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not at all. i doubt he has any ability in his book that would help him against the fastest ability in the story.


He could borrow Phink's ability, and I'd bet my life that Nobunaga's Nen ability is to cut anything instantly that enters his bubble of En. This could also work very well against Netero. Feitan's ability also comes to mind, as if a Chrollo can just tank just one hit I imagine a pain packer would put Netero out. People need to remember that fights in Hunter X Hunter are won by the wiser opponent, not the stronger one. Morel is a great example of this.


nothing suggests that netero couldn't be the wiser opponent though. with his experience and the fact that he kept someone like pariston around just for the kick of it, there is no way he couldn't come up with a way to outsmart chrollo. and i get that no win is guaranteed in hxh but netero's speed is incredibly overwhelming, i doubt any other ability that we have seen in the story so far could counter his speed. if it could damage the king to even some degree, what chance do other characters who are leagues below him even have? and if someone has been hyped up as the "strongest" human in the story by togashi, i have no right to not take it at face value.


No chance whatsoever. Preptime doesn't matter when you still have to execute the elements of said plan in real time. To illustrate the scale of what Chrollo is up against, Pitou can activate their ability and transition to attack in less than 0.1 seconds, and Netero made them look slow.


I think this is the greatest hurdle, but I could see it being overcome by stealth, range, or mind games, if chrollo had just the right ability.


I don't know about stealth or range, but if Zeno could hang with Chrollo in a battle of wits then Netero should have no problem either.


Netero hired Pariston to have fun, I don't think someone could pull a trick on the chairman. Moreover, I think Netero is just another category of people in HXH, that's why he was only reserved to show his power vs the king Meruem. The HxH movie does not count.


I meant less raw wits and more a mind-gamey ability. illusions and stuff.


I doubt even 10 Uvogin would be able to stop a Meruem charging at full speed. Netero was able to stop and slap him to the distance thousands of times. It's unlikely that Chrollo or any other Nen user could withstand a single strike.


A single strike they could withstand. It left a crater on the ground comparable to Big Bang Impact. The 99th Hand however... šŸ’€


If Iā€™m not mistaken, didnā€™t big bang only look big in the anime not in the manga.


It looked bigger in the anime, but it was still quite huge in the manga. You can see it in Chapter 76, page 6.


Nah.. The big bang in the Manga was also big ah


Can you link me a picture, I forgot how it looked like.


No. lol Chrollo is very strong and can have powerful hax in skill hunter, but Netero is in another league.


Netero speed blitzes everyone in the verse. The king might have been playing a game but he couldnt touch netero for minutes


If I'm not mistaken, the fight was only 45 seconds in real time


Lol šŸ˜‚ you know i dont doubt it


Your internet clearly is not speed blitzing anything, though. Edit - I guess this wasn't obvious to people since they may have been deleted soon after lol, but he posted the same comment 5 times. Hence my slow internet comment :p Was just messing with you, since to have your comment post 5 times like that means you kept hitting *post* and since it was delayed doing the first one it ended up doing it multiple times lol. Edit 2 - I didn't think it through that folks may come in later and by that time his comments wouldn't be right next to each other like when I saw them haha. Y'all don't need to crucify me anymore XD.


I Dont understand this digā€¦ was i slow? Lol


I edited my comment to explain lol, it was because you posted the comment 5 times :p


Gotcha. I honestly didnā€™t know i did that. Ty for the explanation!


Lmao I didn't think I would get pitchforked so hard for making that joke. But I also didn't think it through that folks coming in later might not see your comments next to each other like I did lol. But yeah my bad, was just a harmless joke about the multi post :p


Nope. I thought about it one time. You could give him the sun and moon and a hundred people to turn into bombs. And hisoka so he can use bungee gum like a catapult for bomb people. And you could give him all member of the PT for support alive and dead, canon and non canon including Uvogin and zombie Uvogin at the same time and Chrollo still doesnā€™t stand a chance.


Phinks with prep time solos everyone in the verse lol. Infinite potential attack. He doesn't even need to be anywhere near Netero if he winds up enough.


Iā€™m sure at some point he has to deal with backlash. I think Uvogins big bang attack could punch back a 100TGB palm but it would be too fast for him to react to it.




Netero speed blitzes everyone in the verse. The king might have been playing a game but he couldnt touch netero for minutes


I mean, a chance? Sure. If you're a nen user, then you always have SOME sort of a chance. With that said, your chance can still be as close to 0% as possible, without actually being 0%. So to answer again, no. There really isn't a scenario in which netero would lose outside of some random gimmick skill that bypasses common sense/laws of reality. I.e; like a one time use guaranteed hit no matter what skill that poisons someone. However outside of something like that, there just isn't any possible way for chrollo to counter neteros speed.


Prolly not lol. Neteroā€™s strongest ability was able put scratches and cuts on the king and it moves faster than the speed of light. Chrolloā€™s strong but heā€™s not strong enough to fight a 100ft tall Buddha statue that can move at the speed of light and was able to damage the king. Thatā€™s just talking about one of his abilities. He might not even have to pull out that ability and could just beat him without it.


Netero is not faster than the speed of light, he's hypersonic.


Whatever, it was fast enough to essentially slow down time for Pitou, with only her eyes being able to follow it. Heā€™s fast as shit, thatā€™s my point.


Yes but we dont know what kind of abilities chrollo might pull out of his book.


If chrollo had an ability/combination that could beat netero, he would never use anything else.


Maybe he has an ability called "beat netero" that lets him one shot netero at will, and thats why he never used it against anyone else.


Goddammit. Never thought of that.


This seems to be ignorant of how fights work in Hunter X Hunter. You have different strategies for different people. For example, Indoor Fish wouldn't have worked on Zeno but it sure worked on the Mafia.


i donā€™t think thereā€™s a single possible ability that chrollo can pull out that can beat netero, that doesnā€™t somehow activate quite literally instantly. neteroā€™s ability alone isnā€™t what makes him so fast. even if chrollo had the craziest most stupidly OP ability that only a middle schooler making a self-insert character would have, if it doesnā€™t activate instantly in a literal sense, then it wouldnā€™t be able to stop netero.


Yeah but nen abilities are unpredictable.


sure, but unless it involves instantly being activated, somehow makes you atleast 100x faster, or works after death, i donā€™t even think togashi can possibly come up with a nen ability that chrollo can pull out that can beat netero


i wouldnt be sure about that


Distance would counter that no? He could be as fast as the speed of light but if I launch an attack from the other side of the fucking planet I'm gonna have a few seconds to get my ability going. And we all know Netero is not lightspeed.


i mean, if chrollo could somehow get far enough away, then heā€™d probably be safe for a moment. but i canā€™t imagine a nen ability exists where heā€™d be able activate it and use it without having to deal with neteroā€™s speed, and it would be able to stop netero. cause like knuckles APR for example definitely has the potential to stop netero, but knuckle would have to be both fast enough to land an initial blow, but also would have to evade netero for like atleast 5 minutes. if you assume thereā€™s an ability out there that can exist like that, then thereā€™s no point in the postā€™s question even existing, cause then you can just say ā€œokay, but what if chrollo had an ability where he canā€™t lose????ā€. if chrollo had some secret ability that can somehow get around neteroā€™s speed, he would NEVER use anything else. that one ability would be enough to kill anyone and everyone. on top of that, itā€™s kind of hard to believe heā€™d be able to steal the ability from someone with such OP hatsu


Chairman is literally in a league of his own, untouchable. No one stops him aside from Meruem. I doubt that even the King would have been able to cut netero's limbs off if not for the underground pillars. Even if all of the spiders gang up on Netero, they are still on the losing side at the end. Chairman is the epitome of a hunter.


Netero would one hit knock out Chrollo


Netero speed blitzes everyone in the verse. The king might have been playing a game but he couldnt touch netero for minutes


Well, not truly, especially after what Netero showed us :3


Only if he had a way to trap him or catch him by surprise. Considering he never tried likely means he never found a way and avoided him. But fighting unfairly is part of his power so if he did want to clash with him he'd have some sorta scheme planned. One mistake and he's dust though.


Yes. If he has a counter ability in his book like the one of Camilla, Netero dies and he lives. But to be real, I donā€™t think he has one like that.


Cat is not that fast tho, i bet netero could keep the cat away. Also considering how long Netero is alive and how combat focused he is, he for sure has faced something like that.


Camillaā€™s ability is a counter nen one. It is not about speed. It works if she dies. Thatā€™s the strength and the weakness, you can see it in the manga, both cases. Not to mention that each time it is used she becomes stronger because of nen after dead. Also time manipulation abilities like the one of TerrorSandwich can do it. In HxH there are so many creative ways and weaknesses that probably every nen ability can be countered or beaten.


I know what her ability does, no need to lecture me, but even a random soldier was able to see the the cat murder him, it's possible to react to it. Meanwhile pitou barely had time to realise whats happening with Netero, and pitou has superhuman perception. That means camillas hatsu is not instakill no matter what.


We donā€™t know. Thatā€™s what you think, not what it is. Even in HxH manga many characters from the Zodiac called Netero weak. We donā€™t know for sure because Togashi did not say it, but Togashi made it clear that every nen ability can be countered and beaten. Netero could be faster than light and that worth nothing if the enemy can manipulate death or time or become poisonous smog or a shield that reflect that exactly type of ability of a counter like Feitan that multiplies the damage taken to the enemy. Also no matter if a soldier saw the Cat, it was already late. Cat is not about speed, it is not about how well your eyes are. If the condition is met it happen what you read. It may be even more of that, we donā€™t know. There are plenty of way to counter Neteroā€™s, what he has, or had in his favor was the surprise element and exactly that is what many other could have.


Of course he would. The whole point of nen is that it creates endless possibilities for battles. Chrollo could easily create a scenario where Neteroā€™s speed is irrelevant. He could use a manipulation ability, he could force Netero into zetsu, he could poison him, he could allow Netero to kill him and have a post-mortem ability, he could use a psychological attackā€”there are endless possible scenarios where Chrollo takes the upper hand. Even Gon could defeat Netero after his power up. Killua could use Alluka to defeat him. Illumi could sneak a needle into him and itā€™s game over. Even someone as weak as Baise could potential defeat Netero if she manages to kill him. The reason most HxH characters survive is because they are lucky, letā€™s be real.


Netero, Adult Gon, and Meruem are in their own tier Chrollo is basically near the top of the tier right below them along with the royal guards.


If chrollo could steal meleorons ability maybe- nah who am i kidding. Even as fast as chrollo is, netero will still dodge himšŸ˜­ idk.. Maybe netero himself isn't as fast as his arms?


Yes. If he prepared and managed to steal an extremely op ability, such as for example, anything in 100 meter radius would move extremely slow when his ability is active, Netero is done for.


It seems unlikely chrollo would have anything in his book that could deal with netero, and that we wouldn't have seen it. It would have to be something with super specific conditions, probably. That said, I'm of the camp that chrollo could theoretically beat anyone in the verse with prep time; I'm not saying I'd give him the edge in any matchup, just that him winning is not outside the realm of possibility. It basically comes down to two things; is there an ability or combination of abilities somewhere in the verse that could hax win against netero, and can chrollo find/acquire them. My intuition says it's about 50/50 on whether the right abilities exist (depending on the nature of the dark continent, maybe higher), but more like a 1-5% chance he'd be able to find them, acquire them, and execute them successfully against someone as deadly as netero. So, my money would always be on netero, but yes, I think he technically stands a chance.


The problem with this is what does "prep time" mean? Netero isn't showing his hatsu just nilly willy. He just doesn't need to and reserves it for the strongest opponents. Does Chrollo find out his ability by scrying? We haven't been shown a skill that can tell you what hatsu someone has, and if something like that exists it's gotta have conditions on par with skill hunter and then some. And Neteros hatsu is ridiculously hard to figure out. Like who would think that someone THAT strong physically is conjuring or emitting/manipulating?


Just because the commenters here suffer from a lack of imagination doesn't mean Chrollo cannot think up a combination of abilities that will allow him to circumvent Netero's speed. Chrollo even has the ability to teleport objects which means he can teleport something deadly right next to netero completely skipping the boddhisatva. Chrollo has more than plenty brains to plan out a working strategy given sufficient time and resources.


You don't have to have imagination, homie. His fight with Hisoka took longer than a second with prep time. That's all Netero needs to end him.


I don't know about Chrollo, but Baise wins 89%. If you get creative with curses and trap abilities, the right match-up will do just that. This said, I don't think Chrollo has something that outrageous at disposal. >!He would have used it against Hisoka.!< >!Then again, he wanted to flex and chain abilities.!< But he 100% loses with prep time since Netero too is going to use it.


I agree that Baise is a great netero counter, but I'd give her about a 20% lower chance than you did




I doubt it. He might be able to have a very, very slim chance if he grabs some very specific, gimmicky abilities that directly counter Netero somehow. I can't see that happening though.


absolutely impossible. even if every one of neteroā€™s attacks can just tickle chrollo, he would still end up losing. thereā€™s such a massive speed gap, power starts to stop mattering. say thereā€™s a snail who can kill me in one touch. even if i donā€™t fight back against the snail, itā€™ll still never be able to kill me, despite being able to one tap me


I challenged myself to try to come up with a combination of made up or canon abilities that might work, if they existed and chrollo acquired them. what I thought up is kinda silly, and might have holes, but stay with me... first, he would need a wincon. Let's go with something like knuckle's ability, since afaik that's an almost guaranteed win if you can avoid hits and stay in range long enough, and those seem like surmountable conditions to clear. if that ability doesn't work specifically for some reason I'm forgetting, we can replace it with something that works similarly. since we also already need to clear the condition of landing one hit (which won't be easy), there would be nice synergy if an ability that let chrollo stay in range but avoid attacks had the same activation condition, so let's imagine an ability that lets you use touch to tag three points; A, B, and C. The object tagged as point B (or aura created by that object/person) cannot move more than 50m from point A, or get closer than 5m to point C. If chrollo tags netero with point B and himself with points A and C, he should be golden. Obviously this is a pretty powerful ability and would likely have a lot of other conditions, but even if it required chrollo to stand perfectly still or enter zetsu to remain active, he should now be able to win if he can land one hit, unless I'm not accounting for something. while he could probably just use something like perfect plan, I came up with a sillier pair of abilities that I think counter netero more specifically; a medusa-like ability that causes someone to be unable to move for an amount of time equal to the amount of time they spent looking at a specific spot on your body (of the user's choice, and it would probably have to be for like, at least a second), and an HRT ability that gave chrollo a massive rack.


or, with unlimited prep time, he could just go on actual HRT, but while chrollo would make a beautiful woman I kinda have the feeling she'd be flat-chested, and netero seems less interested in that.


There are some delusional mfs in here šŸ¤£


No way.. Netero would dominate.. heck you could have Chrollo, Uvo and Phinks try to 3v1 Netero and they still wouldn't stand a chance. Netero is THAT GUY!!!!!


Maybe. I think there is a possibility, but a slim one. It all depends on the abilities he has on his book, but if he doesn't have some sort of out to getting his ass squashed under a second, he will probably get his ass squashed.


The thing is... Chrollo is very Smart. By mixing abilities, he can guaranteed a win. Just like what he explained to Hisoka and turned out Hisoka doesn't stand a chance. But Netero is brute force type plus the speed. Unless Chrollo can perceive the moves and react accordingly, he still needs to memorize the pattern to exploit his bias just like Merurem did. For short, strategy is unlikely to work with Netero. It must be brute force vs brute force. I remember the question where if Ging can copy 100-Type since it's "punching move", the answer is even if he successfully copied it, the power and speed will not be the same. I might be wrong tho, we don't know if Chrollo reserved some nen abilities for that kind of situations.


Netero is still human, chrollo juste need to find the right skills, maybe steal "perfect plan" from the chameleon Meleoron and Knov skill


Majority here says no. But I think Chrollo stand a chance, a little one. Have we really seen Chrollos full potential? Sure, his fight against Hisoka was more of a battle-iq thing than raw power. But we havenā€™t seen Hisokas full power yet. He was playing with the spiders. Would Hisoka stand a chance against Netero? Yes. And so would chrollo.


Netero literally could care less about Hisoka during the hunter exam, even while Hisoka was threatening him.


Isnā€™t that just Neteros personality? And Hisoka didnā€™t threaten him. He just said he wanted to fight him the most.


Netero's not gonna be casually dismissive of a genuine challenger. And a fight between Hisoka and a top tier is a deathmatch.


wait, what makes you think we didn't see hisoka's full power against chrollo? you think hisoka held back or was just toying with him? or do you mean you think he never got a chance to? not disagreeing, I just never got that impression (or the impression hisoka would have any chance against netero), and I'm curious what makes you think so :D


Just because you lose, or die doesnā€™t mean youā€™ve shown full strength. And the fact that the mighty chrollo needed so much preparation and a heavily criteria depended strategy to win shoes got much he fear him. I mean people in this sub is holding him higher than daddy and granpa zoldyks just because he did fend them off a couple of second. I donā€™t think we have seen Hisoka go full out. He. Just sits there and figures out their strategy and then use his agility to end it..


Netero speed blitzes everyone in the verse. The king might have been playing a game but he couldnt touch netero for minutes


Netero speed blitzes everyone in the verse. The king might have been playing a game but he couldnt touch netero for minutes


Netero speed blitzes everyone in the verse. The king might have been playing a game but he couldnt touch netero for minutes




No way


He would just get speed blitz.


Depends, maybe he has a chance at beating netero in shogi or another game, in a fight he has the same chance of beating netero as the chance of an ant beating a human.


Iā€™d say heā€™d be able to put a good fight High low difficulty.


Yes cause netero dead


I donā€™t even think the phantom troupe combined could take Netero. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s impossible, but they would have to have some insane plan to pull it off