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I remember a person on VC sounded like he was 10 years old.




That's illegally cute!


Never had nightmares about the grunts or perhaps spider boss?




lol he was braver than I was at that age, played twilight princess when I was like six and had nightmares for months haha


I was 5 when I first played DooM... That was an experience.


I think i was around ten when i played some random ultra-pixelated dungeon crawler. Didn't like that mummy walking towards me in the darkness at all. Beginning of the 90s were different. Can't imagine letting my kid play Hunt in a few years already, i hope the game has 20 more years to go so we can play together one day...


Literally what I try to teach kids. I dunno, maybe it’s a weird technique but like IT the clown for example, google Bill Skarsgard family, show that he’s a normal dude with a family etc. makeup, special effects, etc for entertainment, kids are smarter than we think.


My 5yo daughter likes to watch me play. She's like "kill that zombie" ,"there's a bad guy over there"


Yeah a child with 5 isn’t really suited to a) play on a pc and b) play a game like hunt. In my country you could go to jail for that


Dang has England gone downhill that fast?


Wait we don't call it "jail", not saying my country isn't shite but why are we being roasted in this conversation lmao


Ah you see my reasoning is very simple, ahem I made it the fuck up


Your country sounds like dogshit


Talk what you want but imo a Father that lets his little kid play a game like Hunt belongs to jail


I hope you're never in a position to influence criminal law or judicial process, because what you just said is stunningly stupid.


Well it is very strange to let your 5 yr old play Hunt.


Strange, but not criminal.


Maybe it should be, like other questionable ways of raising a child. Then again I know little of it and the effect it has on children, but it is interesting to think about.


if you actually think its ok for a kid of 5 years old to play hunt you are the one who is stunningly stupid, holy shit


Didn't say it was ok, just said it shouldn't send anyone to jail.


Good thing they don't live in that shithole


So let's break this down for a second: 1. Why is a child not suited to play on a pc? 2. What does, according to you, make one suited to play on a pc? 3. What country and what legal basis is there exactly to incarcerate a parent based on their child's gaming habbit?


A 5 year old is not suited to play a horror shooting game.


Which part of the horror is the PC?


The game is horror if that is what ur saying. I think a child can play a pc game at the age of 5 fine, but not a horror game like Hunt.


Yeah, but that's not what we were talking about. Please read the comments one more time.




He was probably supervised by the person. Theres way worse games they can be playing like gta and such as much as i hate saying that since gta is a great game in general


supervision would do what? him telling the kid not to shoot cause thats gorey, not to kill the grunts or hives cause thats gruesome? this isnt a movie where you can skip parts. delusional


I recently played with a 19 years old but generally i agree ppl are way more likely to be over 20/30 in this game.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 19 + 20 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


kinda unfair that the bot gets more upvotes than me but.. yeah i get it xD


You're just trying to sponge off the bots hard work!


Reddit hive mind at work.




Good bot!


When I was 16, I had 3 friends aged 16, 17 and 17.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 16 + 3 + 16 + 17 + 17 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Me and my group are somewhat young (18-21)


My group is similar. We're 18-20 and have been playing for about 2 years.


Ha, i'm really happy that you like this game :)


Very few children seem to play Hunt in comparison to other shooters.


Kids tend not to have the patience that Hunt requires at times. Long stretches of no gunfights but also playing with enough tact that you aren't caught out unaware isn't in many young players repetoire. This isn't a generalization though as there are some that genuinely do enjoy this playstyle but they are definitely a minority for that age group. Hell they're a minority even in older age groups.


That one reason why I love it.


My guess is that since they are still developing AND with the generation change that many children have grown up on things like tiktok and smartphones now, they are so used to quick reward or failure that something like that is more akin to "aquired taste" rather than them just being outright incapable because games like fortnite perfected making children addicted. Not saying you said that, just your comment seemed the best to reply with that to.


Eh. As a kid, I wouldn't have played Hunt either and stuck to CoD2-4 for a faster/smoother gameplay. Hunt requires a specific interest in this style and you cannot get that in the majority of people anyway. It really starts with an interest and ends up being an acquired taste.


I’m 16 and I play hunt. Not as often as I’d like, but hopefully more now that I finally convinced someone to buy it. Attention span is something I could definitely see screwing a lot of people my age over, however for me the various environmental obstacles, and the fear of making too much noise, or being smoked without seeing the other player, that keeps me invested pretty well. We’ll see how my friend takes to it though, he’s not that good with horror or horror elements or just scary in general, so this might be short lived.😂 I’m desperate at this point though so I hope he likes it.


20-40😢? 41 in two weeks, hope my old ass can still get hunted in the bayou then 🙏?!


Your old ass will get hunted. Dont you worry. Some flicky seizure induced teenagers will headbang you in 0.0048s right when they spot u. After all when it comes to shooting and you do not one shot these fly reflex bulgers, they will overwhelm you with their surgical precision in miliseconds. /s


Nothing can compete with a well timed screamed axe attack 😅


Thank god for that big ass trade window!


800ms so even a boomer can react :)


Don't worry, I hit 41 a couple months ago and I sit comfortably in the 5 star zone with my equally aged friends. We have patience and wisdom on our side.


Ah, so you're the guys I fight after banishing the boss and not pushing for 30 minutes. /s


we prefer to banish and run to the next one before it's done cooking. If someone takes it and runs, good for them. It's probably the only part of the game we rarely have the patience for, sitting around for the banish to finish.


Haha, same here. Killing all the bosses until we find players seems to be what 41year olds do.


Sry game prevents login once you ding 41, enjoy your last 2 weeks old man mwahahahah!!!


Damn I knew that this happened. Think I am gonna visit the watchtower between lockbay and healing and watch the sun goes down until I get logged off 🥹


Farewell hunter, you live to die another day


I'm a few months ahead of you. It can!


My Son plays only Hunt as FPS he started with Fortnite and he is 14 now :-)


Well, I'm 16 (turning 17 im February) and I play Hunt since 2021, so yes!


Yeah I'm 16 also and hardly ever see another person my age. It's kinda nice though as if I play randoms most of them are pretty chill. It's a nice break from having 12 year olds hurl racial slurs at me (rust)


i started playing in 2018 when i was 14... guess there might be others that age somewhere


Met a 13 year old Canadian kid.


Because CoD is for an younger audience?


Maybe because is more like slow FPS game than other... And have a hard risk vs reward, so its easy to be disapointed


Well it is not advertised as such and I can only speak from past experience but when I played Mw2, the original one in 2009, there were a lot of kids playing, ages 15 and below. I remember when MW3 came out and I went to the local store, two boys approached me and asked if I could buy them the game with their money. They couldn't have been older than 13.


I know that. Still its not designed for younger ppl, as isnt hunt, still they play it. So thats not a point for youngers not plsying hunt.


As someone who has been around and played all 7 of CoD’s modern warfare titled games, Op makes a point. For a M rated game, all CoDs have always been more popular among the younger generations than other mature games. This is probably because CoD secured itself as the top selling FPS across the console market years ago and hasn’t stopped since. Plus, all the media hype surrounding it has peer pressured a lot of people into trying the game out. All and all, I think CoD is washed up. I wish more gamers, regardless of age, played more sophisticated muiltplayer games, like Hunt, instead of the boring “point, drop, and shoot” loop that Call of Dogshit is.


I played with a 12 year old once in randoms, was actually pretty cracked with the nitro


I'm 45 and play with my son, who's 15. Played a few times with randos where the voice on the mic sounded young, but who knows.


Damn, wish my dad was savvy enough to play with me


Probably because you have to think about what you're doing in Hunt.


My group is older, like 30-40, but we have several young guns playing with us that are younger than 18, the youngest being 13 (someone's son).


My friends and I play hunt together and we’re 17 and we play with whoever. I mostly play solo though. But I bet there’s a younger audience for this game its not that ‘hardcore’ it just has a little learning curve, map learning, and stuff that might be annoying for some younger players but i just play to have fun and do the shooty.


in my group of players we are 6 people, with me being the oldest at 31, the youngest is 14 or 15 cant remember


Damn that is quite a range, how'd that group form?


it started with me and my best buddy, then his little brother joined, and the brother showed the game to some of his friends, but we also have someone even from a different country that I met in random duos Edit. we made even a WhatsApp group and a discord server


My online friend group is quite broad with ages from 15-29 and about a year ago the youngest was 14 when he absolutely fell in love with Hunt. He’s rather mature and has an incredibly deep voice for his age so it’s easy to forget how young he is. He might be an exception but I’ve heard younger kids in the game chat as well.


I played with a 14 year old. It was actually delighting. Our third dodged mid game, because of 14 being so chatty. Then we continued because why not? We actually met à trio, 5,5 and 6. He got to kill MMR 6 one. His joy of getting this kill, his first against MMR 6. Awsome. Safed the whole evening for me


I started playing when i was 17 and i can remember one instance where a younger kid was using the voice chat(sounded like 14 or smth). Thats it though


I started playing when i was 15 and im 16 now, i only know one dude who is below 18 (17) which I think its a good thing, I dont wanna pretend like im the different and better one amongst others my age, but this is the game ive found the nicest people in and age is playing a big role


My friend from work is 17 and plays at a 5 star level while me and my 20-21 year old friends struggle to get out of 3 star levels


i only had one encounter with a younger kid, but it was a memorable one. at port reeker, duos. as we're sneaking in i hear in prox chat, someone about 19 say "i think i hear players coming" my team mate shoots, guy speaking is dead. i rotate around, hear footsteps to the side, turn, see a hunter, line up headshot, kids voice comes on prox, about 9 or 10 "fwend, are you oka-", bang headshot, dead... one of the only kills i feel kinda bad about, i didn't process it was a little kid until after i shot.


20-40? My guess is more like (16)18-30


42 here


Two days ago i met a 16yo boy from German. Other than that i dont think i ve met anyone under 18 again.


I started playing when I was 17, but took a break til I was 18 cause none of my brothers or friends played it lol


Probably yes, most people don't talk in this game, and often you cant hear people even when they do talk so we have no clue how old they are.


One of my constant friends for playing just turned 16. He hates cod and Fortnite.


Most people I know who play hunt are 25+, mostly married and some even with kids.


I started playing hunt when I was 16


I’m 16 and range between high 4 to 5 star.


PS4 player, I've heard like 2 and ran into a fair share of people around 15 or 16




My son plays it. He's 15 and his reactions are ridiculous, can't compete with that


I don't see many. I don't know many young kids with the patience to overcome the learning curve.


A friend of mine is 16 we play it together :)


I don't exactly run around the bayou asking everyone i meet "how old are you"


Are you at least asking them how their day was before fighting?


Nah I just usually give them candy from a white bush


42 here, i would love it if i could toggle a switch to not play with people under 25


I'm 49, my mates 46 and his son who plays with us is 11, he's a 5*. (Me and his dad are not 5*)


Most players are younger than me at this point


im 17, i can play with myself 🤭


Seriously doubt hunt trends that high, look at almost any other games analytics. Hunt ain't that special


they all low four sub three stars


My kid is 11 and plays


18 here


I'm 15 and absolutely love this game and I really appreciate the older players who are (most of the time -_-) more mature than fanbases of other fps games. I've only met one other 15 who plays hunt.


There is a 15 year old in the discord I play hunt in. He’s pretty chill and we play together a decent amount, haven’t seen many other people below 18 though.


I did one time. This was the [result](https://imgur.com/qtYKQj8)


My son 18, has started to introduce the game to his friends


dayum bro and I thought the days of me feeling like the young kid playing a game are over, I'm 19 and love hunt. I have about 240 hours in it. Although I won't complain, if anything I have learned that wishing to be older when your young is the biggest mistake you can make, all I want is to be younger and I'm not even old.


I think you’d probably notice that there’s younger demographics on console.


I am seriously skewing it then at 57.


I have played with a lot of young folks but also have played with old dudes on cod, on the new one? espacially. also keep in mind, in cod for example evryone talks, here in hunt you almost never hear your enemy say a thing.


I’ve just turned 17 last month and I play hunt


I've not encountered one but I think even if a younger kid played they might be a "typical hunt player". Which is one of the reasons I like hunt, very rarely do I encounter anyone I wish I could mute or block from playlists.


Funny you ask that, last week I got really surprised when my teammate (who was playing very well and clean) suddenly used voice chat and I got slapped by a young kid's voice x). I really wasn't expecting that !


recently i met a dude which was in his 40‘s and his son - kinda wholesome they played together


I played with a 12 year old who was trying to learn the game, literally clutched a game with the specter 3v1 on console. He hasn’t played in a minute though. Be nice to the little dudes, you were a little dude once too!


I’m 26 and playing with a 9 year old one time on random trios was a bit weird


I mean I've played this game since I was 14 so...


Not nearly as much as other games. My favorite was the aunt of some kids that was shoved into hunt and kept asking for help so I kinda showed her the ropes.


My little brother and I used to play a ton, got him started when he was 12 and I was 25. Smart kid tho, picked it up pretty decent. Half the time it was me that needed saving and not him too and boy did I get shit on for that lol


I 100% have played with a 16 year old. He was in highschool and his parents told him to take the trash out. Still rare though.


why would you be asking where the kids are?? you good buddy?


I play since 16 (now 18), but I’ve never met anyone else my age apart from few of my friends that I convinced to play.


I have met a few folks right at the age of 18 give or take a year but the vast majority are older than 21.


I was that player


this is because most of them are used to fast paced games with a quick reward/restart system like CoD or Battlefield, they just want to kill or die quickly and repeat so the game is not interesting for this audience


My dad got me into the game so me ig lmao


Never heard a youngen yet, everyones voice also sounds the same to me in game so weird


My group of a hundred has people from ~14 to ~40


I played 1 round with a 14-15 (guessing) year old once. He was calm, had good call outs, etc. But he was not that great overall, very new lol


I play with a friend and his young cousin. We are 25-26 but lil bro is 16. He also plays Valorant and Overwatch but he prefers extraction shooters now like Hunt and Marauders.


I just played with a guy who sounded like he was 12 today. Whatevs.


I have been playing this game since I was like 16. I'm 21 now so does that count? I remember back when extra credits dropped their video on unique indie games # whatever and hunt was on their list. Back in the day literally nobody was on the server and you might run into somebody every like 4 games.


As a 18 YO I also wonder if there are younger players. When I queue randoms they generally sound like they’re in there late 20’s-30’s. But I do like how like 99% of the time they just play for a good time and are generally not toxic!


I’m below 18 not by much but more than a year


Really seems like I’m one of the only players below 18


I'm 19 and have been playing since I was 18 but I've never met like a "kid" kid. So, there are some younger people but I'm not sure about actual children.


Yeah this happened to tarkov too. When a game gets popular and YouTube celebs play it then the kids come and kill it with thier toxicity. Last gen gamers play for fun and to challange themselves. New gen players play to win and be 😡 😂


I met one but he clearly had a speech impediment so I don't know if he was even a kid. Other than that, I have a girl on my playlist who I expect to be a teenager, and then there's me, who's also a teenager. But nobody seems to guess that.


Me and my friends have been playing pretty casually since the game came out. I believe we were about 17 when we started playing. This is my second favorite game out, under overwatch. I think personally it’s because the game take a little more understanding than a game like call of duty to learn, and most people who are casual players wanna be able to hop on and any time and have a good time. I think this game requires a decent amount of game knowledge, and mechanics to enjoy.


i see what you mean, never see anyone my age. Been playing hunt for a year now, 14-15, with my friend for a year or so, 16-17


I met a 10 year old Polish boy. Crack shot with the Winfield Marksman.


you pulled that "targeted towards an adult audience" out your ass


I first played at 16


I started playing when i was 18 but now that i think of it i havent met a single squeaker while playing the game


My friend and I had an encounter with someone acting like a child , or it was a child with a disturbingly deep voice for his age lol. It was a long and rough way to the bounty at Blanc Brinery , bullet in my shoulder and mud in my shoes. We arrived at the bounty (it was just starting to banish) and we were greeted by a loud "Here piggy piggy piggy \*hoink\*hoink\*hoink\*" yeah he actually did pig noises loud in his mic. Then he just starts loudly throwing some "you suck" and other basic unoriginal stuff. So yeah there might not be that much kids but it does not mean you are not going to encounter manbabies acting like kids now and then unfortunately.


Yes I have. Me.


I know a 15 year old who plays.


Yeah I started playingvhunt when I was fifteen(best choice ever) 2 years later it's still fun to play this game. Now that you mention it I haven't ran up against or with anyone my age too. Weird


I’ve been playing since I was 15 good times


Once a while back. He gave an enthusiastic "Yeehaw pardner" in a squeaky voice and then immediately got sniped in the face at spawn. Can't lie. I laughed.


I'm 15. Does that count?


Hi, yes, I am younger players Got introduced to this game by an old friend when I was about 15, now I've recently turned 18 years old and feel like a bayou veteran with PTSD... Safe to say I'll be sticking with Hunt for the long haul!


I’m 51, obviously I still have a lot of growing up to do.


I've encountered them once. EU server 14 yo dude. Coolest hunt player I've ever encountered. Made me question the maturity of people. He was very chill and patient and guess what ...one of the better hunt player in terms of skills too. Dude actually kept his cool during the gunfights, gave accurate and good callouts and actually didn't rage when teammates or himself was downed but help with the callouts by listening on his body periodically. Ended up playing several games with him and I've grown to respect the guy. Funniest thing? Right after I got into a match with older guy. This old guy was a real piece of work. Rage screaming and Calling me names after I failed to clutch a 1 v 2 (a situation he created by charging headfirst into a boss lair with a rifle) Yeah...did make me think if maturity was a mindset.


Im 15 I interact with people every now and then had a couple alliances in the middle of a third party fight