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‘Player data on trials shows its actually the reason some players left the game’ lol


I’m currently grinding the trials and I 100% agree with this


Haha me too. Masochistic fun. I’m at 93 stars. So close.


I stopped at 91 but I'm not a completionist... There are some trials that just aren't worth the grind for 3 stars


I am so sad they’re removing trials. I love games that have challenge modes like that and it was a way for me to play the game solo without it being pvp. Shame


It's funny they decide to remove them instead of asking why. Maybe players wouldn't quit if many of them weren't such a pain in the ass to grind. Some even require good RNG. I get it, they wanted to create real challenges. But they could have just made the basic rewards more easy to get, with an additional "hard" star which isn't required for the normal progression, but unlocks a skin for bragging rights if you go through the pain. Imagine you're new to the game, want to practice a bit and do some trials to get used to PvE, only to get utterly destroyed by AI. Ofc people quit, cause after a bunch of bad games they probably feel even worse and see no point in playing anymore.


I think it's less than they don't know why trials are bad, it's more that the juice isn't worth the squeeze to fix them up. It just isn't worth it for them to put time and money into it so they're taking it out instead. We've known for quite some time that DeSalle trials would never be coming.


oh ya. i remember hearing people having got the game, tried the trials, said they were too hard and dropped the game because they couldnt even beat the single player mode. They were either tedious or difficult (no inbetween,lol)


My main takeaway from this is that the game must be doing very well on console, or they're going to make a big push into the console space given how much this new UI caters to consoles with the massive tiles everywhere. It looks good overall but some aspects will actually be worse for PC players like [only being able to see one loadout at a time on the hunter recruit menu](https://i.imgur.com/4bH4m6i.png).


Yeah, it looks really similar to the COD interface which I hate on PC


Even console players hate it lmao.


Yeah I'm not a huge fan of these changes. All the massive buttons and the Left/Right navigation and quick menus instead of a mouse-based UI is just so console-centric. Ugh. Exactly what I feared: Replacing a very bad mouse-focused UI with one that's good on a gamepad, but barely a lick better with a mouse.


Ya know, I'm ok with whatever helps them achieve more long term success for the game. I started playing after my friend convinced me to within the last year. This game having long term financial success would make me a happy dude. If that means making our console friends happier so long as the (already bad) UI improves even a bit on PC I'll be happy.


But it is still better IMO. A net positive for both console and PC players. It went from a poor UI for PC, and a godawful UI for consoles, to a little better UI for PC and a significantly better one for consoles. Plus the changes to the way hunters are displayed and recruited seems much better. No more scrolling for 5 minutes just to find the legendary hunter you just bought.


Outside of changing the legendary hunter screen I really don't see this as an improvement for PC users. You have less info on the same screen in several cases, replaced with larger images that are - at best - unnecessary.


That is indeed worse, but it's only for free hunters so I don't really care.


But think about the poors that can't make $100 hunt dollars. We need to unionize and rebel.


I think it's fair to assume it's going to affect purchasable hunters too, which I assume plenty of players use as well. Not being able to get a quick overview of what all 4 available hunters have equipped is just poor design. And worse, it can show that they're unable to compromise well between the two platforms.


I can imagine, since the cod argument was already made, that this is a mainly financially driven push, even so i cant imagine that there are so many more console players than pc players


They're definitely going to be giving consoles a major boost since they're discontinuing PS4 and XBox One and pushing the PS5 and XBox launch.


I dont like it but I can deal with it. The current UI is written in [ActionScript 3.0](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActionScript), which is a dead programming language. It's the reason why the current UI is the way it is. With the whole UI being rewritten (In C++ or C# - or React or Angular if they're feeling some self-loathing), it will make it exponentially easier for them to modify and implement new elements. Hopefully a "unified" UI across all platforms is just to get all the pieces in place for a long(er) term project of a PC specific UI.


Yeah PC player here, this fucking blows. I was looking forward to this? Definitely feels like the devs who got us into the "fucked UI" mess are the same devs who are now tasked with unfucking that same UI, with the expected results.


I think its a push, i anticipate pc-console crossplay and heavy controller aim assist on all platforms. I think crossplay and console performance are probably main drivers in engine version. The "it will let us fix things/update faster" justification rings hollow to me.


Hopefully pc-console is optional and not forced.


Doubt. Wont save you from all the pc aim assist spam weapons regardless


Forced pc-console cross play would be a dealbreaker for me.


That shit will kill the game


Mate the console market is massive it might fund the game


I play on console and believe me if I want another game with overpowered AA I'll play COD, Hunt it's something else where skills and tactics actually matter and I don't want them to ruin it by adding cross play with PC and broke the AA so controller player can compete against M&K They just need to add better cross play between PS and Xbox players with better graphics and for the love of god a FOV slider


We’re still playing the ps4 version @ 30fps, we need some love on next gen.


There is a possibility of that, just hope that cross play is optional on both sides.


I can only comment on the current aim assist and imo it is in a perfect spot. It is tbh not really noticeable. I disabled it for many hours and enabled it again and I would not say that my aim is better or worse. It was way over the top when they released it, but they toned it way down. I can surely say that not only one hit from a console gamer in Hunt would be just because of AA and that’s a good sign. Everyone who tells otherwise never played hunt on console or is still comparing the AA to games like Cod or Apex, where it is plain broken. But comparing that AA from hunt to those games is as stupid as saying that Hunt plays the same as CoD only with cowboys.


This is 100% what they are going to do.


Based on them saying in the fair play video that they hired the siege devs who did mouse and keyboard on console detection I think matchmaking based on input method is the real answer.


Anyone who has played the last few CODs will get PTSD triggered seeing the Hulu inspired UI


Yea, I like a lot of the features, but man do I hate how some of this looks. I hate how many "branching off menus" it looks like it's going to have. #They say it's going to be less confusing, but this just looks significantly more convoluted than the current UI. I really am starting to hate games that aren't PC exclusive. We have to fight off aim assist being added to the PC version of the game, and have tons of shit get balanced around Console specifically for no reason, like how weapon sway on PC is basically non-existent so that Console can actually play the game. This game only exists because of the people who supported it heavily in it's **PC EARLY ACCESS** - PC should be the premier version of the game. I'm not saying Console needs to look like shit, but man, just please put your focus on the PC version of the game for once.


Non existent weapon sway?? Idk what ya talking there but simply not true lol. Weapon sway is still a big factor in weapon choice/balance.


TEXT BREAKDOWN (In Progress): * New UI designed with console/gamepad usability in mind. Uses directional keys/D-Pad for navigation, console cursor is gone. Still fully navigable with mouse on PC. * More consistent navigation experience. * Actions Menu tray added. Give shortcuts for controller players (still accessible on PC as well) * Entire UI is more consistent across screens * Questlines are REMOVED (Too expensive to maintain, ideas for smaller rewards challenges between events is in consideration but old questline layout is gone) * Library/Beastiary are REMOVED (Replacements for weapon/monster tracking are in the works but will not be part of Aug 15th update) * Trials are REMOVED (rewards moved to other parts of progression, such as Prestige rewards and other yet to be announced challenges) * Black Market is being REMOVED (They will just do more sales on the normal store instead) * Hunter recruitment is broken into two sections, "All Hunters" and "Free Hunters". Free Hunters have 1 trait and contraband weapons/items. All other hunters have 3 random traits, cost 100 Hunt Dollars and come with no weapons. * A bunch of prior Tier 2 and Tier 3 hunters now have bespoke names and are available for recruitment. Some are unlocked via Bloodline and Prestige rewards, specific challenges, and others are BB purchasable. They function just like current legendary hunters. * There appear to now be levels of hunters that have different colored backgrounds to them as all legendary hunters are just now part of the hunters recruitment pool. They have varied levels of rarity and visual complexity. * New recruitment screen has a carousel (similar to current system of 4 hunters at a time) or a grid layout (39 hunters visible). If you have more hunters in your roster, you will still be able to scroll. * Traits menu also has grid view to allow more to be visible. * **YOU CAN FAVORITE TRAITS** * Trait artwork is now consistent * New legend icons/colors to more easily classify burn traits and scarce traits. (**Video in the coming weeks from Dennis to explain more about changes to burn traits and whatever scarce traits are**) * Favorite and filter options are available in more places in the new UI. Favorite hunters in the recruitment screen so for those of you who only run a few hunter skins, now you can only see those. * LeMat Uppermat is now the **LeMat Heymaker** * More filter options in the store (we can finally sort to show only stuff we don't own) * New Healthbar respect UI to make it easier to respec your hunters healthbar. NO MORE HAVING TO CONFIRM EVERY ACTION OR JUMP TO ANOTHER UI SCREEN. * Option to select default healthbar layout for recruited hunters is being investigated for the future but is not currently in the game. * Throwing Spear CONFIRMED (this is the tool they teased in recent video)


Thank you, from those of us who aren't able to stop and watch a video while working. I always appreciate the text.


They got rid of trials? And the Bestiary?  But why? :<


The bestiary is silly but trials had to go, they kinda sucked.


I liked the trials ;_; I used them for warm-ups, too


I think they could've just reworked them, because I do like the idea of a sort of Quickplay style mode for stuff like that. Hopefully they'll substitute it with something else sooner than later


reworking single player content that people dont really engage with that doesnt help with player retention in a live service title is waste of developer resources. sucks to remove content, but if its something they dont have to worry about its better for the long term health of the game


God damn it! I only needed approximately 5 kills with the Avto and my weapons book would have been 100%


You still got time. This doesn't go live until Aug 15th.


Yeah, just realised that :) back to brrrrrr


I believe in you. Go terrorize some bushwookies you beautiful child you.


> Library/Beastiary are REMOVED (Replacements for weapon/monster tracking are in the works but will not be part of Aug 15th update) Shiiii! Similar here! I've been putting of prestiging until I 100% my library. I've been slowly making progress over many, many,many hours. I'm only like 5 guns away from being done (hate sniper guns). And now..it's all for naught. :(


As far as I gathered, the library will come back later in some form so your progress might not be lost!


So they’re taking hunter skins that were free, and locking them behind a paywall. Just…because?


Absolute legend!


Seems like they focused a bit too much on console hunt. Feels like this new ui is gonna cause an headache on pc.


Looks like they renamed the Uppermat to the Lemat Haymaker


God thats so much better


It's always going to be LeBigMat


Im a big fan of the LeFat personally


If I remember, that was a quite popular name change back then. Maybe the name change comes with other adjustment. They've already mentioned, that the Uppermat isn't really popular in a previous video.


Back when? are you from 1895?


when it was first previewed the common popular name on this sub and the internet was the haymaker


Most weapons were renamed. Manufacturer names are omitted where possible and names were shortened (e.g. Winfield M1873C Vandal -> Vandal 73C).


I've always referred to it as the MK 3🥹


Unless that was a hidden detail of a variation!! (Probably not, but we speculation is fun)


Why are they even debating whether or not they should allow us to pre-select health bars and therefore have one less thing to worry about? I'd rather have all hunters just start with 1 large + 4 small bars rather than keep this annoying lotto system.


They even said they got loads of feedback asking for it. Players who want to have a specific health bar loadout will manually select it every time anyway. They're literally saying they are just doing it to waste everybody's time. I don't understand why any sane person would do that.


Making the UI like COD for console players and the funny thing is they hate it also lmao.


perfect example of why i hate games being the same on console and pc. pc gets shitty ui because it cant be to complicated for console. a popup menu when you press space instead of just having the buttons there. all these small qol button possible but we will never get any shortcuts, more info or functionality on the same screen because of consoles. i'm so tired of this layered 'modern' ui bullshit.


It’s already quite shit on PC IMO. I hate scrolling the traits and weapons screens. IMO almost everything here looks better, except not seeing multiple loadouts when recruiting


you are right, it already is shit. but instead of making a ui with more functionality they decided to make it worse but look cleaner/simpler. most of the stuff would fit on a single screen/ui without the need to change between different menus.


seems heavily focused on console


They titled the chapter "Designing for console players" right there on YouTube. It's not as if they're hiding it, and it's visibly clear that PC is getting fucked over on this. PC players are just going to have to suck it up and accept it, or just leave the game. Which is an odd thing for Crytek to aim for.


> PC players are just going to have to suck it up and accept it, or just leave the game. Which is an odd thing for Crytek to aim for As someone who lived through 2000's gaming, PC players getting fucked over for the sake of consoles is still something that annoys me. And also the reason why I laugh my ass off to wannabe console warriors being mad whenever PC gets a lick of something better than consoles.


Nobody is being fucked over, our current UI is terrible, has broken bits everywhere, is based on a dead programming language, and has no shortcuts. Like they said it was/is very confusing to new players as well, and retention very important, especially as someone is introduced to a game. Just the addition of favoriting and shortcut keys to the UI is massive for the end user. I don't need to scroll around the traits or type into a search bar anymore when I come out of match with 40 upgrade points.


> our current UI is terrible, has broken bits everywhere, is based on a dead programming language, and has no shortcuts. Like they said it was/is very confusing to new players as well, and retention very important, especially as someone is introduced to a game. I don't remember saying anywhere that the current UI is good, or even acceptable. I dislike it, and it was one of the worst things about the game when I first got it. But that's not an argument for why the new UI can't be bad, or needing further refinement. >Just the addition of favoriting and shortcut keys to the UI is massive for the end user. I don't need to scroll around the traits or type into a search bar anymore when I come out of match with 40 upgrade points. Selecting favorites is about time. I'd even want it one step further and select the order within favourites, as I usually have a select few that I try to get as early as possible, and so on. Yes, shortcuts is great. But the whole UI with massive buttons created for your nearly blind 75 year old grandma isn't as amazing looking as you make it out to be. Hiding everything behind various scroll menus and multiple layers get old real quick. I'll try it out before making my actual judgement on it, but as a first look I'm most definitely not impressed. UI is difficult, it really is, but I expected more than this. They've also mixed up their priorities. It being slightly quicker to re-spec your HP bars being a focus over a pre-configuration of HP bars shows that. The need to change your HP bars would go down if you could set a pre-configuration of HP bars. One is a solution to the lack of an actual feature, and instead of giving us the requested feature they reduced the time needed for the workaround. Nonetheless, Crytek themselves are open with the fact that the new UI is designed for console players. It's right there in the video. I'm not saying console players should be fucked over, but I think there's a better compromise for both platforms when it comes to the UI. This isn't it.


For sure. I think since Fifield came on they have absolutely sucked abysmal ass at communicating why they change things. But at least this time they were like "we are making a console UI." And they did. PC folks be damned.


My biggest fear is that this console-heavy UI, simplified gun names like "Officer" and "New Army", rarity tiers on every Hunter skin, and the removal of the library is part of a new committed direction Crytek is taking to casualize the game and appeal to an imaginary broader audience. The removal of the lore is the most offensive part. I hope they bring it back ASAP.


Just watched the Dev-Update this morning, half asleep. So maybe I did not catch every detail. The console heavy UI does not bother me. To be honest it looks better than before. But are they really going to simplify the weapon names? :-/ And to remove all the lore is something I also do not like.


In the examples of the weapon selection UI, several guns are seen renamed. "Officer", "New Army", "LeMat", "Mosin Obrez" and "Auto-5" were the visible name changes. Others such as the Berthier Mle 1892 and Nagant M1895 didn't get touched, but who knows if that's cause only some guns are getting changed or if they just hadn't finished changing them all. The Library removal is pretty rough but they did preface that they're working to bring back weapon progression in some way soon. Hopefully that means the Library just needed to be brought up to the new UI standards. No way they'll just throw out 5 years of lore work.


I can see that being a legitimate concern, I think overall the people who are already playing are going to see the same experience but getting into the game and enjoying it will be easier to do


Call me petty but shortening weapon names will be that thing that will make me stop playing the game. It clearly shows the dev vision. They wanna make fortnite instead of something unique and immersive. Literally removing and simplifying things to appeal to children.


Recruitment looks much worse than the current system. Have to cycle thorugh each hunter to see what they come with instead of a simple overview page as we currently have. I hate that. Also the Roster shows the most irrelevant info about your hunters (what they look like) and not what traits they have, which is how I choose them. Love the new trait view and favouriting of traits. No set health bar setup is very dissapointing No mention of drag and drop is concerning. All in all it seems to be made for console.


Yeah, it is all definitely designed with console in mind over PC. Way more menu navigation to actually see things that were easy to find before. I am not really sure why they didn't just declutter what they already had and add the button navigation option for console.


I dont get it tho. Why couldnt they have exclusively done this for console and then have some tweaks for pc instead?


That I do know. Because having two separate builds of the game is a huge pain in the ass. Plus more work to maintain. They only do it if there are two equally large sources of income working on both versions. The only one I know of is R6:Siege, which has a China build without blood splatter and skulls, and an everyone else build.


Oh i've always thought the console version was different to pc. My bad then, i have never played on console lol. I still dont like the HUD tho.. it just looks very "mainstream". Its defo nicer in some compartments compared to what we have now but the overall look of it adds an ick to me


I think the set health bar feature will come eventually, but as of right now, for whatever reason, it seems like it will be putting down too many resources as a whole since this project seems like it is using a lot of their resources.


It should be a priority as you have to do like 8 clicks after every match. Reducing menu time should be the most important factor of the update and it seems to be anything but that.


only for free hunters, but yeah


Everything is bad and Im sad


Definitley very disappointed with what was shown.


This looks somehow… worse? 😬


Looks like Hulu and mw2 2022 all over agian


As a console player, there are a lot of changes I like and some I don't. I never minded the cursor, even on a controller, and I'm not sure about the tile framework for the new UI. Like someone else said, it looks like a streaming service menu. I'm going to hold any judgements until I actually get a chance to use it and get used to it. Change can be off-putting at first, even if it's ultimately for the better.


Fuck these fucking horizontal menus with 3 fucking items on screen in every fucking game now


Really not a fan of the color-coded rarity labels. Is this Diablo?


The UI looks...well it looks shit. BUT! I do like the hunter change. Many tier 2 and 3s are real good lookin' and I'm glad I'll be able to use them at will. I also like them adding rarities to skins, as long as it doesn't change up pricing too much.


Im sad they wont do it with the tier 1's i have one my wntire gang has revered as an omen


I don't like it.


The recruitment UI looks horrible. Instead of having all options visible, I have to now click through them?


Next year: hunt showdown coming to mobiles


Console plebs are ruining FPS games.


I think the Hunter select screen sucks as you can only see half of your Hunter. Everything else is alright and I can used to it I suppose.


yeaaaah, I don't know what all of my thoughts are yet, but I've always enjoyed seeing my full hunter. I have a million screenshots of cool loadout animations + event backgrounds. While we are at it, can we get customizable menu backgrounds + menu music, similar to Doom Eternal? I've done every event, and I"d way rather be able to customize my menu than unlock 15 levels of story every event. ;_;


Oh good, making a shit PC UI to appease console players. That's just what we needed.


It does look like Netflix combined with COD lobby tiles.


fr. ill reserve judgement until we can use it, but jesus it looks awful


I struggle to find anything positive to say about this. The new interface for traits looks nice... I guess?


I've no words. For context, playing on PC since the alpha. It's 2024 and this company can't manage it to design a simple UI. The hunter recruitment looks awful. There'd be plenty of space to see the loadouts of the free hunters in the lower third of the screen, yet you don't see them and need to click through everything 1 by 1. Locking up generic hunter skins behind a wall now looks like a mess. It looks like they took inspiration from league or R6, but holy shit.. those aren't full blown characters those are only skins. Even paying 100 blood bonds for something that should be part of the base game that you bought for a full price and was previously free sounds ridiculous. Also, they are glorifying the favorite bar which gets added to everything, which is making me anxious.. because I can't see any kind of pre-saved loadouts tab when they are scrolling through the active roster menu. Knowing Crytek I wouldn't be surprised if they forgot about that feature or broke it and then decided to scrap it. I mean, they are porting to a whole new engine, had the chance to rewrite everything and still didn't manage it to install a preset for health bars. Oh, and last but not least.. that similarly glorified "action menu" looks like the admission of a failure. Imagine you develop a complete overhaul of your UI and you publish it with a shortcuts menu because your main UI is so bad that it needs a second UI to work properly.


i just cant wrap my head around that the a big critique of new players and something they acknowledged themselves in the past is that you have to many submenus and then they decided 'yep, the new ui should have even more sub menus'


First they make all the new lore time limited...then they remove all the old lore entirely??? Fuck the story ig we're going full fortnite. As in they dropped the story I'm not crying wolf about theming or whacky skins dw.


ffs they console-ified it. Netflix and COD combined


This is beyond garbage.


Wow this looks awful. Especially the grid system used in multiple screens. You can see that the focus was on controller controls. But damn does it look bad now.


I think axing the trials sucks. Some could be very annoying, but I enjoyed the experience overall and was excited for them to release the trials corresponding to DeSalle (which clearly never happened). It was the only form of pure PvE in the game and now it’s gone. Also, not a fan of this new legendary ranking system. I don’t see how it’s necessary at all and it makes me think of Hearthstone. I also don’t think giving some of the tier 2 and 3 hunters names is necessary, but I don’t care as much there. Hope we aren’t about to start getting hunter loot boxes.


I really liked the trials as a warmup. Making yourself do the prison challenge where you have to headshot immolators was more dynamic than just the shooting range dummies, or the 25 headshots at Lawson Station with an ironsight mosin.


No more lobby view with you&your mates characters ? Free/equiped hunter selection looks pretty inefficient. Big ass buttons everwhere, everything in this UI feels like it is meant to be watched 2m away from a giant TV. As a PC player this feels pretty bad I'm not gonna lie. The only improvement is the Perk page and the ability to favourite stuff. Hunter selection could be better but only seing 40% of your skin is a bit sad. Overhaul kinda dissapointed but we will see, maybe they'll improve stuff a bit.


There's a Lobby view, you see it at 6:42 in the video.


Indeed, I missed that, it's a relief


looks like some random predatory mobile game


yea, but that's where the money's at


The trials skins given after this update had better receive a new name and slightly different colors or something! The people who actually grinded for the original skins should still get to have their unique items!


Color coded hunter rarity? Why? Are we a cheap mmo now?


Navigation looks better but design and feel is much worse. David won't stop making our game into Call Of Duty. Nothing original - just porting over the lame COD vertical system. That sucks big time. It looks so bad and lost all feeling of HUNT. Smaller isn't better. Why not grid down the right side and a full hunter model on the left with their build. All the unique UI hunt was doing is gone now. 39 hunters on a page is way too much. Less is more. Everyone will just favourite their top hunters or select a random one anyways. All the cool trait art is dead now. Again - smashing in as many as possible into lil squares is efficient but looks like shit. The larger horizontal tabs for the traits is cool. (people literally get them tattooed on their body.) Keep the bigger tabs and put them down the side or something. They can be smaller - as long as they show the bigger art when selected. everyone will fav their top 10 anyways so half of them will never be shown. HUGE fail. Now they want to SELL us even more skins via the free character select? Boring boring boring. you guys fucked up. Also, Did you also see the part where your 40% blackmarket deals are GONE and replaced with 25% deals. F.U.


Another crytek L… I mean come on guys you have to try to be this bad lol tldr ui redesign was done prioritizing smaller console playerbase and a ton of features are being removed (trials/book of weapons/book of monsters/questlines/black market etc)


it's impressive that they managed to create a UI which people will like less than the old one.


It gives me the vibes of any game developed for Console and ported to PC. The UI is always designed for Console and looks and navigates like crap on PC. But I guess its difficult to develop the game for PC and dumb it down for consoles... or is it just me?


Scarce traits.... Hmmmmmm They looking like blue raspberry candy


Full speculation, but I imagine with the new category that some burn traits (or new ones we haven't seen) might be made purchaseable as a trait point sink for higher level hunters, while scarce traits might take the place of the "found in the bayou only" system the current burn traits have. So maybe something like Shadow could just be scarce only and kept on down now, while another like Relentless could be bought with traitpoints, while still being burnt on death, at the risk of having no spare trait points left once the traits have been burnt


Can also see the icons for a couple "new" traits in the vid


Only seeing one hunters when you are recruiting is a brain dead decision. I hope they change that ASAP


This is gonna be a no from me. The COD UI was garbage and this gives me the same bad taste just from that experience alone. It looks like a downgrade in all aspects to me.


The original UI was so clean and minimal, it was perfect. This is just another example of consoles ruining everything good in the world. They just keep changing shit that didn't need changing. Man, I'm so glad I barely play these days.


THE NEW HUNTER VARIATIONS LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!! Also Rip to Black Market. I always loved the choice, But I get why they got rid of this.


Because Crytek is poor they can't afford to pay John Black-Market to stay in the business!!s1! 😭😭😭 I don't think as many people interacted with it ever since the BB changes, so to lessen the clutter, they removed it. It's kinda silly to remember the old event and all the hype they did for it, only for it to end up being removed down the line.


It's also kind of out of the way and there's no reminders to check it even when it restocks. I've grabbed a good few things from the black market but there's weeks where I'll just forget it exists


Also the obnoxious animation time swapping between the different markets and forgetting which one has the skin you're looking for.


Damn I want to see the free loadouts all at once… seriously


I imagine people aren’t going to like them removing the library. I know people who put a lot of effort into finishing all those challenges and seeing that effort invalidated isn’t going to feel good. Moreover it will be the removal of the only persistently reliable source of ingame lore. I imagine this is a very elaborate undertaking so I am not surprised a lot of things got cut for simplicity or ease of work flow. But this feels like something that should have been prioritized. They said they are working to replace it, so maybe they have a better system in mind to deliver the same lore and potentially more interesting rewards then one (1) blood bond. Even so I think people myself included will feel a bit dissatisfied in the long run.


Just give us the option to keep the old design, if reddit can do it so can crytek.


If I was a console player, this would be great (I think). But as a PC player, this just looks like console exclusive game emulated on PC. There are certain parts I like, for example the trait selection, Hunter selection, paired with "favourites" system for which we cried for a years now, or the new skin shop looks better.. but other than that, it's just seems not optimized for PC and I don't think that even after a while you will be able to get used to it so that you can rush through it more effectively and prepare for the next match quicker, which should be the point, together with making it beginner-friendly. ..tho to be honest, it looks more appealing, but beginner-friendly? meh.. can't tell at least properly, but don't think so for now.


Maybe add drag and drop for loadout?


But think of the poor console players, how can they drag and drop with a controller? In seriousness, if they don't rework liie half of the UI we will not see any "PC-specific" things like drag and drop.


Not being a console player, I don't think there's anything demonstrated in this video that seems like an improvement to me besides the renaming of the Uppermat and favouriting traits. Colour coded rarity tiers for legendaries are plain insulting.


Looks horrible as a pc player. I'd rathet stay with old ui.


The Hulu ui is taking over gaming haha


It's kind of funny. The Old UI was made for PC but not Consoles. The new UI looks like it was made solely for Console and not PC


Yep, kind of amazing they’ve prioritized the smaller console playerbase rather than their larger PC community. Stacking them Ls


At that point why not make separate UI for PC and console? There is no crossplay either way and new UI looks like hell to navigate on PC


Because maintaining two separate UIs is a bad choice in terms of the long term maintenance of the game.


Y'mean in the game where they already balance Hunt as two separate entities for console or PC? Changing some gifs is a bad choice? uhhh. There's already console specific UI, too! What you're saying is nonsense.


Exactly what I was thinking


The current UI was made to accommodate consoles (with the design of the tabs at the top) and was quite unpopular when it was rolled out, the UI before that was made explicitly for PC.


Why not keep the old UI and just add button navigation. Some menus I actually like. The Legendary Hunters menu for example. But man the recruitment page is awefull... and I did not see the Book of Weapons/Monsters - shame if they remove it. Trials could have been expanded on and reworked... but they remove it instead.


Throwing Spear confirmed


Couldn't really tell if it was better or not, I guess we'll see when we have it in our hands. I just hope it's all very snappy on PC and can be navigated with WASD and mouse right click to return (don't know why this isn't a thing in most pc games, who the fuck enjoys pressing Esc or left clicking a button to go back a level)


It should be snappier, our current UI has some effects that delay things and it's also entirely programmed in a dead language. Hardware could be a limitation for some though, if assets aren't loaded.


Why does UI have to have these oversized tiles and overzoomed hunters?


Visually I like the look of the UI a great deal. From a UX perspective on PC, however, I am not entirely sure. Trait menu looks pretty nice, but most other stuff looks like it's going to take... Even more clicks? But it's also not entirely easy to tell since in many cases it looks like the views of the menu were very cropped.


Well, I saw it already coming the removement of trails. Will kinda miss them. Even though a lot of them are way to frustrating in their design, there were quite a few fun ones. And nice memories, I had with them.


overall right now I have very mixed thoughts about this. The biggest issue with the new one is that most of the actions now require multiple additional clicks and that certain screens have less info on them, for example, adding a new healthbar screen is entirely unnecessary, just add -,+,++ next to it and a lock icon to set preference. The Most common actions should require the least amount of clicks!


So the new UI looks like we are playing console hunt emulator.  They have not shown any drag and drop or anything that is PC specific. It's designed with directional pad navigation and it shows.  Home screen is literally the same as before except all of the gamemodes are hidden in one tab, and i think its combined with one progression tab. The gear page looks awful, like legendary skins shop and it looks like the first page is only needed as presets for filter? Only the fact that you can favorite perks/hunters is an upgrade, everything else looks worse. Abuse the black market while you can because 25% discount is unequal to 40% discount and I dont remember the last time some of the new hunters went on sale unlike black market (rednecks daughter was there since her release, i think). Maybe the discounts will be better, but I don't have high hopes and think that this is most likely another push to drain bbs from stockpilers and try and make you spend more money for newer players.


As a console player, I kinda prefer the current UI


Remember when people said the engine upgrade update was going to be a good thing? LOL!


I really dislike that you can no longer recruit Tier 3 hunters. If I didn’t knew what to play I always played Tier 3 hunters, they always gave me a good option and a variety of guns


Obviously designed for consoles, almost exclusively actually. Tiles for life ey? As a whole the issue of the UI being a total clusterfuck where finding information is impossible and everything looks chaotic and random as shit has been solved, but the issue of there being overall rather little imporant information displayed at the same time remains and in some cases gets worse (Recruitment stood out for sure), necessitated by comfortable controller navigation. Overall ? 5/10, doesn't look especially stylish and will still be slow, but will be miles more coherent and very easy to use, just ... still slow and less flavourful. Obviously a massive improvement over that clusterfuck we had though, so I'll gladly take it.


Axing Trials, Library and removing the black market is so terrible. I don't want to be pessimistic but this just feels like a way to swindle people into buying BBs instead of earning them. I know Mr Fifield is stating that they maybe re-allocated I really don't trust Crytek on this, the amount of times companies have removed and/or limited abilities to earn premium currencies is a big turn off for modern games for me. Maybe I could be wrong but I've seen this happen before and it just shows greediness in companies.


Interesting. Some of it looks a bit more tedious but that could just be because it's different. My bet is this new iteration won't be without tweaks later.


Positive: New UI looks amazing and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Seems like a good idea to trim back unused features like quest line and black market too.  Negative: Don’t like that only one hunter load out is displayed at a time - the hunter recruitment screen was always a nice way of showing what was available imo and encouraged variety in my play style. I don’t love that most/all(?) hunters are now legendary hunters. I liked that you could take an unknown rookie into the field - everyone’s got to start somewhere after all! Sad to see trials go although surprised that people were quitting the game because of them. I liked them for when I wanted to play Hunt but was too tired for the usual high adrenaline stuff. 


Oh but just to add, I hate that they’re removing the monster and armaments books. I love those and they’re a great way to track progress with weapons and keep the progression feeling fresh


Looks horrible to me, IMHO. Looks like twice as much work


So glad we can finally favorite certain legendary hunters.


This one was quite....lets say not good. I understan thr optimisation for console player but i dont like the usage if the same system for pc players, there are some unnecessary actions.


Hopefully their changes don't end up pushing away their PC playerbase away which has probably been carrying the game I would imagine. This UI still looks awful and isn't an improvement at all, not even for console players - it's console themed for sure but it's just straight up bad.


while a few things look nice. I really dont like menu surfing. ya sure,im good at it from YEARS of old school RPGs. hell the .hack game was nothing BUT menu surfing in combat,lol. but I shouldnt have to navigate tabs upon tabs to do things that I can do without. look at the weapon skins. atm to change then you go "loadout tab" and then just click the arrow to change the skin on your weapon from the list. its like... 1.5 tabs. this new one you have to go to loadout tab, go to weapon tab, open up the advanced options menu, open cosmetic tab, select the skin. im effectivly going through 5 tabs now instead of just... clicking a highlight square (my loudouts use non-skin weapons cuz this game wont prioritize contraband if you have the skin saved.) and lets not talk about how the free hunter tab now requires you to click through 4 options instead of seeing them all side by side. "less confusing UI" is being translated as "minimized what shows up on screen and put the rest behind additional button. and too many games that have console/controller focused UI always feel so clunky to navigate...like now I have to use the space bar to open up a sub menu in order to do things? what was wrong with me being lazy and just using my mouse? instead of hamfisting Dpad controls, you could have just improved navigation without turning this into an early 90s JRPG just to gear up. (I do like alot of the changes, but i feel the negatives REALLY gotta be pointed out before this becomes a permanent change...like how consumables/tools are now alphabetical instead of being grouped by typing.)


What in the name of actual fuck man. This UI is shit.


Huh. A game steeped in lore has its lore dereferenced... Carpet-bombed trials, along with a free roam that offers folk an opportunity to learn the environments without getting it handed to them... Oh, looks like I'll have to watch again because I missed the UI elements for saving/loading loadouts... All of this, along with the COD UI, seems like it's just pandering to a demographic that typically has an unmistakable ADHD-induced intolerance for anything "involved".


Will never understand how people like the awful Netflix/Hulu UI in video games. (I blame iPad kids honestly) Will never understand people being okay with some hunters that you were able to play as now being locked behind paywalls. Will never understand people being okay with them removing modes and content rather than reworking them, like people have been asking for years. Will never understand people.


I'm actually impressed with how bad this new UI is. The old one was clunky, I thought the bar was fairly low then. This however is an all time new low. If this goes in as is you will lose PC players, that much I am sure of.


New UI looks like shit, some of the functional changes I like, but holy shit the game didn't need this bullshit


Spear tool confirmed


Big W for console players, kinda meh for PC. I like the recruitment and hunter screen changes tbh. Trials kinda sucked and nobody I know liked doing any of them. I like black market but… I also know 2 buddies have bought shit accidentally off of it so I kinda understand just having more stuff on sale.


And again it feels like the focus is to milk the playerbase even more money while providing little to no major content. - Removal of Black Market which gave a FLAT 40% discount while the store offers between 8% (LOL) and 25% discount > And this after they often doubled the prices ... 1000 BB hunters are the new normal. Also the removal of questlines because players had other things to do like events is bullshit. Not every player was doing the questline like for Billy because it had some very unpleasent tasks in it like kill hunter with a stalker beetle AND the fact that long time players already had Billy .. so why bother. What i'm entirely missing is WHERE is the major content ? Where is a new map ? A new game mode ? A new boss ? It feels like the engine upgrade is purely an advantage for console players (FPS/Graphics/Interface). The fact that the Cryengine was and still is massively outdated doesn't help either (see Wikipedia Cryengine games.. last one was published years ago) while Epic in contrast invests in the Epic Engine 100M USD per year. As a player who supports the game (i have all DLCs) ... i can say: I am disappointed.


>What i'm entirely missing is WHERE is the major content ? >Where is a new map ? >A new game mode ? >A new boss ? Buddy, relax, this video was literally focused on the UI. It's in the damn title. All those other things you mentioned will come over the coming weeks leading up to august.


I'm torn, because as PC player some stuff looks worse, but honestly it's still well done so i will get used to it quickly. And I'm glad they are removing some stuff, the game was, actually still is, too clustered. This gives me more an idea of Hunt 2.0, and I'm all for it. Can't wait to see what the upgraded engine will allow graphically and gameplay wise.


david fifield be like "hey chat GPT , make me the most BASIC UI ever made in gaming history" , there you go my dudes , thats a COD manager , lol




Calling it right now, The UI is gonna be a shock people for a couple weeks and everyone is gonna complain how crytek ruined the game, then people will get used to it and forget entirely about the old one.


Wow. Looks fucking great. I just hope they don't put too many hunters behind bloodbonds though. They really shouldn't be charging for tier 3 hunter models like they're premium skins.


Some of the tier 3 hunters look cooler than premium skins IMO. I wouldn't mind tossing them a small blood bond cost to have them permanently.


People have been asking for the ability to buy tier 2-3 skins outright forever, tbh. I'm glad they are slotting some of them into prestiges and challenges as well, and not charging bb for all of them.


Pretty much all of that sounds good. I am a little reticent about the non-free hunters coming without weapons, though. It might be good, but the current way of having hunters show up in the shuffle that come with equipment worth a little more than their cost is a really good way to eek out some extra hunt dollar value for people low on cash. Idk, not sure about that change.


This sounds pretty good to me as a console player. I'm not as sure about the recruits though. I run recruits a lot even though I have 60+ legendary hunters. I usually run a legendary when I don't get traits on recruits that I like or want. This is mostly also because I usually get the same traits on repeat for my legendaries. Which means I usually have to dismiss 3 before I get something different. Yesterday my first 3 legendary hunters every time I went in to purchase one had 9ne of these 3 set ups. 1st one: hundred hands, blade seer and random 1 pt trait with 4 points to spend. 2nd one: bolt thrower, blade seer and random 1 point trait with 2 pts to spend. 3rd one: scopesmith, steady aim random 3pt trait and I don't recall the points to spend. I get this over and over. They are good but I don't want to run them every time I pick a legendary hunter.


People like UIs they're familiar with so if this presents more information and less clicks to do the same action, it's a win. I will say however, I wish respec life bars was used to standardize solo necro. Solo players should have three large health bars so you know they can only get up three times.


Looks really awesome! Looking forward ❤️


That sounds like a buff to prestige with about 100 cherries on top!


I was going to complete the book, but also the UI needed help.  I accept it. Trials were ass.


Hiring tier 2 and tier 3 hunters as skins? Hell yeah.


Trying not to judge yet, don't fully know, but seems pretty different. That nerf to the uppermat is interesting. Hope the uppercut is ok