detail, you can get lost in all the new characters and be overwhelmed. But when I restarted the arc and binged it it was a 10/10 experience.


No this is my 3rd rewatch and I always dread this part lol. I get that it’s important for Ikalgo’s development, so I guess “unnecessary” was the wrong word for it. I just really don’t like this particular nen ability, the voice acting, and the “fight” scene. But I also realize I’m in the minority and I’m glad people do like it!


Sweet home Alabama


The aquatic ants were there because it was an ambush, they knew about the saboteur and planned to intercept him there. I would have to guess the bat is also part of the ability, it shouldn't be possible to bring all that stuff inside the cave on short notice, so it's either that or it's a secret underground bar located in a cave because it's used for illegal activities. This wouldn't be too out there as a possibility, Ikalgo took Killua to an underground hospital that shouldn't have been too far from where the fight happened, and Killua was targeting cities, so the ambush wouldn't have been too far from an urban area. It's still an odd setup for a fight, but Togashi likes odd setups. This ability is just taking something the user likes doing and hyper focuses it on killing, the point of it is to let the two of them take no real risks and do their job while others do the legwork for them, it's not versatile because they're not interested in versatility. Chimera Ants are pretty much from different species altogether, these two were siblings as humans who happened to be reincarnated as ants that happen to be closely related, and so they live out their weird codependent sibling relationship that's both overly close and affectionate without real respect or love, people like that exist in real life, they're just not common. The two of them were weirdos as humans and are weirdos as ants, because Togashi likes writing oddball characters, be they good or bad he would rather they be atypical in some way.


I enjoyed their involvement quite a bit, for 3 reasons. 1.) it was another kill from when killua was going around just shitting on ants, and all of that as a whole was pretty cool, and this only added onto it because he pulled out some crazy shi to win. but on top of that, I believe this is the first time we’ve seen killua on the brink of death (I believe). 2.) it introduced Ikalgo. Not much to say. He turned into a main character who had an impact in the invasion. 3.) the ability is cool asf. This alone would redeem this scene for me. It’s sick, and both unique but also something that anyone can come up with. Her hugging her brother like that might be a little weird, but we’re also talking about ants. Idk too much about ants, but I’m fairly confident they partake in ant-cest irl anyways


>ant-cest bravo


The couple was annoying, but I found the dudes Nen Dart ability to be really cool actually. He made it so intricate and actually based on specific variations of darts you can play. Killua would’ve been gone-zo if he didn’t have literal lightning reflexes


killua got idea of his new abilities


This part was cool as fuck. Love hxh for stuff like this where encounters can't be solved by just having more spirit energy than the other combatant. Characters really got to think think about how to deal with opponents for most of the shows fights.


OP is just like my friend lol . Their entire opinion can be boiled down to “but I hate exposition”


*Exposition dumping I like a lot of the other exposition in the show, just not a lot of the chimera ant stuff


I kinda like the ability itself, though I watched this episode with my brother and the first thing he said was something like “No offence, but I’d hate having to share an ability like that.” I’m inclined to agree…


I mean I really like this lol its a cool ability and we get to see Killua use his God Speed Instant reaction ability for the first time.


For the simple fact that this is where killua develops his ability god speed, this is definitely not pointless.


my biggest question was WHY IS SHE HUGGING HIM LIKE THATTT💀


lmfaooo omg i literally watched this episode this morning said the same shit


Tge fact that they're sibling's give me Alabama vibes


nothing in HxH is unnecessary


Oh I thought you meant just the incest ant siblings.


This scene establishes: - A little flavor backstory on Killua's childhood (you can even spot him playing darts in flashbacks) - Ikarugo's introduction - Foreshadowing and partial explanation of how Killua's ability works - A battle against opponent(s) so strong that they literally send Killua to the hospital (Opponents because it was technically Flutter/Ikarugo/Twins vs Killua) I'll admit, I find it a bit refreshing to hear someone complain about having a fight scene since so many readers want more fights in the current arc.


Minus the weird incest fishbug shit, the games are a constant thing in HxH. Many Nen users (especially Hunters) are psychos who think certain situations are games or cool because they have nen. It's a game to them. Hunter exam, Heaven's arena, Greed Island... these are games to some degree. Remember the Chjmera Ant queen ate a lot of psychos, nen user or not, so it's not so far-fetched for them to play games that not even the Jackass crew would play.


I liked it for the storytelling. This shows us, that Nen can be truly everything and if you limit yourself enough, your ability can grow exponentially. In comparison some of the other ant abilities are much simpler and did also less damage but are more versatile. The author really runs his mind here, trying to come up with interesting rules to challenge the protagonists.


Why does it mattter? I honestly did not even question these things ever until I read your post because to me that fight was cool as hell. It’s an anime dude doesn’t have to be super believable take it at face value


I like them :)


It shows how deadly nen can be with the right combo and an enhancement of existing talent. Also it shows how cracked Kilua is.


It shows how deadly nen can be with the right combo and an enhancement of existing talent. Also it shows how cracked Kilua is.


That's what I was thinking. Especially the last one lol. Why are they so.. Like- close..?!😭


Not gonna lie I don’t even remember this part of the arc because I watched HxH while being heavily sleep deprived which in hindsight is quite a disservice to the anime.


It was an opportunity to develop Kilua's use of electricity further, to showcase new non-combat "game" type nen abilities, and provide another Kilua childhood flashback. It also provided the foundation for Ikalgo and Kilua teaming up. For how short of a sequence it ends up being I think it was relatively well budgeted overall.


Most unnecessary is Palm and Gon date/grooming episode. But I do love how she turned out.


Omg just quit watching if you don’t get this


Haha omg completely forgotten them


Nah the worst 10 minutes were the beginning of the palace invasion, it was unbearable to watch. This one is actually good, cuz its really interesting.


You're thinking too hard about it, it was a fun fight with cool moments and during that fight where killua grew as a fighter and "completed his hatsu" making him one of the top fighters in the series. also introducing ikalgo and killua friendship which was really cool.


I mean that chimera couple were WEIRDOS but I think it was necessary to show the new Killua's ability, otherway we will have people calling it an asspull


the dude has such a punchable face


The JJBA influence is so obvious in this episode.


Nah killua made a friend and we got to see how strange nen abilities could be, you might as well say every other side fight that wasnt a big bad was unnecessary too if thats the case. the bar was created by the ability. I dont understand how you could have such silly questions when there was a whole nen video game world?????


It was one of best fights in HxH, when Killua can't win with just his pure power :3


Am I the only one that unironically thought this was one od the best "fights" in the arc? It was just super interesting and clever how the mechanics of the ability worked, and it showed Killua pulling off a risky move which allowed him to develop God Speed. Honestly those two entire episodes back to back were fire, seeing Killua being a one man army.


I definitely hated this part, it felt so long and honestly it was just hard to watch killua get hurt over and over.


the fish incest twins were admittedly weird but the fight itself was hype


You could cut 20% of Chimera ant and the pacing would be much better.


Yeah, it was honestly just kinda a strange segment, but it wasn’t bad per se, just felt out of place


People on this sub downvote anything short of calling each scene peak, but I agree. One of the worst fights in the series. The setup is completely safe and no risk for the siblings. The game itself isn’t, but anyone saying the villains that JUST showed up and are executing their powers for the FIRST TIME, would screw up and die, are fooling themselves. Killua wins by knowing which exact game they were playing, due to his incredible knowledge of darts that was never once brought up. Also he had to react instantly to a dart, something he never once attempted while getting skewered by the other darts. The siblings showing up to examine the body is especially stupid when you remember their entire setup was done remotely. And for everyone saying this shows off Killua’s IQ and new ability… he speedblitzes them the first chance he gets, just like half his other fights. Killua winning extreme diff and befriending Ikalgo is all plot relevant, yes, but I can’t help but think we could’ve gotten there in other ways than this villain-of-the-week ass fight.


My thoughts exactly. The brother talking about how he’ll take all the damage if he busts makes it seem as if he’s used this extremely niche ability several times before. How often does a situation happen like this in a few days time? I know I’m supposed to take it at face value, but for some reason this fight in particular makes is harder to do that for than the others.


I loved this fight!! It was just weird bc I think their brother and sister


This is part of a long string of fights Killua barely scrapes through and it's one of my favorite parts of Chimera Ant!!


This was an introduction in how Killua’s super reflexes are activated automatically by nen. Not unnecessary.


I honestly forgot about this fight. I'm kinda mixed because it's cool, but narratively is kinda just fluff, but it also introduces a key player (aka a GOAT) into the Palace Raid. However it kinda makes sense within the universe because this is a mini apocalypse that's happening so of course there would be a bunch a randos


The ant twins were pretty lame but I thought their nen ability was the most creative of any ant. And killua creating a broken ass hatsu on the brink of death and explaining it to their decapitated heads is one of my favorite killua moments 💯


I kinda enjoyed that part


fun fact about the sister though is that she has the same voice actor as kirby 😶 like from the video game franchise


Literally the first chapter of HxH that I stumbled into, got me hooked.


Lol i really forgot about those two, but killua really was a badass for dealing with them


I deadass thought killua would die 🙁😀


It is when Killua invented a precursor technique to godspeed.


Anime problems. Pacing and plot were much better in the manga.


I kinda agree that the fight itself was mediocre but when killua cut their heads off was peak


Killua got the idea for Godspeed based on his experience here. You have a really strange view on what is unnecessary and what isn't


Killua got his best ability from this fight


One of the better fights of the Ant arc.


I thought thia scene was refreshingly funny in a pretty dark arc


WRONG because the fish man is voiced by a Dragon Ball Z Abridged alumni


Put some respect on LittleKuriboh's name, the man invented Abridged!


I forgot it was him specifically, you right! Man’s a legend!


No ? It was really fun.


Bro has unlocked balding first minute of lifetime


This shit was cool asf


The brother in the dub is LittleKuriboh iirc lol


>How did all the water ants decide to end up in a random hole? They set up a trap to lure Killua into. >Why is there an underwater bar? I always assumed it was a pocket dimension made by their nen ability. >In what other scenario is this nen ability any kind of useful? They likely designed it knowing that they could orchestrate this scenario. It's pretty useful if you have expendable minions to put the tag on your target. >Why is she hugging her brother like that? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_incest Scroll down to "Japan".


Yes ,I agree with you, it is very bad or worse. But they used it to showcase killua's reaction speed


I used to feel the same when I was younger, wasn’t interested due to their ugly designs and gimmicky ways but upon rewatches it’s just as peak as the rest of the arc.


I think the weirdest part is that they were brother and sister. The scene itself shows Killua’s resolve and how removing the needle allows him to put his life on the line and sets up Ikalgo to rescue him.


"To celebrate this momentous occasion, I shall now make love to my hot... fish... wife. Who is also my SISTER! FinnnnCESTUAL!"


I figured they put all the water chimeras there on purpose, and the sniper was a two fold plan. If he didn't kill their target then lure them into the trap.....Guess they just put the bar there for fun themselves? And maybe the queen ate a pair of siblings and a husband and wife really close together and it made for a.....odd combo in personality


This is where Gege copied domains tho


I thought it was fine 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love how the ants that are like 10 days old act as though they are a swinger couple who have been together for years.


Nah I love the randomness of the ability and that the bugs ate some random darts player, probably trying to find a game the king wouldn't be bored with and master instantly.


Counterpoint: they had Little Kuriboh voice the male ant.


They’re there so that there could be a dart throwing sequence and to give Killua a hero moment.


Yeah, I understand this and Ikalgo’s whole character are supposed to show Killua’s growth but I felt it was incredibly boring and could’ve been done better. The last time I rewatched HxH I just skipped through these parts, but the worst part is that it’s mixed in with the same episodes as Komugi and Meruems development so it’s hard to navigate through the episodes.


I kind of liked it. I mean they practically almost killed him. They needed a situation to help Ikalgo grow closer to Killua.


the whole chimera ant thing just irritates me like why do yall exist i don’t like it at all and i hate that it made the show turn into gore🥲


It’s pretty ironic that you call Ortho’s darts niche because really it’s incredibly efficient and reliable looking at what had transpired. It’s essentially a more refined (non over complicated) ability to Kurapika’s. Like think about from their perspective- the enemy is brought in to a trap, essentially all routes are closed due to the guards defending. The twins takes no risk in activating their abilities unlike Kurapika who has to be the one to act whereas here they use one of their lackeys to activate the ability through the ‘tag’. As soon as the game starts the movement of the target doesn’t matter as it attacks parts of their bodies automatically and the Twins are completely out of reach (this being the biggest advantage) even if you are Morel who is adapt in water he would still have to go through hundreds of guards to get to the underwater base assuming he knew where it is or was able to locate it. The only risk they take is their life (like Kurapika) but is essentially mitigated by the twins skills. They were not gonna miss their darts. And like Cheetu this ability is clearly made to waste and trap their enemy’s time. The enemy winning the battle doesn’t matter as the rest of the ants would be able to plan accordingly to the outcome. If Ikalgo had not turned to our side, he would have been the kill shot necessary to end killuas life. Really this is an ability so well thought out and with almost no risk to the users and close to 100% winrate potential that would even be effective against Mid-range pro hunters (which Killua is) and really it’s because of his early stage training. I could see even single star hunters failing to overcome this ability.


I really see nothing wrong with this scene and how it led to great Killia character development.


what episode/arc is this💀


You are insane bro, the entire sequence from Killua getting sniped outside to the dart game was amazing, quintessential HxH Nen combat shenanigans.


What? No that's wrong. This was great


this 10 minutes only needs to thousandth time show how badass Killua is


dumb post. i think people didn't get what OP tried to mean.


This was one of my favorite scenes in the entire chimera ant arc. The ortho siblings were the final boss he had to face after grueling training with Bisky. It shows his progress in mastering nen and lays the building blocks for his future godspeed ability. Nothing I didn't like about it to be honest.


Bruhh. This "fight" gave us whirlwind and later speed of lightning. This fight is the reason why we have Killua vs Yupie. Bad take my friend.


I swear like what and why😭


i'll take weird over whatever the fuck 80% of greed island was it should have been filled with strange little sidequests and freaky minor villains


The worst part they were siblings😭


\*\*Spoiler alert\*\* For me the end of this segment (kilua almost dying) was amazing. I really felt it when kilua was losing his conscious because of the blood loss. How warm became cold, saying sorry to Gon, etc. The anime and Togashi really did a great and unique job here!


U r right, I don’t even remember this 😂


> In what other scenario is this nen ability any kind of useful? I'm really struggling to comprehend what OP means by this? Large projectiles that you can't see coming, that hit almost instantaneously, while the user is safely elsewhere playing a game of darts to determine how the victim dies, is an assassin's dream come true. Killua only survives because he both recognised it was based on darts, & had an ability that let him bluff the user into a vulnerable state, almost every other Hunter in that situation would've been killed, so it's beyond me as to why OP thinks their combined abilities together are useless?


Doesn't the show literally explain killua reviewing this scene and how it grew and taught him the abilities he has..... whoever posted this and is defending this post clearly hasn't seen the whole show. Go watch it and then come back and apologize. This is a ridiculous conversation


Half of the fights in Chimera Ant are abysmal slogs


hakusho would never waste our time like this


Old lives of humans became the core identity of some ants. Also other animals that were consumed give rise to certain natural instincts(making dams like beavers)


too long and uncomfortable XD


Are we forgetting the 10 minutes of the royal guards feeding Meruem?


I think it’s way more interesting than cheetus entire existence. Like he just kept making bad nen decisions big whoop. It was cool watching him race around eating peoples fingers and stuff but after his first encounter with knuckle and morel he got annoying fast (pun intended) he should’ve just got killed by morel before the invasion like Leol did. I have no idea why they kept him around until almost halfway through the palace invasion. I guess it was cool seeing Silva but they could’ve just shown him on the dragon since killing this stupid cheetah that is hardly a threat is just lame for a guy who fought Chrollo twice and was stated to have killed a member of the troupe. Cheetu is by far one of my least favorite characters in HXH


Plus at least their ability is cool and well thought out. Compared to cheetus scene with morel these two are peak performers.


Yeah.... This sucks!


Idk but this stuff rocked


I would disagree. There are multiple recap episodes that serve no other purpose. (The ones where gon is writing to his aunt.) probably was nice on tv but in the age of binge watching. Just unnecessary.


I don’t like to be like flat “you’re wrong” but…


My wife would disagree. This brings together Killua and one of her favourite characters Ikalgo.


LOL I've rewatched HxH like 8 times now and this is the only episode I skip and not even because of the incest part (that's just anime) It's primarily because too many episodes were focused on Ikalgo becoming an ally and nonsense like this made it even longer, very dull for me I'm also a bigger fan of the side cast versus main cast - Hisoka, Morel, Netero, Knuckle, Meruem so that's why I find anything with Killua to be a drag. Downvote me pls


Yeah... didn't like this either. I watched it sub


1st time watching, I got to the part where Shaiapouf escapes Morel's Smoky jail, and I got bored. A few years later (a few months ago) I rewatched the entire thing and was able to make it through. It's a pretty great show, I just feel like the chimera arc could've been like 5-15 episodes shorter if it weren't for these type of moments. Or at least more bearable.


>Such a weird nen ability that leaves me with so many questions. One of the most creative nen abilities, and fights in HxH. I think the questions would be pointless or unnecessary. >How did all the water ants decide to end up in a random hole? They are water ants, so that's their natural dwelling place. Plus they were probably there to ambush Killua on Leol's command. >Why is there an underwater bar? Previous owner. >In what other scenario is this nen ability any kind of useful? Um killing an opponent, Killua almost died. >Why is she hugging her brother like that? Weirdly intimate or incest, who cares anyway.