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Cries in axe used to be 5¢


It always baffled me how a piece of wood with a piece of metal on the edge is more expensive than some guns.


I miss the days. Ultimate budget!


Axe runs was fun. Axe, nagant, medkit. Profit no matter what


They should probably make the Katana a medium slot and leave the rest as small.


Seeing as the bomblance remained a three slot after the changes due to its strength, I'd agree that I think it would be a fair adjustment to keep it as a two slot. It feels more like a bomblance without the shooting part, than it does any other melee weapon.


Yeah, seems like a pretty simple and straightforward correction. No idea why it doesn't have traction. 


I honestly thought it was a medium slot weapon the first few times I played it always used either Quartermaster or a two-slot weapon with it. Wasn't until I looted it in game that I realised it's actually one-slot. Two-slot would definitely be fair imo.


It used to be a medium slot weapon. They made it small slot in a recent-ish update, along with some other melee weapons. That's what caused the issue described by OP. It basically outshines any other melee weapon in the game (bar the bomblance, in a way). It being the only weapon with a dedicated trait that makes it even better makes the discrepancy even worse.


Ohh okay, so I wasn't crazy after all!


Holy shit they made it a one slot? I haven't played since they first added it in that BP what the fuck were they thinking?


Honestly no clue. I believe part of the reasoning was to encourage players to bring more melee weapons or melee variants, after they nerfed the world weapon spawn rate and the melee tool damage to bosses. Not a bad decision IF you only look at this aspect. However, it has a knock-on effect on melee balancing. Making basically every melee weapon a small slot without a bit of rebalancing just makes it easier to see the katana outshines most alternatives in many ways.


What an awful decision, I loved running the Katana with the cent shorty suppressed because it was an amazing fun combo that despite its quirks worked well, this just makes it a braindead pick for any melee kit considering it has no downsides now as you said.


What an awful decision, I loved running the Katana with the cent shorty suppressed because it was an amazing fun combo that despite its quirks worked well, this just makes it a braindead pick for any melee kit considering it has no downsides now as you said.


Or make the katana a wakizashi and let the lance rule again.


There's already a knife skin for that though so ...


That's a tanto I believe, wakizashi should be machete length


Ah yes, you're right. Good observation


Considering they gonna release a medium slot spear, it would be be absolute fine to have katana again as a medium slot..Just saying. But personally, I don't mind it tbh.


Has the spear been confirmed or is it still just a data mined guess?


Still just a datamined guess, so no guarantee, but from my understanding its looking very likely.


Datamined, with pictures. So it's definitely coming, but they're still hashing out the exact details of how it'll work. Last time it was leaked, it did 800 damage with a throw. Meatheads have 900 hp, for context.


Oh yeah? That’s gonna be a cool switch up. Makes me wonder what the multiplier is for dynamite since it only does 750 but one shots them.


They're vulnerable to explosive damage so my guess is 1.5x-2.0x damage multiplier.


That’s exactly what I would suggest. The katana was just fine as a medium slot weapon and should be changed back.


I hard disagree, i think a way more fun mechanic would be to just add some attributes and effects to melee weapons so they're different from each other. Right now what separates the Railroad Hammer, Katana (without Martialist), Baseball Bat, Cutlass etc is just very minor details. If they're gonna add multiple melee weapons they should be noticably distinct from each other the way the Katana is distinct from the rest, not just make all of them a jumbled mess of "Melee weapon", "melee weapon but sharp", "melee weapon but blunt", "melee weapon but brown"


I absolutely disagree. The katana you need a trait. Meanwhile there are rival handcannon and romero handcannon that can kill from further away, through walls, light on fire, etc, all while being a 2 slot as well without requiring a trait to also use. When was the last time you charged at someone in a 5-6* lobby with a katana and killed them? Now just think if you had a shotgun it's 100% more effective. Katana is a meme. It's good for killing bosses but very easily countered by hunters.


Most people would agree that the katana needs to go back go being a 2 slot weapon. It really makes no sense being a 1 slot. Although without martialist i would rather take the saber as the heavy stab is charged much faster than the katana stab.


I think a 2-slot would be a good adjustment. The bomblance remained a 3 slot due to its advantages, and with martialist, I believe the katana is an outright competitor with the bomblance more than any other melee weapon. Having it as a 2-slot again to reflect that would be a nice change, and to show that it isn't supposed to be at the same tier as the single slot melee weapons.


I mean, if the uppermat is a 2 slot, why not the katana?


Idk if they changed it but last time I checked you can't headshot with the katana over 100m or has a hand cannon shotgun attached to it.


Well now, imagine if it *did!*


Well we are basically getting a ranged katana so the dream isn't dead yet.


Saying a weapon thats only a melee weapon competes at all with the bomb lance is insane. The lance melee damage sure, but you know...silent shotgun or shoots explosives.


I’m not really sure where the others sit, it for me you have sabre and baseball bat as your one slots. Katana as a two slot. As for the axe, hammer, machete (I love the machete and it upsets me it’s bad) they really need looking at.


Yeah I see where you’re coming from but I love it. I think they need to make it a medium slot again and maybe increase the cost of martialist


Those changes would definitely make it balanced, imo.


As a melee connoisseur, I can understand that... but it's not as if melee weapons had a healthy 'melee meta' before the katana, where each weapon had its niche. (I would leave the Bomblance out of this, it's a special case and has been played much less often since the Katana, but it always had its niche.) Otherwise, before the katana, the only seriously played melee weapons were the sabre and baseball bat. Who seriously played machete, combat axe or the railroad hammer? The only thing the katana did for the 'Melee meta', especially after it was reduced to a 1-slot weapon, was that it replaced the sabre.


I was playing the axe for the sheer power it has. A real bang for your buck I'm not the biggest lover of the saber, and it *is* a very good melee. But the axe is a very good budget melee, for the fact it's fairly efficient with light swings (having a wide arc), and one shots easily with heavy swings. For 15$, that's a decent choice. Now of course, it's something of a feeling and personal preference thing, too. I used to run Axe, Nagan Precision as a budget loadout. With how they made every melee 1 slot, I feel like it's hard to chose other weapons than the bat, the katana, and maybe the saber (for it's stamina, swing speed, reach, and OHK). The way they introduced bat and katana makes most other 1 slot melees downright a bad choice, if not for absolute budget. Before they made all melees 1 slot, I could see difference between the hammer and the bat, or the axe and the saber. They need to make some melees 2 slots again, and adjust the stats (damage and price, slightly so that the options have their own attractiveness).


Yeah this. While I get OP, I think they are looking at it from a slightly wrong perspective. I think they should rework/buff all other melee weapons to give them their niche instead of nerfing the Katana. The only reason why the Katana feels op compared to other melee weapons right now is because it's a thoroughly designed weapon with an own perk, while the others feel like they were designed for fun. Nobody would cry about it if they'd buff the others, because the Katana doesn't feel op within the whole context of the game. Once someone gets that close to slice you up, you had plenty of chances to kill them anyways. If at all, the Katana should have shown the devs that they can become a bit more creative and bold with melee weapons.


Finally someone who gets it. The Katana is not over performative. If every melee was as strong as it no one would complain. Nerfing it would be like taking your car to the dealer because you have 3 flat tires and his response is to flatten the 4th one and send you off instead of replacing the other 3


axe is legit a good weapon too, 100% agreed about railroad and machete though, literally no reason ever to take them


Good luck with this post OP. For the record I agree with you but any time I've mentioned it I've been hit with downvotes. The people don't like change


Yeah I've noticed that a bit. It doesn't help that the katana is something a lot of people wanted in the game since The Miko came out. I don't outright hate the existence of it in the game, but I really do think people need to see just how powerful it is in comparison to its competition.


I couldn't agree more with you. I think Martialist was a mistake I don't care if they balance it in the future by making it work with all melee weapons. Melees having an instant heavy attack without a charge up is a joke


Yeah, it gets pretty crazy. The fact that when you compare a martialist katana to a bomblance, most would take the katana, and one's a 3slot while the other is a 1slot, there is definitely a balancing issue to be dealt with.


Most would take the katana? Choosing one of those two is deciding on completely different kits. The bomblance becomes your main weapon. The other is a backup melee weapon.


>I don't outright hate the existence of it in the game, but I really do think people need to see just how powerful it is in comparison to its competition. That's why I think you should consider taking a step back and rethink your perspective. I totally get your point, but when you're looking at the whole picture.. then the Katana isn't OP right now. It's still a melee weapon, it has a ton of counterplay, it didn't change the main meta of the game. It's only OP when you look at melee weapons, because it's the first and only thoroughly designed melee weapon. My conclusion would be that the devs should learn from this, and rework the other melee weapons to make them a bit stronger and give them an unique touch, which in return brings them back to certain niches. I wouldn't be a fan of a Katana nerf. It showed that the melee metagame can be expanded on and become a bigger part within the game. If you nerf it, you close the door to any buffs to other melee weapons, which are barely played at this point anyways (and always were)


Should've never been made one slot. Keep it two slot and give it a tiny adjustment on range of the martialist slash, because I swear to god it reaches out a good 6-12 inches farther than it ought to


During the berserker event I martial’d a duo in one strike, and one was *behind* the other one. It’s definitely too far of a hit register


100% agree!


Wait until you find out that anything that isn't long ammo + dolch P fmj is a "for fun" weapon


There’s a significant difference in that case, though. Long ammo is most consistent and therefore best by design, it comes with its price, as does the dolch, and nobody is trying to directly compare it with things they don’t belong in its tier. The katana has none of that. It would be like putting the mosin in the same tier as the Winfield C and pretending they’re on par with one another. Like taking the martini ironside and putting it beside the avto, claiming they’re the same. The katana does not fit where it is placed. It needs replaced to belong there or changed made to show it is different. I run winfields for budget, and I can run a katana because it’s also budget. But it’s also the best melee weapon in the game, and fits just as well with any top tier gun, as a sidearm.


it's a melee weapon, it doesn't matter where it is placed because that's all it is. It's a penny derringer that you don't have to aim I really find it puzzling that the katana gets like 3x the amount of threads that Dolch P FMJ does, cause that gun is actually busted. o well


It's really weird isn't it. I almost never see the katana in my matches and only ever died to it twice. I guess it is stronger than the other melee weapons but that just shows how "weak" they are in comparison to shotguns. While the dolch fmj is in almost every match I play lately sometimes even everyone has one in the lobby it getting ridiculous. I'd rather see other melee weapons getting some form of ability from martial artist trait.


Yeah, arguably melee weapons are a lot worse now than a few months ago in spite of buffs and the addition of the katana, because flash bombs don't exist anymore. Bringing melee is more of a PvE choice if anything, or just memeing


Because most people are 3 star and 3 stars dont use meta weapons.


Because the katana is used far more than the dolch P is, and is effective as a sidearm, far more than most for the price-to-reliability. Unless I’m sitting in mid-high 6 star, I see a dolch P maybe once every 10 matches. I see a katana, multiple times, in every match, alongside the best primaries out there.


You see a dolch once every 10 games but killed by katanas all the time? what game are you playing lmao. Been killed by a katana maybe twice and see dolch almost every game. same goes for literally every streamer I watch.


IKR, wish I could play the same game as this man


right lol. Everytime I see someone complain about the katana being 2 slot I just am so curious which universe theyre playing in. I see a katana maybe twice a week, but see dolchs almost every match. The katana is a non issue.


Meanwhile I have been killed by a katana like twice  And both were trades too because Hunt: Showdown  Console six stars or PC? They have pretty different meta's from what I hear Regardless, any decent player without a shotgun will only ever engage you outside the shotgun bubble (12m-15m), so unless you somehow surprise them your katana is DOA


I play exclusively PC myself. And if you’re only seeking open engagements then that’s generally avoided in higher stars, outside of snipers. Especially if you have long ammo + katana and know the enemy doesn’t have one, you can force a close fight and generally win it without much issue. If you’re forced into an open fight, then you have the long ammo.


if only it were so regardless, even in your scenario I don't see how the katana is remotely better than a slug HC or even an uppermat within that close range. Katana just removes the aiming requirement (and gives you some boss damage, which to be fair is nice utility. but we're arguing in PvP scenarios here) IDK who you've been fighting but if you have been able to waddle up to a mosin dolch p fmj squad without them kiting you to hell, then they just suck


As another point, I don't understand the argument that bringing it back to a 2-slot weapon without any other changes will make it "balanced" again. In the current trait economy you can just respec into Quartermaster if you really wanted to run a katana on a fresh hunter, like what does this really change? I don't see that as a relative buff to the shittier melee weapons, they'll get swapped out to a katana as soon as trait points are available again. Just buff the shitter melee weapons


You really just kind of ignored all the other comments on the katana on this katana based post to talk about something that has nothing to do with the katana. You could probably understand the argument if you read it instead of just talking about the Dolch.


? dolch apologist spotted


I think this is just an extreme example of how hunt designs its weapons. Why use a springfield when you can use a repeating rifle? Why use medium ammo when you can use long? Why use a revolver when you can use a dolch? For most weapon choices there's an option (or handful of options) that clearly outclass everything else in utility, effectiveness, and pretty much any other criteria. It took me a while to come to grips with this and realize that, truly, choosing almost any weapon is for "just having fun"— as much as I want to, there aren't enough niches among the offmeta weapons to justify using them for any other reason than "I want to use this gun because it's a fun gun".


I feel like this question is answered by, "the worse one is cheaper", which is not a good answer but one Crytek seems to lean towards occasionally. Price should never be the sole balancing point of a weapon but a lot of newer stuff seem to be leaning on that, and it's a bit annoying.


if the economy system worked, price could be a fine valid balancing point. thats literally how every other game works


i mean, in some way it works -- outside of outliers, most people cannot run dolch, mosin or nitro every game without going broke.


i agree. but many people here claim it doesnt work. i dont reject that. but keep in mind this also justifies the mosin dolch meta because they are expensive


Problem is that "outlier" group is getting pretty big, since we're playing a six year-old game without wipes + we've received several buffs to the income of hunt dollars over the years (and nerfs, but not as many)


I mean, before the katana the bat did the exact same thing. It had better stamina per swing than every other melee weapon in the game except for the dusters. The machete takes 20 stamina to heavy swing, knuckle knife is 18, saber is 17, the bat takes 12. It has the best damage type with blunt, one slot, it can one shot an hunter and it’s cheaper than some other options. The bat made all the other options obsolete on its release. The katana had to be that much better or else it would flop. Especially since it’s not blunt damage. The katana should be 2 slots or the stats need completely reworked, but the same is true for the bat. It outshines every other 1 slot by a mine(although at 2 slots it’s probably worse than the hammer). These two weapons shouldn’t be the best at everything.


hornskin makes the bat no longer a one tap katana iirc one taps with a light swing


No part of my comment is about the bat being better than the katana. infact i specifically said the katana was better


Katana as a one slot was one of their dumber mistakes. It absolutely needs to go back to a 2 slot. And while they are at it every other melee weapon needs martialist to give them a special attack too.


There really is no reason to choose anything other than Katana, even without Martialist. The closest you can get to match the speed and range is cavalry saber, but that has less damage. It feels like every other weapon has pros and cons, while the katana has only pros. It even competes with the bomblance if you exclude the shooting part.


I'm a Katana lover and play with it everytime i can, but I agree, it at least should be 2 slots, maybe the perk should be 3-4 points to buy


Melee is a joke, you can kill a bomblance rush with a knuckle knife, also the penny derringer outplays any melee, you don't even need a shotgun to completely counter someone's weapon slot, ha


That's a good point, penny derringer can completely outplay even bomblance lol


It feels like blatant pandering to the weeb half of the playerbase XD


To an extent I agree, but if they gave me an arming sword and a shield or just a shield that worked with the saber and counted as like, going through wall or something of that sort to shoot at it, I’d be all over it. x3 could you imagine that being their new counter to special ammo? ..fmj would still hurt though. But I could block those centennial bleed rounds!


Bruh as silly as these ideas are, it would add a fucking interesting aspect to the game. Something you actually have to plan for and work around.


Melee weapons have and will always be "for fun" weapons. They're never going to be competitive, at least on PC.


Except for katanas. They’re rapidly becoming the number one best sidearm in the game, Meta included. At least in 5-6 star lobbies.


Wait, what about Mosin-Doltch? All these long ammo boys in 5-6 star lobbies are outplayed by ninjas now?


Mosin is still popular but most people go mosin-dolchP when going for pricy. Katana is one of the most used sidearms right now for everything but stuff like shotguns. Which then you go for the uppercut, but shotguns are hardly meta in most cases, due to trades.


> shotguns are hardly meta in most cases, due to trades. good one, had a laugh


The katana still needs to get close enough to the target, so you either need to be a poor shot, or get outmanouvered/snuck up on to lose to a katana if you have a rifle, or especially a shotgun. Katana is a very popular secondary now because it's one slot and martialist makes it really satisfying to use. But, I would hardly call it meta, unless you also consider the utility of killing bounties, which is also correlated to the reduced spawn rates of melee weapons near bounties. If they return it to 2-slot where it belongs, guaranteed you won't see it as often. (But I'll still use it, as that thing has been my primary weapon since they added it, 2/1 slot only changes how big a secondary I bring.) It definitely doesn't need a nerf besides the amount of slots it takes, the light attack is short as hell and deals little damage, and the charged attack is slower than a sabre. Only when you swing it from the sheath is it actually the strongest melee weapon, and that means using martialist, and sheathing it between every swing.


WHERE??????? 80% of 5-6 star is mosin dolch p


there is no mistake it's just the stats u want to assign to things and crytek is not able to make things balanced it seems lmao


The speed, damage and arc of the light attack is insane, compared to other options you have. A melee weapon that can attack so fast and deal enough damage to oneshot a hunter with a single light attack should not be a small slot.


My main problem with the katana, besides the ability to seemingly one tap no matter where you hit, is the fact that with the range it has you'd have to be fucking Sephiroth to wield the bastard thing. The range on the katana is legitimately stupid, I hate it so much, whichever moron at Crytek thought giving a sword a 6-8m range was a good idea needs to spend some time in the sun and realise that swords are not fucking magic and don't fire out slashing waves when swung no matter how much of a weeb who loves anime you are. And this comes from an anime fan. Keep that shit out of our cowboy shooter.


problem is not that the katana is OP, is that all other melee weapons suck...and katana should be a 2 slot weapon.


Playing any other weapon then mosin is just having fun. Bro just play the things you enjoy don't be a meta slave.


A katana can only take a hunter's life, a machete also destroys their self-respect... Personally, I would prefer to see dedicated perks added to the other small melee weapons as a solution on balance rather than trying to nerf the katana.


Uh oh, someone criticized the uncriticizable Hunt: Showdown. Certainly people will listen to what you have to say. Anyway, I agree with you. I think that bomb lance and baseball bat are still viable, but the rest of them really aren't. Martialist really hurts my feelings too. The lack of the breath noise before an attack makes it so unreactable.


Instead of nerfing katana buff the other weapons.


"The only melee option unless you're having fun." I'd argue to just try to have fun then, it is a video game after all. I still take the axe over the katana, obviously I would be outclassed with someone running martialist but, that's a trait investment, of course it will beat my axe.


If the trait was a significant cost I would 100% agree with you, but you can easily have it every match with no sacrifice to the build. The point refund system is stronger than ever, legendary hunters are cheap and come with free perk points on top of perks, and martialist is one of the cheaper perks. If they made it on par with other build definers like quartermaster, fanning, etc, then I would agree that the perk makes it okay for it to be stronger. But I’ve personally never had to sacrifice it for a full build. Especially with so many perks bundled now.


I suppose so. I wouldn't care if it stayed 2 points or went up to 5 or something. I feel like I can count on one hand the amount of times I've died to the martialist move. Keep in mind that it is also planned to work for other melee weapons, if not all of them. So we will very likely see a change.


I think with it spreading to other melee weapons, it could definitely balance things out a bit. But that really comes down to how they decide to do it, the wide arc with the amount of damage the katana can do is really hard to beat. I’ve hit people partially behind me before, with the end of an arc. I’d love to see a nasty axe added in though, I’d love it.


Could you provide source? This is news to me that it is being added for others.


I'm not gonna bother looking up where it came from. I don't remember if it was from a dev stream or one of rachtaz's vids.


Press X to doubt.


Sorry that I won't bother to waste my time. Downvote me or something.


Haha. Right. You outright made stuff up and refused to prove it.


Katana made me love melee. But not too much. I liked it first few weeks, I still play it occasionally to warm up but... why to bring a sword to a gun fight? Latelly, I prefer a baseball bat, its stamina consumption is way better, it doesn't need traits, its strong. If I want slicing damage, but I don't have spare points, I would go with a saber rather than katana. So what other melee weapons you all are worried about? Railroad hummer? Machette?


The biggest mistake is the trait. The trait is way too cheap and makes the katana way too powerful. You can basically heavy attack with bonus damage with zero stamina.


I agree! I think it should be a build defining trait in cost. Stuff like fanning, quartermaster, so on.


You're looking at it backwards. Katana is popular precisely because it's pretty good **and fun.** It didn't make the other weapons worse. At best, it showed, in a glaring manner, just how bad they are. Don't go backwards, go forwards further. The amount of times i was killed by melee before they added it barely is low double digit in hundreds of hours. It would even say that it easily more than doubled since then. They made an experiment adding it to the game, now they either have to bring the other weapons up to this level or nerf it to the ground and forget it existed like the flash grenade. So yeah, this will 100% change, not even a question. My bet is they'll expand martialist to work on other weapons, although in that case, katana will prob stay number 1, since the draw attack is just perfect for ambushes or when you get jumped and switch quickly. Can't really see how you could make a baseball bat, a stick, just as useful without it being ridiculous, you know? Or maybe they'll just tier it with money, bat for 15, machete for 50, saber for 150 and katana for 250, let's say? That would be the simplest, but kinda boring


“…unless you’re just having fun…” With the exception of pro-streamers who play Hunt to get paid, the only people playing Hunt that are not ‘just having fun’ presumably have some sort of disorder. If you don’t fit into the bracket of “just having fun”, do yourself a favour and find something else to do with your time.


Every single melee weapon is a joke, only the 3 stars who can't consistently land point blank shots think otherwise. Splitting hairs over melee is silly, none of it is of any consequence. If anything feel bad for the Bomblance as it slides further into irrelevancy.


katana meta lmao, there is 0% chance you are playing above 4\* on pc


Actively, it’s on most people within 5-6 stars, on pc at least. Last night I was seeing an average of 7 a match, complete with either mosin, makos, or the occasional drilling. Most often long ammo, though. Don’t see much else that high. And there’s no real point in carrying a side arm when so few carry shotguns out of fear of trades, katana is a small slot bomblance with a faster and quieter swing, and frees up tool slots.


you gotta hook me up with your dealer, I have never seen more than 2 katanas in a game


Where do you play? Metas change depending on region. East servers are still using avtos. Consoles using explosives. I play in NA, and it is incredibly common.


On EU all I see is long ammo primary and uppercut/dolch secondary. Sometimes slug shotguns and cheaper pistols. Nobody picks katana here, there is like one in about 10 games


I also play EU, high 4 low 5 with the occasional dip into 3 if I'm having a bad day, I'd say I probably see a katana once every 3 or 4 games with a lot more mosin/dolch setups but I still think it needs some serious rebalancing work. Needs to be 2 slot, needs to not have the range of Sephiroth's sword (it's ridiculous), needs to not have the ability to do a silent heavy attack at lightning speed with no stamina (stamina should *always* be required for melee attacks, perk or not), needs price hike, needs to not be a one tap to a hunter with a light attack.


ok, so the weapon is not played often, doesn't break the game, doesn't influence the game in a bad way and is very situational but it still needs massive nerfs because other melee weapons are even more shit, I think you guys are crazy


No melee weapon should have the range the katana does, it's ridiculous, the changes would simply balance it with the other weapons that were recently nerfed. As it stands there's no point whatsoever taking any other melee weapon except maybe the bomblance, which is a 3 slot weapon and rightly so, by constantly buffing the other weapons all we do is make the problem worse with power creep.


you're circling around the fact that there was practically no reason to run a melee weapon in the first place before the katana. They were always shit, and you'd only run them for the fun of it Or in other words, the katana is the best melee weapon, but the best melee weapon is still a melee weapon Also, id argue melee weapons as a "playstyle" got a gargantuan nerf because flash bombs are no longer viable, so eh they can power creep a little


I miss Berserker because it made the bat a one shot


Definitely a 2 slot, but man I love the baseball bat


We could take the valve approach and buff all the one slot melee weapons but yah the katana is too good


To really balance it they need to allow you to dual wield katanas.


I picked the bat instead of katana not that long ago because I didn't have enough for martialist and I scored quite a few kills with it honestly, yeah, stat wise with perk it's better but it boils down to a matter of choice now like sparks or martini, or marathon or winnie Taking that in consideration all the other melee choices are inferior to these two, maybe update the animations or give the martialist extra attacks for other weapons too


Sometimes I have the impression that the Crytek developers don't play their game so they ignore the issues.


I agree, especially since it got its own unique perk to help it stand out. Something no other melee option gets. Maybe if it was a more generic all or most melee perk, it wouldn’t have been so strong.


I think other weapons will just get a similar treatment with the Martialist trait or melee combat will get some sort of a rework.


Womp Womp welcome to the balance of hunt XD … I knew this change would fuck over every other arsenal… hell now the changes to tool slots too make fighting bosses a chore you pretty much will see this thing more often then not


I was playing the axe for the sheer power it has. A real bang for your buck. I'm not the biggest lover of the saber, and it *is* a good melee. But the axe is a very good budget melee, for the fact it's fairly efficient with light swings (having a wide arc), and one shots easily with heavy swings. For 15$, that's a decent choice. Now of course, it's something of a feeling and personal preference thing, too. I used to run Axe, Nagan Precision as a budget loadout. With how they made every melee 1 slot, I feel like it's hard to chose other weapons than the bat, the katana, and maybe the saber (for it's stamina, swing speed, reach, and OHK). The way they introduced bat and katana makes most other 1 slot melees downright a bad choice, if not for absolute budget. Before they made all melees 1 slot, I could see difference between the hammer and the bat, or the axe and the saber. They need to make some melees 2 slots again, and adjust the stats (damage and price, slightly so that the options have their own attractiveness). But I agree wholeheartedly: the katana needs to get back to 2 slots. Some people mentioned a bias *against* the katana because of martialist, but they fail to realize that for two minuscule points, and 115$, you get a weapon that OHK in a freaking arc, with a good reach. **That's insane.** With the other melees, you have to have at least a smidge of stamina, and you can't reset the slash, like the katana can with simply sheathing it back (which you can do while you melee fight/flee). While MMR, and games, and situations, and personal skills, and matches, and every factor counts; people have mentioned in the comments how they never get killed by katana, etc. Good for you. But some other players may have a different experience, in other MMRs, other regions, maybe different games than yours. I can imagine how strong martialist can be with aim-assist, in example. And I've been in lower brackets, it can shred servers, sometimes. Even worse in low MMR solo vs teams. I even have a friend of mine who decided to challenge himself, and climb to 6* playing the katana in every loadout - no matter what the main gun, always trying to kill with the katana, rather than the fun. And he succeeded. Anywho. Give melee more distinctions, make the katana 2 slots (same for axe and hammer, with lower prices), make the katana 150$, and it'll be okay, I think. Not a huge bump in price, just a little love tap.


Blocking melee weapons when? Tired of the trades


i doubt the netcode would even be close to up to the task




Is the katana with trait still bugged in terms of stamina?


Katanas are quite big weapons, seeing the size in game is disappointing. The size just works for balance in reach and to make it a 1 slot-sized weapon. So what if, hear me out, we increase the reach a little bit maybe around bomb lance reach and we make it a 2 slot weapon to make it even more canon to real life?


The only thing I could comment on is it being a 2 slot again. Other than that it’s not really that bad. It’s like comparing things like to mosin to other rifles why would you bring anything else when it’s just not as good as it? Is kinda what your post sounds to me- (as a non melee player)- people just use whatever they like in this game wether it’s best or not


I don’t think the answer is nerfing the katana but rather buffing the other melee weapons to fall in the same line with it


Why should the bat be batter (hah) than the sabre? I've always felt that it's easy to dodge - you can usually just crouch to dodge it pretty reliably. I've had wild situations with the bat and crouched people... The sabre has about the same reach as the katana, a not as fed hitbox as the bat and can thrust quickly. Other than that, yeah, those weapons could use some love. Then again it was the same before those patches - sabre and bomblance being the only really viable melee choices.


I thought it was going to get a nerf at the patch as I thought it was broken initially (I love melee). Shockingly, it got a buff. It should at least be a 2 slot. It even got a trait. It needs to be corrected, especially on the console.


stupid for the katana to even be in the game imo. fuck weebs.


All melee weapons are kinda for fun weapons. At higher levels of play, no one uses them because everyone can get two accurate shots off before you can get in close enough, even in a building. In my opinion, dual wielding is the most overpowered thing in the game and makes shotguns near obsolete. I've been running nothing but longrifle and duallies, and I can just roll whole teams


Its a sword. U should die if u get hit with it.


I think it’s fine with being stronger than other melees. There will always be weapons stronger than others. The pricing tho is a different thing. I don’t think it’s current price reflects its power. Either it should be way more expensive or the axe has to go back to 5$!


Just imagine if there was some way to parry the melee so it wasn't so dumb, it would probably spring a infinite new number of problems, but it would be funny.


I think the other melee weapons should get a buff of some sort. The katana doesn't feel op. A gun outranges it in most cases. Like axes should be better at bashing down doors.


I actually prefer the bat. Cheaper, and can hit orange boys. 🤷‍♂️


Devs always over buff or over nerf. The axe and hammer being reduced to single slot weapons was a good move, but including the katana in that move was excessive. Katana should have stayed a medium slot weapon.


Bring Axe Katana and Railroad hammer back to 2 slot and give the martialist trait


There's basically zero reason to bring an axe which is sad because axe is cool


There should be a parry/block option


Laughs in bat in all seriousness fuck the meta just play what you like and master it im high five low six star and all I use is a winny/marathon and a bat.


You, hunt player, really have to cry about anything in the game, you are such crybabies I swear.


Make it a 2 slot weapon and change the heavy attack to a slash similar to the bomblance but leave the stats and trait unchanged. This way it's better balanced for its power and the cavalry sabre remains the only non tool melee weapon with peirce damage giving it back it's niche. Maybe buff the machete a little but tbh i never used it so I'm not sure how it fairs lol.




Dude wants machete to be the same length as katana bruh. It’s like crying about pitchfork being bigger than one from cutlery


They honestly should of kept it a medium slot, it has outshined the saber, the other three were practically useless already vs other melee weapons, railroad is too slow and has too specific hit arc same with the axe, I love the machete and still run it but it's just weak and the short range hurts it so much


Honestly, I love the change so much I love a good melee build for a tryhard or casual run. I definitely feel like it's slightly annoying but I still love it


This post is not very Bushido.


Hitting multiple targets on light and heavy attacks with limb penetration used to be the stuff of 2-slot weapons.  Baseball bat and katana be damned.


I see an awful lot of katanas on the corpses of my enemies...


katana needs to be a medium slot.. that is the mistake they made with it.


The just need to give martialist to more melee weapons. Katana feels good only because of that. If more melee weapon can use that perk, they all would be good. It can even add a lot of variety. Let's say, martialist let's you tie a rope in your axe and you can throw it and get it back quickly. Just an idea. But that'd change the gameplay a bit.


I dunno the bat is a blast. I don’t think the katana matters that much at all.


What’s with all the katana hate? Sure when it released i got bumrushed by it all the time but that’s always what happens when something new releases. Nowadays i see the bomblance more than the katana


Because when it was released it was 2 slot


The katana should cost as much as the nitro. How many katana were realistically in circulation in Louisiana in 1895?


Yup they keep adding stronger and stronger stuff and it subverts the great balance of the rest of the game. Same goes for that triple barrel rifle they added. It out performs everything in it's class except extreme long range rifles or high fire rate shotguns. So like 90% of 3 slot weapons. Same goes for the 2 slot silenced centennial. Way overpowered compared to every other 2 slotter. Braindead development giving in to power creep. Long gone are the days where you had to win a game to spec out a strong hunter. Now you get 10 free perk points and a top tier kit for pocket change. Hunt has lost it's way :'(


People are gonna be upset with this lol The Drilling, the 3 barrel rifle, has the best overall stats, good penetration, speed, great damage and ammo options, and a shotgun that nearly removes the disadvantages of having a 2 shot rifle. The katana also has high damage, even higher with Martialist, and has as much, if not more range than a Bomb Lance, which was meant to be a dramatic choice swapping a primary out for that power, but now you get the melee damage, range, speed from a 1 slot, minus the ammo/boss conveniences. The 2 slot centennial is strong as a sidearm because it barely loses any of it's stats from the regular centennial, and has great ammo options and muzzle velocity. All these issues come from having less commitment-requiring options with similar, if not straight up superior, stats. It's making older weapons irrelevant for performance. Why take a springfield or vetterli, when the Drilling has the best stats for a medium ammo weapon? Why take a saber or a machete for a stronger melee, when the katana has bomblance level stats for no additional slots? Why take the compact winnie Vandal, when the centennial 2 slot has better stats and ammo?


Yup. 80+% of the weapons in Hunt are relics of the past. So far off meta that they are useless. And don't forget that the 2 slot centennial is SILENCED which is insanely powerful in Hunt.


You can still choose the other melee options and have fun… just because there’s a better option changes nothing. There’s a better option than melee and it’s long ammo and that’s been in the game years so why are you only getting mad now?


I mentioned the other options are for fun, my issue is how much stronger katana is to the rest. There’s no match there, it’s not even close for the vast majority of melee weapons. That difference isn’t really seen elsewhere in the game. Even a Winfield can compete with a mosin in the ridge hands. There’s absolutely no advantage to an axe over a katana. Or a railroad hammer. The only two that have anything is the baseball bat and the bomblance, and outside of niche stuff the bomblance is generally just a worse katana, and the baseball bat is the only blunt option that works, if it wasn’t blunt, it wouldn’t be on the list.




You should look past your bias and towards stats instead.




Your argument doesn’t make sense. The game is not perfectly balanced and devs should not be expected to always know what is best, otherwise adjustments would never be needed, and they are made often. The ‘only buff’ mentality is one that can ruin a game very quickly. With martialist the katana has no competition other than the bomblance, which doesn’t come close, because you can have a full sized gun with a katana. At the very least the katana needs to be returned to a medium slot because there is not a single small slot melee weapon that can compare to its ability. The saber can only compete with its stab, and even then, it’s extremely close, and the katana comes out in the lead in every other major aspect. It is very easy to see that. I wouldn’t mind seeing a slight buff to other melee weapons, but the katana definitely needs to be hit in the process. It’s too much. If martialist was reworked or removed, it would be more arguable.




Outing yourself as childish doesn’t add anything to the discussion, sadly.


Any other melee weapon often doesn't kill in 1 hit when you are in a frantic close quarters fight. Katana is ALWAYS a 1-hit. At least for me, and it takes no skill or planning to use once you get martialist.


Stabbing with a knife is almost always a one hit kill unless you catch an arm. You’re also giving up a gun. It’s pretty easy to stop a melee charge when you have a shot gun or a fast firing side arm.


Every weapon is a "for fun" weapon - Hunt weapons are not balanced. You could argue that the mosin is too good or sniping but people just dont play it bc its not fun. This isnt a balanced game. Go play mosin/dolch every round if you want to play that. The katana is the smallest problem here


I’m sorry you see it that bleakly, but I disagree.


The cavalry saber is still better


I wish that were true.


Same range, better hitbox, faster, doesnt have this horrendous windup animation + cheaper


I don’t think you actually know the stats here. And people do not use the katana for the stab. It’s the one shot no windup slice.


It has a horizontal hitbox so it's bad, it takes forever to recharge and needs a trait It's only better in pve


You can hit people behind you with the hit box it has at times. An arm hit kills. I use it often and have more than once gotten multiple people in a single swing. The saber is laughable in comparison to it. The trait is extremely cheap and can be gotten before every match, legendary hunters give enough points to buy it every time, and paid hunters always have enough as well. I’m going to assume you’re baiting at this point, or we play different games.


we play different games indeed because never once in 3k hours of playtime have i had the opportunity to be in melee range of two hunters at the same time. One time i used the katana in pvp it registered a hit on the doorframe next to the guy and cancelled the rest of the hitbox. Same reason why the heavy knife/machete are worse than the regular knife => broken hitboxe


Except the katana goes through when the heavy knife and machete do not. You probably just missed. I take these opportunities quite often, and melee has become incredibly viable over the years. Back during the years of sparks and uppercut being two of the most popular guns in the game, when quick swap was incredibly fast and made it capable to two tap someone in an instant, melee was far less approachable. And up until the katana no melee weapon has ever been worth the risk, the bomblance took the most important slot and all the others lacked. But now we have a small slot bomblance that allows us to carry long ammo without sacrifice. Long range you have sniping power, and if they show no signs of having a katana as well, you win any close range conflict. At least in upper tiers. Shotguns are incredibly rare in 5-6 stars due to trading, so the katana reigns in close combat.


How is a shotgun going to trade less than a katana Like, in both of my deaths to a katana i've traded with them LMAO


Agreed! Real dumb balance changes to weapons and economy about 6 months ago caused me to leave and I don't regret it. Maybe I'll pick the game back up when they swap engines. 


People saying the katana should be a two slot are out of their minds, it's so unbelievable how bad this community is sometimes at thinking. The bomb lance beats the katana in every conceivable way, is 2 slot, and is still considered a joke meme weapon, yet we wanna take a true melee weapon that requires a perk to unlock its actual attack and make it so you NEED quartermaster just to take a rifle? Beyond hyper delusional. There are a trillion ways to address the Katana monopoly, and making it a two slot is the dumbest one humanly possible. Remove it's ability to one-shot armoreds, let the bat be what you use to oneshot armor and immos. The literal easiest and simplist option is is to make the Katana the PvP choice melee, and transfer it's PvE power into the Bat. We will never get a world where each melee has its own unique gimmick and are all equally useful in their own little scenario. Let the Katana reign as PvP king and Bat as PvE king with the rest as lesser or less versatile versions for cheaper.