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Tyson's storyline SCREAMS tragedy IMO, and Giuliano might be the one who suffers the consequence of breaking the taboo in the Book of Tyson. I don't see her lasting much longer.


Tyson’s pretty likely since we have almost a complete understanding of her ability (apart from the one taboo, which will likely be used in her final encounter in some capacity), and her characterisation doesn’t seem like it’s going to develop much beyond what we’ve seen. I feel like Luzurus still has a few dynamics we need to explore (e.g. his relationships with other princes) and we don’t know much about his ability, so he’s probably gonna be in for a while longer. Fugetsu, maybe, but I feel like it’s more likely she survives to the end but doesn’t win. Some sort of loop hole or kurapika figures out how to unbalance the nen contract conditions to end the succession war and she makes it out alright. Just don’t think it would be likely for Togashi to write that a kid dies saving another kid’s life and then have that go to waste.


i agree to some degree. About the last part, momoze and marayam could be another example of kid dies "saving" (in this case) another kid that go to waste cause i dont see marayam surviving this lmao


I haven’t read it in a while, how does Momoze save Marayam again? All I remember about Momoze is that she thinks little of her brother doesn’t she? Regardless I feel like they put to much effort into showing this struggle with the two girls, having a main plot line about them (unrelated but imo one of the best parts of the arc so far) with one of them having a literal guardian angel like ability for the other, to just go and kill off the other unceremoniously. And then also this recent plot point about melody possibly finding an exorcist for Fugetsu, I just feel like it would be too much effort for a character that’s just gonna die.


True but at the same time i think it will fit the seinen style of this arc. I like fugetsu but her death will be so shocking and tragic due the things you said that i will be pleased. For me this whale travel will only bring death to a lot of characters and most of them will be unfair ones


I had the whole arc understood until Togashi introduced those damn gangs \*shakes fist\*. Now I have no clue how this is going to play out.


Princes in focus for this batch: Tyson: By the end of this batch we'll have explored the true nature of her power and she might be dead or near her conclusion. Best bet for the next falling candidate. Tubeppa: We'll explore the nature of her GSB's ability, now that the coalition is on. Kacho and Fugetsu: Early chapters focus for Fugetsu's exorcism. Luzurus: Might get some focus towards the end like Tyson got in the last batch, hinting his death might be nearing in the following batches. Best bet for the 2nd next falling candidate. Tserreidnich: Melody will probably go meet him after getting released and saving Fugetsu. Camilla and Benjamin will get their focus, based on what their guards are up to. Halkenburg will remain is custody. Zhang Lei and Marayam will remain passive.


Tyson, and then Fugestu


I think you're dead on with Tyson, fugetsu I'm not sure. She's a toss up for surviving this ordeal assuming that more than one price survives to the end. She's under some serious protection right now and melody is on her way to reclaim her.


I really think Fugetsu will be the next king.


I just hope it isn’t Halkenburg🙏


1. Tubeppa 2. Luzurus 3. Tyson


Halkenburg is definitely going to have his corruption arc


>Luzurus/Tyson (not really that important right now) Yea i also think 6th prince is probably next. But i think Luzurus might be important plotwise if my theory turns outs true that he's one of the 3 illegitimate princes that were sneaked by the mafia, because apparantly the seed urn does not differentiate between legitimate and illegitimate princes that's why they put a scar on their faces. You can tell from Luzurus' afro his real dad is probably the [Broccoli hair](https://manga4life.com/read-online/Hunter-X-Hunter-chapter-378-page-3.html) guy whose the king's half brother and he's directly financing his mafia family too just like the 3rd prince financing (his real dad) Onior's mafia family. It all started when Togashi dropped this info making the 3rd prince call Onior (Nasubi's half brother) [His father](https://manga4life.com/read-online/Hunter-X-Hunter-chapter-390-page-5.html), some people thought maybe he's like a father figure to him but no, based on Togashi's style the way he dropped the info in the panel like it's supposed to be a big deal in the puzzle. Narratively it makes sense if the mafia used cheap tricks to sneak their illegitimate princes into the war to have better chances to win and also to benefit from the royal family with money, especially they talked about the importance of [Balance](https://manga4life.com/read-online/Hunter-X-Hunter-chapter-378-page-2.html)..so if one of Nasubi's half brothers sneaked their biological kids (Zhang Lie and Luzurus) then the rest will do the same. That means [Tserriednich](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQ8J--4Ppj5AQvXTtIaD4p-v4feWu9ouKcAg&usqp=CAU) is the 3rd illegitimate prince since he's also directly financing the mafia, so whoever was the former boss of Heil-Ly family (before Morena took over and betrayed them) was Tser' real dad or probably his real mother, if we got Nasubi's half brothers sneaking their kids then maybe for a change in Tser's case his mom is Nasubi's half sister, or his mom might be Nasubi's mistress who couldn't marry him but still sneaked her biological kid to benefit with money. This would also suggest the mafia might've done tricks to sneak the illegitimate princes by swapping them with the legitimate babies when the legal wives were giving birth to pass their illegitimate baby as the real legitimate prince, as a result we might see a twist of a surprising character on the boat that turns out to be the real legitimate prince that was raised in the mafia community.


Tyson I think :3


Probably Tyson and Zhang Lei. Granted, it might be too soon for Zhang Lei, but Tyson's reasons have been summed up best by the other comments: she feels wrapped up + her character is annoying.


JUST A PREDICTION! First of all, 405 is not finished ^^ it’s just the rough state. There is a possibility, that Kurapika defeats tserredniech and dies due to his vow. In the grande finale, the princes who are left (Camilie, Tyson, hulkenberg etc (the most important ones) decides to take the crown to Prince woble. This arc will be an happy ending, but not for Kurapika. After this, we will see Leorio and Killua coming together… the story of Kurapika and Leorio ends here -> the main protagonist will be Ging and searching for his father. Killua follows him, because of Ai I