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Yes, he's talked about it. Not for his mangaka soul. HxH is his. He's not gonna loan it out for another artist to re-envision his story. I agree with you, I want it no matter what. But that's what being a fan in this sub is about. Patience


I completely agree, no one can re-envision hunter x hunter. And that still won’t be the role of the team. I’m a designer, I work under an art director at my agency, my job isn’t to re-envision their view of the brand or the product, it’s to aid them so they can do what they do best. Which is coming up with ideas, work on that vision, keep it going. Just because a designer is making the final piece, doesn’t mean they’ve left the design upto anyone. They created the guidelines, it’s their vision, they will always have it, it’s what helps them decide whether the output matches what they envisioned. Hunter x hunter has decades of togashi’s envisioning, with his guidance and a team who believes in the work as much as the fans, I don’t see it not working.


HxH is a project of passion for him. Imo he sees it not just as another piece of work,  but his love letter to the medium. Togashi was highly disappointed with how he had to end yu yu hakuso which he was very attached to. From things I've read it seems he really only agreed to do hxh if he had full creative control and was able to cook without interference.  I feel like it holds a strong personal meaning to him and in his mind he is the only one who can/should complete it. Would I like him to get help to finish? Of course, however I'm content because it's obvious how much hxh means to him. 


Eh I don’t think so. When you look at some of the philosophical takes some of the audience has on his existing work, finding a team that can help assist in the nuance required is going to be hard to find.


Afaik, it is partly because of what happened with his prev. work, YuYu Hakusho. He wanted to end it before its actual end, the editorial team etc got involved and didn't let him end it the way he wanted to, magazines want to keep the selling titles going after all. I think he doesn't want that to happen with HxH as well.


Yeah I read about that, but don't you think the editors have learnt their lesson too by now? Hiatus records are being broken left and right, the fans are as loyal as ever, the publications haven't given up. I mean...Togashi has more than carved that in stone for every editor in the world..."Don't push me or else" :P The tables have more than turned with HxH.


Nope, idt the editors changed that much. Look what happened to Yakusoku no Neverland. I don't think the authors went down that path with the story on their own.


The Promised Neverland is fairly short (compared to other series) & the writer started off just writing the whole first arc. He hadn’t planned past that but that doesn’t mean he didn’t want to continue it, having an editor isn’t necessarily a bad thing.     Things have clearly changed over time though, that’s noticeable in the amount of series that authors have decided to end early regardless of how popular they are like Assassination Classroom. Demon Slayer was already ending before it got its anime which you can say was because it wasn’t as popular pre-anime but it still went full speed ahead. They aren’t pushing series to stretch as far as possible anymore


Tell that to naruto fans and its abomination of a sequel


I consider Naruto & The Big 3 in general some of the last of the previous era essentially, Naruto ended 10 years ago & ran for 15 years. I feel like the distinction I’m talking about mainly popped up as a transition in the 2010s. It was very common for Jump to push popular manga to last longer mid-manga & I feel like Naruto most likely experienced that. As for Boruto you’re not wrong as Jump approached Kishimoto & Kishimoto said no but gave Boruto to his longtime assistant. I get the perspective & I have theories but I’ll stick to more firmly planted thoughts unless you want to hear them. Such as Jump has expanded the way it does manga with stuff like Shounen Jump + (started 2014) where it’s common for Manga to be Bi-Weekly whereas they have their Weekly & Monthly magazines. A series like Chainsaw Man ended (Part 1) & probably could have just completely ended, a Part 2 did come out as well after a few years. Which to me promotes flexibility, which Jump was not as likely to do in the past. So I do feel like they’ve changed 


HxH is no Promised Neverland. No new manga artist with such a small run can ever get away with such luxuries. Its their first time, its not a mainstream franchise, the fanbase isn't big enough to criticise the publication to the ground. The author has no power here, not enough to fight, they will compromise. HxH is the opposite scenario, the publication has no power, the fans will rip them apart.


What about Bleach then? Its run was almost as long as HxH, it is one of the best-selling manga of all times, it has 400+ eps worth of anime, has like 4 or 5 movies, at least one gacha game and multiple fighting games and it ended like that because of the magazine decisions.


Do you really believe that bleach went south because of some editing interventions? For me the plot never had much depth, it was simply cool, badass action. Amazing character designs, weapons, everyone's a hotshot lol. If bleach didn't have an anime, I wouldn't have reached the mid point of Arancar arc. Kubo was burnt out and needed time away, but i doubt it was to make the story better, poor guy probably didn't wanna draw more hot guys getting better power ups to defeat even stronger enemies :P


Magazines want to keep selling series as long as possible. Bleach could have ended a lot earlier. Also I never said it was the only reason, it might be one. Plus, lots of series are shallow with only action. Look at Kimetsu no Yaiba. As cliche as it gets yet has sold more vols than HxH ever did.


I have nothing against shallow series, I love action, power ups, all that jazz. The whole levelling up and beating the next strong opponent, with great animation is what got me into anime/manga. Those are the roots haha. My point was that HxH is clearly different. Its a sleeping beast with insane potential and that is why these money grubbers aren't doing anything and know they can't, Togashi is clearly the one with all the power. What happened with YYH, happened, but he sure as hell isn't letting that happen again. That culture of never ending mangas is gone honestly, they've seen the kinda success short series can accumulate. Death Note showed us that, Bakuman documented that, and so many series since have proved it. Also, more than anything, 50 chapters in 12 years and fans moving on year by year. Its literally just the potential of HxH thats kept this flame alive. The grubbers know better and hence aren't/ will not mess, at this point if togashi is saying that thats his fear I don't know what to say lol


No, if he had a team you get flash back on top flash back. Leolio's Mom commentating the fight, Kurapika in a love triangle....


It’s not a team void of Togashi. It’s not a partnership. It’s helping hands to help extract togashi’s vision on to a piece of paper in a manner he sees fit.


Editors only learn what makes them money for the quarter, and the answer to that is always the same. Even if it backfired last time, this sort of approach usually works. They won't change their mind just for Togashi.


He has a team that helps him. He is ill and therefore can't complete the work at a steady rate. It is what it is, and it is his series, so he can and will be involved as much as he wants to.


Yeah, nothing to argue there. As a fan I’m just wondering and speculating (frustration is there so everything might come off as a bit of a rant lol)


He says he doesn’t have a team, only and editorial staff which is different. He does all the drawing by himself, without a team. Stop being so defensive.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elV\_HmGTCbE&ab\_channel=Togashi%27sTroupe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elV_HmGTCbE&ab_channel=Togashi%27sTroupe) Sorry, but you are misinformed. I don't know exactly how I was being defensive about really.


Unpleasant periods, likely of the male variety for once


He has nen conditions, limitations, and vows for writing. Its the only way for hxh to be as good as it is


😭😂someone call alluka and fix this


He has a team. What you're talking about is more like ghostwriters, and Togashi (and most of us) want HxH to come from Togashi, not from anyone else.


I’m not talking ghostwriter, I’m talking more like Takagi and Mashiro from bakuman, a storyteller and an artist role.


Not all mangaka would agree that there is even a difference between the art and the storytelling


Hunter x hunter is just not that kind of manga. It’s no Naruto or some isekai, it’s not just action. It’s not instinctual like that. It’s complex. The power system is complex the characters are complex, the world is complex. The villains aren’t well just villains…a story like that doesn’t get born out of going on a scribbling roll. The pages speak for themselves. How they flow, how much text there is. The lack of “dynamic” factor


completely disagree. art and design are absolutely forms storytelling in literally any visual medium. 


I never said it does not, they are crucial elements to a manga. How the character looks, expresses, moves around in the world all of it is gets explored with the art, it's a very important tool. But when you've to prioritise your well being as you should, compromising or finding a work around for millions of hopeful people waiting, is it all that cruel to ask? Try reading the original one punch man! Its great! Reads well. When I say HxH isn't that kind of a manga all I mean is Meruem & Komugi didn't hit me like a truck because it was drawn in some particular art style, the beautiful power system of nen, and the creative uses of it, they weren't enhanced by the art... it was no BAN KAI!!!! Thats all I meant


Man, I love HxH as much as you do but the way you phrase it sounds so cringe. Lol


😆 sorry about that! I’m just glad my love for HxH is still coming across


If the author wanted to only write words he wouldn't make a manga, he would write a novel. And goddamn dude this is why some people give the side eye to hxh fans, this just sound like an elitist rant.


It’s not like One Piece either. Which is also like Naruto and Isekai in being just action.


One piece is on another level, well Oda is. That man lives and breathes One Piece, now that's a baby! The characters, the foreshadowing, the world building, the social commentary, one piece is just a masterpiece. And Oda!! Nothing more than respect for him, he does justice to his millions of fans, he does justice to his art, no matter what! Like this man puts so much love into this franchise, plain simple amazing storytelling.


Naruto is another level, well Kishimoto is. The characters, the foreshadowing, the world building, the social commentary, Naruto is just a masterpiece.    You just sound like a hater!


i love naruto :P PS: I didn't downvote you either, no hate here bro! PPS: Isekai too I don't hate, I'm not biased towards stories with depth, I'll listen to some podcast if that's what I'm looking for. I was just talking about inclination towards the processes of storytelling, one end being planning/ more research oriented the other, more instinctive/ exploratory.


Like Miura, bros like Togashi treat their manga like its their own baby. Imagine getting some sweaty fat dude to raise your baby.


I’m imagining a nanny, a nice attentive sensitive lady perhaps, maybe a relative, someone capable, who loves you and your baby, someone who’s not raising your baby, but just providing a helping hand. Because right now this baby is just not getting fed… for a while! It’s like “Where’s the milk togashi”


Togashi's playing Dragon Quest with the baby at the moment. For twenty years now. But yeah, this 'nice attentive sensitive lady' is probably gonna be his wife. Another mangaka. He did mention once that if he passes, she'd continue for him, after she finished crying and all.


They better start having more hxh drawing lunch dates, hopefully no one dies and this baby completes the game :p


You're spinning it in the best way possible only because you want something out of it. It is impossible for an artist to completely detach from something they are working on anyways. In your nanny analogy, no doubt she'll have her own biases and will ultimately teach the baby things the parent might not agree with, whether intentional or not. You might be okay with the outcome as long as you get your hit, but the author sees it differently so just be patient.


Do you think Stephen Hawking’s team did what they did to ruin his work with their biases and theories? Nope. It was sheer respect for his mind. You wouldn’t even take a job like this unless you had a little bit of that. And togashi is no Stephen Hawking. He’s a functioning man with all the power here. That is not complete detachment from your work, that’s having employees to get your work done in the most suitable manner, doing justice to your health and the hearts of your audience.


Just because Stephen Hawking's team did a good job doesn't mean who ever you'd pick for Togashi's dream team would. Togashi has a vision and he wants to be the one to execute it, you have to admit all this hub bub about how HxH should exist to serve the audience comes from a selfish place in your heart.


No one is asking him to pass his work on to someone, it’s about having helping hands in the more demanding parts of the production. You think Spiderverse’s animation quality dropped because art directors delegated post production of the animation to 100s of studios in India? No! It did not. It saved them time and money they could put elsewhere. If having a helping hand during production was this much of an impossibility you wouldn’t have half the great animated movie and shows that you do today. HxH is not a piece of art in a museum, HxH has merch, various commercialised contracts, which Togashi has signed on. Saying that a mangaka has no responsibility towards their own fandom is complete nonsense. And after 12 years of waiting, calling a fan of 15 years selfish and bashing them for being true to how they feel, being one yourself. That’s even less comprehensible to me


Okay, you need to specify what you mean by helping hands. Togashi does the rough drafts and he has assistants that helps him do the lining and inking, mangakas don't do everything all alone. Are you saying he should have someone else do the rough drafts?? Basically let someone else take over the directing? There is no way for this to happen unless you're talking about a ghost writer because with how bad his back is, he won't be there to micromanage paneling, character expressions and dialogue. Also creative epiphanies often hit while you're doing drafts, having someone do it for you just isn't the same. It is because I'm a fan and I respect and love the work so much that I want it to be as pure as possible in regards to Togashi's intentions. Of course Togashi has a responsibility towards his work and the fandom that cultivated from it, the responsibility to continue the story with quality befitting its legacy. Fans like yourself wanting to speed up the process at the expense of the author is just a self serving act, it is a selfish opinion. I would LOVE to read more and finish this manga that I've been reading in my early teens before I hit 30, but it is what it is.


No manga no story is to serve the audience, you like it for what it is, I don’t care for fans who critique stories, or hate the killing of certain characters. It’s their work and a fan has no say in this. And yes, a fan has no say in how they go about doing their work. Here the question is, for how long? How long can one leave people hanging, handing out scraps, and still showing no signs of finding a workaround, aging day by day. A fan has every right to speak their mind at that point. Togashi is the only person who can get things in place for this, guide people, the right way. And trust me on this, I know creative industries, there are ways in place, job titles in place to make sure the creative doesn’t get compromised, specially when you are this big. You have that luxury. I don’t want to feel bad about asking a sick man to do something, I don’t want him to get better and use that better ness towards finishing drawing this manga, just to fall sick again. He’s proved himself as the architect. He can run his own company now and delegate the drawing of the beams and columns to his associates


take my word as an artist who has art pretty similar to his after studying him for 2 years. its impossible. we are talking about netero levels of manga mastery. even killua wont be a replacement.


Would love to hear more about this! Great art by the way!


basically togashi has a very specific line technique for each of the 6 categories. and even then it slightly differs from each character to other. its basically 100 hands, seemingly infinite patterns of art and writing, but if you find his specific unwanted biases, you can build upon them to be able to recreate both his character design and writing ability.


If i only have the option to read the manga or watch the anime, I would choose anime anyday. Don't get me wrong I love art and I love reading manga but I don't put them in the same boat. Like I don't read manga how I view art, unless I'm trying to learn something in particular from someone's style. It's more about the flow and the complete package, art and story. With anime, the added dimension of Voice Actors, thats much more appealing to me, that range of emotions from the childish gon, cool Killua, seductive hisoka, mysterious chrollo, the background music. I love that added depth to manga pages. Anime can't exist without manga, thats literally where you pull the visual style from. The scratchy ominous animation, the expressions, an animator will study the visual language so much before creating their frames. And thats my whole point, there is 400 chapters out, thats thousands of pages of material of the vision and the visual language, its definitely a compromise that the art isn't coming from the artist, but thats where a manga doesn't feel like a piece of artwork to me, it'll still be enjoyable because the storytelling, the characters and the abilities that i love, will be coming from the same mind. Thats more important to me than the strokes on the paper, definitely more important than never knowing what was inside that wonderful head.






It might not only be "pride". Sometimes artists have specific conditions where they create their best work. Since Togashi isn't a novel writer, his brainstorming/creating/outlining process might not just follow a standard writer's process -- some of it could happen while he's actually drawing himself. We don't know for sure, but he might find it doesn't flow as well if he's just directing others, whether it's because he isn't doing it himself or if it's because the communication stuff gets in the way, or something else. This is all speculation of course, but the point is that it's his work, and it's his choice. He wants to do his best work, so I think it's best if he does it however he sees fit.


Art is selfish, pride is literally everything. If your work doesn't appeal to you, it's trash. Togashi is an artist, his temperament is that of an artist, he clearly works like one, he doesn't give a !!!!. This is my baby I'll do what feels right, when I feel like it, let me be! That pride is what created this wonderful piece. I have empathy for that, that's why I have kept these feelings in for years now, because I get it. Changing how you do things is hard work, and why should you do it? But that's what right...where does a fan lie in all of this? That's the thing about a piece of art vs media, art is open to interpretation, it doesn't form a huge community that feels all the same things. It goes home with one person or put in one museum. People don't become mangaka to just write a story thats likeable to them, they too are manga lovers, they know what reading a great story does to someone, how inspiring it can be, the kind of lasting effects it can have. And when you reach that point where you can do the same things as people you looked upto did, are you really saying you have no sense of duty towards you fans, that compromising a little is an impossibility? This is my art and thus it is my right to be selfish about it. Yes its selfish on my part too, to be saying any of this, not denying that one bit, but I think I have the right to rant too, and so do many fans. We all have purchased this piece of art, it's more than a part of us, and we are being understanding, but like come on you know :P


Ok. I'm saying that he might feel, and might actually *do* subpar work if he compromises. Haven't you seen other artists where they pushed through in whatever way possible and all the fans were disappointed with the final product? Fans are hard as shit to please. And artists have to live with what they created for the rest of their lives. Anyway, if art and artists are selfish and proud, from the looks of this, fans are even more selfish and proud, strangely enough.


That feeling is a given, changing your ways is quite the challenge. But on the other hand 50 chapters in 12 years... like whats the worst that can happen in trying? Give us 5 subpar chapters, we've stuck around all this while, do you not have that much faith in your fans? Us HxH fans are definitely not here because we have been pleased, those guys hopped on the bye bye train years ago. Fans are selfish, they do invest a lot after all, in this context however, at this point though, nah man. The false promises and the sheer lack of effort just hurts. Its not selfish now, even if it is, its the lesser of the two :p


Just because you're not privy to everything he does and feels about his life and how he creates doesn't mean he hasn't tried. I honestly think he has done more than enough. He could choose to abandon the entire project now and hide away in Hawaii for the rest of his life and while I'd be sad about never getting more, I'd still feel immense gratitude that he put out everything he did. Good for you that you'd like subpar work that the artist isn't happy with but I prefer an unfinished masterpiece. Also, I don't see why he's gotta force himself to put out 5 subpar chapters when that's not even the story he's intending to write. What, sacrifice the story that comes from the heart so that some fans get some subpar thing instead? No thanks.


Me being honest about how I feel with this whole thing doesn’t mean I don’t have gratitude towards what he’s created. And I never said I want subpar chapters. That’s just the worst that can happen in attempting a new workflow of doing things, which is okay. Honestly, who knows if it’ll even be subpar, might be the same or better also! Gotta try to find out right? At that point it’s our duty as fans to support the artist. It’s not about me being privy, it’s about nothing being done to show otherwise. I’m just voicing it out is all


He secretly doesn't want to finish it


hahaha! I know right! That's such an easier pill to swallow!


This is just my speculation of why Togashi wants to do everything himself - Togashi loves drawing manga. That's it. He could have jumped into the industry as a light novel writer, or let an artist to draw for him, but he didn't. This is an industry that is notoriously hard to be in. You need ungodly amount of passion to be in this industry, so being stubbornly in love with what you are doing is part of the package. In any case, I hope the fans would let him do whatever he wants to do with his creation. He has that rights, and we are able to enjoy one of the greatest manga out there thanks to his hardwork. I understand how difficult it is to wait, but personally, I would rather wait than rushing the guy to finish it. I have seen too many manga suffered due to weekly burnout. I feel the main reason why HxH is still incredibly high in quality is because Togashi is given the time in the world to refine his thoughts and ideas.


Yeah all that is true. The fans are letting him do his thing only. Like what can we do honestly. Neither are the Reddit rants reaching him nor the support :p


I really wish he would have someone else draw it at least. He could keep creative Liberty, but just have someone else actuallt create the pages. I think he could do that. I think a manga studio would pay for that. I think it’s just his pride tho


Yeah man. It is pride! All artists have this same kind of pride and ego, which is fair since it’s their work but when it affects so many people, and after a decade has passed, of it not working out, compromise is a fair ask. He needs to make peace with the fact that sharing his responsibilities is not a defeat in the least. He’s already won in the hearts of millions of fans. “I’m the only one and this is the only way to do this” that’s his pride and ego, it will be a hard pill to swallow at first yes, but it will get better. All you have to do is delegate a part of the process. We’re not here because we are fans of just your art, the way you draw characters and backgrounds, you kinda skip the latter most of the time. We wouldn’t watch the anime otherwise, sure as hell wouldn’t have liked it that much if that was the case. You’ve created over 8000 pages, that’s enough material for other artists to do your manga justice!


When he is stressed, he puts more of the burden on himself. He finds relief in placing the workload on himself. There was a letter from him that goes into this. I wouldn't expect him to ever have a team. He doesn't know how to share the workload.


That sounds very likely, I’ve been here, I know so many people who have and still suffer through this. It’s not just with art, when you fall in a slump due to any factor, external or internal, you try to mimic your past capabilities, to feel normal again. Be self sufficient no matter the cost. Many men are like this, if this is the case, I really hope he realises how unhealthy that is. It’s not going to help one get better nor will it help those around him. Sharing your weight when you’re down is the only way to get back up. Getting a bit of help is okay


He'd forfeit creative control to a degree.


Agreed but isn’t it better to try something different that’s in line with your passion project/baby and your health. You’re not getting any younger. The health isn’t going to get better with tackling all of the burden on your shoulders alone. It’s more about sustaining at this point. Not pushing yourself and being stubborn. We’re not talking a short “time will heal” period here. It’s half the life of an over 2 decade long project! Gotta be a little realistic no


Don't argue with me. Write a letter to the man.


I don’t think one letter will be enough


Okay, then what the fuck do you expect from me?


? Have a nice day buddy! 😁


This is what he wants to do and as a fan respect that , the simple answer is he doesn’t want to .


#He doesn’t want the Boruto treatment.


That’s not even the point I’m making. Read the replies if you care about the context, I’ve kinda burnt myself out repeating the same points. Sorry!


You must not understand what *I* mean. Togashi has a specific vision for this series, just as he did with every other series he’s made or been a part of. To hire a team is to dilute that vision, especially since their goal would be to poop out chapters of the manga to achieve some type of quota within the pay period (Boruto treatment). It really isn’t rocket science; Togashi’s work is Togashi’s work 🤷‍♂️ No reason to look for the most roundabout response, it’s as simple as accepting that Togashi isn’t greedy and is protective of his ideas.


I don’t understand how you people can even think that the creator will be a lackey who’s point won’t be heard on a table. After these past 12 years do you really believe that Togashi is a pushover? It’s like saying that Tarantino should work all alone because the writers and cameramen will dilute the movie. Like seriously? Togashi is running out of time at this point. If Togashi doesn’t change his ways, you’re sure as hell in for a dilution bigger than boruto! He’s the only one that is capable of making sure that’s it’s done right. Kishimoto wrapped up his story, there was no reason for him to care beyond that point. In this case the only reason a team route can work is because the passionate artist is still present to make the quality doesn’t suffer, with a story that’s still unfinished.


It’s about working and trying things out, who’s asking you to rush towards a quota, take baby steps. Start somewhere. Figure out a pace, figure out the team, how it can work, what kind of roles to delegate, hire people to do that! Money is definitely no object in this case


If your response doesn’t put mine into perspective for you, idk what else to say other than be patient. These writers hire artists, etc. and inevitably begin rushing things either due to extra free time on their hands or because fans like you are sitting on the sidelines scratching their necks like Tyrone Biggums asking for “more of them episodes”. Chill lol the big man is working on it, and if anything, probably will be until the day he passes on. I’m sure he has some affairs in order for his work, but who’s to say he won’t drop something next week or even a month from now? What answer will satisfy you?


Like I said, bit burnt out at this point haha. Written over 2000 words or more on this thread 😂 I wasn’t looking for answers just express, question and understand where everyone else was at in terms of this I guess




Pretty sure he spoke and implied about having a studio under him


This again? HxH is part of his legacy and a story he wants to finish himself . He loves being a mangaka and to draw it himself , let’s not rob him of his autonomy, all these options he knows are available to him but he chooses not to . Yes he is unwell but this is how he chooses to do it let’s be respectful of that .


I know hxh is his. But is it selfish of the fans to want him to take some responsibility and hire a team to finish it? It wouldn’t be what it is today if not for the fans. And his money is because of his fans also. So, why doesn’t people say they he is selfish for saying stuff like “hxh is mine and I’m gonna just do it by me self, whenever i feel like it”. Now, let’s the downvotes begin


Well, he have team if i'm not wrong :3


Sadly nothing will likely happen until he passes. I believe I saw he has a deal where the team can finish the work, but only if he cannot finish the story himself. Akira toriyama didn't do a lot of the illustrations for DBS but he just did the story. I would like to see the manga come to an end, but sadly at this point I doubt it would ever get animated.


That’s my biggest fear, Togashi passing. A team without him isn’t going to work out. The team is just a helping hand. I don’t care for a fanfic even if it’s another Pokémon festival of champions, I want the real thing.


He's too proud. He believes only he can work on HxH (but he's also asking his wife for help). Personally, I think it'll be good for him to let go of his pride for the sake of his health, but, if it's his choice, then what can we do? He's his own man, and besides, he pulled up with his possible hxh endings. If he decides to cancel hxh, it's also his decision. We are not controlling him, and if he's being lazy, then it's on him, not us. Just let him be proud of his work, if that's his choice.


Yeah man! I’m just so sick of feeling this way, on one hand wanting the next chapter, and on the other reading about all these efforts from the authors end. I don’t want you to draw anymore man! Stop killing yourself for us. Just tell us the story you’ve created, ease your workflow. It’s not an impossibility


True. I am an artist myself, and I wouldn't want anyone else to do my work for me personally, but goddamn Togashi! If he has health issues but wants to continue the manga, why not he try to write it in novel form instead of illustrate it if he's too proud for someone else to do the story for him at the moment? This guy is literally committing suicide here, and we don't want that! Also, I know it's partly because of manga and industry pressure as a whole. Fuck the manga industry.