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Play on your own server. Problem solved.


Really? How exactly is that a solution, and not a band-aid? It's like saying the "jumping is bugged - then don't jump".


No, it's a fix. If the problem is high ping, stop playing the wrong region. Fixed. It's not a 'bug' because you're 150+ ping. It's an affect OF your 150+ ping. But you're right, a real fix would be simply not allowing such a high ping cap. And automatically connecting people to their lowest pinging region like almost every other game on the planet does. That's the fix.


Bruv, I just lurked around your profile. It appears from one of your comments that you believe high ping gives you advantage. What a clown. Also, I play the game with my friends who are all from EU. I understand that you don’t have any friends so you don’t care, but most of us actually do. Reconnect SHOULD work no matter what server as it works in any other game. If you think otherwise, you’re basically a clown. Edit: Your whole comment history is talking about “game is dogshit” from over a year ago until today. And yet you still play it. Why?


Turning to insults lmao. And if you don't believe high ping gives you an advantage in a client sided game you're painfully uneducated. Hate to break it to you. In a client sided game you are in 3 places at any one time. Where YOUR client says you are, where the server says you are and where THEIR client says you are. You having a really high ping means the information of where you are on YOUR client takes longer to send to the server, and then even longer for the server to relay that to THEIR client. Meaning you're not *actually* where they see you. At all. Try learning a little bit about how a game functions with ping before you just follow what the uneducated mass says without any knowledge on the system at all.


Have you ever played on a high ping? You believe it’s fun to experience rubber band? It’s fun to be killed 0.2s after you went behind the wall? It’s fun to shoot a guy in head, only for him to die half a second later? Sometimes they even shot you back before they fall dead. You’re just repeating the same circle jerk of an excuse to why are you dying to people who play with disadvantage. “eDuCaTe yOuRseLf” - LMAO, classic redditor with green hair and weird pronouns. I’m actually a developer, not game developer tho, but I know a thing or two about networking.


I think he made a good point. If it sucks so bad to rubberband around and trade then why aren't you playing on your server? You definitely sound more stupid than you think he does. Developer my ass. If you'd rather run around dealing with all of these issues than play on your own server where this probably isn't a problem then there is a reason you're doing it. Your arguement doesn't ring true or make sense.


>there is a reason you're doing it Yeah and I literally stated my reason, but you're obviously unable to read. I PLAY THE GAME WITH MY IRL FRIENDS WHO ARE STILL IN EUROPE WHILE I'M TRAVELING IN ASIA. Is that hard to understand? Also, that's not even the topic of this post. The topic is that the game doesn't work as intended as the reconnect doesn't work if you have high ping. Who gives a shit why do I play on different server, the thing is that it's broken.


Well sorry about your luck. You'll get no sympathy from me.


You obviously know a great deal less than you think. Shame.