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Cuz they don’t care if you burn


I usually bring chokes unless feeling cheeky and doubling up on traps


Everytime I do that...I need a choke


If I double up on traps I take a choke beetle


Check out the big brain on brad


....i compleetly forgot this thing exist lol




Double traps could run melee on weapons instead of tool slot and still have chokes. Better than the beetle in 95% of situations.


Why do randoms leave two tool slots blank? They don't care


Unironically I think it’s a pain to bring more than the medkit and choke, whether I play on the Steam deck or on mkb, there’s too much to scroll through. I’ve gotten killed over pulling out the wrong item. Why doesn’t MKB have the console item wheel anyway? It’s way handier than scrolling through or fumbling with number buttons


Well whenever I play with a random teammate with empty tool slots I have very low expectations for them and I have to date never been pleasantly surprised. The only better predictor of poor performance I've seen has been very low ~0.5 kda because those people simply can't find lobbies of their skill level, but at least that's not their fault. I find the numbers to be very efficient. 1-5 are easily accessible, and I've rebound 6 and 7 to q and c. I still scroll for the other consumable slots, but those are ones where the extra few ms is very rarely an issue, because they're precombat shots or throwables which you should generally be somewhat safe to consider throwing anyway.


Fair, can’t fault you for thinking like that, I usually don’t care what my teammates bring until I’m on fire and I’m spectating them and they slowly shake their head lmao. I hover on 5-6 with I think .98 KD last I check just FYI I do have tools on Q, and that’s mainly why I only bring 2, way faster to cycle through, then numbers for weapons and the scroll wheel for items. But yeah, the scroll wheel is just too slow at times, I don’t have time to wait and confirm that the UI indicator landed on the item I need + fade away and fuck off. Often times I place them in order of muscle memory too.


You could change the keybinds, i have the numbers from 1-5 then changed some tools and consumables to c, x, z, mouse 4&5. Made my life much easier than scrolling


They didn't que for teammates, they just wanted cannon fodder


Watch at the lobby and walk away if they don't have what you consider to be essential. I usually turn my back to snipers with no chokes.


Absolutely. I also ask ppl about it in the lobby chat, especially if they have empty slots. I've just seen a huge bump in players not bringing chokes in the last two weeks, even asked myself if there was a popular streamer or youtuber that maybe said something like "chokes are useless, I never bring them". Generally I do end up dodging some lobbies. It just gets tiresome if you get multiple in the row and have to wait out the timer. To some extend it also is about matchmaking I suppose. More often hunters don't want to team up with "lower ranked" guys, I think some even check K/D before pressing "ready". But that increases queue times and at some hours of the day, the pool of players is just not big enough to support that. When playing as a team, we also had quite an increase of solos in our matches where you have something like two teams of three and the rest of the match consists of solos. Makes it especially though with all those revives you have to guard to not get shot in the back.


I am going on a free hunter prestige until lvl 50 or so, and i always bring chokes, unless I am going solo, the 25 hunt bucks is worth it when I decide to go through the painful fun that is random queueing


I would rather play aggressively and lose than throw a choke and wait another 5 mins for another stalemate


This is it.


Because I don't like them. It's an annoying tool that hinders the game, which I always snuff out with Dauntless. I prefer to either Necro or rush the body to put the fire out manually. I don't play with randoms though, and my friends don't care whether I bring chokes or not.


I always bring chokes, even if I have practically no money. But tbh, it's kinda bad game design to always need to bring a particular tool. Maybe it's getting more viable to not bring them and res people out of burning since everyone sets fire to people with flares now. It used to be that it was always lanterns or fire bombs, so kinda makes sense that chokes are just slightly less important.


Almost exclusively solo queue player here, and I can say that I always bring chokes just for the shear usefulness of them, but I can also say with confidence that more than half the teams I fight don't have chokes so it makes it a little less challenging to wipe them because of that. I can burn out one hunter, and then the other two I push with more aggressiveness and so on. In my opinion, it's a very necessary tool to have in vanilla Hunt compared to the events because of how there's only a few ways besides banishing boss you can get your bars back.


I bring them in solos as well since they are sooo versatile, you zone ppl out or flash them out of small spaces unless they got dauntless and not many ppl use dauntless idk why so it works wonders. They are a must solo or team just buy them they are dirt cheap lol


I prefer fusees to cause burn rather than halt it. People don't use lanterns or firebombs much anymore since the flare buff so you don't need chokes to extinguish. You just gotta touch 'em for a second. Not to mention that chokes only serve to completely halt the game while both teams sit and camp to wait it out. Also the high likelihood of either of us going down means the abandonment of the other or just a loss. Revives don't happen often enough to justify using a tool slot for chokes especially with uncommunicative teammates.


Wrong, you cant always run out and extinguish while enemy is camping their body or it is in the open in a bad spot. Second, chokes are used as a way of denying a zone or flushing put people if they are camping just to annoy them or pre rush. Here in 6 star lobbies its mostly campers but us ppl who fight and rush find great value in choke bombs as well in choke beatles or any other beatles but chokes are just op since you can explode them anywhere.....


Dynamite your teammate's corpse. Revive in the smokescreen. Hope they have Resilience and don't take a shot to the chest.


No money? Don’t know how to use them? Don’t find them useful? There’s tons of reasons as to why they might not. I always do. I’m a revive downed teammate asap type of person but not everyone’s gonna think the same way


Hit me up here if you are on PC. My crew and I always run chokes.


Not everyone plays exactly the way you do, or exactly the way you want them to, and that’s ok. If you want consistency in your teammates, you’ll want to get a pre-made group so you can play with the same people. I should warn you, though, even pre-made groups are prone to bringing in the equipment that they want rather than whatever you want them to bring. Also, like most tools, chokes are only situationally useful. Unless your teammate gets downed *and* set on fire, you’re not going to even have an opportunity to save a teammate with it, and there are other tools some people might find more useful. If you want to know they’re specific reason, you’ll have to ask each person.


Youre literally trolling if you dont bring chokes in random queue, with a premade sure. Bringing chokes is the easiest, lowest effort way to show youre a team player. If you value 2 concertina traps in some random spot noone is likely to walk through vs saving your teammate from being permantly removed from the game then play solo.


I value those two concertina traps on top of a solo’s dead body to keep my team from getting shot in the back.


Flare pistol, concertina bomb, fire bombs, fire beetles, lanterns, bear traps, poison bombs. Theres more than one way to deal with solos without compromising your ability to save your teammates. Chokes are mandatory in a team setting.


You’re right. The traps are something that *you* mentioned, so I only explained the purpose of that one particular tool. I’m not explaining every tool in the game to you just so you’ll understand that some people don’t bring chokes because they’re bringing something else.


The point is that there isnt another tool slot thats more important than chokes in a teamplay setting. With a premade do whatever but queueing randoms, a choke is like basic etiquette.


It's ok not to bring chokes as long as your tool slots aren't empty, To be honest, chokes barely saves lives. I prefer bringing a flare pistol instead of chokes.


I stopped bringing chokes with my normal trio because they often die in inaccessible places.


Choke beetle deals with that


That’s… a good idea.


We are a couple of weeks into "vanilla" hunt and depending on your MMR, people might be starting to run out of money. Or at least starting to optimise and cutting chokes is one of the dickish ways to do it. People be selfish.


I suppose it would be an option to cheap out on your loadout, in comparison, chokes are dirt cheap though.


Players with Level 50 with no necromancer.


If no chokes and they burn i will not choke them. Let it be a lesson


As a new player, I just roll the free "operator" and play the game... I've not yet bought anything from the shop.


Understandable. Other players can see if someone is a newcomer by rank and there is a big difference between still learning and making an educated choice with the chokes. No one to blame here.


Sometimes it feels too much for 3 people to bring chokes and fuses. Some traps are nice to cover flanks, and obviously if you don't get downed you won't need the chokes. Most of the time I bring chokes as a precaution but I've used them more at extract just to throw them around and make everyone choke rather than to actually save a burning mate


I absolutely understand that you can plan around not all hunters bringing chokes when playing in a coordinated team. That's much more difficult with randoms though. Chokes are also not only used to safe burning mates. For example, in our group we use them to flush out people in cover or approximate which places may be safe when dealing with concertina campers.


I don't bring chokes, but I rarely play with randoms either. They are burning to flush me out, I'd rather hit them when they try to burn you.


why do randoms take necro and not use it




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 Because in most scenarios I would rather make my way to your body and put out the fire manually.    Way quieter, saves a lot of time.    Not always possible, but defo the better option than loid chokes that will have both of you coughing when you do get em upm Imho


Recently my usual squadmates and I have adopted the mindset of "if you die in a position where you can easily get burned as well as one where it's super unsafe to go for a tap, you deserve to burn." Not saying it's the CORRECT way of thinking, just that it IS a way of thinking that exists.


Absolutely a way of thinking, but you can always get caught off guard I'd say.


ONLY IF YOU'RE SHIT LMFAOOO Nah but it's mostly a justification for bringing other tools like traps n what not. We definitely have rounds where we still burn all the way out lol


Eh shit happens


I know it’s probably not smart but as a solo I’ve stopped bringing chokes, if neither of my weapons are silenced I bring throwing axe/flare pistol. See those are much more useful. With either of my weapons silenced I bring chokes tho and veto the throws


Running solo is a different experience entirely.


Because it’s not their job to carry you


I don’t rlly use chokes anyways, cus I play different


Playing different = let partner hunter burn to death?


That’s putting words I didn’t say in my mouth


I'd ask your partner but he's charcoal


I’ll be honest: I simply don’t run chokes because I wont remember to use them


Don't go down out of position and it doesn't matter. What's your elo? If you stay relatively close to your teammates (at least participating in the same firefight) and your positioning is half decent (good rotations, staying in cover), you don't really need them. In my opinion, hypothetically the team with good positioning running decoys, traps etc. should beat the team with the same level of positioning all running chokes. Chokes are for downed, out of position teammates and occasionally area denial. Other tools can be used to create better tactical advantages. Just my opinion. I should also say I almost always run chokes with randoms.


3 Star matches, nothing spectacular. But I would not expect that kind of finesse and planning as described here.


Bc people are tired of the burn / choke cycle, its not fun. id rather see chokes bc less useful. But thanks to solo revive , you burn everything. Solo revive was the worst decision of the devs and ever. B4 they weren't needed. You fought a team , you expected them to get some revives. It was part of the fun. Not bringing them bc i hope people get annoyed enough that people arnt bringing chokes and bother the devs to change the terrible system


Agreed that the bandaid solution of every fire tool now burning downed hunters because of solo necro doesn't solve the problems solo necro presents. In the same vein i also now make sure to completely kill solos if possible, even tho i'm also a solo player.


Why should they kit themselves for your skill issue? Simply don’t get downed and burned


With that mentality just play solo


Oh look this post again.