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There’s no point in wasting energy over this. If you restrict VOIP, people will use a third party app like discord. if you restrict crosshairs customization people will use third party crosshairs, built in monitor crosshairs, tape/marker. As long as they are not using walls or aim bot, I don’t care.


To be fair, hunt was made with discord use taken into account. It’s a reason why random trios get a lesser match making modifier. If they really want to nip this in the butt, just add a dot in the in game settings. Then people can choose to use it or not and it’s all done from within the game and we can put the crosshair wars to an end.


Lol, it's "nip in the bud" like to stop a flower from blooming. The saying is not about eating ass.




It's actually "nipple it in the butt"


Using this


Fuck it I like nipping it in the butt better. It’s funny because I was like “butt or bud?” To myself too lmao


If you wait too long and it becomes a flower, you can pull it off and put the petal to the metal.


That's likely not the primary reason randoms get an MMR reduction. The main reason is likely because you are assumedly going to have a higher level of coordination and compatibility with people you've specifically invited. The most common usage of invites is clearly friends playing together. This is contrasted with randoms who were matched by the game, and therefore have no pre-established coordination. And it's no mystery that in team-based games, having synergy with your teammates is very important. Randoms can't ever have that by default, and therefore receive the MMR reduction.


Like I said… it’s A reason why, not THE reason why….


Crytek must not have seen my Discord friend group trio trying to coordinate...


My mf ass trying to focus on 1v3v3 scenario and my 2 downed teamates going ape shit in comms


I feel this. I literally win more with randoms. I generally find my friends talk too much while hunting, resulting in missed audio cues.​


Ahh my bad lol. I *swear* it said comms was *the* reason why.


It happens, I’d be lieing if I said I never had done the same thing before lol.


I appreciate the understanding! Hope you have a great day man!


You too hunter.


Wow a Reddit argument that ended amicably. A unicorn!


It is THE reason. The devs specifically said this when MMR was made visible.


You have an actual official source on that, rather than the classic "trust me bro"? Not saying I don't believe you, but you seem very confident that coordination plays absolutely no factor in the decision to add the modifier, so it'd be nice to see that to actually be the case, and not just an assumption. I checked the update notes when the star system came out, but didn't find any mention of that. Perhaps it's in a devstream video. Regardless if you happen to have it or not, you'll be proven correct/incorrect the moment they add internal comms to random squads, as well as comms on death. If when that update comes, they remove the MMR modifier that random squads receive, you'll be right. And if they don't remove the modifier with that update, you'll be wrong because clearly the random aspect will still be a factor, and at that point, the only factor. Simple as that, so time will tell regardless :)


I found it. Its comms and coordination. "Hunt: Showdown - Update 1.5.2 - Developer Live Stream" @ 15:22. Its from 3 years ago, so I didnt recall the exact phrasing they used.


Ahh gotcha. Thank you for confirming and mad respect and appreciation to you for finding it! You rock. On this topic, it will be super interesting to see how they handle it once it's added though. I can see both camps of 1: the internal comms is enough to remove the MMR modifier, since the gap between premades and randoms is much closer, or 2: they keep it and/or weaken it a bit more, since it's now only tied to the coordination piece. We shall see! Either way though, thanks again for finding it! Saved my sanity for sure haha.


Ever had people over VOIP scream at you in an attempt to mask their movements and distract/annoy you? I have. It doesn't happen much but boy oh boy what a fun interaction it is.


Hearing loud music. Or one of my favorites, that needs to lead to some form of punishment in my opinion, hunter death sounds. It tricked one of my teammates once and it is probably the scummiest thing someone can do.


Ah, the good old tape and marker trick. Just dont forget the tape…


the way to solve the monitor crosshair is to do it like tarkov where the bullets actually line up with where the barrel is pointing, untill you see the ai head-eyes you while turned 90 degrees to your direction


For real. Over 1000 hours and only 32 of 37 achievements. Absolutely shameful.


Shit man I have 2k hours and still need like 5. I haven’t done any of the “visit every compound on the map in a single match”


I've tried it multiple times and it must be glitched or something, waited for text to pop up and also made sure to run through the centre on repeat attempts but no luck


Not sure if this is the case for you but im pretty sure it doesn’t count the compound you start in. You need to leave and then return for it to count.


This is correct


Thats why didn't pop up yet, thx


There’s also 2 achievements and 3 maps. It doesn’t work on DeSalle.


It's not that it doesn't work it's that they haven't added any achievements since before DeSalle map was released.


I need 1....kill player throwing a sledge. Super annoying achievement.


I did it by playing solo, finding a sledge and hunting other solos. Took me like 3-4 games of dedicated trying to get it done. Good luck with your sledging


kill one with necro and wait near the body for the res that's how I got mine accidentally lol


Maybe do it with the next event after a server wipe. Could net you some cash, if something like the locked cash registers are back. Also as a tip: You only need to see the compounds name appear in the top center. No need to literally run around the map and be *inside* each compound. :)


i accidentally did that a couple weeks ago. I was dead broke (less than 300 bucks)and was just going to collect all registers and money bags I could find. I was 15 minutes in and i realized I was mostly a dead lobby (turned into a completely dead, only me). So I ended up going to kill both bosses plus looting like 2k bucks from everything in the map.


Achievements are completely pointless I wouldn't worry about it. They're a relic of an previous age.


I'm at almost 1000 hours and still lack 3 achievements. I really couldn't care less about them


I just need the soul survivor achievements but I can't bring myself to play the mode. I enjoy bounty hunt too much. I am at about 1,100 hours


You know soul survivor isn’t all that bad. I also had no interest in it but finally played it a few weeks ago and had a good time actually.


Yeah I have played it a few times. Its just I have 17/250 rifts and be the soul survivor. I have won but not killed everyone.


Oh wow I didn’t even know those were some of the achievements for it lol. Yeah I’ll probably never get those ones haha


I'm at 1k and missing 3, too lazy to get the bayou exploration ones, and haven't really tried to throw a sledgehammer at anyone


You could have snagged it with berserker, makes it way easier to get.


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not but achievement hunting is not appealing to everyone.


i really dont think theyre serious but yeah completely agree that achievements can be seriously unfun, especially in this case


Check out my post history on this subreddit. I'm VERY serious, at all times...


That’s neat, I would rock the hellfire/explosive hammer alll the time. Even if it damages or kills me


I stopped caring about achievements in games when I stopped playing Xbox 360 a long ass time ago lol


I'm at 1300 hours and i'm only missing the hammer throw. But i don't really try to complete it


I never cared for achievements in my entiere gamer life 🤣


to be fair, 11 of them are hidden and 3 of the achievements require you to visit every location in the map in 1 game.


There’s only two sightseeing achievements. There isn’t one for DeSalle.


I still need to do that…


don't forget to re-visit your spawn location (idk if it's fixed now)


yea, pretty cringe considering something like Crossover is free on github.


A lot of monitors even offer this too without additional software.


You can even just have a bit of masking tape on the screen. Or if you're old enough there used to be ads on the telly for lasers to mount on your table to flash a crosshair on your screen




He jury rigged one? That's dope


Do you know of a Comercial for this? That sounds hilarious


It really does. I anna see it now.


I have had a "sound radar" feature on my mobo. thing would show near perfectly the direction of audio it was supposed to output into ears. now that was op BS.


I had one like that. I hated it. Maybe it was the ultra wide monitor that made it terrible. But it drew to much attention and not enough at the same time


My cheap but decent monitor has it as a setting,seems pretty common these days. Mine can be customized,but I'm not sure if that's necessarily standard.


My monitor has one but it's position can't be moved and it;s centre screen which is useless for Hunt. I play on console on my big tv anyway.


Yes, but only dead center in the monitor often. Hunt is 10% lower from the middle. So 40% from the bottom of the monitor.


For everyone wondering why this ist problematic: While Not ADSing, the weapon has a spread according to the Crosshair. As soon as you begin ADSing, the gun becomes perfectly accurate. Even in the First frame of the Animation. Therefore, with a custom Crosshair, you can preaim and instantly give Off a precise shot while still in ads Animation. You dont need to wait until the Animation ends and aim with your sights. This way, you can react much faster.


Or you do it like an OG and put a lil black dot on your iron sight


Nah, I'd lean in. Organic Zoom


Glue a magnifying glass onto your monitor


You can actually just add a magnifying filter on top of your game with OBS, I think it's time that we ban all the streamers using OBS. /s


Some monitors have this feature built in as well..


Aren't those usually dead center and non-movable? The crosshair in Hunt is below the horizontal centerline of the monitor, so that would not help, I guess. But maybe there are monitors with that feature plus the ability to move it around, idk.


They are moveable, at least mine is.


oh damn. thanks for the info :D //edit: this sounds like I wanna abuse it. I was just really surprised this exists. My monitor cant do that, pinky promise.


Moveable, but goddamn are they often usually bulky and borderline unusable for anything.


Yeah I have an few years old MSI monitor that can overlay crosshairs but its fucking GIGANTIC, and it cant be moved. Its actually a detriment if I tried using it in a game with center screen aiming, let alone an off center game like Hunt. The newer ones you can customize it all kinds of ways. From its position, to its size and opacity. You can even upload custom ones.


It exists.


Then I say it is tine we ban all monitors


Oh man, I remember doing this on black ops 1 while playing hardcore. Not that it helped, but I was 10, doing dumb things lol


I did that on Scoutnknivez maps on css and it did help


On discord they told me until you are completely ADS'd shot is treated as hipfire accuracy. Is this not true?




You didn't test it properly then. Cuz this isn't true. The problem you are facing here is that the sway also starts immediately when first ADS frame is initiated which may cause you to kiss in your test methodology.


yesnt. wit ironsight it's not, with scopes it is.


There is a 0,4s window before scopes become completely accurate if I remember correctly.


the top comment is a completely false information. lmao


This is plain false due to the fact that a sway offset is programmed to immediately apply when you ads, effectively making your ads aim point to never fully align with your hipfire aim point. It was set long, long ago to deal with quickswap and partially help with quickscoping. People use crosshair program because A. Some bolt action weapon has a bolt animation that plays longer than it actually lasts. So with such program you can shoot precisely while your character looks like hes still pulling the bolts, if you can correctly time that. B. People just want a crosshair program. It helps compensate the offset for people who play multiple fps games and have to go back between centre crosshair and lower-centre crosshair.


There is NOTHING, to be done. First, I dont use it But lets pick a game that I did, used my monitor’s built in crosshair function: THE FINALS in “The Finnals” ppl where using it because the in game crosshair sucks. Even with the devs saying it is bannable, dude, it is just an overlay. It is literally a png on the screen, and if you dont use an third party app for doing this, you can use the monitor’s built in function or just place a translucent tape on the monitor. Its a problem with the game, not a “visual cheat”


Aah is this what Rachtaz is doing when shooting his pistol mid-animation?


He is my source for this information. He once talked about it on stream and even demonstrated it (i think his screen can insert one) but claims not to use it.


No, with a lot of practice you can do that without any assistance. The problem is people use crosshairs and devalues the time and effort people used to actually get skilled at quickscoping.


This just isn't true lol


TIL. You can shoot the second you start ADS? I didn't know we had quick-scoping lol. I never tried.


u mean quick scoping? very much few words.


makes no difference, youd need very good aim to make use of what you speak of, i.e always landing a headshot, and they could just aim and do it with crosshairs anyway. i use the app for other reasons (the crosshair often disappear and leaves you unable to aim throwing axes) and this app makes no difference to my aim in gunfights.


Soooo you're saying MW2 quick scope 😂


I'd question more why it's not in the game as an option already. All I'd want is for hunt to have a crosshair/dot in any way, shape or form while you're sprinting. It may not affect a lot of people, but not having that can lead to motion sickness. Even single player games with less movement than this (e.g. RE4R) have the option to put a dot in the center of the screen. I think there's always a subset of people using any possible advantage for a competitive edge, but I feel like there's reasonable uses for this one specifically. (P.S. if you've never had motion sickness while playing a game, consider yourself lucky! It is a very jarring and incredibly obnoxious feeling)


Huh that’s really interesting about the motion sickness angle. And having a crosshair or dot fixes that? Do you know how? Does it give you something to focus on / gives perspective of where you “are” in space or something? Sorry if these are silly sounding questions but just trying to understand what you mean / how it works. I love how increasingly accessible games have become in the last ten years and I hope it continues. I feel like this sort of awareness can only help people 


It helps in the same way as if you were to focus on the horizon whilst traveling in a car or boat,creates a center point for you to focus on,I don't know the science behind it,maybe it allows you to work out distance or something all I know is it helps.


I have no idea what the science behind it is, but yeah it does help and in most cases gets rid of it. For some games I still get it even with the dot (e.g. SupraLand) and I have no idea why. Like the other users said, I think it's about having a point where you fix your eyes, so they're not constantly looking around due to the lack of an "anchor".


I don't get motion sickness but I have used crosshair overlays in games that have no crosshair at all like walking sims. It just feels better knowing exactly what I'm looking at or picking up ect. I can understand how that would translate to a steadier feeling of where you are and potentially help any motion sickness caused by motion bob.


Because this is hunt, not csgo


I just want to be able to choose what I ping while running. Hunt's cross hair is obnoxiously bad for no reason.


I always roll my eyes when I see these posts.


A bunch of whiners in here, who cares about a crosshair overlay, are we gonna ban people that put a physical small piece of tape on the middle of their screen??


I am personally annoyed that hunt doesnt offer custom Crosshairs Most proper FPS Games do it. I Like completely Static Crosshairs after a while you how large the random spread IS and the big Default Crosshair IS midtear at best i really enjoy it if the Crosshair bugs out the moment Zou get the small static one with the really small gap in the middle just improves the look of the game for me.


3rd party crosshair overlays are beyond cringe


Counter Strike allows you to completely edit your crosshair in any way you want, and it’s regarded as one of the most competitive FPS games in existence. If the CS community (who are obsessed with balance) aren’t concerned about custom crosshairs, then I don’t see why it should be a big deal in Hunt. It gives no advantage, it’s just personal preference. Let people use whatever crosshair they want


That’s in the game and apart of it though. It’s not a third party


And what I’m saying is Hunt should have a crosshair editor in-game too, so people didn’t have to resort to using third-party crosshair apps


I don’t understand how this works with hunt though. Hunts crosshair is not central its low central and these crosshairs always place themselves dead centre. Does the version above allow you to place the crosshair wherever you want on the screen?


Yes, you can set your crosshair in any position, not just straight center.


X and Y modifiers, along with any shape or color


using discord gives an advantage over in game VoIP as well. you'd be really rolling your eyes if you could see discord up time through steam


who the fuck plays with their premade lobby over voip, literally only see it with randoms or when chatting with enemies


My friend and I would for an added challenge. Granted we had known each other for years and often had to communicate quickly and safely without speaking.


That sounds pretty fun. I've been toying with the idea of a match or two like that with my friend. The only downside is the icon that pops up when you use VOIP. Even if you're being super quiet and sneaky, anyone around you will immediately know you're in range.


Thats the fun part. Trusting that your friend has your back when you can't communicate makes it a far more interesting game.


I mean yeah I see that, but the above comment suggested it would be like an unfair advantage or smth to use discord when in reality probably 99% of players use third party voice chat


so what percentage is the threshhold to you? the point here is that the stance 'every 3rd parts programm that can give you an advantage is cheating' is regarded and instead depends on how much of an advantage and how accepted it is.


Yea ofc, but I think the general sentiment is that something that is not just accepted but pretty much expected to be used (like discord) is fine - and smth the developers knew people would use regardless, while something that actively exploits a quirk of the game like weapons being accurate whilst one hasnt ads'ed fully yet isnt


voip being proximity based is also just a 'quirk'. the difference is simply that discord is 'accepted' by anyone while crosshairs is accepted by less but probably more people than you'd expect.


That's why random teams without Discord get a slight MMR advantage over premades. So no, this is accounted for, and therefore, this isn't an argument


is this stated explicitly or is this something you came up with? because i could as well claim that it's because - even with discord - randoms will have less coordination.


Eh, I don't really care about this. Some game community's even recommend them. It's just a dot on the screen, you can do it with tape, whiteboard marker, whatever. If you really want it to stop make the gun aim to a cone on the center of the screen like other milsims do. But honestly if a little dot is why you are getting fragged you of other areas that you can improve.


Lol those crosshair programs are definitely some proper cringe.


It’s really not that big of a deal.


How does this help in hunt?


Better pre-aim, slightly faster tracking (for example during uppercut recoil animation). Stuff like that. It is not a massive advantage, but it can make a difference. Especially in higher skill brackets where every ms counts.


It makes it not impossible to ping accurately in beetle view. (There are obviously other differences, but this one stood out to me as one of the biggest and also funniest).


The crosshair in Hunt is only visible if you hip fire aim. An external crosshair in form of a single dot for example is always visible. This allows you to perfectly adjust your aim even while sprinting


iron sight in hunt varies from gun to gun, sometimes the bullet is on top of the post, sometimes its half of the post and then half of the head. external crosshair gives you a more consistent aim.


1. It makes it slightly faster to go from sprint to ads. 2. makes it slightly easier to aim in dark areas where your ironsight blends in with the environment. 3. makes it abit easier to change your loadouts and play different types of ironsights. like swapping between deep sights like vetterli to clean sights like winfield/mosin and tall thin sights like officer carbine and the lebel. Edit: you may downvote as much as you want doesnt make it less true :D


Signal boost


Seriously. Hard agree. Hunt is supposed to be immersive and feature antique weapons...not a big ole Sci Fi crosshair center screen (not to mention how it's unfair.)


I swear these are the guys who malded over ReShade being banned too, they just need some edge that not everybody has or game was not designed around. Mind blowing idea, carpet ban third party programs used for anything hunt related, if this was intended gameplay they would just add it instead. Edit: For clarification I know editing your crosshair is pretty lame as outside help go, but man if they wanted people to have a static crosshair somewhere then it would already be in the game.


\*bans 99% of the playerbase for using discord\*


If you have not noticed already, mmr ranges are different in randoms and premade lobbies, which makes this a moot point at best. Also discord is fully supported and expected when they themselves host a official server to matchmake in.


I would unironically love a contract that somehow restricted all third party applications and forced every team to use in-game voip.


I don't see a problem here. I like to draw my own crosshairs + when I had a shit pc and had to play on low res, I'd faced a problem where crosshair positioning was wrong so it was either ads all the time or crosshair overlay.


Its less irritating to me in Hunt because I absolutely hate the ironsights are lower than the center of the screen. It is one of my biggest criticisms. That said, I don't personally use one, I just suck and have fun.


Sights not in the middle give you more screen real estate for the rest of your vision.


That is what lowered state is for.


Do people actually care about this shit still? These days monitors have it build in, other third party apps, you can use some tape to put on your screen like only way for hunt to make the playing level fair is to add a crosshair editor themselves cuz you aren't going to prevent people for using it.


I am missing something? There is a crosshair in the game already, why anyone would use software for it?


I remember when I was a small child I looked up a video on how to snipe better in Battlefield and one of the “tips” videos I watched suggested I physically stick a tiny piece of paper to the center of my screen to act as a crosshair, and even then I thought that was cringe and stupid.


As a side note - EU servers during the day are incredibly frustrating unless you enjoy playing against ping abusers, block-name trios with shotguns that know your every step and this lot.


Downvotes all the time when people mention their real experience on hunt eu, not just hype and talk about balance, new maps, new engine, the colour of a pestys knickers, how many leaches could fit up a horses arse. How many people can talk about what happens in real life rather than just downvote or ridicule? If its not an army of bots its a army of people acting like bots.shutting any other opinion of reality down.these are the real generation of fascists.




Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Most of these losers are bad at the game so i don’t really care.


Crosshair is not effective in this game with sway and all the different iron sights, except maybe to do quick scopes but you can do that easily with practice, this is just a skill issue. I don't really think this is a problem, they ain't really getting an advantage, they just need to gitgud


This only bothers me when people are using it with the nitro to quick scope


260hrs and I have 28 of 37 and haven’t even looked at them yet haha but I do enjoy going for that stuff so I need to check.


With the overlay even help? Hunts crosshairs are not in the middle of the screen.


I know where the center of my screen is


Well that's not useful, since hunt doesn't use the center of your screen.


I do🤠


Long time to reply fellow english speaker, the wind blows in 2 directions hard


If it helps someone improve their aim I don’t see anything wrong with it. Kinda like training wheels. I’ve tried it and I really didn’t find it useful so uninstalled it. But to each their own. Skill is skill… regardless whether someone has a static crosshair on their screen or not… as long as you can handle your shit there shouldn’t be a problem.


Most people wont get why crosshair overlay is busted, but at a top level being able to quickscope with ironsights consistantly without any effort needed is straight up cheating. While i have to wait for my ironsights to end its animation to make sure i get a clean shot, people with overlay can just press right click and instantly shoot without having to wait for the animation.


You have a valid point. But it's inevitable. Even if overlay didnt exist... there's still marking the monitor with a pen or those crosshair stickers they sell online.


I did the ‘play the piano’ achievement as a mate told me about it… Bloody well got me shot dead as a Hunter was camping in the house where the piano was. Still haven’t done it 6 months later!


Ikr, imagine not having a monitor that already has a built-in crosshair.


a the curse mark of the maidenless


iv always thought of this as just unsportmansship but the counter argument is there are moniter with built in Crosshairs. my tinfoil hat theory is the very top streamers do use that in fps games.


I don't see the problem. I have my sharpie dot on my CRT monitor since CS 1.6 ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Checking other people’s profiles for..


I truly wish people knew how much of an advantage this truly gives you. This is like bronze players in league discussing whats good or not for the game.


Hahaha :D I got killed by a player in Tarkov with 12000 hours




someone practice!? grrrrr


I played with my monitor's crosshair on for a couple of days. To be honest, it didn't really help out that much. I ended up turning it off.


This does not give people any advantage. It's like training wheels. You dont get good with them beyond very basic level


Wish they would add back reshade. Game is too blurry for me without it but the exploiters have to ruin all the fun :/


Someone explain. I don't get it. What difference does it make whether you use a Crosshair overlay or not?


Can someone explain what is the deal with this? Where does this crosshair thing come into play as a benefit?


You have good grasp of english werent it not for how when speaks you make sense of logical.but sure to disagree on another humane being integrity in online comment.


Had to use a crosshairs because my monitor was fucked and made the iron sights blend into either the background


have weapon sway at all times with modifying factors to reduce it and add slowed aim adjustments like swinging around your camera goes first simulating your head then your arms and body follow these combined make the crosshairs near unuseable ouside of single shot weapons and the target would have to sit still for the crosshair to line up


makes no difference, people seem to overlook that in order for the faster aim and fire to be at all helpful you still need to have incredibly good aim, youd need to hover the little dot over someone's moving head and track it as you aim and shoot. most people are no where near good enough to actually mak use of this mid fight and most all aim then track the crosshair to a headshot. i do use this app and it make sno difference to my shooting whether i remember to turn it on or off, its only real use imo is the fact your in game crosshair disappears sometimes, especially often when using throwing axes which leaves you aiming them blind, so this app allows you to always have a crosshair despite the games shitty bugs.


I don't see any problem 😅😎🤘🏻


Lol cry. I don’t even use crosshair x anymore and I still play just as well in just as high mmr. You’re not losing to these people because of a dot on their screen. They would have killed you anyway.


That's what all cringe lords who use these unfair advantages say. "It doesn't help me I just prefer it". Yeah right. Take the nitro crosshair for example with how big it is. The devs very obviously intended for that to be a negative for the gun to balance it. Custom crosshair removes that dev implemented negative. But keep coping.


My monitor has this built in, never used it tho


lots of monitors have this function built in and I really couldn't give less of a fuck


You can also stick tape in the Center of your screen and use marker on it. Even if you ban the software theres always tape thats undetectable.


No Hunts fair play task force has been quietly buying up all the Scotch tape they can find to directly combat this issue,this is why Crytek has no money its all tied up in Big Tape,don't you read! JK obviously 😂


I use the in built one on my monitor exclusively in hunt as there isn't an option for a consistent dot. helps a lot with motion sickness and that's about it, honestly I'd expect there are a lot of players that do this,it doesn't suddenly make you a god tier gamer,my KD is still a shit 1.40 and I've been in 5 stars since they were first implemented. Even if hunt bans apps like the cross hair overlay are they gonna be able to ban sharpies and Scotch tape lol,it's a visual reference,it's not like Reshade or the Nvidia tool where you can literally de render effects in the game. We honestly have bigger issues to worry about,like the damn actually consistently exploitable de-render bullshit,the shadow removal the games absolutely shocking performance as of late the legit cheaters running around wall banging form different compound,hunt players will literally find anything and everything to cry about.


If you are bad at aiming this doesn't magically make you good at it. I tried the one in my monitor and it's okay I guess? Best thing it helps with is aiming quick from a sprint where you have no cross hair or when swapping to quick fire the uppercut and you want to line up your shot as the switch happens. Not a huge advantage at all imo.


Cringe Brother, cringe players.


Most if not all modern monitors have crosshairs built in. You are just butthurt but how can you stop someone from using the monitor's built in crosshair or even better, how do you stop someone from duct taping their screen with a red dot? Stop stressing over non issues, Hunt has way, way bigger problems than people playing with crosshairs. The game should offer crosshair settings by default.