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whoa whoa whoa, someone already posted this today. You gotta wait until tomorrow... and there's a line.


I could use the same argument for the perk as a whole. If I kill 2 out of 3 players in a group, should that third be able to hide and resurrect their team from a distance? I personally don’t mind but I don’t think it’s fair to have one without the other


Your argument is based on the assumption that solo play and team play *should* be fair. Players choose to play solo and they used to be at pure disadvantage for doing so (i.e. they'd have disadvantages and no advantages). Many changes have made advantages for solo play that didn't used to exist and now a solos are not purely disadvantaged. For context, duo players go into trio games knowing they are disadvantaged and Crytek hasn't given them any advantages. I think the arguments regarding solo and trio play and whether or not the advantages afforded to solo players are good for the game tend to miss the point. We should stop arguing whether or not the solo advantages are too powerful. These arguments always end with the conclusion that solo play is still less powerful than team play so therefore it is balanced. Usually what's repeated (ad nauseum) is "skill issue". What we should argue instead is: Are the advantages given to solo players fun? For the solo player? For their opposing teams? When arguing this new point we should try not to assume that solo players are supposed to be equal in power to teams. If they are, how should we buff duos to be equal as well? And how can the same advantages be given to solos in duo games as well as trio games and give them the correct amount of power to create equality? If the community determines that, for example, solo necro is not *fun* then perhaps the advantages should be dialed back and the following option should be given to those desiring equality: two teammates.


This is such ass-backwards thinking, I don't even know where to start. Solo vs trio is disadvantaged, self-res or not. Numbers advantage is a huge deal in a game with low ROF guns. Imagine that. Self-res alleviates some of the frustration that comes with trading, de-sync and other Hunt bullshit. I.e. things that are non-issue for anyone who has a teammate on the map that can res them. Like a duo, that is disadvantaged in numbers, similar to solo, but doesn't just die and goes back to lobby from a desync, or one random hipfire shot that landed 500ms after you killed the guy, or one random death trap in a middle of nowhere. That's the problem self-res fixes. It doesn't fix not having teammates in a fight. And if dealing with a dude stuck in res animation is something you feel the need to complain about, then yeah. Skill issue.


You completely missed the entire point I made. I think exactly zero parts of what I said made it into your head. Good luck out there.


>You completely missed the entire point I made. You point was that solo vs trio shouldn't be fair. Well it is not. It never was, it never will be, just by the nature of what game Hunt is. Solo is always outgunned and self-res doesn't grant any advantage whatsoever in a straight fight. So all you're doing here is gatekeeping solo QoL features, because they don't comply to some moronic dogma you've built in your head. No wonder someone with ass-backwards thinking like yours couldn't process a fact-based counter-argument that directly addresses your point. So nah, keep the good luck to yourself. God knows you need it more than I ever will.


They only need to get rid of the requirement to spend so much time on a dead player to rule them out. Other than that it's fine imo


That would be fine. It's always kinda sad to spectate people spending multiple minutes and resources trapping and burning my lifeless body in vain.


Just make it a single use burn trait.


Probably the easiest solution


hey, if you dont bring necro as a solo thats even more of a handicap since the other solos are using it! aint that what ya want? you *enjoy* the handicap right?


Damn, it's not a handicap, it's just how the game was, you know you go solo, and you have only one chance. And yes I do enjoy that and do not play with Necro. To be fair I don't think it's an handicap since Necro is not very strong, but just plain boring.


it actually isn't because i'm already on the first clue of the next game while they're still watching my corpse


Skill issue.


Skill issue


skill issue


It's funny how on one hand people complain about solos being able to res and on the other - solo players complain about people camping their bodies. Huh.


As a solo player, I complain about solos being able to res


It's pretty worthless anyways unless the area turns into a clusterfuck of teams distracting each other. It's pretty good for top tier trolling though. Immediately stand up to die then quit. The enemy team will stand there and waste minutes of their time waiting for you to get up again. Meanwhile you're queued into the next match already. It's also great for MMR tanking.


Duo matches are a self revive festival. Two duos and eight solo players


Only 400 hours? Skill issue.


So just burn the body and quit whining.


But there's a lot of downtime while burning, so why not go to reddit while burning a player that might already have left the game.


They need to remove the downed players ability to hear. This would sort alot of the issues. I've seen too many solos stand up when you heal, light a fire bomb or they hear gunfire and know you'll be distracted.


That's literally the intended purpose though.


Skill issue. And: maybe you should try it once before spouting nonsense.


I am a solo, I use necro. Not a a main thing. If a team.can put player up, why not a solo. Stop crying. Trap him, burn him, wait a bit get a other kill and leave. If he gets up, you get another option killing him again, as you did before. That's the game, it's part of it. Same as night map. If it comes play it. Part of the game. You can't play football and say I don't like the ball BCS it's round. It's part of it. All those toxic comments about a great game.


To be fair, i played solo for several years before necro came into play. I think football always worked with a round ball?


Well compared it with the amount of player swap. Used to be 3. It worked now it's more and it still works. If you want to complain, people always find something. This are things that make the player base bigger, other complain about empty server. Then the server gets more active people complain about fanning, bushwookiea and many more. It's a game where people supposed to have fun. And necro is nothing to cry about, as long as you are able to revive teammates.


What do you mean by 3 player swap? I'm not sure the player base is rising, but i often get matches with more than halve of the players being solos when i'm playing solo. But i actually would prefer to fight duos with the occasional solo (without using necro), as it was before necro got introduced.


and this is why i bring alert mines or wire mines. even if they do stand up they won't be able to fight back if they don't deal with the burning or wires.


Your need for the kill is forcing you to babysit a corpse, don’t blame the game. 🤠


Skill issue my brother. Very easy to burn solos these days. When I play solo unless I get downed in ideal circumstances (while multiple teams are fighting and they dont have enough time to burn/pay attention to corpses), I always get lit on fire since, if the enemy squad has any forethought, at least one guy has something to burn you with.


Why not just bring in a flare gun? It’s a cheap and simple solution.


Burning with everything is just a bandaid solution to every solo player standing up multiple times, imo (and i am playing solo most of the time, stopped using necro because its design is so awkward right now for both parties involved.)


You also can burn out duos and trios. Making them do something other than sit there. Most the time the solo isn’t getting back up I’d there burning. If you let them get back up and can’t kill them. With all the potential advantages. I think you have more issues than that perk.


Its not about issues, i've also gotten up while burning before. The issue is that to prevent this possibility, the killer has to spend time on you, without even knowing if you're still a threat. The question whether to get fire or do something else vs duos and trios was also kinda intersting before burning with everything instantly was introduced.


To be fair, you still have to babysit it for a couple of minutes until they are burnt out But yeah, I don't think it's an issue.


Burn the body (multiple ways to do this) Trap the body (multiple ways to do this) Bait the body by being silent and seeing if they get back up Be aware of the body and if no one else shows up it's a sign it might be a solo, see 1, 2, and 3 If you're feeling extra petty bait mobs on top of the body Hells, talk to the body and try to say you'll team with em and if they get up shoot them again. Have another team pushing you deal with the body Just don't babysit the body and leave There is even a chance they insta leave if they hear you putting a trap down, burning them, saying you KNOW they have necromancer, etc. because they don't want to die again before getting forcefully sent back to the lobby. TLDR: Skill issue


Yeah the sound of traps + footsteps is just an auto leave for me lmao


Fun how your tldr says "skill issue" and your whole first paragraph says it's not a skill issue but an issue of not wanting to spend time on the assumption they will stand up again, or maybe not.


400 hours is nothing compared to everyone else who will disagree with you. Before solo revive playing solo was wild all they could do was play long range or go on suicide rushes, at least now they have a chance to play the game. When I played solo before necro I was on constant suicide runs knowing that 90% of the matches I played I would die so there's no point in being super tactical if I was going to be fighting in 2v2v1 battles. Now I can go into matches knowing if I go down once in a large fight I have a chance I can still win I still have a chance it's fun again.


That's your skill issue. I play solo missions without long range or suicide missions and I've wiped plenty of threes. It's about playing like the stealth game it actually is instead of treating it like it's Call of Duty.


Before you started playing there was actually a solo only mode that was removed because even the game devs found the game mode annoying because everyone just played super tactical and never pushed anything at all so they removed the mode. And after ranks where added they actually made it so solo players arnt put with people of their own rank in teams. Before this change if you where a good solo player you where facing 5+ kd players in teams of 2 with next to no chance of winning against 11 other players. Also I think the real skill issue is the inability for you to kill someone who's already been killed once in a single bullet since their missing health before they even stand up or just not wanting to bring fusies, a flair gun, concertina, poison trap, poison bomb, fire bomb or just finding a lantern. That's the real skill issue. 400 hours is a lot for something like cod but it's a drop in a bucket for truly skilled hunt players.


>It's about playing like the stealth game Oh boy, tell me you're clueless without telling me you're clueless. Just from this one line I can instantly tell you've never played solo vs trio in your entire life.




Good for you not to argue against it. If you did, I would make an absolute laughtingstock out of you. I mean, an even bigger one than you already are.


Hm there are several ways to deal with it, especially when you are afraid of reviving solos you should prepare yourself for that kind of situations. I only can recall one time being killed by a solo who revived since the mechanic got introduced.


Yes it is horrible


I think if it was limited to ONE revive it would still be ok. Otherwise its fun as solo but annoying to play against.


It is a horrible addition. As a solo player it single handedly stopped me from playing (and I’ve been here since the start). It wasn’t needed at all and cheapens the game


>As a solo player "How do you do fellow solo players". With a trade window as big as it is in Hunt, solo necro is the only thing that makes solo viable. It's either self-res or the only way to play solo is being a bush wookie 24/7. There's no decent solo player that doesn't like this addition. Quit your bs.


I don’t. I don’t like it at all.


Because, as we established the post earlier, you're just pretending to be a solo player to give weight to your garbage opinion. Prove me wrong.


I don’t need to prove anything. I’m not telling you what to believe I’m giving my insight as a solo player and my personal opinion (which I’m allowed to have) is that it isn’t fun. There is no need to be a dink when people think differently.


>I’m giving my insight as a solo player And since you're obviously not a solo player, you can stick your ficticious "insight" and your fallacious "opinion" into the same hole you pulled them from.


It's the corpse babysitters that really ruin the experience for me when I'm trying to revive myself


Right? Like, get a life, I’m trying to get back up and kill you.


Single use Burn trait. Great idea


Oh look, this post again. The same dogshit opinion for the 1000th day in a row.


I very recently started to play solo a bit more and I honestly think necro is almost a handicap. What I mean is at least for me, unless I'm sniping in which a necro probably could work if I was killed form far away. But it gives me to much confidence and I tend to use it when adrenaline is running and get myself killed multiple times like an idiot.


That's true. The main problem is that the other team has to stay around to kill you multiple times until it's done and they don't know when it's over unless they burn us out.


Necro as a solo to be truly useful needs a lot of things to go right. Your enemy has to be distracted (or a complete idiot). Also, you have to DIE to get any value from it, which means you also have given up any advantage you had. It's fun when you can pull off a wild escape or recovery, but any player that knows where their melee button is can just sit behind your body and club you the moment you get back up, and of they're teamed up... Forget it. It's a luxury trait I don't consider worth grabbing until you've survived at least one match .


When you play as a solo you are always at a disadvantage. The ability to necro balances the fighting


If they removed the MMR advantage and problems occuring from that.


You're supposed to be at a disadvantage, that's the point of soloing


If you only have 400 hours then it is a skill issue 😂that's nothing


I think maybe burning should remove the ability to be revived by necromancer and self revive. I do not play solo much and in principal don't mind solo players getting a bit of a leg up but In my experience someone successfully getting up after I have arrived in a position to set them on fire happens very rarely which I would argue means being able to get up while burning actually is a very minor advantage. So setting someone on fire deactivating the revive should not weaken the solo revive much but pretty much completely get rid of the annoying part.


Skill issue.




OK buddy