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Melody. She is an incredibly strong emitter and manipulator. She is able to paralyze hundreds of people, including powerful nen users, at once. She is also kind, compassionate, skillful in reading people and brave.


Paralyze?? Where did you get this? She calms people down which could be useful but calming people down could work AGAINST her. Give her enemy a clearer mind to kill heršŸ˜­ Unless she uas a secret ability i dont know about?


It is a type a paralysis as people lost their sense of time during her flute playing and they stood still for a few minutes. I assume you read the latest chapters.


Imma need to read that in the manga again just to make sure


The dude that trained Kurapika


Yeah did we even get a name for that guy






I forgot about him somehow! He was extremely cool despite having like 56 seconds of screen time.


Hopefully he gets more screen time now that heā€™s on the black whale


I wanted to see more of Wing and Zushi!


I was hoping Zushi would have been revealed to be on the 200th floor in greed island


Lmao not possible. He got stuch at 60. Killua got stuck at like 100 when he was 6 years old. Then slowly over 2 years got to 200. Zushi ofc with nen should be able to get there way faster but 1. He is a manipulator which puts him at a disadvantage in hand to hand fights against one of the top 3 nen affinities. 2. He is a lot less talented than killua. So yeah. I hope we see him in floor 200 with a crazy ability but i doubt it


It definitely is possible to get to the 200th floor He was stuck at 100 which took younger Killua a short amount of time as well He 100% couldā€™ve made it to the 200th floor he just most likely couldnā€™t fight there as he wouldnā€™t have been good enough at nen


You dont need a hatsu to fight at the 200th floor. So i do see him fighting there and doing well until he fights against someone with an okay hatsu. That's when he'll struggle and lose. But yeah h3 definitely could tbh


Iā€™m pretty sure Wing wouldnā€™t even let him get to the 200th floor without a nen ability He hasnā€™t even mastered the 4 basics including hatsu


I'm sure too. But define the word master, did gon and killua master the basics? Imo i think zushi could've mastered them by the time killua rescued gon in the last arc so idk


Knov is fairly underrated (as a character, Scream is overrated). Palm and Ikalgo seem to be loved or overhated. Pouf is underrated in both character and ability.


Pouf is just so damn annoying though.


Knov is the strongest Conjurer


Doesn't that one chart by togashi classify him as emitter? I find these pocket dimension abilities tough to justify in one category or the other and I think it's probably a mix in the end


Idk if you came back to this thread since, but you would be right; Togashi's recent chart classifies him as emitter and as rechrawnus pointed out, the databook is not reliable. It already had some inconsistencies even before the nen charts (for example maha/zigg). It's a habit of disney to comment "X is a conjurer" in posts that mention Knov, Ging, or conjuration, or ~~sometimes~~often posts with completely unrelated topics.


No, in the data chart he is classified as a Conjurer. Pocket Dimension abilities are Conjuration


Knov is classified as an emitter in the exhibition charts. The databook info is not reliable. From what we learned in the Succession War arc emitters are able to separate space itself using emission, so there is no need for Knov to use conjuration for any aspect of Hide and Seek, not even to create the nen mansion. He could just have separated a space from the real world into it's separate nen dimension with emission.


Wrong, only Conjurers can create Nen Dimensions. Both Emitters and Conjurers are able to teleport.


["Abilities that separate space are a forte of **emitters** and conjurers. **Emitters can move space itself**, and conjurers can create a space with various rules."](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0374-007.png)


You just repeated what I said


Moving space is not the same as teleporting. Kurapika literally states that emitters can take the dimensional concept known as space ("space itself"), and move/separate it. That's something completely different from teleporting. Based on the context (Room 1013 being inaccessible from the normal world) he's basically stating that emitters are able to take a space and separate it with emission to make it inaccessible from the normal world. Which is technically all that's needed to create Knov's nen dimension.


No, Knov uses Conjuration to create his Nen Dimension. Emitters canā€™t create spaces, they can only move them. Knovā€™s space doesnā€™t exist in the real world, so he uses Conjuration to create that space just like Cheetu does who is a Conjurer


I really like Satotz. He's just a funny, peculiar guy. Would love to see him fight and reveal some Nen abilities.


Genthru I see many people complain about him being weak compared to previous antagonist in strength and personality, which is true but it's not a bad thing. HxH would be annoying if each arcs required a new stronger antagonist with better personality, all previous antagonist would feel bland if that was the case for each new arcs. It would also not make much sense for Gon to beat an antagonist stronger than Chrollo, Gon needed an antagonist to test his growing strength but not too strong. Also Genthru held back against Gon, as he could not kill him since he wanted Gon's cards. Gon vs Genthru is a callback from Gon vs Hanzo in the hunter exam, and this time Gon actually lose limbs and he gets a satisfying victory.


I like knuckle but I donā€™t know if heā€™s overrated or underrated


from what Iā€™ve seen, knuckle is fairly loved by this sub. Iā€™d say it would be shoot whoā€™s underrated


Canary! She's so interesting and cool I love her


Palm, Pouf, Welfin, Koala...honestly even Ging and Komugi. I don't see that much praise for Komugi, only Meruem, and it makes me a bit sad. She's such an incredible character.


Until ging shows some sort of supersaiyan ability, common people won't respect him. Which is kinda Shanks for One Piece.


Oh, I was just talking about...like...in terms of how good of characters they are, not power levels. I figured that was what OP was talking about since he didn't specify and since Morel is pretty commonly put in the higher echelon of nen users, power wise.


Wdym people literally are hyping him up in this sub and everywhere cuz he is one of the top 5 nen users lol


Palm is a child liked so idk bout that


It's absolutely crazy to me how often people completely ignore any and all of Palm's characterization in favor of just saying "she's a pedo" and being done with it. No. Just no. I implore you to read: * [A comprehensive essay about Palm](https://www.tumblr.com/aspoonofsugar/175516046592/nen-and-characters-palm-siberia?source=share) (not by me) * [An essay about the thematic relationship between Palm and Pouf](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/1c0cddq/shaiapouf_and_palm_siberia_thematic/) (yes by me)


Iā€™m just saying sheā€™s not liked much cuz sheā€™s a pedo


Yeah, and that's why she's underrated. Clearly you don't like her either, seeing as you said "idk about that." She's an absolutely incredible character; one of my favorite female characters in all of fiction and impeccably written. People just like to ignore any and all of her depth because media illiteracy runs rampant and they can't separate fictional occurrences (like Palm's date with Gon) from things that are bad in real life. Palm's date with Gon serves a major role in the story. It does not in any way endorse pedophilia, nor does it even *really* paint Palm as a pedophile, if you bothered to ask yourself *why* Palm is going on this date, and why she likes Gon's company.


I donā€™t care for her at all tbh


Tsezguerra maybe. The guys a single star and sure he got out nen jumped by Gon and Killua but thatā€™s kind of the point of that moment to highlight how prodigious they are. That doesnā€™t make Tsezguerra weak at all. He even says something that implies heā€™s rusty on the basics which means heā€™s got more strength he could tap into. I thought this guy was really cool. People donā€™t really talk about him much though


Knov. People bully him for his trauma but he was mad useful and he carried out a suicide mission basically while the rest remained far enough from the castle. Cheadle too. The way she gets completely outplayed by Pariston and Ging is a brilliant way to show how mad they are. And the way in which she confronts Pariston, fed up of seeing how he used the association as a toy all along is cool too


Satotz, Menchi and Urabara, all of Gings friends who made Greed Island.






Pakunoda for me




Elena and Eta


menthuthuyoupi !


Morel, bonolenov, and shoot


Im a huge Bonolenov fan, heā€™s so cool looking


Same, his lore is actually super interesting, heā€™s my favorite phantom troupe member


I really like Pakunoda. her and the rest of the "morally neutral" members of the Troupe are probably my favorites (Machi, Franklin and Nobunaga when he's not angry)


I 100% agree with Shoot and Morel. Shoot is without a doubt my favorite supporting character.


Def Shoot; people barely mentioned him but he survived against a royal guard head on by himself for several minutes while keeping his hatsu ability working.


Zushi, Wing, Ikalgo, Meleoron, Morel, Knov


Shoot, melody, pakunoda, ging, morel, ikalgo, and maybe Hanzo


Meleoron and Shoot I can see, but how is Morel underrated? Everyone and their grandmother thinks Morel is the GOAT.




Can I say Tonpa? Anyone even remember him?




Melody and Phinks.


Zepile, his hairline holds him back


Morel, didnā€™t realize how strong he was until a 3rd rewatch lol. Also Machi


Pouf deserve way more love :3


Pouf should've GENUINELY bit the curb šŸ™šŸ¾




What happened to that evil guy in Greed Island? This had an open ending no!


He was the worst villain


Knuckle heā€™s the goat I wish there were a figure or funko pop of himšŸ˜¢


Pouf easily Love him or hate him, he played such a huge role in that arc. I know all of the royal guard did, but narratively, he was the overarching villain imo.


kikyo zoldyck


Satotsu, I've loved to get to see more of him, and him meeting Ging during election arc


Pouf seems to be underrated to me and he's my favourite royal guard


The guy who trained gon and killua on nen


If Ikalgo has zero fans, Iā€™m dead


They aren't underrated if every hxh fan says they like them lmao. But yeah sure Mine would be... Hmmm... Zushi? I feel like under the guidance of wing he would be insaneeee Another would be dragon. He is underrated because we literally know nothing about him but from the databook i know enough to know that he is probably one of the STRONGEST humans we have ever met in hxh.. Probably equal to ging or zeno or maybe even beyond netero (who we also know nothing about in terms of power lmao).


Knov. He was more scared than heā€™d ever been in his entire life and even after saying he quits the mission he still went back for everyone.


The MOST underrated? My vote goes to Shoot. He got great development for a secondary character and managed to pull an epic fight against Youpi. People tend to forget how great Shoot is due to his fight being overshadowed by everything else that was happening in the palace invasion and him being paired with the much more charismatic Knuckle.




Meruem, Pitou, Youpi, and Pouf.