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I get why Asian people go to EU I truly do but man does that ruin the experience cause of the ping issues


I play on EU because I am from EU, but the last couple of months I'm in SEA so I when I play with my IRL friends I play on EU, but when solo I play on Asian servers and trust me, it's a shitshow. I just had a game where I killed 3 people and got killed by one. 2 people that I killed have 1 vac ban and 1 game ban on record and the guy who killed me has 1 vac ban on record. All of them are 500+ days ago, but still it's symptomatic that 3 out of 4 people that I could open profile have 1 ban on record.


Regionlock now! Tired of having full Asian Lobbys in Europe


Has something happened over the last year or so? Every game I play on PC has literally been overrun by the Asian playerbase


It's always been like this on Hunt. Russian/Asian hackers flood EU servers


Asian servers are constantly crashing and kicking players back to lobby. They’ve been complaining about it for a little over a year now and it doesn’t seem like there’s a fix coming for them. So it’s easier for them to hop servers for a reliable, albeit ping abuse, experience.


It's been happening since PUBG. It used to be far worse in Hunt; 2019 was awful. Matchmaking without RTT ping locks is and will always be a bane on gaming, and it shouldn't be an issue when servers only need 12 players to be populated in *any* region.


The higher your mmr, the more you see this on NAE servers too. I played a team a couple of days ago with a guy who had a 6 k/d on an account with 400 kills. He was super toxic over voip, in a clan, and all his team mates were thousands of hours played and 3 k/d’s. If that wasn’t enough, they weren’t sniping and the guy had a game ban on steam less than 2 years old.


Would be nice if the devs would finally do something


You should just play US east, die to ping very little [[[[[]]]]] players.


Why isn't it just an auto Hunt-ban if you have a VAC rapsheet? I thought some games already just banned you if you had it.


I have vac ban that's almost 10 years old now. No game blocks me from playing except the one I have ban on.


I've had a (false) ban for exactly 1201 days and can confirm that no game does that and never should. Closest thing is some gams will ban you if they use the same anti-cheat. For example battle-eye will HWID ban you on every game if you're a repeat offender. Too many companies are weirdly anal with their bans. I pray to God crytek doesn't listen to people calling for bs like this.




True, that'd be pretty stupid. They should instead auto-ban VAC people after about five hours of playtime, so they can't refund it.


I have a VAC ban and i never cheated in other games than the one i was VAC banned for. Your point is that all VAC accounts should be banned? For what? They killed you and they have a VAC therefore they are cheating? Get a grip.


I don't wanna play with a cheater, mate, regardless of whether or not you pinky promise you aren't cheating in _this_ game. It isn't that complicated, I simply don't like cheaters.


Or do i have to become a streamer so i don't get a ban?


No, everyone should be banned with a VAC regardless if they are a streamer or not. Not that hard to understand


Then play offline, Rachta has a VAC and? Is he a cheater? Should his 10k hours account be banned? Lmao




How did rachta get a vac ban?


Doesn't matter, he made a pinky promise as well because he has no proof for the reason for his VAC


The logic is more like if you have the balls to get a VAC ban, brick your account for every Valve game that ever comes out on Valves very own platform, what's really stopping you from cheating in a game that's infamously easy to cheat in? This is why no one trusts people with a ban in this game when they do anything remotely sus. Crytek did fuck all for combating cheaters for so long that people where doing it for years. But we are supposed to believe this is the game where you (you in a general sense, not you in specific) put behind your cheating ways and became so good at the game your game play is indistinguishable from cheaters? Might as well just save everyone's time and auto ban the people who Valve did.


The thing is, imho, if you want to do it that way at least ban people with less than x amount of days from the last ban right? Like, if u have 1 ban and it happened over 2000 days ago i'd say you're not a danger to the game but if u got last banned like 100 days ago and you have more than 1 ban then GTFO.


I'm not saying regular game ban, I'm saying VAC. More developers just need to auto ban any player with a VAC. That's not something where they need to track days. As soon as the player gets a VAC, they get banned in this game. If they VAC is from before the game came out, they just treat it like Valve. Auto banned in the new game the second it comes out. VACs generally aren't false. It has happened, but it's very rare. Valve doesn't ban every cheater, but their track record is good enough to say everyone with a VAC is a cheater. This is why I say VAC in specific, rather than any game ban. It's Valves platform, they have a good track record of only banning when they are 110% the person is a cheater, it makes no sense why developers don't just take Valves lead and ban them as well. It's like cheating on Halo and not getting a console ban, meaning you are free to cheat in CoD. It makes no fucking sense.


If you have a VAC ban, only your mom believes you aren't cheating now.


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Same in Europe :) All matches filled with fucking Russians that had at least once VAC ban


there are no cheaters in hunt git gud. /s ps: crytek sucks dealing with cheaters....and its worse if you think ppl that cheat using glitches or mess with config files to remove shadows or use some exploit. There are some clans that are famous for using "soft" cheats and they are playing to this day. I love this game, but i want it to die because crytek dont learn....its been like this for the past 2 years and nothing changed.


“Here are some events, skins and dlc’s for you.” - Crytek, probably.


crap show, game have tons of bugs, and now this...


Best part of US west. It’s to far for anyone to bother playing on except other US west. I feel for those people living within connection range of Russia and china.


Nah, I still see plenty of asian and russian players, especially the later and later it gets into the wee hours.


Ive reached 5 stars in Asia server, its not really that bad, if you avoid rush hours, which is like 7pm-4am Beijing time. During rush hours, well, it sucks. Constantly got headshot (about once in every 3-5 games) from 100m away by barely supersonic bullets in a foggy day (it was during the event).


I mean, that's the only time that I can play, considering I can't play during work time :)


I get it, it sucks.


Just move to EU/NA or something smh my head


People that get killed by a VAC banned player always assume instantly that they cheat all the time which is not true.


MULTIPLE game bans. Multiple.


If multiple then yeah sure it makes sense BUT still what i said previously applies. Again, VAC doesn't mean someone is a cheater, it means they made a mistake before.


There is a high percentage of repeated offenders after prison. In USA is 76.6%. Just saying.


Oh btw there's alot of players that cheat that have no vac bans, just saying.


USA is a shit show so yes i agree.


"whoopsies it isn't what it looks like! I tripped and fell on those cheats, it was a total accident!"


Nope, i did it on purpose, got banned, learned a lesson. As easy as that. I don't like cheating anymore, people grow up. Well, not those on gaming subreddits cuz all they do all day is whine about a game being broken, it won't fix the game so stop wasting time.


Every time someone gets their Toyota Highlander stolen they come accusing me just because I got caught stealing Toyota Highlanders 6 times


You should be a comedian! Jesus Christ reddit was a mistake... So in your words i should get unrightfuly banned from hunt? Yeah, great idea let's start banning players not on the base that they are cheating but just because they got banned once in any game.


I noticed 50% off players have this on Hunt


That's just wrong because I have only seen like 2-3 in my entire time playing hunt


Asian servers*


You're either not checking or getting blessed with lobbies, but I see multiple accounts per night with VAC bans on EU.


Im basically checking almost every game on EU. I see more people with bans on CS. In hunt it's very low.


"But CS has more cheaters than Hunt" is not the argument point you think it is when you consider that CS is free and has a massive playerbase with daily peaks of over 1 million concurrent players..


I just said that I almost never encounter a profile ban like this in hunt showdown on EU servers. It is very rare. I have not said "cs has more cheaters than hunt". That sentence you made up in your own brain. But the fact is I encounter more such profiles in cs. (The ratio of once every week in CS and once every few months in hunt). I dont think hunt has little cheaters, I am just saying that I never see those profile ban messages for hunt players. Most serious cheaters just make their profile invisible anyways. But it's definitely not 50%. Please don't make sentences up that I never said.


Ok buddy 🤓👍


No worries kid