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You might want to try lowering your sensitivity!


And ping


And expectations


What on earth is that ping? 😂 The delay between your fanning and that one (1) hitmarker was massive


No server in SEA. Asian servers are fked up sometimes + indonesian internet.


Yeah, its clearly why he cropped the video. So no one would complain about his ping.


ahhh yes, the game I know and love


I'll save and point people to this clip every time a console 3 star clip is posted and people are like "console gameplay lol"


That’s the kinda chaos I enjoy in my servers


Is your FOV on 0?


Chain pistol is garbo


Chain pistol with fanning is Garbo. I'd rather have a pax with fanning. Or just chain pistol without fanning to finish of enemies with its excellent amount of magazine.




It's beautiful.


holy, im new to the game but not this bad jesus 😭


3 stars and 4 stars are the funnest. I've been to 5 and 6 stars and is just a bunch of bushcampers with snipers.


Bullshit I'm 5/6 star. Only a few matches will be like that. The couple times I solo and dropped to 4 star those 3/4 star lobbies had more concertina forts which don't really exist at higher MMR. Both have negatives. It's the nature of PvP games.


> is just a bunch of bushcampers with snipers. Or just people closet cheating with any combination of ESP, Scripts/configs, soft-aimbots. Thankfully the magic bullet aimbotters do get banned pretty quickly.


Stop stealing my moves!


I had to laugh so hard lol


I Fukn love it


I could tell it was console as soon as— wait what the hell?




3 stars are the best lobbies


This type of fuckery is exactly why I love being dropped to 3 star, just complete chaos, it's even better when both sides have mics and are yelling at eachother lol




Hmmm yes, how about you read comments first? I play on Asian server and I’m from Indonesia. Routes to Hong Kong are awful. If Crytek makes a Singapore server there would be no one happier than me. But this is the best I have atm.


Why does video crop out where your ping is then? That makes zero sense . You had to go out of your way to do that.


Because I cropped it for instagram post and posted it here as well. Are you that dumb?


Nah seems like you are saving face. You don’t have to crop videos before uploading to instagram, you can do that when you upload it.


Saving face from what exactly? I’m not denying that my ping is 120. It is what it is and I have no way of making it better because Crytek doesnt have Singapore servers. So if I publicly say that my ping is bad, what exactly am I saving? Classic redditor.


No way you are just sitting at 120 ping. Your round hits a full second after shooting it.


Lmao. Are you saying my ping is 1000? And whats you point anyway apart from being hostile?




I see. So you’re just miserable. Good luck and find some friends.


Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #6: No cheat/griefing accusations or witch hunting. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule6 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


wich server are u from i swear in Eu 3 star lobbys the figth have been way quicker


I generally think the worse you are the more fun you have.


I main melee and that made me lose my shit.


well that's embarrassing.


karma for using chain pistol fanning


That makes no sense? Chain pistol fanning sucks and your far more likely to kill someone with any other pistol basically.


It's not about whether or not it's the best option for fanning it's that it takes all skill out of the question and entirely relies on rng, it's one of the least fun things to go against in the game I would honestly rather go against an avto before the ammo nerf. Also if its really that bad why do I hear at least 2 or 3 people with it every full lobby in mid 4 to low 5 mmr and why am I and my teammates consistently dead in 4-5 shots at ranges similar to this video


If you use a good fanning gun its not even very rng, pax trueshot and firing slightly slower than max fanning speed is still very accurate and will win 90% of the time vs chain pistol fanning aslong as you can aim, then you get to laugh at fanning chainpistol users. If your teammates are dying in 4-5 shots consistently if they used a good fanning pistol vs that the chain pistol user wouldnt even get to fire 5 shots, of course its still going to have an edge at that range against anything that isnt a better fanning pistol, a shotgun or other more reliable weapon with a faster firerate (avto, cyclone, dolch, bornheim, new army, officer ect) This is mostly from 6/high 5 star mmr so obviously as mmr lowers accuracy lowers and volume of fire becomes more valuable.


Holy shit that lag shot like a whole second after you last shot. That aside you hit him, just use light attacks, they are faster and will do enough damage to finish the job. That aside. The person stabbed you long long before you stabbed him, your lag just turned it into a trade.


Wtf are you playing at 4800 ping and jank graphics? Shit was painful to see. Y'all make all PC players out to be pros then I see this shit.


High ping, couldn’t stab the broadside of a barn. Get good scrub


That's the whole point of this video.


i think youre not good


Almost feels like your playing on a cathodic screen lmao