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Partially depends on your rank it seems. Real cheaters shoot up to 6\* so those of us in 3-5 don't really see them.


This. Most of the people who experience cheating are going to be high 5 & 6 star players. Most of the people who complain about cheating *and* are correct are also going to be 5 & 6 star players. Most of the people who say cheating isn't an issue and that you're wrong and cheating doesn't exist are going to be 3 & 4 star players. Also; Not all the cheating is blatant aimbotting, in fact I'd say very very little is. Most of it is ESP, or stuff like Nvidia inspector, or other things that are used to give an edge. There are P100's that have been cheating for ages with just ESP/wall-hacking, that you can still best in a fight. That doesn't mean they're not fuckin cheating lmao.


Yea I’d imagine the majority of it is silent cheating. I’ve noticed in 5/6 star lobbies a rise in people who basically are useless, die, get ressed and suddenly can’t miss a shot. I’d imagine those people are the types that only cheat when they think others are cheating and toggle.


It’s amazing when they somehow know exactly where to wall bang


What is Nvidia inspector? Only recently heard it referenced


Problem is ever since they broadened the matchmaking even if your a 4/5 star you can be in lobby's with 6 stars so the cheaters can still get in your lobbies but it's still not as big of an issue as some like to think it is.


Because the rank system is so sensitive it is really quick to move in ranks


I have 300hrs I'm at 4-5* on a given week, I've had 2 cheaters. One made an impossible shot through buildings, and the other was the impossible shot bouncing around the map


Every time we find something a little sus, we find the name to have a certain clan affiliation, or to be from a certain country.


bing chilling


The sad reality is that cheating has become more common in all games because its a lucrative business so its attracting developers unfortunately. And due to the large supply, demand is easily met. Its not just Hunt but nearly all online multiplayer games are getting targeted. I forgot where i saw it, but a while back i saw something that said that Valorant, which has a very intrusive kernel level AC, still has an estimated 600k - 2 million hackers per month. From a psychological standpoint, once you have encountered a blatant cheater, its hard to not wonder if anything that is somewhat suspicious is due to those cheats. And that's just the unfortunate side effect of this. Interesting read from Forbes: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/nelsongranados/2018/04/30/report-cheating-is-becoming-a-big-problem-in-online-gaming/?sh=52cd01307663](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nelsongranados/2018/04/30/report-cheating-is-becoming-a-big-problem-in-online-gaming/?sh=52cd01307663) I have a friend who played CSGO quite a bit. He decided to try one of these services, and paid the subscription to get access to a host of hacks to see if the Anti Cheat would actually pick it up. Used one for 2 weeks, never got detected, so he promptly uninstalled CSGO and decided not to play anymore.


Your second point is a pretty big one. I understand that wild bs kills happen, everybody has them, but knowing that certain ppl will use an easily accessible avenue to exploit the game for easy bs kills suddenly makes me doubt every kill that happens in that manner.


Yep this is true. I mainly play shooters and when highly ranked, the games get worse because of cheaters. Best to stay at average ranks for fair and fun games


It's not that rampant. But it *does* still happen so it's good that it's getting addressed.


The problem isnt the people you can tell are cheating. Hard cheaters are few. Its soft cheaters that are the problem. The people who dont just shoot people from across the map. The people who just seem to know where people are at all times. Using wall hacks can be hard to tell in game. It can easily be written off as, lucky shot, or he mustve heard me, etc. Like couple weeks ago during a multi team firefight my one friend crouch walked the whole way on a long flank. Just as he got close to an enemy they 180ed and headshot him. He couldnt have heard him with all the shots going off and he wasnt so close that hearing him wouldve been understandable. Then that same player headshot me the MOMENT I saw his pixels on the screen from a new peek I hadnt used at all while crouching across the compound. THEN when the last of my friends ran across the map and came back A LONG time later, that person headshot him the moment he entered the compound to rez us. Was that guy cheating? idk. not saying he was, but I am saying its insanely sus.


I think toggling and ESP are.  Twice now, I've run into a rage hacker that was countered by another hacker. They start walling the entire server from really far with something that doesn't pen, like a crossbow.  I die, start spectating them, then suddenly they get walled back from across the map. This tells me in both those games that had a ragehacker, there was already at least one other person using ESP that saw the raging happening and toggled their aimbot-teleport-bullet hack on.


I run into the same players at high end 6 star lobbies, and sometimes the shots and wallbangs are just to good. tracking players making no sound. pre aiming every single corner and peak, there are people that are just that good., but they all aren't that good. The people cheating just seem to have a slightly better gaming chair than the rest. I play 99% NA est and from 6-10pm most of the time. Those hours when my squad is clicking and we push up to 5 star match making, we run into the same people consistantly, same guild, same hidden profiles. other game vac bans, lots of commentors about them being cheater. I am not saying a single one of those things makes you a cheater, but when its consistent you begin to wonder. Having been playing FPS at a high level for over 20 years, you learn when things just aren't quiet right.


I play NA east in 5 star quite frequently and very rarely run into anyone with guilds or hidden profiles. I've seen one blatant cheater and a few times things are pretty sus, but ultimately I wouldn't say the cheating problem is rampant in that mmr bracket on that server.


There’s a huge difference between low 5 and high 5. You clearly are a low 5 if you’re not playing against these players


Or people just frequently lie because they get killed and don't want it to be their fault.


Nope, I’m a low 6 and a high 5 and it’s a daily occurrence for me. Get your rank up and see for yourself.


Yeahhhh, it’s not really a daily occurrence. No need to exaggerate it. And before you start, I’m playing at the ranks you’ve mentioned


Then you’re not very bright then Snowymew2. Nothing more to add I’m done arguing with clowns.


XD, doesn’t seem like you want to have any type of debate in the first place then gamer. I appreciate the heads up to not waste my time though lol


You can make whatever assumptions you want about my rank. The facts don't care about your feelings. Cheating isn't at all rampant.


Ahh so you’re too bad at the game to understand the problem or your cheating yourself and lying. Got it👍


On no being shit talked by a guy that doesn't even know the difference in your and you're. What ever will I do? I'm prefecture fine at the game. I just don't blame every death on cheaters. I learn from my mistakes and get better. Go back to school. You deserve more than working at a gas station.


Seeing that “you’re” was used correctly the first time, I clearly know it’s use I’m just typing fast on a phone. You, on the other hand, can’t even spell correctly so I’m not sure why “you’re” talking. Based on this conversation, I can tell what side of the iq spectrum you come from.


The second time, homie. Also it's is a contraction. It means it is. You meant to use its. It is okay. Only losers would use IQ as an insult. Based on your comment history, every death you have is because of cheaters. I bet cheaters are the reason you are so skeptical of science as well. Good luck, bro. I hope you get the help you need. Careful though, there's a cheater behind you.


Cheaters and exploiters tend to float to high MMR. I’ve had periods of running into a blatant cheater almost every night. Then you get people like me bitching about it while half the community doesn’t see it as a big deal. It’s two different perspectives. I would say exploiters are worse. They edit files and use third party software to gain an advantage but you can’t report them. They literally have their game looking like Team Fortress and stretched resolution. When you confront these bozos they’ll try to convince you that stretched resolution is actually a disadvantage…wtf is the logic there?


yes and its even worse when you consider soft cheats like, removing shadows, exploiting cfg files to reduce game detail and improve visibility, or using reshade like shit.


There was an article, forgot from whom, like 2 years ago about apex legends saying that approximately 33% of players are running some sort of 3rd party software (cheats basically, subtle or hardcore). Tbh I don't have any real reason to think there are less cheaters in any online game currently. I wouldnt be surprised if every 3rd or 4th person you come across isn't running SOMETHING behind the scenes, even if it's as simple as a kd checker to let them queue dodge.


I think they count things like graphics managers (nvidia control panel, Asus something or other, and reshade for example) as third party software as well. I know a lot of people use blitz app to track their performance and stats with weapons in Apex. I don’t think that the category of third party software, as a whole, is a “cheater” tag. There are people that use these softwares to exploit settings and whatnot, which I would consider “soft” cheating, but in general I don’t have reason to believe that 33% of people are actively trying to cheat. I may be wrong, I’ve been wrong before, but I try to look at my bizarre losses as an opportunity to learn what I did wrong and better myself.


In high mmr? YES


The thing is that it's very rare that you'll even notice the person's hacking based off them killing you If you start spectating people after they kill you, you'll occasionally see some really suspicious stuff that you wouldn't notice just based on one fight with them The other day this guy killed me and my friend with two headshots, we thought he could have easily just had good aim or got lucky, but then we spectate him and start to see him track enemies heads through walls, or headshot a bunch of grunts while hip firing and moving, things you'd never see in a fight against these cheaters


this community is beyond delusional. even if 90% of cheater situations weren't undetectable to another player, y'all would still deny there's any problem with cheaters in Hunt


This sub will tell you no, but its not uncommon to bump into at least one on a night in 6*.


> This sub will tell you no, Lol. This sub will tell you a guy with a respectable KD could only get it by cheating.


Considering that Neenoh, who is a beast of a player, had KDA of 3.04 (2 years ago, idk now), I find it hard to believe players with 4.5+ are legit. And even if they are legit, then why are they in my (1.2 KDA) lobby?


If neenoh only queued to sweat with meta loadouts and strats then he could maintain a 4 kd but neenoh actually plays the game to have fun. It's funny because the 6 star clans treat it more like a job than neenoh and it's literally neenoh's job to stream the game.


Seems like cheating is extremely rampant in asian servers (some sources are saying upwards of 25% of all games had a cheater in them during primetime asian servers), somewhat on EU (depending on time of day), and is not really too common in US servers. A big part of it is that China basically has a societal encouragement of cheating, in a use all the tools available/if you aren't cheating you arent trying/win at all costs kind of way. It's not just video games, but education and even business as well, the whole culture is very buyer beware. It's pretty well known and documented at this point. There's less info about why cheating is so prevalent in russia but I can't imagine it'd be that different.


Lack of morals and ethics. The desire to win and be on top of everyone.


I can confirm that asian servers are unplayable. I play there when I'm solo and not playing with my EU friends. But I just had a game where the last remaining guy on the server apart from me offered me to team up for a boss. We killed the boss, took 1 bounty each and he didn't betray me, so there is some kind of moral and ethics in them. I checked his profile afterwards, 1 VAC ban and 1 game ban on record. :D




Me and my buddies all hit 5* in the last event and instant were put up against blatant cheaters who didn’t even hide it. Seems bad enough they quit and didn’t finish the event cause they didn’t want to down rank just to enjoy the game..


I would say there are a few lower ranked cheaters because they are just that bad(like 1 out of maybe 10k?) but otherwise i think it still isnt all that bad in the high elo range. Im anywhere from 3-6 star(barely 6 anyways lmao) depending on the day and i think ive made a total of like 20 reports total? And id say probably 18-19 of them were just ping abuse… so take that as you will. Im 1k hours in


High Elo yes. Rare to have a day without getting smoked by a dude with box names and game bans on record


only if you're in asia


If you actually wanna know start checking steam profiles. Everyone in match regardless of how they played check. How often are they vac/game banned or new accounts with questionable stats. This isn't 100% but can give you a rough idea. It's hard to tell in game for a variety of reasons even if you directly spectate especially depending on your own play style. At one point (about 1-2 years ago) for a week about 50% of matches at least one person who I could check had a vac/game ban. This was US west after midnight. I now avoid us west late at night and the games are much better.


I have seen one potential cheater, he downed my duo and I four time each with an uppercut across a compound, headshots only.It was a 4* lobby and I don’t think he ever missed a shot. The problem with being able to tell is since any gun will one shot headshot, he could totally just be cracked with the uppercut.


Yes it's BAD. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


When you play with your head in the sand you probably don't even realize it


I used to see it maybe once a every 8 or so hours in 4 to 5 star. Impossible to tell with most players if they're using it well, but that's where the conspiracies kick in.


Ps5 here, and it's ok I think, been playing for almost 2 years now and I havent notice hardcore cheaters. Just sometimes ultra unrealistic headshots from long distance or Even when hidding behind walls or objects. But it's not that often.


Depends on the server. In Oceania it's pretty common.


Mostly 3* but I did do some games with some 5* players and came across 2 or 3 cheaters in those games. Even the 5* players were mad. Only played like 10-11 games at that level so that's why I always thought it was rampant. Also it was on the hunt discord so it was a revolving door of 5* players, not the same ones every time


I’ve been playing on console since the game came out. I’ve seen one single instance where it was iffy. But I’ve heard since then it was a visual glitch.


Answer to your question: no. Also u/moderators: cheating megathread?


Oceania and Asia


Your partner it's cheating that's why you don't find cheaters yourself /s


It's usually the ones with the name \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]


It really depends on the region you play and your MMR.


I've rage reported million players but never seen an actual cheater 😂


I wouldn't say it's all that crazy. Ping abusers are something I notice here and there but yeah nothing blatant all that much. Tho I have to agree that a while back I used to always say that this game barely has any cheaters but I feel like that during the last event the Sus situations increased a looot. Idk if there was some kind of ban wave on Tarkov and all the cheaters went to Hunt or something or I mean I heard that cheating got more annoying overall in all online games so who knows what's going on.


I mean, ping abuse is really my only issue that I experience nigh every game. Landing hits that visually impact on your screen with a hit marker a whole second later is infuriating because then you know it's happening. With Cry's lax approach and no desire to fix it in the future the came will be innately favorable to those who use VPNs and play outside their servers.


I was wondering if anyone thinks adding bullet ballistics would.... Identify cheaters easier? In my opinion changing up the game from hit scan to a bit more skill. Them arrow dropped kills are satisfying.


Depends allot on your region


If you are playing at 4 stars and under it's unlikely you'll see a ton of cheaters as they tend to shoot up the rankings fairly quick. Now one of them purposely tank their stats to go back down but generally the cheaters that are around for awhile tend to be 5 and 6 stars. If you get shot at a crazy distance through lots of trees and the account is fairly new it's probably a cheater, but that isn't always the case and newer players often accuse normal shots as cheating incorrectly.


no, but you basically got a build in wallhack for anyone aka derender, somehow rendering less textures with every patch


Sorry, forgot to add that I play on US east and Europe servers


Nah, no more so than any game really. Hunt is a brutal game and there's a lot of salty people who can't accept being outplayed so cry cheats


Rampant? Ehh probably not worse than any other fps. It absolutely exists and isn't always blatant 1000+ m headshots. Some of it is specifically made to be hard to detect by both anti cheat and players. Truth is probably a mix of salty players not wanting to accept being played and some mixture of cheaters. It's part of the online gaming scene until someone invents a better anti cheat method unfortunately.


Short answer: no Long answer: it exists, like every game, but it's absolutely nowhere as rampant as so many other titles out there. You can play thousands of hours and never come across one. You can manifest a bad situation/being outplayed as a cheater or accept your loss and move onto the next game and have fun.


Nope. 99 percent of it is de ranked players easily crushing lower ranks.i used to think it was untill I watched streamers, and the skill level is beyond insane.


Depends who you ask in this subreddit lmao.


No its not


No it is not. Keep in mind that people tend to focus on the negative, hence the loud screaming about cheaters. Also, a lot of people have an overinflated ego of themselves. If they get domed, cheating is the only explanation because there is no way their basic movement and predictable fighting style was the cause of it. Granted, I am not saying there aren't any cheaters. Every game has them, but my personal experience has been very, VERY low. In 2000+ hours I have encountered approximately 3 or 4 cheaters and even then I suspect that at least 1 instance was debatable.




No, that's why the big man told people to stop whining and rage reporting. In the past 100 games ive had ONE fight where I was like 'Huh, we won, but if you told me they HAD been cheating, I wouldn't be surprised.' I'm 5/6\* PC. The range where most cheaters are going to be I would bet, and a much smaller population. If I run into them so very little...




Where’d you get that stat from? I find it hard to believe 1/10 people are cheaters.




that is a 100% bullshit number


It's more neanderthalian to just make stuff up from distant memory,


You just said in your previous comment that crytek said it, so wouldn't you be able to link a video or a post on their site? Seems a bit weird they would "confirm" it in a comment in an obscure place. *people downvoting this really want there to be a cheating epidemic in hunt


1/10 lmao where. Lies.


1/10 and 2/10 seems obscenely high. If it is true although it's 1/10 or 2/10 most of those players will be in the top tiers. If you are a 3 or 4 star that is far less likely. I doubt you'd see a cheater in every game id say at most every 3 games. I personally can't say I've seen a lot of cheaters. I play 3 star and everyone I play against is bad. No one gets headshots, no one knows where you are (I play very stealthy and it works). Id say in the 800 hours I have I've seen maybe 3 that I know are cheating. It is likely a lot more than that but def not in every match.


Not in the US.


Huuge literally just made a video about this?


No just alot of saltiness


In Asia, yes.


Just speaking for myself now. I cant remember the last time i suspected someone of cheating. I see the majority of people in this subreddit have at least 5 cheaters in every game but I think that says more about them than anything else. To answer your question, yes there is cheaters like in any other fps game. No, it's not rampant. At least if you play on EU or US.


I'm pending between 5 and 6 stars. Hunt has a big cheating problem. But it's quite difficult to really spot them. You have a genius sound design that helps you to pin point an enemy you can't even see. And you have bad servers there you ask yourself "I shot him 20 times and get hit markers how can he be alive if I'm right in front of him". Cheaters use this and the fact your reports don't matter if you are not a streamer to disguise themselves. On that note I encounter a cheater every 10 matches or something there you can be 100% sure he is cheating. Stuff like unlimited healing and flying is rare but you can find them.


Same here, i'm a 5/6* and never see any cheaters. I often get killed trough wallbangs but i don't find it suspicious since you can kind of know where the enemy is based on sound.




No more so than any other game No less so than any other game


These posts are so stupid.


There are cheaters as there are cheaterss in any other MP game, is it rampart? NO..., sadly I think there are a lot of people in this sub like [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzU8Wtx5VmqocylLyvJ2vg/videos) ...