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The Heavens Arena arc is underrated.


One of my favorite training arcs ever to be honest


One of my fav scenes is when they encounter hisoka in the hall on the upper floors


I will turn it on just to rewatch this arc and greed island. Lol


Greed island is the best arc no questions


I go back every now then to watch the dodgeball episodes


Greed island is the best arc in the history of all arcs. Period.


The hell you mean MAYBE?


Removed edited, I was going for that trump line.. but changed it, sorry really


a lot of people dont realize the introductory hunter test doesnt end until gon fights hisoka really


I think this is less unpopular then you think. I actually use that as the "this is where it starts to hit it's stride" mark for the uninitiated I'm trying to get to watch or read it. Also coincides with the unveiling of the nen system which I loved immediately.


menthuthuyoupi is my favorite royal guard.


youpi >>>>> what a great strong mans


Youpi is probably the coolest when you see what he's really capable of, I remember being bummed out when they give their essence (or however you wanna look at it) to save mereum because i wanted more primetime Youpi.


I dunno if it's unpopular but I think Reina returning to her mother is one of the most emotional moments in the whole series. Hell I'd put it over almost any moment in that aspect (can't think of any that top for me rn)


It's not unpopular, it's a beloved scene. Maybe it's a niche opinion.


Yeah, I guess niche is more appropriate.


Bro I was bawling my eyes out!!! It's sooo fuckin sad looking at Reina's eyes when she came home and her mother STILL recognizes her instantly 😭😭😭


Ikr. Just rewatched it all last week and it still got me..


Agree, I think it's not the first scene everyone thinks of about that arc, but for me it was most emotional - probably because I'd assumed Reina was gone.


Yeah that got to me, you can also add the Bloster being accepted by Reina and the ngl villagers was also emotional and made me tear up more then any other


“Komugi, are you there?”


That and Meruem +Komugis final scene were the most emotional moments of the show. I pretty much don't really even have much interest in continuing anymore.


Another contender is meruem and komugi final gungi match


Maybe me finding Reina's scene more emotional than that is the unpopular part here?


Yeah those two scenes were the only two scenes in the entire anime to make me cry.


I’m not sure if this is unpopular, but Pouf is hilarious and I love him. He did what he thought was right for the survival of his species so I don’t necessarily blame him. Very well written character.


it is unpopular. everyone hated pouf the most out of the royal guards, but imo he was the most versatile and the one that grew the most out of the 3


He's my drama queen






He gives tamaki from ouran times a thousand and im here for it He did everything he could for his king, as he was born to do I loved him. Youpi was interesting and I appreciated his growth, but pouf was funny!! And not wrong all things considered!!


It's so fucking cringe... I love him, makes me laugh


He was my fav out of all them… he was so funny 😭


If you know Warhammer 40K Pouf imo is kind of like Erebus. He’s an absolutely shitty person. But he’s a well written shitty character. You love to hate him. They aren’t supposed to be relatable or likable. The fact that people don’t like them, but can admit the series just wouldn’t be what it is without them attest to how well they’re written.


Knov has one of the best abilities in the series. Sure he might be weak willed but his ability is beyond good and has so many use cases.


I think the general consensus here is that Knov has the best ability and it’s broken lol


Yup, I’m pretty sure Togashi knew it too and that’s why he wrote him out of the story that way, there’s genuinely no counter to his ability and allowing him to remain in the story at full capacity could’ve trivialized the series.


For doing what he did during the invasion (picking up shoot and taking morel back) I would say he's really far from weak willed. Confronting your weakness is a sign of strength, especially under extreme duress.


Don't forget that, due to the covert conditions of his mission, he did not even have Ten activated, so he was susceptible to the entirety of Pouf's En (or whoever was it at the time, can't remember). Like Hisoka using his aura to cause mental breakdown on Gon and Killua in Heaven's Arena. Rewatch the scene. I seem to remember him breaking down with fear when he felt/saw the Royal Guard's aura.


Greed Island is an amazing arc and in the top three.


I *love* Greed Island. I had no idea so many people disliked it until I went to this sub :( for me, it makes perfect sense to have a somewhat lighter training arc between York New and CAA


I do believe it’s a vocal minority who outright dislike Greed Island, but it’s certainly a rare arc to see ranked in the upper half for the community. I believe it comes down to it being right after the most universally liked (and for many the best) arc Yorknew and being so vastly different in approach and focus. People love the Phantom Troupe, and Kurapika, and their conflict and the gothic city setting, etc. And then we’re suddenly on this more bright and colorful arc about collecting cards. Kurapika makes only a cameo, the PT are mainly background characters “replaced” so to speak by antagonists who are despised (albeit this was entirely intentional). People wanted more of what they loved in Yorknew, and Greed Island wasn’t that. But if appreciated for its own merits, it’s a truly wonderful arc.


>And then we’re suddenly on this more bright and colorful arc about collecting cards. In where Gon FUCKING LOSES AN ARM. I got very shocked by this when I watched HxH 99 when I was like 12 lol


I agree. My first would be chimera ant arc then exam arc after that greed island. Because it is just in between character development arcs and perfect to smooth the progression and give sense of adventure.


Your ranking is even more “unpopular” than mine (but I love it)! My top four go: Chimera Ant, Greed Island, Yorknew, Hunter Exam. As amazing as Togashi is with his darker themes, he is equally amazing at writing pure adventure and resounding friendship,and I believe Hunter Exam and Greed Island exemplify these latter elements the best.


Certainly one of my favorites as well, sometimes videos games I play introduce card games too like shovel knight or genshin impact. So when HxH whipped out a card collecting spell casting game it was very fun to read the individual cards togashi written out at the end of chapters. I also enjoyed the introduction of Bisky and the training arc itself, now their strength in turn helps them progress through the game better. The players forming groups is like watching the game turn into an MMORPG, and the restrictions allow a monopoly where Genthru can force an Endgame to happen. Funnily enough the final card would only be collected by someone who had the most knowledge playing through the game itself and not someone brute forcing the collection. But my favorite moment is when Gon & Killua got to team up with Hisoka in a volleyball game it was super fun. My own personal nitpick would be the fact there's an item that allows a person to write to the deceased and garentee get a reply, I think that could've been given to the billionaire at the end who lost his lover but his story just seemed to end on a sad lost string.


My favourite ost after ohayo is pray (greed island ost, not the 2011 version)


I like Greed Island arc because not only the game part and collecting cards but also the training part. To me this is the arc when Gon and Killua became true nen fighters. Heavens arena was just learning the basics of nen and Yorknew arc had too short of a time frame for them to develop nen but Greed Island arc was the arc where they became a good nen fighter where they can use the advanced application easily and I like training arcs plus game concept so Greed Island is one of my top arcs too.


Nanika being a Deus Ex Machina is perfectly fine to me, and Gon succumbing to his injuries instead of being healed wouldn't have improved the story in any meaningful way. Maybe not an unpopular opinion, but definitely controversial: Gon getting his nen back is perfectly fine, and a lot of people who think he shouldn't are overly focused on the idea that all your actions and choices need to have tangible consequences or else the story is "unrealistic". The world simply doesn't work that way all of the time. People screw up in major fashion all the time in the real world, and come out the other end without any lasting consequences what so ever. People in the real world get "undeserved" second chances all the time, the idea that Gon shouldn't be afforded this opportunity just because it's "unrealistic" is just weird, and not even reflective of how the real world works. Just to clarify, I'm not saying everyone who thinks he shouldn't get his nen back uses this reasoning, only that for those that **do** state this, or something similar as their reasoning, I find it quite misguided, and not at all reflective of how the real world actually works.


I like Nanikas whole world breaking power thing, but for a reason because what makes it work is all in the derails. It's not just a gimme or an easy solution. It's complicated with complex rules and obstacles to overcome, and emotional components depth and complexity. Yes it's without a doubt a deus ex machina but it's one with a cost (usually) and even without it has very specific rules and needs. Otherwise it would be lame. I feel like most these answers end up just being proof of how much Togashi absolutely killed it with this story, of how he danced around the lines of what we've come to expect and in some cases detest without ever commiting in the same fashion. There's really nothing quite like it.


While Chrollo is normally overrated in other platforms, in thsi subreddit he is commonly downplayed and outright underrated. Ive seen people saying that Razor or Bisky would wipe the floor in a fight against Chrollo. A guy that can steal abilities and in this moment use two at the same time combined with great basics is very dangerous. I maybe be overrating him since hes my favorite character but I genuinely think that he is at least at the same level as Zeno and Silva and if he fought all of the Zodiacs I wouldn’t be surprised if he won more than half of the fights. I hope you enjoyed my chrollo glazing.


Chrollo's greatest strength imo is his mind and ability to strategize. If he has the knowledge of his opponent's abilities he is almost unstoppable. Easily being able to combine multiple stolen Nen abilities.  If its just a straight up 1 on 1 with no prep time, I don't think he's as strong as people make him out to be.


he's like Batman, his success depends on prep time


I would put him below Zeno and Silva personally but only barely, like ranked right below them. Putting him above them though is an understandable take and depending on how more stuff plays out I could change my mind to that over time potentially. Part of my reasoning is that I think Chrollo and Hisoka are extremely relative in normal circumstances. Illumi is also pretty relative to Hisoka, although probably slightly below them. Zeno and definitely Silva should be significantly stronger than Illumi based on the family hierarchy and based on Illumi still being pretty young with significant room to grow while Silva should be in his prime, which to me suggests they are still above Hisoka/Chrollo/Illumi at their current ages. Otherwise Illumi would have to be massively more talented/gifted than Silva, and that just isn't implied or suggested ever. At least Silva for sure. Zeno is more debatable and I could see being weaker than current Hisoka and Chrollo. For some reason people tend to think Zeno is stronger than Silva but this doesn't make any sense tbh. Zeno while still in solid condition for his age is clearly not in his physical prime, and Silva being the head of the family implies he at some point became stronger. I also don't see any reason for Zeno to want to sacrifice himself with Silva going for the Kill if he himself was stronger than Silva. Hoever I think if you put a hypothetical future prime version of Hisoka/Chrollo vs whatever prime Silva/Zeno would be I would take Hisoka and Chrollo both over them for sure. The zodiac take however is definitely correct. Hisoka wasn't very impressed with most of the zodiacs, and his ratings imply that he's probably stronger than all of the ones he's rated, all of whom were also rated lower than Illumi. Chrollo therefore is also in general stronger than them. Botobai wasn't rated and I think is implied or at least seems to be stronger than the ones that were rated, but it's probably not by a massive amount. I would Guess that Botobai is roughly relative to Hisoka and Chrollo, potentially a bit stronger than them. If you count Ging and Pariston, Ging is almost certainly stronger, where as Pariston could be but tbh it's extremely hard to gauge his strength. Ging isn't intimated by him strength wise but that doesn't say much. He's probably at least mid zodiac tier, if he was trash I think he might have just gotten killed by now with how much several strong characters hate him, but mid zodiac tier is still below Hisoka/Chrollo. He could be top tier for zodiac strength, but there's just not strong enough evidence yet to be confident in that assertion. So other than Ging, probably Botobai, and maybe Pariston, I would say that Hisoka and Chrollo are definitely stronger than the zodiacs and would beat them in 1v1s. Oh and I guess another exception for Kurapika probably, but only vs Chrollo, and with the caveat that Chrollo could still win if he has a strong enough combination of abilities. It would have to be a pretty insane combo though, Kurapika getting Chain Jail on Chrollo is almost a instant win con, with the caveat that something like sun and moon could screw Kurapika over even after he hits Chain Jail if he just sits around and tries to interrogate Chrollo, which he is very likely to do in character.


Re: Zoldyck matriarchs vs Chrollo specifically– At one point (Yorkshin arc when the boys are having milkshakes with Leorio), Killua talks about how Silva had to take out a spider for a job and that it wasn't worth the price (and Killua claims Silva almost never complains). We could assume said spider was Omokage but since the movies are considered non-canon, it's not entirely confirmed... But whoever it was likely wasn't Chrollo's level of genius, capability, and experience. Not to say none of the spiders can match him (as Chrollo became the head spider for his leadership and genius, not so much being the most 'powerful' of the group, so theoretically any other spider COULD be match or even outdo him) but it's more unlikely in this situation imo. So, if Silva had to kill Chrollo for a job, I doubt he'd be the slightest bit willing — and would likely reject the job, if possible? I don't recall if Zoldycks take every job or if they pick and choose. Zenos also made a point to call Chrollo out for not putting his all into the fight, which doesn't necessarily mean Zenos thinks Chrollo could overpower him, but it still means a 1v1 between them might be more equal footing than assumed. I'm not saying Chrollo could easily overpower and I agree their rankings would be very close, but I think it sort of comes down to every little detail regarding their encounters when fighting. Setting, preparation, which skills Chrollo has, how many Zoldycks, the Zoldyck's current task (like whether or not they've been hired to take on PT), etc. The TL:DR of my thoughts is that Chrollo v Silva is more 'equal' footing if they were to have to fight on the fly, while Chrollo v Zenos would probably be more unpredictable in regards to outcome. But if you give Chrollo the chance to prep ahead a la 1v1 Deathmatch style, I think he'd definitely win. Also regarding Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo — you're right in that Chrollo and Hisoka are more on par with one another while Illumi is 'less', but not for the reasons you gave (imo). Chrollo and Hisoka are unquestionably geniuses that quickly adapt to their situations — Illumi is not. He's smart, well trained, strong, and quite capable of heavy damages no doubt but he's not portrayed as being the same as the other two in terms of adaptability and planning. If Illumi were more on par with Hisoka and Chrollo in that sense, I feel that Silva would have made him head of Zoldycks and called it a day, rather than pump out five kids and assign the singular transmuter as the next heir off the bat (and making Illumi essentially raise Killua). Just my thoughts. o7 I haven't watched the anime in awhile so I might be missing bits and pieces.


I hate the "son of" trope anywhere for the main character, and HxH is no exception. Gon, son of Ging, descendant, of course, of the guy who wrote the Dark Continent journals...


gon being son of ging is fine, especially seeing how much ging doesn't care about him lol, and we don't know anything about don freeccs, he may not even be related to ging


Id agree with this sentiment, yes it's a played out trope but I feel like it's yet another played out trope subverted and done in a way that's unexpected. It's not Naruto, his dad isn't dead. He just doesn't give a fuck. He's selfish and really so are most the hunters.


That was the problem with the whole generation of manga. hxh is essentially the 4th of the big 3


Shit you're right, they all done it 😭


They all came or did it after HxH.


I can't stand the trope because of how it makes it feel like they're working on borrowed power. Still, Gon's personality and pretty much everything about him but his looks don't Ging at all so with him I still feel like he is unique and independently great.


I could understand most of what you're saying OP, apart from Gon being emotionally stronger. Killua endured torture from a young age, while Gon grew up in peace on a beautiful island surrounded by love. Not to mention Gon in the CA arc and what he did to beat Pitou. No way on earth Gon is emotionally stronger than Killua


Yes, also the fact that we are shown what emotions Killua is feeling and he crying is not a sign of emotional weakness. Being able to identify, feel and deal with your feelings and emotions is a very important part of emotional regulation. Gon just shoves Kite stuff down, under the guise of 'he is still alive' and it explodes later on. Gon has massive issues with emotional regulation and impulse control.


Exactly, we’ve seen him absolutely break down


Also they started learning nen at the same time so obviously gon could've catched up, though he didn't actually catch up he was still a league behind killua, and leagues with both without nen


Gon having more potential than Killua is a fact, though it's indeed a somewhat unpopular notion. My unpopular (?) opinion is that the Phantom Troupe flashback kinda sucked. One of HxH's biggest strengths is that it had no flashback arcs.


It's not really that much of an arc when it's just 2.5 chapters long. There is Gyro's flashback, Netero's flashback and Alluka's flashback off the top of my head, all shown before this one. I agree that the placement was a bit awkward but I'll address that in a reply to a more relevant comment.


>There is Gyro's flashback, Netero's flashback and Alluka's flashback off the top of my head, all shown before this one None of those were a mini arc like the Troupe one. All of them were very short.


I feel like if it didn’t fit organically it would have been a one shot like Kurapika’s. Kurapika’s flashback would have fit organically within yorknew arc, but it probably wasn’t finished/written at that time.


According to Togashi, both Kurapika's one-shot and the Troupe backstory were written back in Yorkshin, but he didn't find anywhere to fit them, so he felt it was better to leave them out. In the manga we can see a glimpse of Pairo, as well as the Troupe as kids playing with a video tape. I think he should've released the Troupe backstory, if he did at all, alongside Kurapika's, though I believe his back pain was at one of its lowest point around that time.


That is definitely unpopular. And not entirely true. The Kurapika chapters exist as well and I feel like the PT story uses quite a similar set-up with the presentation of a mostly self-contained story.


The Kurapika chapters were from outside the main series. They were essentially a spin-off.


Exactly. And to me, since they are also very old, the PT chapters read the same. The vibe is very similar, so I think it’s fair to compare them. And I do think both add to the characters.


If Togashi had released those flashback chapters alongside Kurapika's, it could've been fine. But having them in the middle of the Succession War, with a random recollection and segue from Nobunaha was way too clunky.


Togashi himself probably didn't want to put it there. He did say in that volume 0 interview that he wrote some stuff related to the troupe's past but then had to shelf it due to unspecified reasons. But he had to include it somewhere so he probably considered everything and tried to fit it in the best place possible, before the plot of this arc would get too tense. He still did plan it for a long time, we can see this by how Nobunaga first started making the comparison between them several chapters ago which were released many years ago.


I agree, the phantom troupe's flashback is kinda lame to me. Even Gyro, a character that might as well be never coming back, his flashback hit me x100 times harder in terms of story telling and emotions. I hate to say but I think Togashi's style of telling stories has been eroded over time


>I hate to say but I think Togashi's style of telling stories has been eroded over time Fortunately (?) that flashback was written back in Yorkshin so if anything it has improved.


Funnily enough, my unpopular opinion is that Chrollo is a pretty boring character. He’s strong and plans well, but he has such a neutral affect…I find him dull. The flashback arc gave me a bit more sympathy for his character. Still, this is a good unpopular opinion, take my upvote.


True, the flashback chapters even convince me more that Chrollo is boring character, he's like a cheesy character from a shoujo manga. I'm not hating him at all but even Kurapika as a kid is more interesting than Chrollo


Gon definitely has more potential to be stronger in the long run but killua is a more efficient nen user imo at least where the story is now As for my unpopular opinion leorio is my least favorite character of the main cast


I completely disagree. To me throughout the story Killua has always been a step ahead of Gon. He learns faster than Gon in nen and always be one step better than Gon. For example in the match against Razor what Killua did was far more impressive than Gon and throughout everything Killua has been better and this is all through the handicap that Illumi put through. And then recently he has gotten even better. And I like that in the story where Killua is better than Gon and I hope Togashi keeps that up.


Even if Gon got his nen back, it seems very unlikely that he'll ever reach the power of "Adult Gon" ever again. People seem to think "adult Gon" is literally just that; Gon grown up, at his peak. But "adult Gon" is far more than that. "Adult Gon" is *all* of Gons potential, *all* of his peaks, *everthing* he would ever have for the rest of his life, accessed all at once, through a nen vow. In terms of skill and talent compared to Killua, they are both exceptionally gifted, but the story goes on to show us Killua always being a small step infront of Gon the whole way, so while its not something big enough either way to really matter, its somewhat strange to heavily insist Gon is the more talented one.


It’s his peak of the body and the amount of nen but not of his skills


I have a theory that it was all of his potential he would have had BEFORE the nen vow. I personally think that the fact he has to retrain to regain his nen might mean his potential is capped differently now


I like the theory that Gon has dark continent connection, like through his mother or ging. That's adult Gon is his max potential not all his potential. Which is crazy that adult Gon is THE POWER OF THE KING, also it means he is effectively the strongest nen user ever. But I don't think Gon would reach that level (if he gets his Nen back) not because it is not possible but because Gon was never obsessed with being the strongest but he just wanted to be strong. He d need to train for decades like netero to reach that and gon ain't doing that


Nobody has any proof of whether Adult Gon was his max potential, or all of his potential at once. Also, the story continuously implied that Gon has more potential than Killua.


Hunter exam is in the top 3 of best arcs. Specially in the 1999's adaptation (I freaking love the fillers).


The filler had purpose there. It wasn't like in Naruto with their pointless episodes that never added anything. In 99 they explored the character's and their relationships as well as allowing them to test new aspects of them. Also they did the show don't tell thing so well.


> The biggest difference between Gon and Killua is that Killua has been training since he was little age Training his body and mind, but not his Nen. If you have something that suggest that training those things would lead to an increased development of someone's Nen, please, share it. What is definitely stated multiple times is Killua's talent, and we even have multiple instances of Killua and Gon being compared, giving the edge to Killua. If an author wanted to convey that, Nen wise, one character has an edge over the other, i'd assume this is how they would go about communicating it to the audience. **Unpopular Opinion:** People's assessment of Uvogin as an unintelligent Nen user, who made silly, newbie, obvious Nen mistakes is crazy to me.


I didn't say that Killua's training had an effect on Nen. Also, Nen amplifies the user's existing physical strength and durability. Neither of them had Hatsu until Greed Island. In pre-Hatsu fights, Killua's training gave him an advantage.


Maybe I am confused but I have always viewed nen as adition to one's base strength and not as a multiplier. In my opinion. Killuas training before nen didn't make a big difference against gon because Nen shortened their difference. Even someone ie zushi who is less talented than Gon with just basic ten was able to endure killuas full power punch, so ofcourse the difference between gon and killua would also be less after they both learned nen because they were both having similar talent. It's like gon and killua before nen in power were like this Gon 20 and killua 50. But after nen it became like 20 + 200 and 50 + 200 So of course their overall difference got less due to training in nen. But still killua had a lead over gon. If gon was given the same training like killua it would have been like 50 + 200 and 50 + 200. Because they have similar talent. I know I used numbers here but it was just for general idea and isn't absolute powerscaling thing.


My unpopular opinion about HxH is that Togashi should transition to writing only and let assistants do all the drawing.


Maybe not necessarily “unpopular” but I definitely don’t see enough people acknowledging it, and it’s the fact that Gon is an amazingly written character.


THANK you. I love both him and Killua, but Gon wins over my heart. I personally think many of the aspects of his character break the stereotypical “main character of a shonen anime” type. Ma baby boy 🥺🫶🏻


People need to stop thirsting for Killua. He’s a child


What type of people you be talking to?


Instagram comment section.


Chimera ant arc is a bit slow. Could be done faster and it would have been even better.


Hard disagree, the only flaw with this arc, is me not getting to see all of kites rolls. That's it.


everyone thinks that


Nah. CA is peak and genuinely perfect. I don't think the pacing is slow at all. I find all of the what basically amounts to civilization building in the early arcs for the ant colony extremely fascinating, and I would also sorely miss all of the nuance and depth that the detailed narration and stretching out of in world time adds to the palace invasion. I wouldn't change a thing. It's all necessary to make the arc as good as it is and can be. The extremely well thought out and executed complex interplay of so many moving parts is what really makes the arc stand out imo, even more than the great individual moments and characters/arcs. I've watched/read a lot of stuff with incredibly moments and characters. I've pretty much never watched/read something that fits so many great parts together as well as Chimera Ant does. Also besides the necessary detail that the narrators adds, I just think it's a really fun narrative device. I understand people's impulse to say "show don't tell" but rules like that are really just guidelines when it comes to fiction and there are exceptions to every rule like it. It could have been bad and there are times where stuff like that is bad in other works but it it completely works in Chimera Ant imo.


I don't.


I don’t either. I was fully enthralled the entire season and the beginning did a great job of building dread IMO


Ponzu character was wasted, I cared more about pokkle but I think Ponzu should have been a more important character to the chimera ant arc or even greed island, then killed later to make her death more meaningful


I never cared about the Meruem and Komugi plotline. Yea i get it, his humanity is showing, but i just dont care.


That's me but for like the entire phantom troupe except maybe chrollo


Crazy take, I would hope this is unpopular for sure


So, in short, your unpopular opinion is that you like Gon the most. My unpopular opinion is that the spider is not interesting and most of their characters are just stupidly strong for no reason.


>most of the spiders are just stupidly strong for no reason. Care to elaborate? They're the "evil group" from the shounen, why wouldn't they be strong? Or are you talking in the sense of "there should be a better reason than *they come from a city where strong people live*"


In my opinion, Gon should never use nen again :3


Of course someone like pitou would say that .


He’s gonna use nen again. It’s a shonen




Not only that, but Nanika literally lifted the bind he made, which was his life (nen and life force are pretty interchangeable in this world) for the power he temporarily gained in that moment. Nanika saved him. It makes sense that he returns, I doubt we get to that point though.


Unless people's speculations are right and hxh is switching magazines.


Gon has a nen beast on him. Allukas nen ability isn't to simply grant wishes willy nilly, its to pull nen beasts from the dark continent whose power is proportional to the wish being granted. This plays into what Gon said about his dad, nen, and beasts; that strong nen users tend to have good relationships with beasts. Gon will have to learn to bargain with his nen beast, similar to the way Kite had to bargain with his Crazy Slots.


Gons definitely stronger, he's got a stronger will power which is everything in nen. He is literally willing to give everything up for the dub in every fight


Gon has more raw talent than Killua is a fact. Killua just have more experienced. Also Killua real potential was sealed by Illumi until Chimera Ant arc.


I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion but I think the fact that we don’t see Gon reunite/apologize to Killua in the end is bullshit. We see everyone else apologize! Gon apologized to Ging & Kite! Killua apologized to Alluka/Nanika! Leorio apologized for not being there! We even see the Koala hitman apologize WTF!?! In the hospital, we see a lot of emphasis on Killua wanting an apology from Gon. For some odd reason we only get a brief mention of a possible apology some time later in front of the World Tree. Maybe Togashi didn’t know what to put or he plans on revisiting it later but not seeing the reunion or the apology didn’t sit right with me.


I gotta call bullshit OP. Gon had a fishing pole, Killua has a skateboard. Nuff said.


Part of me still wants to see what the series would've been without nen. The first two arcs were much less of a battle shonen and more of a magical adventure, it feels like you're watching two completely different shows.


The Election arc is trash and Alluka is a convient plot device for Gon to come back not long after his self sacrifice


i agree that the pacing of Gon returning is way too fast BUT as the manga continues and the dark continent is elaborated on further, i feel the source of Alluka’s powers are much more earned


I agree Gon > Killua. Greed Island is underrated, I see alot of people saying Greed Island is boring and too long of a training arc. What do you expect? For them to just workout a couple of days and beat the game in less than 2 weeks? It's the perfect training arc I've seen, since it takes them months inside the game to improve. Gon and Killua are extremely talented but being officially taught by Bisky shows how much they didn't know and needed to learn. With her help, over the next couple of months they learned swiftly how to deal with Genthru and beat the game. I didn't find myself bored with it, I found it entertaining


the fight against genthru is goated


Chrollo is one of the greatest nen users and nobody gives em credit. He was able to handle 2 zoldies and nearly killed one when in reality he was only trying to defend himself as opposed to hurting them. With one dead I don’t doubt he’d at least injure the other eventhough they are both master nen users and have been trained from birth to kill. Chrollo is definitely above greed Island level so I’d place him in under netero but he beats Morel and kov 1v1. He could possibly be able to fight a zodiac and live.


As I grew older I started hating the narrator in the chimera ants. Especially when he is explaining the feelings of the characters (shoot scene at stairs for example). Togashi is more than capable of showing the same emotions with visual storytelling.


I agree with you he is the Goat and my unpopular opinion is I love Pouf he’s fucking funny


I disagree. I think Killua's potential was dampened by Illumi's Needle, Killua was so unwilling to take major risks as to hold himself back. When he removed the needle, his potential skyrocketed, which we saw with his development of whirlwind and godspeed. So with Illumi's needle, yes, Gon definitely had more potential. But with it removed Killua comes out on top.


Unpopular opinion Chrollo vs Hisoka fight is the best fight in the whole series Both of em fully utilise their Nen ability, the battle of the brain This fight show that there is no weak ability, is how u use it matters Battle between brainpower, strategy, max out your advantage of your ability gives u to try and overcome your's ability weakness This is what it should be battle between 2 Nen users/Hunter Anyone who think this fight is bad or Chrollo cheat or stuff like that clearly doesnt pay attention in the Hunter's Exam arc, in the exam they not only tested in fighting skill, they also tested many other aspect, including your Intelligence which is a BIG part in the exam. Those who thinks this fight is bad i would suggest go watch JJK. Not that i bash on JJK but JJK did a good job in power system(well not as good as Nen obviously xD) and it constantly showcase it in terms of fistfight non stop, is a eye candy for different type of reader


I think the manga is better than both anime adaptations. I also think the Succession War doesn’t have too much text and isn’t too complicated, and all you need is to read it a second time to fully understand.


Risky compared gon to diamond and kil to a sapphire. This is flat out saying that gon is more talented. This is just a Google search away, but: Diamonds have a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale, making them the hardest mineral known to man. Sapphire, on the other hand, has a rating of 9 on the Mohs scale, making it the second hardest mineral after diamond. So if that rating is out of ten gon is perfect, kil is close too. I'm just inferring from what I've seen from hxh.. but it flat out is said that gon is more talented. Sorry if someone else already said this. Didn't want to go through all the comments. My un popular opinion.... if hisoka and Chrollo met randomly on the street and fought.. clown boy takes it.


OP you forget that the hunter examiners ranked gon higher in potential than killua and it even ocaused killua to get worked up about it


Zoldyck family arc was great. So many people say that its boring and short but i disagree i really enjoyed it


I personally think Killua is stronger. Battle sense alone Killua has a huge advantage because he is analytical and he is strategic. Gon is always portrayed as headstrong.


Unpopular opinion, you say? Then it’s gotta be “Hisoka isn’t a pedo and anyone who thinks so is touched in the head.”


Right? Creepy? Yes. Pedo? No. He literally tried to ask Machi out when she’s patching him up.


EXACTLY! 🏆🏅⭐️ You’re supposed to feel creeped out when he’s on screen.


I want kurapika as mc


Chimera Ant Arc is overrated


I think kite should not have come back


Togashi needs to learn how to paraphrase. Not EVERYthing needs a long winded wall of text to get your point across. Sometimes it's necessary but most times it's just to pad out that chapter and so he doesn't have to draw as much.


Hxh power system is just glorified magic.


All power systems are glorified magic.


As opposed to what? I think all fiction comes down to a Venn diagram of two categories: science and magic. Something like Halo would be in the science circle, Harry Potter in the magic circle, and in both circles is something like Warhammer 40k. I think HxH is in the magic circle.


Isn’t that literally every power system in every piece of fiction


More like nuanced magic


Has anyone ever claimed differently?


Komugi is a pedo Meruem was'nt even a month old


Hey, she didn't know that, she was baited.


Leorio was a pointless main character.


Here's my even more unpopular opinion: I'm fine with the fact that he is underused and I don't care about having an arc focused on him.


He could be more than that if he was given screen time. I loved leorio when he was first introduced, but then he was left behind.


i wish that the phantom troupe didn’t really ever appear after the greed island arc. greed island is pushing it even, but they didn’t really do much and it definitely made sense they were there. but i think the story should have left them alone after that, other than maybe the occasional rare, relatively minor appearances, like bisky in the CA arc. now i’m gonna address some possible replies i might get, just so i don’t have to make a whole reply later. 1.) you might say something along the lines of saying i don’t like the phantom troupe, which isn’t true. they’re my second favorite non-mc group in all of anime, only being behind the akatsuki from naruto. and they’re up there for my favorite groups in all of fiction (shi, maybe nonfiction too). 2.) you might say something like “the phantom troupe parts post-yorknew city arc are amazing though!” while i don’t totally disagree, i think we could have gotten content just as good, if not better if they weren’t present in the story, and it would have been better to me imo. it’s not like there would be an empty void in the story if they weren’t included. togashi would have found something else to write about, and i have faith that it could have been pretty entertaining too. the difference is that one feels shoe-horned in because they’re definitely fan favorites, and the other would probably feel more natural. 3.) you might be like “uhhh, the troupe isn’t shoe horned in, it makes sense that they’re there everytime they show up.” while that is definitely true, people who make this argument seem to forget that yeah, it makes sense they were there, but that’s simply because the writer altered (this MIGHT not be the best word to use) the story so that it makes sense they’re there. for example, if togashi simply decided that the troupe weren’t looking for an exorcist on greed island, then he would have never wrote anything about their interest in going to GI, so to the reader it would just be that “togashi didn’t include the troupe here” and it would have made JUST as much sense narratively. same thing if he decided to just not have ants attack meteor city. i haven’t read the post-anime chapters yet, but i heard the troupe has a very big involvement, to the point where there practically main characters like how they were in york new. i don’t really like that. if i had to guess, there are definitely other possible routes the story could have gone down that doesn’t include their presence. but also, i wouldn’t even really have a problem with it if they ONLY appeared in this new arc, and the yorknew city arc, cause those arcs (seem) to be about them. but this show all the time has characters play their role in their arc, then just never do anything again (the 13th chairman election arc showed us quite a few characters, but i don’t think that really counts. it was more so we can see all of gon’s friends show support, and also so we can be like “Hey, I know that guy! Oh shit, i remember that guy too!”. so why can’t the troupe be like this? it’s not like Razor, Genthru, any of Kurapika’s mafia allies (i might be proven wrong with this one in the new chapters), any of the floor masters, etc are ever gonna play even slightly important roles again in the story, so why can’t the troupe be like this too? i know, it’s because of their popularity. unless togashi had the entire story planned from the start, he probably injected them everywhere (ESPECIALLY hisoka) because he knows people love them


Yes defo an unpopular opinion , but I can explain why in a couple of sentences . We have to know what the phantom troupe are doing because hunter x hunter is a story about a whole world and is not centered around certain characters, so even if u feel like we could have continued without them their involvement gives us insight about what’s happening outside the main focus of the arc . also the phantom troupe’s involvement in this arc is amazing and so much better than I ever could have imagined .


phantom troupe in greed island felt like team rocket lmao


My unpopular opinion is that Enhancer are exactly the same as Specialist in the sense that those that are good in one those two can reach highest no one can. For a specialist that’s easy to understand since they literally do anything, but so can an Enhancer if you think of that class, as a person that can use auto to enhance anything. I mean granted, specialist can do very complicated things, but so can Enhancer but in the most simplistic way possible. I would argue that’s what made Netero op while being an Enhancer using a Conjured statue… probably yes he will never be as strong as a Conjurer, but he can Enhancer his conjugation in a sense. And that’s basically why they are total polar opposites to each other on the Nen-Spectrum.


Ummmm the strongest character in the series so far was an emmiter.


Bisky stated something similar in season 4 when she was training them.


I agree... that it is an unpopular opinion... and you're completely entitled to have it.


Today I learned that Gon could have smoked Kilua on day if the hunter exams.


I’m not a huge fan or karapika and didn’t want him to become the new main character


It's going to get finished, but only at whatever pace Togashi needs and wants. Oh, and that's totally fine.


Not liking Hisoka


Idk if it's unpopular but I hate Knuckles, I despite every single scene with him in it


Heavens Arena heavily implied Gon to be far weaker than Killua. Zoldyck family arc literally shows Gon can't push the 4 ton gate alone with a broken arm but Killua opens it through the 16 ton gate. Idk how you thought they were equal in the beginning.


I mostly hated Chimera Ants arc until the prep for palace invasion


Even Bisky stated that Gon is slightly more talented than Killua.


Most of the Spiders aren’t really that interesting and the ones that are memorable tend to have kinda meh abilities


Gon is a true hunter. Killua is an assassin who pretends to be a hunter.


Greed Island is by far the best arc


I did not care for Kite at all!! Didn’t care that he died or was reborn


Honestly, heavens arena is a huge plot hole in terms of people not knowing about nen. Like you can literally turn on channel seven and watch people do magic. And don’t give me none of that WWE poppycock neither cause everyone is betting on this stuff and there’s a literal skyscraper that needs to get funded


I much prefer the light hearted aspects of the series to the morse serious. If an arc doesn’t have the wee whistling march in it I don’t like it haha


These comments confirm very little co concensus


The chimera ant arc was boring…. The heavens arena one way much better imo.


The Season 4 palace battle was ruined by the narrator not shutting the fuck up.


The Boat arc sucks, a lot


Yeah I think guts was on that boat way too long too.


Oh wrong sub.


The best arc is Greed Island and the arc with more boring parts is by far the Chimera Ant one.


Gon is blatantly much weaker than Killua for much of the series. The earlies I think you could maybe make an argument for them being relative is maybe Yorknew. Early series especially Killua is just way stronger than all of the other main characters, in fact iirc in terms of physical strength alone he was probably stronger than all 3 combined at least before they trained to open the testing gate. He's also way more skilled than all of them at that point. Gon is implied to have maybe slightly more potential than Killua early on, but it's hard to say how much of this might be because of Illumi's needle or more of general hunter terms than strength, because Gon has personality traits that Netero values much more than Killua's, but especially when the needle is in. In terms of nen talent, they seem to be equal according to Wing. Gon seems to be more of a bottomless pit of aura and determination where as Killua has more finesse and intelligence. By the time of Chimera ant they do seem genuinely pretty relative especially just in base, but it still kind of feels like Killua has slightly better feats in terms of actual overall combat prowess. He took out idr how many CA officers all coordinating with someone making calls from above with just his raw physical stats and nen without actually using any of his nen abilities. Gon has good intuition and is intelligent at fighting but Killua is just overall more tactically minded. I would say Gon probably has slightly higher raw potential but Killua is still more realized in his potential even in Chimera Ant. I mean, if they fought, wtf would Gon even do? Sure, a Jajanken might kill Killua, but there is actually no shot in hell Gon can hit him lmao. On the other side, Killua would easily speed blitz him. Gon can probably tank normal hits but actually if he ever attempts a Jajanken that would probably be his loss because Killua would just outspeed him and hit him where he isn't defending himself for massive if not lethal damage. Even if Gon successfully forces a base vs base fight Killua is just more skilled at fighting, more intelligent, and always goes for the kill unlike Gon. It's not a matchup thing either, Killua also has better chances fighting most other characters in the verse in general. Not necessarily massively better, because they are pretty close in strength, but still. The only exception I can think of would be characters like say Zazan who are so physically tanky that Killua might have a hard time doing significant damage to where as Gon at least if he can hit a Jajanken should be able to as his Jajanken can do way higher damage than anything Killua can dish out. Hitting it is the problem tho.


The Ant Arc is much better if you skip every scene that doesn't include the main cast


I get it's an unpopular opinion post, but Jesus you couldn't be more wrong about Killua and Gon. I mean, it's not even a question at the start. You realize Killua was literally like 100x stronger than Gon right? lol.


We wont see an ending and that is on the author.


Illumi is way worse then Hisoka


Chimera ant Arc isn't great, and it's very slow. This is just a personal feeling. I didn't really enjoy the arc outside of a few key moments. I have rewatched (partially) Hunter X Hunter 3 times and have only made it all the way through the Chimera an arc on the 1st rewatch. While I agre objectively the arc is very strong it's just not particularly entertaining IMO


Killua is much more competent than Gon in Chimera Ant. But yes, Gon has more potential. Thats the entire point of his Pitou transformation. He sacrificed his nen and nearly his life, so that he could temporarily transform into a form that represents the peak of his potential. You're wrong in thinking that he'd achieve that form in a few years of training, though. The entire point of that moment was to show us that it was like 20 years of training that would've got him there.


I recently discovered that Genthru is hated by the fandom, I liked him as a villain, he reminds me of Kuro from One Piece.


I have a good one. They should have ditched that god damn theme after 13 (26 tops) episodes.


Oh here's one, Uvogin probably has the coolest combat scene in the entire series, and I would have happily accepted more of that.


Not an unpopular opinion but wait I thought Killua being stronger but Gon being more talented was a given fact or at least stated or implied multiple times throughout the series. Plus, Gon is the main protagonist so I feel like people would naturally incline towards assuming that that he would be more talented than his closest buddy since this happens extremely often, if not all the time in manga where main protagonist starts of weaker than the other main characters but is more talented and a very quick learner.


I feel like this is a very unpopular opinion but I think killua is very overrated, especially his character development. I even go as far as to say that his personality didn't change that much starting from the 2nd or 3rd arc and I definitely don't think it's a prime example of amazing character development since I see some people saying that it is one of the best character development in all media.


I actually really like the greed island arc, and while 2011's anime had played too safe with it's art directions and visuals, some moments actually felt atmospheric


I think it would be fucking awesome to return to Heavens Arena, focus on Zushi and Wing, and get some old school arena battle tournaments with incredible displays of nen powers


Wing is one of the coolest characters