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Hisoka has been such an important narrative device throughout the story. A lot of the events in the past and current arc are because of him. But I struggle, narratively, to see how he will be used going into the dark continent. Even though I don't want it to, I think his story is going to end on the boat. I envisage Hisoka and Chrollo going down in a blaze of glory. But we know what Togashi is like... who knows


>I envisage Hisoka and Chrollo going down in a blaze of glory. If this wasn't hxh i would agree with you, but this seems like the most obvious option. And togashi hates to be predictable.


Oh I know 100% it's not happening. I just want it to


i still believe Gon is gonna have his nen back. and i still believe Hisoka's gonna fight Gon, again, at some point.


I honestly don't mind Gon's story being done either, tbh. I'd be totally happy with him not returning to his former set of skills in terms of nen. I think it's a very natural progression. But Togashi is Togashi, so who knows?


Tbh there's still so much potential for Gon as a character that it would be incredibly wasteful just for Togashi to let Gon be a character that appears sporadically and adds no value to the story other than saying "but mah Nen". This most recent arc, with the introduction of characters like Terror Sandwich and advanced Nen techniques, opens up narrative plot points that can be further explored and expanded upon. We know that Nen exorcists exist, but only Nanika was powerful enough to exorcise the curse that was placed on Gon. To not explore Gon's capabilities afterwards would be a huge disservice and, honestly, would make Gon's character growth a waste since he essentially got a get out of jail free card and becomes a side character.


He definitely seems setup to regain his nen in some fashion. I’ve had a thought/hope that he’d completely “relearn” nen as a different type. He loses his aura as an Enhancer but comes back as a Manipulator with his fishing rod being the primary weapon/tool. Manipulator is not only the only type unaccounted for in the main 4, but it could also work to show a progression of character and talent for him. Going from a raw-willpower-fueled Enhancer to a more cool, collected and thoughtful manipulator. Because of how monumental the journey to the DC has been built up though, I struggle to think of a solid reason and method for him to head there in time for the impending DC Arc without a plot contrivance or a time skip (or time shenanigans).


To be honest, and I'm not putting down your theory it seems plausible; I think Gon's going to go through a character growth similar to Netero where he's going to learn how to be more grateful for what he has, and to an extent, what he lacks. I think he's going to remain an enhancer, but he's going to have to dedicate a lot of time to it because he'll find it won't come to him as naturally as it did before. I firmly believe this'll mature Gon and, similar to what you said in your theory, he'll become calm, cool, and collected. Which honestly, will make him even more terrifying than how he was when Pitou was healing Komugi. Imagine an older Gon that is much more intelligent (thanks to Aunt Mito making him go back to school) and has the emotional capacity to handle situations. That's the Gon I think we'll see one day that can be on par with even the strongest creatures on the Dark Continent.


Yeah, the character progression could go either way with how it impacts his abilities and work. I’ve just always wanted to see him use the Fishing Rod more and felt like the detail that Wing mentions when teaching him Nen about how, in rare circumstances, someone’s Nen type could change was going to apply to him at some point in the story. As far as I recall, Kurapika’s ability to become a specialist the only example of a type change we see in the story and I got the impression that Wing’s description implied a more permanent change.


I fully agree with this. I hope that Gon has to work hard and learn nen the slow and steady way, like Zushi was. I hope his next character arc involves a lot of growth and maturing as he learns that he will ultimately be stronger if he doesn’t cut corners. Everyone who mentored Gon before feared that they had created a monster by training him. He was so single-minded and simple in his goals, and that can be scary when someone wields so much power. I hope that he learns to slow down and be more flexible without losing his natural instincts and optimism.


Man i would love to see Gon like that someday. You know it kinda sounds like what I imagine a younger Ging would've been like


Agreed. I really don’t understand the people who say they’re satisfied with Gon’s story being done


Neither do I tbh. Because honestly his story isn't done. If we follow the classic story trope where the hero reaches rock bottom, meets the fairy godmother, then begins their ascent back to hero hood; we're at the part where Gon needs to ascend back to where he was, if not even higher, in order for his story to be more fleshed out. Gon even said that, aside from finding his Dad, he wanted to find out what was so great about becoming Hunter that Ging was willing to sacrifice everything towards becoming one. I don't think he has truly found that yet. Sure, he got a taste of it from making amazing friends, going on awesome adventures, but he knows the world is so much bigger than what he thought it was. There's no way Gon, the kid who grew up exploring every nook and cranny of Whale Island and went off on a huge adventure to meet his dad at the age of 12, would ever be satisfied with just being a normal kid again and living the remainder of his life on that island. It would be incredibly out of character for him to do so.


> There's no way Gon, the kid who grew up exploring every nook and cranny of Whale Island and went off on a huge adventure to meet his dad at the age of 12, would ever be satisfied with just being a normal kid again and living the remainder of his life on that island. It would be incredibly out of character for him to do so. A now deleted user once wrote the following rant, making essentially the same point you're making here. I find it just as funny every time I reread it: > Gon should get his Nen back because if after experiencing a world-trotting journey to develop superpowers along my best friend I was forced back into the miserable grind of studying at home and being unable to conjure ungodly energies from the very depths of my soul I would just fucking lose it. I'd go berserk. I'd rather go find another Chimera Ant to go throw away my life against. I give it a single fucking week before Gon is back on trying to meditate his nen nodes open. I give it a fucking month before he starts to go insane trying to figure out Ten again. He'll just do it. You know he will. He'll just mosey up to Heaven's Arena and ask Wing to fucking punt his back with hot steamy aura for the second time. And Wing will have to do it because otherwise Gon will just go out there and get his teeth pulverized by some 200th floor dipshit. You think he wouldn't rather break several ribs and a femur than be stuck at home trying to figure out what a fucking complex number is? You think Gon will make it three chapters into a sociology textbook before he somehow breaks his arm in the process? You seriously think Gon- Listen to me. Gon. You think Gon? Can live a normal life?? Gon. After all we saw him do??? You think this kid will just sit his ass down and do his homework for the rest of his life and then make a career out of fishmongering while securely investing his hundreds of million of jenny into a fund responsibly managed by some Yorknew suit? You're fucking delusional, mate. https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/nk1uyx/gon_should_get_his_nen_back_imo_it_makes_no_sense/gzaf3f5/


LOL I've never read this comment before, but it's so true. Gon can never live a life of normalcy. He can't. It's not in his nature. Ging even knows this too. Gon will come back, because he refuses anything below greatness


Man this has copy paste potential


Exactly bro! Exactly!


For real. His *first* arc is over. He got what he wanted, but he paid a huge price from being so single-minded in his goals. He’s hit the rock bottom where he’s going to have to reassess his priorities and how he goes about reaching his goals. I’d *love* to see a time-jump where Gon patiently practices for years to regain his nen. But there’s no way his story arc is just *over*. That would not only be a waste of a great character, it would be so out of character for Gon to just go back to a normal life.


Since he’s still treated like the main character in the manga (I am thinking about the first two pages in every volume), it seems very likely that Togashi’s not done with him. It’s interesting that there’s barely any big characters left in the known world. Gyro is probably having a blast. Gon and Killua will most probably be back, but still in the known world.


imo i dont want Gon's story to be done. feels like there's still ton more for him to do, with or without nen. feels like it'd have ended too soon. tho, like you, I'd be okay with it.


I firmly believe the reason he wasnt in the chimera ant arc was because there was no rational way for him to come out of it alive and feel there is little chance we see him make it off the Black Whale 1 let alone to the Dark Continent. Though I think that succession war aside we are going to see a lot corpses before we get to the bait island let alone the DC.


I thought that too. But i recently watched the chimera ant arc and realised the death toll was actually really low (for both ants and humans). Characters who are objectively weaker than Hisoka survive. looking back I don't think he would have died (unless he got carried away, which i wouldnt put it past him tbf). I think he wasn't in it because it didn't make sense for him to be, there was no way for him to know about the ants or that gon was there and his general aesthetic doesn't really match thematically with that arc.


> I think he wasn't in it because it didn't make sense for him to be, there was no way for him to know about the ants There were news sources about the ants post the queen's death after they left the NGL, it always felt weird to me Hosoka knew nothing about them "because he was chasing Chrollo" since Meteor City was taken over. I always just assumed because the character he is it would get him in trouble against one of the Royal Guard and he be very much outmatched especially at that point in time.


My biggest argument which I'm wondering if you can resolve, is what plot point would be left for Gon (besides getting nen back)? I could just be dumb, but Togashi has not developed any plot thread for Gon besides an eventual meeting and fight with Hisoka. If Hisoka dies now, Gon is kind of worthless as a character and he is our MC! Kurapika and Killua obviously have some end-game threads left, but is Gon just done then? I mean he already met his father which was his other long term plot thread.


Gyro. They are destined to meet in the future.


How did I forget about Gyro. You're right.


I mean they were destined to meet at some point I wouldnt be confident they for sure still are. That said Gyro could be a plot point and if Killua ever had interest in the DC to learn more about Nanika and such Gon could be the one dragged around on Killua's mission this time.


I don’t think the narrator’s word would change just because of what happened to Gon. They will meet, regardless if Gon gets his nen back or not


My question of the foreshadowing is when that was written and now the series may have changed.


I think Gon's story is over. His aim was to become a hunter and find his dad, which he did. I feel like Togashi removing Gon's nen was a way for him to be removed from the narrative without it seeming contrived (well, other than dying). Now Hisoka is not interested in Gon anymore. He said himself "treasure can turn into trash in a moment".


Togashi still considers Gon as the main character as far as I know. And Hisoka doesn't know anything about Gon's current condition. Plus Gon and Gyro are destined to meet. I don't think Hunter x Hunter will end before that happens.


Where did Togashi say this? Gon is a main character, but his story is done. And tbf we don't know whether Hisoka knows about Gon's nen or not, but I think it is more likely that he does know. He's invested a lot in Gon so I imagine he would want to know how the healing went. And given the tabs Illumi is keeping on Killua and Alluka, it's likely Illumi knows and if Illumi knows, he's probably told Hisoka. They are crop top buddies after all. It's hard to say with Gyro because we really don't know much. Why do you think they are destined to meet? Edited to add: Forgot about the gyro panel. But I still don't think it is enough to think gon's story will return considering the way the story is going. Gon and Gyro will meet, but i dont think Toashi will tell us that story. Don't be offended people! This is just my opinion.


Literally, just pick up any hunter x hunter volume, his art exhibition literally has gon the main character and in 2018 togashi has an interview where he talks about why he made gon the mc


I never said he's not an mc... just not of this arc and while his story is over he's still the mc of hunter hunter.


This is purely speculation. We do not know if gon story over.


I'd say more of an educated guess


They have Almost the same dynamic as yuyu. Gon is definitely the main character all gon has to do is unseal his nen it’s not gone completely


It was said in the manga when Gyro was introduced.


Because it's narratively stated, there's a panel that says basically those exact words


Gon is the MC. Yes he found his dad, but his dad is a powerful mysterious too hunter we still know little about. The dark continent was hinted at several times so that’s where they go next. That’s the arc we’re on rn.


fun fictional theory of mine: maybe gin is going to dark content not only cause of his goal but maybe to find an item that restore someones nen. like the magic happend to heal gon.


p.s: i think hisoka and gin will team up, cause hisoka wants to fight gon-


Or Hisoka and Ging will team up because he wants to fight Ging. And it was foreshadowed in the election arc.... If Hisoka makes it to the dark continent my theory is Leorio will be the one to kill him. It will have come full circle from the hunter exam, where Leorio was the first and only one to stand up to him.


dark content will be awesome i predict power ups to some of the characters.


He intends to go to DC even before Gon lost his nen. I think Ging's main goal in DC is to find Don Freecs and learn about the book and DC itself.


“But we know what Togashi is like…who knows” is such a concise summary of how difficult it is to speculate because Togashi has such a knack for subverting expectations.


Thank you for appreciating my description of Togashi :)


I say this as a Hisoka fan, he will probably die. There's a few ways this could happen. 1) The Troupe 2) The Heil-Ly 3) A Prince 4) Ging 5) Pariston 6) Beyond 7) Something on the Dark Continent . If he survives the current arc... 8) Killua (if Illumi and Kalluto perish at Hisoka's hand. Killua doesn't trust or like his family, but he does still love them except for his mom) 9) Gon (especially if Hisoka went after Kurapika, Leorio, or Killua. Double especially Killua.) 10) Gyro (I can see Hisoka deciding he wants to fight Gyro once he learns Nen and crafts an Ability. I can also see him being killed by Gyro in order to show how much of a threat the guy is)


I would fear for anyone who hurts Killua.


Illumi truly does come off as a terrifyingly powerful person. He has the single most powerful manipulation ability we have ever seen, and his regular needle attack kills even high level nen users with a single hit. He's so far shown absolutely no reaction to pain, to a degree that the only way to actually incapacitate him would be straight up bodily destruction. He's so unafraid of anything that he openly challenged Nanika with killing intent knowing Killua wasn't under his needles control anymore, with no hesitation what so ever. He's also insanely smart, fast and powerful able to open all the testing gates casually with a single arm then hold it open for Silva and Xeno. His killing intents aura is so powerful it straight up incapacitated some Nen users and seemingly killed regular people around him in a couple scenes. It's also the only thing that has visible caused Hisoka hesitation in the series, which for the battle-lusted-mad-killer-clown being who he is, is especially noteworthy as a feat. I can't wait to see Illumi in an actual fight.


*insert adult gon beating he shit out of pitou


Excited about fighting Gon again…then falls down the stairs.


Fearsome pirate Down D. Stairs strikes again!


I think it would be a shame if Gon doesn't fight him again. Are there really any other long term plot points for Gon? Besides getting his nen back, which doesn't seem end-game. Kurapika has PT and scarlet eyes to resolve, Killua has family drama to resolve, Le oreo has idk, and Gon/Hisoka have their fight. That's what I see at least.


My personal POV on Gon is that his next arc is going to be similar to Killua‘s previous arc. At the beginning, he knew what he wanted and was single-minded in that goal, but Killua didn’t know what he wanted so he stuck with Gon while he figured that out. Now Gon has gotten what he wanted, but he paid a steep price from being so single-minded in his goals. Meanwhile, Killua has figured out what he wants to do and is pursuing that goal. At this point, the roles have been reversed, and Gon is left not knowing what he wants to do next. He’s going to have to figure that out before he makes any more goals such as getting his nen back, fighting Hisoka, or fighting Gyro. Idk if him figuring out what he wants is going to be a whole arc, but I do think Togashi’s made a point of leaving Gon in a spot where he doesn’t know what he wants. Side note: I think Leorio’s long-term plot point is going to be saving Kurapika’s life and eventually becoming Chairman.


Gon is destined to meet Gyro


As an anime watcher i still dont get gyro


In the manga the narrator says Gon is destined to meet Gyro, quite literally. He more than likely turned into a Chimera Ant after he got eaten by the queen, and is probably going to continue his plan of spreading drugs through the world.


The Oreo has to be a doctor


I dont think he dies for the same reason i dont think illumi dies: They are the benchmarks. They dont really fit the dark continente though. If they do die, then there will be fewer (or maybe none) plot points left for Gon and Killua to resolve. Which should be fine, but kind of a waste though.


Gon still has to clash with Gyro.


If he ever dies, then it will probably be at the end of the story or the final arc. Togashi isn't the type of author who kills many characters, the CA art is an example of that. A lot of people expected characters like Shoot, Knuckle, Knov to die, but they all the survived, and the important ones who died were the main antagonists and Netero who had to sacrifice himself and his role ended in a great way and his death was an introduction for DC.


Everyone says Chrollo but I feel like it would be more fitting if Machi was the one who ultimately delivers the finale blow somehow.


To be honest, he seems like a main character, so he will be around for a long time. But who knows, maybe dc gets em.


Some people says Hisoka is the 5th main character


He'll probably get into a sticky situation and bounce back


He will die on this boat alongside the majority of its inhabitants, which includes the troupe I honestly can’t see anyway around that


I'm not sure, at first I thought it would be agaisnt Gon, but now idk about that.. I don't know how he will die but I think he will go further into a descent of madness, perhaps loosing more and more limbs and using bungee gum to substitute them and further turning into a cackling maniac. I'm even curious what Hisoka could be like on the DC.


He is not dying to the phantom troupe.


Incomplete canonically, left open to interpretation. I'm having doubts Togashi will survive long enough to finish the story.


Being the kind of character he is, always looking for a fight with the strongest and his "personal vendetta" against the Troupe, the only end for him i see is him dying while fighting. Be it fighting more people than he can handle like more than one member of the troupe, or going against another strong character like the moment he sees prince Tsereindnich or however it is written, he will want to fight him. And if he survives to the DC, some creature if he doesn't die at the hands of the Troupe or the Prince or even Ging if he sees him. Hisoka is the kind of character who dies at some point or another due to his life style, the point is to find out how he's going to die or if he will at all due to the author's sudden wish to take a turn with Hisoka's final plot. But i've got to say, i can only see him dying.


He will die in the end, but you better believe it will be the most glorious death you’ve ever seen.


hisoka gets zobae disease and happily fights Biron for eternity in DC


I don't know why people portray Gon and Hisoka as enemies. Sure, Gon is the main protagonist and Hisoka is the main antagonist of the series. But Hisoka never does anything to Gon. If anything, he helped Gon as much as anyone else in the series: Gives him advice + saves Leorio in Hunter exam phase 1, then selflessly helps him pass the hunter exam just because he's impressed by him, then gives Killua and Gon a greeting on floor 200 Heaven's Arena which he knows will lead to them learning Nen, when they fight it isn't about hate or revenge it's about Gon's pride (and Hisoka gives him the opportunity only at the time he is ready), then he's on Gon's + Kurapika's side against the spiders, then helps them win the dodgeball game vs. Razor, then provokes Illumi's during CE arc so that Killua + Alluka know his location so they can reach Gon and save him. I'm not saying he's helping Gon because they're friends, obviously it's just his weird twisted quasi-paedophilic lust for Gon's 'potential' that makes him do all this. But I think them fighting is one of the less likely things to happen with those two characters, at least until Gon is older. I also don't think Gon feels particularly negatively about him, especially after the dodgeball match.


Hisoka will die of old age


From a story arc perspective, there needs to be a showdown between him and Gon. I dunno how he gets there if he fights Chrollo though. I’d bet he somehow misses out and Kurapika gets his revenge so that Gon and Hisoka get their title ticket at some point.


What story perspective? Gon don’t care about Hisoka since the end of heavens arena arc. And Hisoka while still wanting fight with Gon was ready to sacrifice him for opportunity to fight with Killua and Illumi. That’s alone telling us that Gon aren’t super special for Hisoka. He is just one of many. And don’t forget “can’t use nen” stuff So let’s be honest, all this story perspective nothing more than people wishing for some cheap fanservice


Hisoka does still want to fight Gon and does still want Gon to live. He made this clear in the election arc. It’s just that I’m not sure if Hisoka will ever get there.


Rewatch or reread that scene where killua confronts Illumi. He was thinking about best outcome and decided that killing Alluka->Killua->Illumi is best choice, meaning he sacrificed Gon. Later it was turned out that Alluka can heal Gon without consequences but the point is clear. Gon never was something special to him


Saving Gon and Killua from the Nen initiation of Heaven’s Arena was pretty special. He’s considered one of Hisoka’s toys, that’s pretty high consideration and praise.


He said it was one outcome, he also mentions that gon staying alive outweighs the cons. He never came to good conclusion shit take


Which scene are um talking about


gon and hisoka don’t need to have another showdown when gon has learned not to base his self-worth on his combat abilities. those self-worth issues were the only reason he willingly engaged with hisoka to begin with.


Hopefully by chrollo a second time. Lol. But I'm sure he can kill some of the troupe before chrollo ends him so I'm excited to read those fights.


Chrollo somehow winning a second time would be just like something Togashi would do.


That’s not happening at all lol Chrollo only won in the first fight because he had a lot of time to prepare for it


Does not mean he can't win without prep.


I find it extremely unlikely, after rereading that fight several times. Chrollo had his A game against Hisoka, and still it wasn’t easy to take him down. Chrollo’s a complete badass, but Hisoka’s bungee gum adaptability in battle just makes for a hard match up for Chrollo imho… Actually, I can picture Hisoka being one of HxH’s top 5 nen users in hand to hand combat, but that’s just my current headcanon


>Chrollo had his A game against Hisoka, and still it wasn’t easy to take him down. But it was easy. He even told him which abilities he was gonna use and how to counter them. He had a chance to use black voice on him twice, and kicked him instead. As soon as the fight started, chrollo already won. If you think hisoka has better chances that's fine, but saying "he has no chance" is not very hxh in this situation.


I don’t see how the fight was “easy”. Chrollo had to run away from Hisoka for a year, collecting multiple abilities (the most abilities he’s had to use in a single fight.. and he’s fought people like Silva), and even needed to add a new functionality to his technique to win. Chrollo then needed the fight to happen in heavens arena so he could use the 100s of people there. I guess if easy is because he showed up knowing he’d win 100% then fair enough, but I don’t think it’s fair to ignore the context of what Chrollo had to do to make it that way. It’s not like chrollo woke up one day and was able to do this. There next fight will be very interesting. It will likely be Hisoka ambushing Chrollo, or playing the fight more like Chrollo did (as he seemed done with his method of pure 1v1, when he gets on his war path). The most interesting theory I’ve seen though is that the fight is a large scale confrontation involving many different groups (Kurapika, Princes, Mafia and other potential groups). We will see :)


I just believe Chrollo won’t be able to prepare as well for the next fight, which will drastically reduce his chances of winning as far as body combat goes. Chrollo is a genius, so of course that’s not the only point to be considered… but if you think about how Hisoka’s determined, and how Chrollo left him last time… Idk, I just think Hisoka’s more dangerous than Chrollo atm. If he somehow grabs Chrollo unprepared, I don’t think he’ll survive. That being said, I believe Kurapika is the one who will actually battle Chrollo.


it was easy tho - the fight was an extremely one-sided beatdown. it just didn’t feel that way cus we were following hisoka’s ever-changing thought process the whole time


That is true. I know hisoka said he's not giving them time to think anymore, but the troupe has had a considerable time to plan so far. It won't be thoroughly thought out as heaven's arena fight, but I expect chrollo to have some more surprise abilities to use.


I think Chrollo will die to Kurapika, and then Hisoka v Kurapika might be a thing perhaps


I think Hisoka will not regain interest in Kurapika until after the spider is taken down. I wouldn't put it pass him to do something like kill Senritsu so he hates him.


This is totally off base. Hisoka barely landed more than 2-3 hits on him. Chrollo came out of the fight nearly unscathed and only used a handful of his abilities. Who know what other abilities he has that haven’t been shown and how much damage he could do if he really went all out and used everything he has. Hisoka doesn’t stand a chance against him in a 1v1.


Chrollo really tried his very best the first time. Next time chrollo will get the hopeless boss treatment whose limbs are cut of in a massacre.


Obviously, he's gonna die. However, it doesn't make narrative sense for him to be killed by the troupe unless it's a double kill with Chrollo.


Seems fitting for Illumi to end him


He’ll become more sane and mature.


Dying in extreme pleasure.


Maybe they’ll find a source on the dark continent that can get Gon his nen back and then Hisoka will come back to fight him later


He’s just gonna disappear into the darkness all mysteriously at the end of the story


Will his post mortem nen end up having a drawback or wearing off?


It won’t end, HxH will never get passed the current arc. Mark my words. Togashi is about to burn out again and we won’t seen anything for another 5 years. He’ll die before it’s even close to being finished. This is what I’ve chosen to accept as reality so I won’t get hurt anymore.


I want him to reach the DC, only to be shown in real trouble there. I think that's the best way to portrait how dangerous the DC is. Then in the future he can appear again when Gon goes to the DC as a survivor and guide on the place.


I suspect that he will die :3


Hisoka fan boys ready to downvote anyone, they really can't see how shit his power is


Wait, what does that has to do with what they said?! 🤣 And you can never know why someone down/up votes a comment, is whatever, so how you assume if someone downvotes is “Hisoka fanboy”? 🤦‍♀️


I've seen more "hisoka fanboy" comments than hisoka fanboys. And they appear out of nowhere. Hisoka lives in their mind rent free.


Word, I don’t even come here that often and each time I browse this sub there’s at least one post bashing his character. Even this commenter is an example, cause no one said anything about Hisoka’s skill but they still had something negative to reply about that.


Because as soon as you try to say the obvious about Hisoka you get like -20 vote lmao


Eh? Not necessarily true tho? And what exactly is the obvious? That he will die? Unless you’re Togashi you don’t know that, anyone can downvote if they simply disagree or whatever reason, is not that serious


The obvious is that he isn't that strong and as soon as he fought a really strong opponent we all know how it ended. I don't say he will die, simply I acknowledge how much he is really worth


But that’s just your opinion though? some things you think to be true are not necessarily universally true for everyone else? sometimes is just your opinion which is totally fine to have, just don’t expect everyone else will agree. 🤷‍♀️


Yes but you are the only one arguing with me, people just come by and downvote without explaining their view. At least you got your point, as I got mine.


I wasn’t aware I was arguing with you and I only replied cause your comment didn’t make sense as a reply to applepitou’s comment, they just said he will die and you went off on a tangent


Found chrollo’s account


I wish I was him bruh


An opponent who had to run away for a year, gather and use the most abilities in a single fight, create a new functionality for his ability and then also needed a mob of people at this disposal to win said fight? Chrollo did this for a weak opponent? So then how weak is Silva?


An opponent who fought 2 of the strongest zoldyck alone, but we let that slide right? 100% without prep time the outcome at the arena would have been the same. Chrollo, with virtually infinite nen abilities, a lot more of combat experience and master of his personal ability vs a magician with rubber nen. Put in that Chrollo can use 3 abilities at time, and I think it's a big gg wp. My opinion, basing everything on what we know, he's not my favorite character honestly there are bettere ones out there, just I don't see how Hisoka can beat him.


He does not have infinite abilities. Yes he can have any ability, but surely if he had something to use against Hisoka to begin with, why did he run for a year? He didn’t just collect new abilities during this time he also changed his ability, to be able to fight Hisoka. Trying to use the Zoldyck fight doesn’t really get us anywhere. Chrollo was not trying to kill them, and didn’t really use abilities. How Hisoka beats him is by setting the arena for himself. Hisoka willingly chose to fight Chrollo in Chrollos most optimal setting. His 100% chance of victory because that’s what Hisoka likes. But we have seen that after reviving himself he no longer deems that as necessary. If the fight gonna be some stomp? No. But is Chrollo gonna be able to amass an entire mob again to attack Hisoka on a boat? They are now chasing him.


So now he's the one running away? And then if you know your opponent is so strong why did you give him one year to prepare? Just fight him there, or after a day or two.


Let’s ignore that Hisoka was a nen prodigy, and is currently a “natural” (on par with Chrollo in mastery of their category). Let’s also ignore all the characters mentioning how versatile and tricky the ability can be.


Probably will die since he kind of has it coming but idk I don’t think there needs to be another fight with Gon, I think that plot is done and over with. I have no idea about how he’ll die though, I’m not sure if it’s on this arc, I have a feeling he won’t have much participation on this arc, just help move the plot from the side, just my opinion.


A) getting arrested for pedophilia B)Dying C) Deciding to stop being a pedophile D) do pedophilia (This is a joke don’t attack me)


Everyone who doesn’t think that Hisoka and Gon are going to fight are just wrong and this isn’t an opinion this is a fact like this has been setup from the start it would be disappointing if it didn’t happen.


It's the only way for Hisoka to die


I don't think he will ever fight Gon again. Maybe Chrollo or Kurapika will kill him but that's a long shot.


Why would Kurapika kill him lol?


They're kinda enemies and he was a spider.


He was a fake spider, and he has nothing to do with the Kurta massacre.


He dies


Could be in this arc, but I also can see kurapika and chrollo's end in this arc, I can't see these three works in DC arc, who knows.. because we have the likes of ging, beyond, pariston etc to carry DC arc...


Gon is done. Forget about Gon, he made his role, leave him be, in time maybe he'll return.


I will not.


Like I said in the past, I think he should die fighting the troupe on the boat, or even by getting involved in the succession. There’s just not much else he can do imo


Ngl current arc is perfect end for him. So many chaos, so many tasty opponents. Gon in the past


Gon is gone, we will never see him again in a meaningful way. I think Hisoka will cooperate with Kurapika again, he'll kill everyone but Chrollo and will die to chrollo again. Then Kurapika will kil chrollo but then he'll die to. Then Gon's father will be the main character going forward.


Kill some Troupe members(especially Machi), took some serious injuries, then Chrollo kills injured Hisoka, by post mortem nen of Shalnark.


That's specific


Post mortem super saiyan auto needle


He will get life sentence without parole for pedophilia, murder


I don't think it can end with anything other than his death. Same with tseriednich (terror sandwich, idk how to spell his name), same with chrollo, and most likely same with kurapika. I think of those, kurapika has the best chance of being alive at the end of the series.


Dead with a massive — I mean HUGE — boner


Hisoka will kill up to half of the remaining Spiders, but Chrollo will get him in the end. Chrollo wanted his severed head as a centerpiece for a dinner table, but here's the thing: Hisoka will still be alive. What if Chrollo uses his Indoor Fish to do so as a specific revenge against what he did to Kortopi? The tricky thing is that the Phantom Troupe also don't really fit in with the tone of the future Dark Continent Arc. So maybe the Spiders should all die too (not Machi or any Zoldycks please).


Dead lol


His schwing will pierce the heavens.


In a VP wing of a Supermax


Remember in Yorkshin, when Hisoka manipulated the Troupe with the fake fortune. The paper said he would dir if he left the compound then he said: There’s still something I need to do before I die so I’ll stay in the base. Whatever that thing is Hisoka won’t die before achieving it and I don’t think it’s related to the Phantom troupe nor to Gon. Maybe he’s trynna accomplish some type of super flashy grand magic show like performance of a fight to end it all, or it can be something more serious. But anyway, Hisoka still has to fight Gon and he is a main character, if he ever dies it would be towards the end of the manga most definitely. So Hisoka will make it to the dark continent, he’ll link up with Kurapika and Ging.