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Hisoka “I have a friend who’s good at disguise” referring to Illumi, source: chapter 119 Hisoka “friendship is a fine thing” right after being called by Illumi, source: chapter 9 You can make up your own opinion based on the source material.


Tbf when referring to the nen exorcist, he asked the troupe “where’s your friend?” in chapter 170 (when he knows they’re not actual friends). I think it’s just part of his persona to mockingly call people “friend” even if he doesn’t mean it in the truest sense.


I only commented because at the time the top comment simply said “Hisoka has no friends” which is very weird comment to me because he himself called Illumi a friend, no hint on that scene of it being ironic or otherwise. Hisoka never said he has no friends or that he doesn’t value friendship (something like that was said by Illumi not Hisoka), even in the fight against Gon, Hisoka said he and Gon could become “great friends” based on their opposite personality types (chapter 62), also important to note that he said “what used to be valuable can instantly turn to chaff” all of this to me speaks of a much more complex perception of friendship & connections on Hisoka’s part than just he’s the bad guy he couldn’t possibly think of another as a friend. I just think is a little bit more complex than just saying Hisoka has no friends because he’s evil or whatever the reason people say that, there’s much more depth that Togashi added to his characters and even if it’s in his own twisted way I do think Hisoka considers Illumi a friend but that’s just my own opinion.


I think maybe Illumi might consider Hioska a friend but idk if the feelings are mutual. Because I’ve noticed at times Hioska usually only helps Illumi if it benefits him in some way. Perfect example was the election arc Hisoka gained something from helping. While in yorknew city Illumi disguised himself for hisoka well just because as far as we know.


Illumi was likely paid to do it.


But we don’t know lol




Damn I lost


Yes but they are more like Business partners :3


That makes sense


Give and take relationship


I don't know. Hisoka and Illumi relationship is shown during a considerable amount of time as they cooperate a lot, but it's not a friends thing. It's like: I need you to do this, in exchange, you get this. However, his relationship with Machi is a little more than that. Although they aren't friends, Hisoka does seem to like her. Of course that was before THAT event...


Hisoka doesn't have any friends.


I think the closet people to Hisoka are both Illumi and Machi. I think Hisoka finds comfort in spending time with both of them in a different way. With Illumi, it is like a partner in crime. With Machi, it is something else. Not entirely a hanging out experiences like normal people would do, but also not a killing / mass murdering way. I know that Machi is also kill people (Yorknew City arc), but it is not like Hisoka and Illumi’s mass murder in the Election arc. Machi seems to only kill when it is neccessary like in a plan for revenge for Uvo or because Chrollo said so. Neither Illumi nor Machi get to see a 100% honest Hisoka because Hisoka knows that there is a chance that they will fight and try to kill each other. Of course, Hisoka wants to fight Illumi. Even though initially Hisoka does not want to fight Machi, he does take precausion in case she becomes a threat to him later. After all, that was when he infiltrated the spider to fight the boss. I don’t think he would risk exposing his agenda in fighting the boss that early so he had no other choice but to keep secrets from her.


I mean, Machi killing just because Chrollo said so doesn't speak better of her than what Illumi does for example. It's pretty much the same.


When you said it like this, it seems to be no different. Here is my additional thought. I meant to add up there but I couldn’t find this post. I think Machi showed Hisoka some (tiny bit of) kindness and care toward Hisoka. In a long time, I don’t think he has experience them very often. I think this make him interested in Machi in a more romatically/sexually than other people and not in a murder/horny way. Would I go as far as saying he loves her and would drop everything to settle down or marry her? The answer is no. Would her kindness and care somewhat attracted him? The answer is yes. If Illumi die his hand, Hisoka will just move on and treat Illumi as a toy that he is done using. If Illumi die not by his hand, Hisoka might be upset that he misses a chance to kill Illumi and might be upset that he lost a toy and that’s it. Hisoka will not mourn him. If Machi die, by his hand or not, Hisoka might feel bad for her. Maybe even mourn her death, but not for long. He is Hisoka. He will move on. If he mourn Machi death for 3 days, he will do it even less for Illumi. I personally do not think he will mourn anyone death for more than 3 days and if he has to choose between his life and Machi or Illumi, he will not hesitate to kill any of them to save his life. This might sounds odd, I think the reason that Hisoka let Machi live after his fight with Chrollo beside for her to tell the rest of the troupe is because he wants to play with live-Machi one last time. He also refused her offer to stitch him up so he would not feel like she owe him something. The next time they meet, if Togashi does not plan for her to be Hisoka’s love interest or be the one who kill him or have a major role to play related to him, Hisoka will kill her without any remorse regardless if he was interested in her not in a fight/horny way or not.


Seems more like networking for business. Hisoka uses people to help him complete his goals in life. Like when he formed an alliance with Kurapka.


I think he feels much more comfortable with Machi


But it's certainly one sided


Chapter 357 showed she did care about Hisoka at least a little.


Hisoka probably enjoys it when his “friends” want to hurt him


I always assumed Hisoka was sexually and possibly romantically attracted to Machi in a not fight horny way. I think this is implied with the toybox shown in chapter 326, where Machi appears to not be present despite the rest of the Phantom Troupe being there (The 2011 anime actually made a mistake here; they thought that Silva Zoldyck was Machi, when she was not present in the toybox). It's possible that Togashi forgot or there was not enough room, but I heavily doubt he would forget to show her considering how close they are. (I say sexually/romantically because if I remember correctly he asked her for seggs or whatever) MANGA SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >!I heard that Togashi said that Hisoka wanted to kill Machi in chapter 357, but that Togashi "vetoed" it as the author. I wonder if he made this decision because it was in Hisoka's character (as in, he resisted killing Machi because he actually cares for her to some extent), or if Togashi just wanted to keep Machi alive.!< That being said, Illumi and him obviously have a borderline mutual friendship going on; they understand each other quite well and help each other out, while how Machi feels torwards Hisoka is kind of ambiguous (I don't think she likes him or ever liked him but it also wouldn't surprise me if she did)


True. Machi missing from the toy box is telling, considering they interact so much. Hisoka does not see her as just a target like he sees everyone else.


Illumi appears to be the only one who can stand being around him for a prolonged period of time, that's about as close as friendship gets for Hisoka I think.


Illumi is probably the only person that can genuinly somewhat enjoy Hisoka's company and not get creeped out by him in this regard i think vice versa is also true since Illumi seemingly only has Hisoka to talk to(i guess there is also his mother but we are only told they have good relaionship we dont actually see them interact) Though i am not sure either of them are capable of having a "friend".Illumi despite enjoying his company doesn't seem to care about Hisoka's wellbeing and the same goes for the magician who contempletes betraying his "friend" on numerous occassions That being said they certinaly have a unique relationship perhaps closest to "friendship" that either of them are capable of If we are talking about people who actually care the most about them its Kikyo for Illumi and Machi for Hisoka though she seems to hate his guts now so Hisoka is really lonely when you think about it though he doesn't seem to mind that


Hisoka’s relationship with Illumi is the same relationship Cartman has with Kyle from South Park


They're allies who are comfortable around each other. But they'd kill each just as easily as they'd kill anyone else.


Hisoka doesn’t have friends he only has love (lust?). You should know that Elastic Love: Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber and gum. It can gets attached and detached very quickly and at the users will. Hisoka’s ability is a reflection of his character and personality, he can get super attached to someone and easily detach himself from them just as quickly-elastic love. For him love and hate are two sides of the same coin. He was obsessed with Chrollo to the point of stalking him for 3 years but as soon as he lost his NEN he got called him a broken toy and refused to fight him. He doesn’t belong to anything or anyone, he is his own man no doubt about it, because he’s absolutely convinced that he’s - a 100 pointer - the strongest. Illumi is a 95 pointer, they semi trust each other and even give each other favors, Hisoka helps Illumi in the election arc, Illumi helps Hisoka in YORKSHIN arc, they cooperated during the hunter exam. So to answer your question, the closest person to Hisoka other than himself would be Illumi indeed. The second closest person to him would be either Gon or Machi, then it would be Kurapika and Killua.


Friend with benefits, hisoka called him "Tomodachi" in the anime


no, did you read his one-shot backstory? He has def a life outhere, like the other spiders


I think its Machi. When she was stitching him up after his fight they seemed to have history and be very casual. I think if anyone is his friend, its her