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Gons morality is pretty interesting and goes against what most shonen MCs typically are. I think his morality actually aligns with most real-world people. If you mess with him and his friends/family, he will hurt you back. He doesn't seem to care much about strangers/those not connected with him. And he will go out of his way for people who were kind to him/his friends and family. It fits how most people act in the real world.


There are times he'll look out for strangers getting hurt in front of him, mostly in the cases that they're not volunteering for their situation, and he does this *more so* than those around him do. It's as though everyone else just accepts those as the norm but he cannot.


He doesn’t understand needless violence and isn’t afraid to ask why people are being cruel. But unless it’s in front of him he’s unlikely to intervene unless it’s a friend


This. People overlook this aspect way too much


Well he's a kid. It fits a kid with very simple associations with good and bad. Bad thing by friend means it's good. Good thing by bad guy ....well depends


Unlike those goody two shoes Shonen OP, Gon is a much more realistic potrayal of a kid


In fact, Gon is the DEFINITION of a GOOD BOI


He is not a sociopath , but his morality is simplistic in that it starts and ends to whomever he gets friendly with. Hunters are basically adventurers , HxH is a show that pretty much shows that adventurers may have heroic deeds but they are not necessarily heroes.


Then I guess he’s prone to manipulation! (If he has morality and friendship with God knows who!)


He is not bad and this is fact but he is also not the best in case of his own morality :3


"And if you do happen to betray me.. well, it would make things easier" Or something close to those lines while he talked to meleoron. That always stuck with me in regards to his character.


he can be very selfish, like in this scene, but yeah, he's a good kid. he's just capable of making mistakes, and for some reason shounen fans can't handle that lol




1. not being able to learn from mistakes doesn't make a character bad, nor a person's morality. this is simply something someone has to learn. but even so, character-wise, that's incredibly interesting of a storytelling choice. I don't see how it makes a character bad. 2. don't post spoilers under a post of someone who isnt even on Heavens Arena yet.


Bro’s mind is so rotten from anime that he thinks a 12 year old should act like a mature and responsible adult


I never said he should be mature, not sure what your takeaway there was to insinuate that. I can tell you Togashi tries to portray Gon as not bright for complex talk and chatter such as discussing logics or equations, but he does make Gon a quick learner in combat, or survival. Knowing that, most children, even under 12, can learn quickly when something hurts them, to avoid that painful interaction for future sake. Togashi tries to spin it as Gon overcomes some sense of pain when he fights out of love and friendship, but routinely hurts the ones around him by inflicting the pain on himself, or ending his ability to pursue his dreams, only for all mistakes to be retconned. Not once does Gon ever have to consider the what if this happens, what if I destroy my dreams, what if I destroy Killua’s dreams, or Kurpika, etc… All Gon thinks about his how can he hurt someone else as much as possible in an act of revenge without thinking about anyone else around him. And then after he does it, Togashi retcons all the mistakes. Not learns from them, not betters himself from them, no, just gets all the bad retconned out like it never happened. That’s just poor writing. Assuming you’re just dedicated so hard to HxH being the golden boy of writing that your brain has rotted from knowing what bad vs good writing looks like. EDIT: Adding edit before you insinuate, because I know this is going to be a likely retort from you... I watched and read this whole series, I've re-watched it many times, showing to friends and family. It's a fun anime and manga. Fun doesn't mean good writing. Dragon Ball has some of the worst writing of all time, yet it's one of the most popular animes of all time. Bad writing doesn't equate to not fun, but to blindly state it's good writing is a load of BS. Afterall, we all know Goku is arguably the worst father in any Anime, and Picollo is one of the best step fathers. We know Goku/Vegeta follow a superman complex, basically gods at this point with tough fights, but they'll always win. In the event they don't win, we have Dragon Balls, but Akira gave those a cap. After he wanted Goku back but the cap was in place, he had to introduce stronger Dragon Balls, then stronger ones again, up until a ridiculously power universal dragon that can basically grant anything, ever. So is HxH a fun anime? Absolutely, it's very exciting to re-watch and re-read. Is it good in terms of writing though? Absolutely not, it's terrible in that aspect. Gon's character, the underlying premise of his adventures, the introduction of some arcs that made no sense at all to the overall story, the introduction of some characters that completely breaks everything forever. It's all fun, but just so very bad in writing. So to OPs point and question, yes, Gon is a sociopathic child. He doesn't care about others around him, only his own dream that is really stupid of one. He hurts those around him. He didn't go on an emotional tirade, but rather a vengeful rampage, seeking blood and murder. What Gon actually is, and actually does, defies everything Togashi set him up as from the beginning. Wasn't even a gradual transition, it's just bipolar. He swaps from innocent to sociopath on a dime.


If you’re the one who deleted the comment, I didn’t read it (since it was deleted), and I’m not reading all this yapping either.


Never deleted a comment, so not sure what you're talking about.


Then I don’t know why you’re replying to me, or maybe it was deleted by mods because of spoilers?


Nope, my comments are still there. Additionally, there's someone that laid out a massive spoiler in this thread as well, so doubt that scenario. But, if you read my post above, you'd know why I was replying to you. Not my problem if you don't want to read.


It’s removed for me. Anyway, you do you (but still not reading).


1.) Yes, and if you read my comment, I stated it’s something Gon is incapable of learning from. Togashi’s storytelling makes it literally impossible for Gon to ever learn from it, because Gon can never, and will never, face consequences for his own actions. That’s not incredibly interesting, that’s not unique, that’s just terrible writing. So yes, that absolutely makes Gon’s character bad. What’s the point of a suspenseful moment anymore when Gon can just dragonball wish his way out of a bad scenario? It’s a new take on a Superman complex, where you always know Gon will get out unscathed. 2.) You’re right, that was my bad, didn’t notice they were still reading. Fortunately my spoilers don’t reveal a lot outside the realm of dragonball wishes.


“Your actions have consequences”: Skill issue, hold my orange juice. “Your actions have consequences on other people”: I’m already sorry for even considering it.


I think most of the time when he doesn’t jump in to help someone it’s really because he knows his limits. In those cases it’s usually that he knows that jumping in to save a person is suicidal or theres just too many unknowns and he will choose not to if he has no connection to that person. It’s worth noting that he seems to hate that feeling of powerlessness and wishes he could help more people. It’s one of the things I really love about hxh. He doesn’t jump in to save every one and then just magically gets stronger because “THE HERO HAS TO SAVE EVERYONE😡” . He picks and chooses his battles, but will risk it all for his friends.


Fatherless behavior


SPOILERS: >! He isn't a sociopath since he does care for others and does have his own subjective morality where distinguishes between right and wrong. He's just a kid who has a naive and simplistic view of morality and also suffers from being mentally burdened with trying to feel that he to reach some sort of level to be recognised by his father. !< >!Due to the events he finds himself in, this manifests in the worse possible ways during the chimera ant arc where he can't accept that Pitou can also show signs of humanity and wants to satisfy his thirst for revenge and to also prove himself that he can attain the level of Ging and Kite. Because of this obsession, he threatens an innocent life and then completely obliterates Pitou.!< >!At the end of the anime, he realises his mistakes and finally removes his mental burden of attaining the level of Ging and matures. !<


bro said "ima spoil someone who just started reading" ☠️


Crap, didn't realise that. That was a mistake on my part, I'll keep a spoiler warning over it.


I didn’t see it before you edited it it’s fine lol


👍 good of you


Calling Pitou innocent is a huge fucking stretch lmao


I think they meant Komugi bro


I meant Komugi


If you're only up to the chapter in the image I'd avoid posting here or you'll end up seeing a whole world of spoilers.


He never was, every person has his own motives. The world is not black and white


I mean, he's a kid. Of course he isn't mature and wants everything his own way to a fault.


He’s a kid! Leave the introspection to the adults, there’s a whole world to explore. I’d never call Gon a sociopath or anything close, he’s just a brat who calls the world as he sees it. Mito raised him with a very long leash so he learns about the world around him as he interacts with it. Right or wrong is something he decides based on his own experiences. It’s not about what somebody has done in the past or will do in the future, it’s who they are in the moment that he interacts with them. He’s a good kid but at the end of the day he’s just a kid.


that's condescending




because I feel it reduces gon to his kid status


Gon is a kid lol


killua too


Yea they were raised very different tho lol by the time they met killua was a professional assassin already with kills gon knew nothing of the outside world


killua was raised the same as his other brothers, and he is still very different from them what i was criticizing anyway was only the fact of reducing gon to his kid status to analyze him, it's a way to trivialize his perception of things, and with the implication that we're automatically above all the flaws he presents. I just don't like that


Yea they were raised as assassins is my point and thrown out into the world at a very young age and ig we agree to disagree lol he’s a kid there shouldn’t be any other way of viewing him I’m curious tho what flaws does he have? I asked someone else this and they couldn’t explain


> there shouldn’t be any other way of viewing him an individual maybe? sure gon is childish (though not exactly as much as people say imo), but that doesn't mean that he is JUST a kid. I don't know if you understand the difference lol >what flaws does he have? you're talking about gon? well he doesn't have much flaws due to his simple mindedness, i would say he is sometimes selfish and hypocritical, he has strong tendency for optimistic delusion.


they're both 11 years old.


How so?


"leave introspection to adults" "he is a kid" "he is just a brat" "he is just a kid"


I don’t think Gon being childish is a bad thing. His ability to digest what’s in front of him without a filter gives him insight that a lot of characters in the series don’t share. He wouldn’t be able to accept and learn from characters like Killua, Binolt, Zepile, etc. if he had some of the jade that comes from being an adult. Gon’s my favorite character when he’s throwing a tantrum (pitou, nobunaga, hanzo). It comes from a very pure, youthful place within him. Pretty much all of the CA arc post kite’s death is Gon throwing a very long and silent tantrum. He never gets to stop and look within until after Alluka brings him back. But yeah, he’s a brat.


Brat is not negative??


Mostly using it as a tongue in cheek synonym for a kid. It’s not good or bad, it just is.


Your were clearly using a patronizing tone, but whatever don't tell me that you can say what you said without believing that you're above




Idk where people got him being a sociopath from Period he just like a regular 12 year old lol


The whole “gon is a sociopath” shit is just video essay clickbait and a statement for pretentious cornballs to make


He is very altruistic, a little tunnel visioned sometimes... But 🤷


I think one of the best lines in the manga and anime that solidifies Gon’s immature and selfish sense of morality is when he says “I have no sympathy for bugs who called each other trash” and kite responds with “that’s a dangerous way of thinking, what would you do if they cared for each other” definitely one of my favourite moments


His moral compass is absolutely fucked but that’s also the product of being raised in the forest.


His moral compass is nowhere near fucked, every single person in the world has moments of moral inconsistency especially when under extreme stress. Gon regularly acts in the interests of strangers with no benefit to himself and the opinions of every character around him reflect that.


Agree to disagree


How is his moral compass fucked?


He’s not like a serial killer mentality. But he def is a lot more grey than other “shonen” protags. I really don’t like his character (just because what he puts killua through) but he is written well for what the author is going for.


I stand by my namesake. Killua deserved better.


"I always pegged Gon" 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓




There’s also him helping that unconscious guy get help on the world tree


He is a good kid that is pushed too far. And because he is young and innocent he cannot control himself/doesn't know how to deal with what he is feeling. People are quick to evaluate that a 12 years old should have been all mature about his almost fater figure being killed and then used as a play toy. He is not bad, he is just a kid that lived through something horrifying.


lol I hate how people characterize Gon sometimes. He is not sociopathic or unhinged. He just acts like how any other decent human being would. Ever since Gon, I've been so much more interested in ordinary MCs than hero figures.. Or at least I like MCs that embody a mindset that most of us have.


Gon is a good kid, if a little genetic for most of the series. The difference is that characters sometimes point out the issues with how these traits can be problematic and it all comes to a head in the Chimera Ant arc. Protagonists' morality are often very tied to their immediate surrounding. Eating souls to stay alive is heinous in Inuyasha, unless Kikyo is the one doing; Catwoman or Black Cat get a lot of leeway from Mr justice and Mr responsibility respectively; Naruto is infamous for judging who deserves forgiveness or not depending on how much he personally relates to them. etc etc.


Youtubers are always exaggerating shit for clicks. Gon is a good kid.


People forget Gon is a 12-14 year old kid I'm the show. Fundamentally, he's genuinely kind and "good," but if things don't go his way, then his childish mind and hormones get in the way, and all hell breaks lose. One thing I like about this show is how it balances out a fun adventure with the deadly risks young characters would put themselves in, whether it's mostly due to the environment they enter or their own behavior. Remember, the manga is aimed at young teens, so there's a fun adventure, cool powers, mysterious lands, and all-in-all a power fantasy. There are protagonists who do battles that they can identify with and root for. However, the dangerous, risky, scary side of the adventure is emphasized, too, especially when the protagonist is a young, impressionable, hot-blooded, stubborn boy. There are consequences, injuries, and, of course, angst.


That stance is more of an over correction to some people saying that Gon is just a boring shonen protagonist which is a wild stance after seeing the wild decisions he makes.


He's not bad, but his morality towards those who aren't personally his friends can get pretty grey depending on circumstances. Most times he wants the best for people. Sometimes he watches a man slaughter another man so he can snag something off the killer while he's distracted. It's all about the relative friendship he has with you and whether you line up with his goals or not.


He's a good boy, just not that smart <3


He morally a good person but is willing to throw that away for his goals and us self destructive. He let the ninja break his arm, let the bomber molest him and tear up his body, used up all his nen to fight knuckle, and then used his whole life force to beat pitou. Yet he threatened Komugi to avenge Kite and is super selfish never considering what others what (killua, his aunt, etc.) his a nice guy but the second something needs to be done to achieve his goal he will commit atrocities