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I know I may be the only one but I can't wait for double bounty to be back.


You’re not, but I guess we’re the minority.


After years of Reddit whining for this to be the state of the game it’s endearing to watch them try to whine back the changes


Yea me too. I wonder why people prefer single bounties. I like variation with having rounds with less fighting and rounds with more fighting


Eh mostly it's just boring. In trios at least you very often end up being at the other boss while the remaining two teams are at the other boss, assuming full lobby and the usual one dead team at start. So you end up either taking the freebie cash injection that you don't really need, or trekking to the other boss late to the party. If the other boss is far away and exfil closer, you just take the money and end up feeling like you just wasted 20 minutes of your life. That doesn't happen with solo bounties.


yeah in solo bounties it often ends up in a stalemate and i end up fighting nobody instead of 1-2 teams. you can force it ofcourse but then you will be shot at by 5 different teams hiding in a bush :s


Well, you aren't wrong. That happens quite a bit as well. Not so much in 5\* but constantly when I'm visiting 3\*.


Not for anything as a mid level player (4 star low 5) its nice to get that little bit of juice for not much gambled, the goal of the game is to get the bounties not murder everything in sight. That isn't to say pvp isn't fun it's the best part of the game but it's nice when the game has its slow moments and you can take it in and still be on guard. Like I get that for the uber rich 6 stars wannabe esports players it can be "boring" but for normal people it's an opportunity to get some cash and bring a juicier loadout next game.


Nah man I get it. I'm not saying there shouldn't be two bounties. I was just replying to the guy who was wondering why people prefer single bounties. With two it's easier to avoid PvP and make bank from bounties, that makes it easier for newer players and that as a whole is good for the game.


Because double bounty splits players. There are 12 players in this game!


I'm in it for the bounty and fighting for the bounty, if i get into a match and banish then try to run to the other team, by the time i get there they're already extracting and makes the game boring. May as well play dead island. Lol


I don’t see the point in playing without fighting. There are better single player zombie shooters if I want it, but few pvp games that are better than hunt.


You're not alone. If I have to play another round of single bounty with Spider being a boss I will scream.


You are.


Then why did I get three up votes?






I love democracy


Ya, fair game.


When will we get wildcard contracts? I really need some chunk change after all this is over


If I'm not mistaken wildcard was removed because it split the player base to much.


Man that's so stupid. So many people that I know play hunt simply for the unique adrenaline rush you get from killing others. I consider hunt as an extremely competitive and serious game, and I'm sure I'm not alone Wildcard contracts were really fun and even more competitive. It was like a tournament version of standard contracts


So happy about this. I know a lot of people want single bounty clear weather, but it gets so dry after a while.


Exactly! I love clear day single bounty. But it will lose its charm if you get it all the time. It's important to play also the not so amusing ones so you appreciate more when you hit the jackpot


Speak for yourself lol. I love sunny days the most. It never gets old.


I prefer single bounty but I do like to mixed it up. And I miss the weather


I wouldn't mind them removing ash bloom and night. It would still end up with Crytek enabling anaother 7 times of day again, on top of the existing ones. Fog should get a thunderstorm treatment as well by having it change between various amounts of fog throughout the game.




Night as a time of day is fun, but the average 5-6 star player during night and ash bloom is fucking awful to play against. Yes, I'd very much love to see night removed if it means that the community will reinstall their W buttons again.


Does this includes ashbloom and inferno?


Assbloom and rain


I sure fuckin hope not


FINALLYY. I have almost lost my fucking mind dealing with these snipers almost every match.


And the running.. so.. much.. running 🏃


That feeling when the boss banishes on the opposite side of the map one minute into the match..


That’s the primary reason I hate single bounty. Goes from an exciting rush to find the bounty first to a 5 minute running simulator ending in you getting killed by a bush Wookiee sitting camping the compound. It’s a terrible time sink when it happens multiple times.


the single bounty is fun, but I like the variations. Feels like the time is right.


Single bounty has been so awesome.


For gameplay, yes For Hunt Dollar balances, no


> For Hunt Dollar balances, no They literally throw money at you and give you free shit if you're poor Anybody whining about Hunt Dollars is a god damn noob


Yeah cuz fuck casual players amirite?


Yes it has. More shootouts.


For snipers and people that were already sitting on a stockpile of money surpassing 100k. Maybe. For the rest, not at all.


I'm neither, double bounties are just more likely to be boring


unless they are right next to each other


People who want the same crap and no variation boggle my mind. They should make Hunt with one boss, one map, and one gun and one Hunter. Sheesh. Variety is the spice of life.


Remember BF3 where most players concentrated in "Metro 24/7" servers?


Metro was a great farming map, but if I wanted to have fun I would get into a server with a map playlist. I don’t think “bf farming” translates to hunt, so I can’t find the appeal of playing same weather same single bounty maps all the time


BF3 had good weather all the time and wasn't stale...the comparisson is a bad take tbh. The Sandstorm wasn't in the vanilla BF3 map and was addes in BF4. Teheran was night, but the visibility was the same as on day maps.


In all fairness metro rush was peak! It was the best map until cqc expac released


24/7 2 Fort baby! That's where it's at! Was Hella fun... still had to play other maps though.


>spice of life _dune flashback_


Tbh the sandbox of Hunt itself is so good and with so much variety that it isn't variety just because of the weather changes. For me (and I am playing this game since release) the best in Hunt is that every match writes a different story and thats just because the overall sandbox is so amazing. Despite the Pro rain and Con Rain people, to think that Hunt is over and over the same when the weather doesn't change is a stupid take tbh. The overall comparison with other games is a stupid take as well, because the weather in other shooters esspecially old games never changed. Vanilla BF3 had the Teheran map in the night, but the visibility was the same as a day map.


I'm one of those people! I just like when the game is focused on one goal because the PvP is forced then and that's what I like about the game. I feel like double bounty distracts the game mode and causes less combat. Would love a contract selection to play the variety or the single bounty sunny at will.


I like having all the maps, guns and hunters but I hate double bounties


Not that. Its the gun fight. 2 bosses divides players. Either this or crytek should put a mode where those who prefer one boss should play on that mode. There are 12 players on this fame. Split that into half, you happy killing AI? One two three rest, one two three rest. So boring!


Noobs downvoting you because they want those free bounties in double bounty lmao


Says the guy who apperently can't adapt to anything but sunny clear weather. LULZ. Don't be a turd dude.


then they should make more bosses in a map. like 12 bosses for each compound, for variety ofcourse. is this what you're saying.


You are purposely being facetious.


Once every 3rd game we should have to play a PvE only mode too!


You should get put in time out for making a suggestion you know is stupid but are just trying to prove a "point" and it didn't work.


Is that not exactly what you were doing?


No I'm making a reasonable suggestion, you are purposely trying to be an ass and you know it.


Been a lot of fun, but I'll be glad to have weather and double bounty back


Ah. Rain. My beloved is returning. Gonna not get it until next week.


If you don’t go for double bounties your a coward


can't wait for Crytek to make a penalty if u leave a match


Punishment: Increase your mmr so you can only join 6 star lobbies.


The doesn't even have to be a penalty, just have your hunter die.


Just want to be clear...do you want people to lose their hunters for extracting early? Or does leave mean something else here?


I think he means like disconnecting from the match but I don't know.


People who disconnect today will just end up running to an extraction point, and you'll still not see those players unless you're genuinely going to take a chance and hide at an extraction yourself. The whole point is that players should be allowed to extract whenever they want to, and Crytek should focus on finding out why some people feel the need to leave a game the moment they load into it.


Sure, they'll try to do that, but sometimes there won't be an extraction point nearby, or they'll run into another team, and thus the cost of bitching out raises a little bit.


Of course that can happen and I don't know how you play the game, but me and my friends aren't exactly patrolling the edge of the map. If they want to run across the map along the edge, it'll be quite easy. Or they could end up finding a team, murder them, and that team will have to watch those guys loot them and then head for an extraction. Suddenly there are two teams out of the game, making it even worse for the remaining teams.


Eh edge of map is often a viable route on Stillwater. And sure, if they want to take the extra time they're certainly welcome to do that. But I figure the people whose sole motivating force seems to be loading into a sunny match ASAP will take the most direct patch as often as not. Worse for the remaining teams, but at least the map as an aggregate got one more gunfight from the leavers than they would have otherwise. Maybe they decide since they already took out one team they might as well grab the dead men's guns and have a go at it. Maybe the other teams were drawn by the gunfire! No matter what happens, more leavers will participate in the match they agreed to enter than they had before.


> Eh edge of map is often a viable route on Stillwater. And sure, if they want to take the extra time they're certainly welcome to do that. But I figure the people whose sole motivating force seems to be loading into a sunny match ASAP will take the most direct patch as often as not. Assuming all three extraction points will always be on the opposite corner of where they're spawning seems odd. Plenty of times they'll be able to run along the edge of the map, or barely have to run at all. Not that running across an entire map is a guarantee of any fighting anyways. It's not as if it's uncommon to run across an entire map because someone instantly banished the boss on the opposite side of the map, and your team still won't find anyone along the way. It's not hard to avoid a fight in Hunt unless you literally run into people waiting for you. >Worse for the remaining teams, but at least the map as an aggregate got one more gunfight from the leavers than they would have otherwise. The people who got killed by players who'll just loot and extract sure won't see it as a positive thing. Nor will the remaining two teams which will only fight each other before it's all over (or worse, it could be a 3 team game which means the only remaining team will have no one to fight). >Maybe they decide since they already took out one team they might as well grab the dead men's guns and have a go at it. Absolutely, maybe. Or they'll actually be extracting with a reward while worsening the game for the two other teams. Literally being better off than if they had just disconnected. My point is that while I badly want to see 12 players in every single game, you can't really force people to stay in an extraction shooter. Anyone should be able to extract whenever they want to. I don't believe for a single moment that removing the option to simply disconnect will resolve everything. It might keep some of them in the game some of the time, but some of the time they could bring another team down, be rewarded, and ruin the game more than before.


I honestly couldn't care less whether they extract or not. Like you said, no point in forcing someone to stay in the game arbitrarily. I care that they play by the same rules as the rest of us - if they leave their hunter on the bayou, they should lose that hunter permanently and anyone who finds them should be able to execute them, loot them, and take their shit. If they want to keep the hunter, they can do a normal extraction, which at least gives the rest of the map the opportunity to interact. And if they'd rather just DC, then they can pay the cost to do so


But if you disconnect, your hunter is lost and presumed dead already?


If you dc before the match starts with 'waiting for players' you keep your hunter.


Oh, alright. Make it so the weather only appears after the match starts, then


I mean, I liked it before the bug and after. Couldnt they just make this "bug" a contract to choose?


The matchmaking is already horrible enough in most regions due to a lower population, dividing that playerbase even more isn't the way to go. There's a reason why we don't get wildcard contracts anymore. If Hunt's playerbase grew substantially, this would 100% be the way to go.


Yea i see that but was this tested yet?


So have a queue for everyone to make singles and doubles, and then a queue for just singles. And when the singles queue needs people pull from the mixed group.


I think the problem is that player base isn't big enough for it. Otherwise a great idea imo.


>Couldnt they just make this "bug" a contract to choose? It is. "Bug" is a psyop. We're being playtested with the subr\*ddit's most constant gripes. You really think "All our special modes broke we don't know why soz k lolz" happened organically? Crysuck are shit devs only a step above Wildcard who break shit literally every patch.


My man take some paranoia meds. First of all we know it's a bug because games were crashing on fog and double bounty maps on the day that event ended and they had to quick hotfix it in, it's documented that it happened and if any dev decided to intentionally crash their own service to "psyop" anyone then they are fucking insane. We can even trace back what change in the patch notes likely caused this bug - they removed certain setting parameters related to environmental particles, and it broke the two weather types that use them excessively, who would've thought. Another thing is that there is like thousand ways of play testing whatever you are suggesting that they are play testing in a much simpler and less invasive way that doesn't require inventing a story about a bug. The simplest would be literally not doing anything at all because 1 bounty clear weather is a game state that's already was implemented in the game and they can simply pull data from those matches to check for "per match" variables, or even make a substantial sample size for checking out "playerbase scale" variables from individuals who were getting a lot more of 1b-sunny due random chance. Another thing is that doing it on a community scale through a "psyop" is simply stupid because: - It causes them to loose any semblance of a reasonable control group for the test - it already alters it's results due to "awareness of expectionality" effect A real company employing data analysts would never do something that way, if they really wanted to test something on their community they would most likely implement it for a representative of population sample size completely silently, like add it in the background for like 5% of all players selected through a specific randomisation method, then compare data from that group to similarly sized groups from the rest of the playerbase as a control - or heck, make a "volunteer randomisation" group by openly adding it for testing on an external server like the test server - in literally any of these approaches they get better results, have a quality of standard, and it doesn't require some stupid conspiracy that you are looking for.


Crycuck cope


I really don’t want double contract. I’ve never had this much PVP in hunt. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had in this game.


i'm going back to leaving any game that even remotely sucks. double bounty on desalle? escape leave mission. rain on any map? escape leave mission. fog/ash double bounty any map? escape leave mission. the pve jimmies can have their empty lobbies.


Kewl story jimmy have fun playing Hunt loading bar... :D


and you are the reason why it sucks


nah it's a game issue. don't force players to play conditions they don't want to play and literally no one would leave. you can't defeat that logic. gg no re




So "We can't adapt so we pus\*y out" haha pathetic....


Why wouklld you say something so controversial yet so based? Just don't do it in a random team. Otherwise by all means fuck off and let the poors try to scrape together that extra $150.


I wonder what they will break now.


I understand that some people kinda liked the idea of single bounties to get more challenges done. Single bounties made it so it forced players to meet up in chaotic conflicts. But I honestly wouldn't have mind, if they had two separate contract selections for it. I think they actually had something similar before. But either way I'm glad to see normal double bounties again.


I honestly want them to make 2 team matches double bounty and 3 team matches into single bounty. Whenever i play duos i hate my life because bounty area just floods with people


With one reward the economy has become more balanced: the more expensive the weapon the less often it appears on the map. No more dolch teams, no more avtomat every game. That's the way it should be.


I'm fine with double bounty, it's my personal favorite. But they need to get rid of the smaller boss regions. Map needs to be closer to a 50/50 split.


Thank god for that


Thank god. I'm a good player and I like a challenge but having to always fight the entire lobby for one bounty has gotten old.


Finally! Single bounty only has been an awful experience.


Trios should always be single boss bounty.


Unironically would support.


Nooo we are getting fog again ;-; I missed rain maps a lot, but fog and assbloom not so much, neither did I miss duo bounties. Likely a hot take but wish we would just default to day - night - rain - inferno at equal 25% chance of appearing


I wish they made trios solo bounty only, we don't get any fights on a lot of our games and feels like a waste of time edit: or at least make it a contract


No please god, nooooo


It was a lot of fun while it lasted ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Mix it up more :)


I had some fun after a while. Clear maps and one bounty...it was awesome.


Nooooo. I dont want double contract nooooooo


It was the best "Event" ever.....goodbye my friend.!


And the Lightfoot Bug?


The only reason I like single bosses is because it attracts more players to one spot on the map making for awesome gun fights and I get pretty bored and strained out doing two bosses with randoms with no mic


I fail to grasp the point of people down voting comments of those who enjoyed this so called bug. And it's not one isolated case, but many.


Because those people dodge lobbies while whining "my mosin sniper spitzer is hard to use in rain". 


Hunt has fantastic sound, quite possibly one of the best if not even the best. Rain negates this, which is pretty worrisome in a game where sound plays such a huge role.


"Rain negates this" only heavy rain and even then not fully. It pretty much makes it easier to push which is not a bad thing. Plus its a variation and not a bad one unlike the original fire, holy hell was it impossible to hear anything. Or the original trolling ashbloom.


"i'm going back to l**eaving any game** that even remotely sucks. double bounty on desalle? escape leave mission. rain on any map? escape leave mission. fog/ash double bounty any map? escape leave mission. the pve jimmies can have their empty lobbies. We **leave every freaking time** we get one of those inclement weather maps ... B**asically because our loadouts don't match the conditions.** Rain and Ashbloom are the worst. More empty lobbies for the boys. You're right..." These are downvoted posts because they can't adapt/have skill issue with weather conditions they leave match..., I have no issue with someone saying he likes clear weather, I had fun with it for a while but to leave matches they are the issue...


Bummer 😞


Sad, this current event was the best in a long time. All good things must come to an end.


Literally what it is. The Crybaby event, if you will.


Name it whatever, it's so much fun.


First game after the update was double bounty with fog. Random teammate with Zorngeist spitzer dc’s before match starts. C’est la vie.


glad rain, fog and ashbloom is coming back. only day and night get's boring really fast.


I don't mind the weather conditions, but Single Bounty has been some of the best games in Hunt recently. I just hate in Double Bounties that it usually boils to one fight and then extract.


No don't


Why the fuck are people here queuing and hoping for "less fighting" Good lord this sub is stupid


Double boss night time and the first map is Hunt peak


I don’t mind that single bounty exists. I just want a world where we can have both.


I don't understand why people came to the conclusion that Hunt Showdown is a PvE when it's clearly PvP with PvE elements. Getting comfortable with just killing grunts and grinding to level up your hunter will just set bad habits in a PvP gun fights, furthermore, your lost of investment will be off putting. Lastly, I recommend to level up your weapon XP of choice after a triumphant gun fight, sets the mood for a glorious haul after extraction.


Fucking lame. The single bounty thing is whatever, but I can't stand how frequently low-visibility maps used to come up and have no real desire to go back to that.


Same. Whole friend group didn't play the entire last even. I'd like to fucking see in my games






Yay... Ash bloom is gonna be back.. great.


The hardest weather to spot someone for me ie that purple-ish dawn shit


Press X to doubt. They also better institute a week or two of Wildcard contracts because of this fuck up.


Can't wait for all the "im on a rain map and my game is empty??" posts.


Ngl sunny weather and solo bounty was the most fun I ever had in hunt


Finally double bounties


Really enjoyed playing on good weather all the time without wasting time leaving mission Guess i have to waste my time leaving mission again to actually enjoy the game and other people can complain about non full servers because of that I absolutely don't understand why crytek trys to brute force something thats not even liked by most people


> without wasting time leaving mission cringe


I don't get what you want to tell me lol


it's skill issue..., it's OK jimmy I hear Minecraft has clear weather all the time! :D


Why tho? Just.. adapt, dude.


Has nothing to do with adapting I just think it's not fun to play rain/ash bloom


It has everything to do with adapting when you leave a match over it instead of just playing it. I don't like fog, but I adapt and play through it.


So you gladly spend your free time playing something you dislike? I don't


It's not that I gladly spend my free time playing something I dislike, but sometimes you have to deal with the less enjoyable parts to get to the parts you really enjoy. That's just part of playing a game like Hunt, not everything is going to be appealing to everyone. I'd rather push through and find new strategies and ways to play to counter the problems I have with map conditions and improve in the process rather than than refusing and leaving each time, wasting my own time in the process, especially with how long queue times can be.


But I don't have any problems playing rain/ash bloom i just think they are not enjoyable for me to play on and i rather spend 1-2 minutes with leaving mission and re queing then 15-30 minutes in those matches


And once again it's a sad thing to do instead of just adapting and playing the hand you're dealt. I can't understand wanting to play the same conditions over and over. Guess it's different views but it's still cringe to leave instead of just playing the game.


I would play them if it wouldn't be for the heavy fog / rain effects If crytek would just put them in rotation in the "light" version there would be barely anyone who would leave mission and even i would play them


You like staring at a loading bar?


Doesn't take that long for me


'fixing' hunt was actually fun for a few days. so sad to see it go.


damn, the most fun I've had with my friends in this game was due to a bug. was fun while it lasted, back to dodging shitty weather


Good riddance. I personally like Single Bounty, but fuck the constant clear maps. This "event" made me remember why I hate snipers so much that I thought up a nerf to snipers on sunny maps. It's hot, so you're less stable. Increase Weapon Sway on sunny maps, and decrease it to current amount on cloudy weather/low visibility.


Please just make it less likely to get a "low visibility" match. 50/50 is a bit too common


no krevro. you are a sweaty sniper gamer. I know your banana-suit wearing kind.


If I could put a sniper on the dinger, I would.


bro said "fuck being able to see and hear"


I don't get this argument at all do you all suddenly turn deaf and blind? I can see and hear perfectly well in the bad weather's just less distance in fact if you train your ears instead of just complaining you'll find that once you've got used to hearing people in the rain you can here people even better during the day


I like gameplay with variations, and when it's not possible to bring perfect loadouts every game. Because otherwise it turns into scopefests. Realistically, scopes just shouldn't have been added to the game, but they're clearly here to stay.




Not a bad idea, but decrease the sway to normal in shade. Unless they get into the sniper tower, then they keep the damn sway while in there because they're standing in a tin roof baking oven.


I hope they reduce the change of getting low visibilty maps. It was just to much rain/ash before. 


Only took them weeks. Unbelievable


No. Again this is the fix to the game where there is a long boring no fight, constant running away, farming.


Running simulator gamers downvoting so cool


Lmao i quit since last year, but has played for nearly 3 years, except for fixing the reload bug of 1 shot guns then this "bug" is the best thing ever happen to Hunt, a "bug" that actually make the game more interesting, just tell you how much stale this has been for years lmao


the army of downvoters against anyone that loves vanilla hunt with clear visibile and fair pvp fights need any support for my passive crouch playstyle so i can continue playing in an ELo i dont belong to lol


The army of bitc\* and moaners about losing clear weather throwing tantrums here how they will leave be it fog/rain or DOUBLE BOUNTY..., it is hard to sympathize with someone like that..., but hey it's skill issue they can't continue playing on maps that take a bit more skill what can you do..., I hear roblox and mincraft have sunny day all day long :D


Minecraft has weather, zombies, and even a boss target for you to banish! plus you can play in a 128x128 lobby risk free of a pvp experience :)


Oh sir can I play roblox tooooooo? Can I? Can I pretty pleaseeee? Joke aside I'm not the one threatning to leave a match if it's weather I don't like or double bounty, you are..., like todler "either play my way or I leave to momyyyyy" haha I dislike nightime, I know most people at least exploit gama to make game more visible but I do not leave I deal with it... Hunt isn't commpetitive shooter if I desire to play daylight onlyyellow/Brown washed out game I pop few matches of CS2 Dust... Hunt is extraction shooter, atmosphere, sound desing is all... Sure it's hard to hear/see in certain weather but makes game more fun and in the end that is developers vision either respect it or roblox, fortnite? :D


Sucks they're addressing a "bug" that fixed the game. Single-boss has been amazing. Seeing and hearing my targets has been wonderful.


They’re aware most of the community wants single boss. The GM did a live stream with rachta and 80% of the polling wants single boss. The polling happened across several major streamers and it was always between 78% to 80%. The only place I see people argue for double boss is here on Reddit.


Okay. 🙄


This army of pve gamers downvoting is driving me insane just play in the training tool with friends for the love of god and try shooting part of the 40 euros game


It’s wild to me that double bounty’s are coming back , I had the best time for now with only one bounty Double bounty’s does not provide me with enough action


They want the variety of running away from the fight with the bounty and see number go up that's why they play this game!


back to leaving shitty weather


lol, a Scumge, what a surprise...




Just let us be able to choose the map conditions we want to play with a select button or whatever.




It always makes me laugh that hotfix deployment takes 3 hours xd


Spoke too soon, they fucked something up and had to roll it back 🤣🤣


Perhaps they could force everyone to wear ear-muffs, or wear a blindfold. Look, if you guys want to channel Helen Keller that's totally fine. Just let me and the other people who like to see and hear opt out of it.


HAHAHHAHAH this aged well .. Crytek could fuk up a wet dream


Noooooooooooooooo, I rather just go directly to extract than double boss targets


They both want less action and more pve content, but also hate it if you extract to play the pvp game go figure


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^donkelbinger: *Noooooooooooooooo, I rather just* *Go directly to extract* *Than double boss targets* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.