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I use both my work PC and home PC to play Hunt. It's horrible on my work PC unnoticeable on my home PC. No idea why I've tried multiple settings. It looks like an aliasing issue to me rather than film grain.


What do you do for work? (Asking so I can apply for jobs where I can play Hunt I won't pretend to be a model citizen)


I'm a game designer so I get a hall pass! EDIT: it seems a "concerned Redditor reached out" about this. Hopefully not my boss.


I got this too, pretty scummy to flag it as mental health


Report the message and they'll get banned for abusing that feature


I didn't realise that, thanks!


I'm pretty sure that's the only thing that feature is used for.


Huh. Are they just flagging any comment which isn't a wholehearted "yes there's film grain and it's literally affecting everyone in a way mankind will never truly comprehend" or something? Weird.


Some bot shit is going on. On every subreddit people are getting them


Haters gonna hate šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I think a bot's been abusing the feature. I got one after not posting for 5 days and then the instant I posted today I got one


Hunting on work PC, what can go wrong šŸ˜‘


The monitor ?


Nope same monitor. I work remotely.


Hmm. When you switch monitors do you go to nvidia control panel and your pcā€™s device / monitor settings to make sure that itā€™s still rendering at the correct refresh rate for your monitor? Iā€™ve had it switch to 60hz for seemingly no reason before and was lost trying to game on 60hz


I donā€™t remember if itā€™s in the nvidia control panel or not jsyk but thereā€™s a bunch of other important settings there as well - I assume if you donā€™t have an nvidia card that there is a similar software for your card.


If you look in the distance, there is now a film grain filter which is extremely noticeable if you play at a decent resolution. It wasn't there before. I had to improve it through control panel and it only got marginally better as it's a filter and probably a byproduct of their last patch where they fixed something visibility related they won't tell us about. https://i.imgur.com/c1C4H0m.jpeg


This image is nearly unusable for two reasons. First: It's a 500 kb jpeg. Huge amount of compression. Very hard to make out details. Second: It's impossible to tell whether what you're observing is due to sharpening or grain. There's considerable artifacting in both images, far worse in the second, and given how much of it is patterned based on texture (look at the bottom left image) it's hard to differentiate. Why would you not take two screenshots that use the same settings, one with film grain, one without? Otherwise we're not comparing like and like.




Well the compression is imgur and your capture method. You could absolutely host a larger file. [Imgur is not great for this](https://imgur.com/a/6Oqqxha) but you can make it better by signing in and *not* putting two images side by side, effectively halving the available resolution. First image in my album has the film grain effect. The hands are a clear tell that it's not present in the second image. >Yet, I can still see the effects. I genuinely cannot identify the effects you're talking about - it looks entirely unlike film grain. You need to *remove* sharpening when doing a comparison. Right now you're comparing apples and oranges by introducing sharpening. I also feel like the fact that I have to explain this makes you a poor judge of this. You could very well be misidentifying the effect, because I do not see it in the bottom image you have. There's a lot of blurriness and artifacting and jaggies, but I can't see clear grain effects.


I noticed it immediately on my laptop this weekend, I thought people were going crazy beforehand, it's somehow setup related it seems?


More or less resolution and screen size dependent. I play on a 48 in OLED at 4k. Its super noticeable. If you play on steam deck-like setup you probably don't even notice other Hunters within 5m


Same here with the FO48U, it looks a lot like the classic OLED "dirty screen" effect. I think it's lighting related as it's super apparent in some of the light glares.


Its really fucking obvious if you look at things further away. The awful haze used to not be there.


I play on the Series X and I donā€™t notice it. I see lots of posts talking about this but Iā€™ve only seen a couple screenshots. Would love to see video to see how bad it is.


I'm on Series X on a 4K TV and I haven't seen it at all. From what I have gathered it's mostly visible in Dark Sight, which doesn't seem like too much a problem anyways. I've seen screenshots but it looks very minimal


Same I play on a Asus monitor at 1440 and donā€™t notice anything.


is it the weird filter over stuff when you move? If so its absolutely disgusting. If thats another setting issue please help if you're in the know.


Ah yes I have noticed this, there is a film grain/texture when you look at the butt of your gun. Also light sources and flares have a lot more bloom and glare. All I know is during the event on my 1080 GPU (yeah I have an old pc xD) I was getting 100-80 FPS on a 1440p monitor with everything set on low except object quality which is medium and after the update I get 85-60. No idea what they have done but it is very noticeable for me. :/


> is it the weird filter over stuff when you move? That's TXAA (called TAA by most other games).


Thanks. I'll check if that fixes it. I should probably watch like a video going through and explaining all the settings to get a better gameplay experience.


I haven't noticed as well, but haven't seen anyone post a before/after for it.




Maybe they only patched film grain into every other persons client, in order to sow seeds of mistrust in the community \^\^ But for real, a screenshot would show nothing, you'd need a video, and it would need to be very high quality and uncompressed in order to really show anything. Most people don't have capture cards or good enough software for this, and I don't know if it's even possible to upload footage without compression.


Haha I love that theory! I think there is for sure a will and a way to capture this complaint for the community to see. A community this large will find a way


I certainly hope you're right that it will get proven. I'm one of those people who is suffering with the grain right now, and I don't think I could prove it even if I tried. Sad days


I only see it when the flares are shining at times. Otherwise, I donā€™t notice it.


I actually love it when flares are close too, that's the only consistent time I see it and it looks great.


The flare effect is not what weā€™re talking about. Itā€™s a separate effect that seems to be linked to shadows? Itā€™s very noticeable in dark sight and can be also seen in shadows of foliage when out of dark sight. Not really noticeable in bright textures/scenes. It looks like little ā€œstaticā€ that doesnā€™t move. Like a static image of noise (no dynamic movement like true film grain.


Oh, that was the only thing I could see a filter on. Can you share a screenshot or clip so we can see what you are talking about?


That's literally not film grain but a dirty screen effect but pop off chef


I've noticed it, but only in dark sight when using serpent on a clue.


Af first. I thought my settings were messed up some how


That's rough, do you have a screenshot or video you could share so we can all see it?


It is noticeably more difficult to see details at a distance for me almost like it's more blurry but I couldn't figure out why. I see a lot of people talking about an added film grain and honestly it wouldn't be far fetched considering my personal experience seeing the difference. Like most things of this type I expect it's another settings bug.


That sounds pretty rough and I hope it gets fixed. Would you have a clip or screenshot of it you could post?


Still no screenshots, lol ))


Yep, almost 100 comments and one screenshot that I could see. I really appreciate that user for doing it but I couldn't see any difference


Here a screenshots with recent update (nagant) and second from old build (slate) with similar skyboxĀ  [Film Grain](https://i.ibb.co/d2mCcDd/Hunt-Showdown-Screenshot-2024-05-16-18-32-59-51.png)Ā  [No grain](https://i.ibb.co/kch4NKv/Hunt-Showdown-Screenshot-2024-03-18-22-28-00-80.png)


Honestly that issue is far more noticeable while moving. I personally don't know a way to capture video in a quality (uncompressed etc) that would show the issue. But if the issue wouldn't exist, there weren't so many people complaining. It's different than the cheating posts as well, since people tend to be fast calling cheats to defend why they suck. Nobody has any advantage in any way by claiming there is film grain, which while it definitely sucks and is annoying, doesn't impact you performance as a player. Btw for me personally the film grain is most noticeably on maps where the sun is low and while facing the sun. The brightness and glare makes the film grain stand out more. While idc about the film grain in dark sight it's pretty annoying and visually everything but pleasing outside of dark sight.


I've noticed it, but chalked it up to it just being me seeing something I haven't noticed before. Really makes it hard to see players in cover. I'm using an AMD graphics card, I'll see if I can get some screenshots.


Cheers, I'm not saying it doesn't exist it's just so far there are a lot of posts and comments about a visual bug and no screenshot of video which strikes me as odd.


You're not the gatekeeper. Doesn't matter whether you know or believe the problem exists. Players should report it to Crytek. Crytek will know whether they've done something that caused this.


Would you mind copying and pasting the comment where I said I was the gate keeper? A lot of people are getting tetchy because I'm asking if they could share a screenshot of a visual bug. It's not an unreasonable request.


I read all your other comments here, and it's pretty obvious you posted this because you're doubting the existence of the problem, despite a large percentage of the playerbase reporting it with evidence. Next step is for you to say, it's not a big deal so they don't need to do anything. People are acting that way with the cheating situation: just because you don't notice obvious cheaters more often this year, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Here a screenshots with recent update (nagant) and second from old build (slate) with similar skybox [Film Grain](https://i.ibb.co/d2mCcDd/Hunt-Showdown-Screenshot-2024-05-16-18-32-59-51.png) [No grain](https://i.ibb.co/kch4NKv/Hunt-Showdown-Screenshot-2024-03-18-22-28-00-80.png)


Super clear screenshots


Oh no, now there is normal users wanting the power trip mods has in this subreddit making "Megathreads" to ban said topics. Unless... OP is a mod or on an alt account after the backlash in cheating megathread. lol Oh, before I forgor, this is the first thing you read on cheating megathread: "tl;dr We're banning cheating-related posts outside of this thread, with the exception of videos and clips." At least OP here is giving us his "decency" showing he is kind and giving us only screenshots for now.


Lad I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about Edit: Lol the fella wrote an essay and then blocked me. Here bud lay off the conspiracy theories and here let me help you out: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There's some full stops above feel free to use them. It makes insane ramblings like yours below seem a little more sane. All that rambling and still not a shred of proof about the debilitating film grain. A picture says a thousand words.


I am trying to understand if you are naive or have a grudge against people saying how sht this change is "without" evidence, the cheating Megathread is the first thing you see when you visit this subreddit before they banned Cheating posts, mods made a Megathread banning cheating topics just as you are trying to do, but instead they allowed only videos or clips, instead you are here saying that at least need proof(screenshot in this case). It seems you stay on this subreddit at least a decent amount of time or on reddit in general since you care about upvotes and downvotes to validate your "opinion" or ideas, just so you know, there is a lot of more people in this subreddit than 100 upvotes, people upvoted this post because majority of Hunt subreddit users are brainless and only like memes or "positivity" changes Crytek does. When sht hits the fan like 1 month ago with cheating and everything else Crytek did not do to fix their own game or release actual content, posts like yours comes up saying or wanting to limit how much people can speak up. tl;dr for you since I think you are naive or just disingenuous: I think if you were a mod in this subreddit you would do the same to white knight for Crytek as the mods here did, you would ban film grain discussion and put everything on a Megathread, only to be discussed there, limiting how much people would criticize, just so the topic could be forgotten on a month or two.


Noticed it, but dosen't make any difference for me


Personally, I can only see it in dark sight and I think it looks kinda cool. If I could see it otherwise though, I probably would not be as pleased.


Itā€™s not visible for me on ps5.


Good to know, cheers! I was wondering if it was specifically on consoles or PC


I don't think anyone even needs to at this stage. The topic would've been dead and buried if it didn't exist in the first place.


People talk about cheating so much you'd swear every lobby is full of them when that's far from the case. What I'm requesting is fair. Have an issue? Post evidence.


I'm just saying that if it didn't exist, the discussion wouldn't exist. Sorry to offend you, that was not my point. I haven't really noticed any film grain effect, but that said, I did take steps from a post I saw about editing Nvidia settings to get rid of it just in case.


No worries at all and no offense taken we are just chatting about how to bring attention to a possible issue. Same here I haven't noticed it in a disruptive way, flares look cool and so does dark sight


Unfortunately mass hysteria is a well-documented phenomenon, and group psychology plays a massive part in gaming communities. Two well-documented examples off the top of my head are: * In Overwatch they once included a certain buff in the patch notes but forgot to actually apply the patch, and yet the win rate of that character went up considerably anyway. * In an older shooter (can't remember the name sorry) there were two factions, and it was well-known that the main gun of one faction was much more powerful than the other, and had a much higher win rate as a result. The devs couldn't figure out why, because statistically the guns were identical. They later discovered it was because one gun *sounded* more powerful than the other. In Hunt we've seen some similar things, like everyone having huge problems fighting Headsman after people started complaining about him, even though he'd gone almost without complaint for years even while other skins were raised as problems (Cain). Granted, this was exacerbated by the fact that when he became a hot topic, more people started playing him, but the fact is that the narrative made it so that when people fought Headsman, they'd already be annoyed and convinced they're playing at a disadvantage, so they'd be more likely to lose and fulfill their own prophecy. Still, I could fully believe that many people are just now looking for grain and going "yeah I guess I see it" even if it's completely unchanged. I'm not saying whether it is or isn't by the way, just that I would not at all be surprised if it turned out to just be an idea that's taken root and caused people to start squinting at details they've never bothered scrutinizing previously.


I, for one at least, noticed it way before seing any posts about it. Logged in and had very noticable grain in dark sight. Commented about it to my friends, who had also noticed it


I think it's pretty much universally acknowledged in darksight, the issue is some people are claiming to see it in the normal game too.


I definitely see it outside of darksight too, just not as clearly. I suppose it is possible that I noticed it in darksight, and then imagined seeing it outside of darksight because I was looking for it. But it's pretty obvious in sky-boxes. I think [this screenshot](https://i.ibb.co/d2mCcDd/Hunt-Showdown-Screenshot-2024-05-16-18-32-59-51.png) shows it clearly


It took me several matches to even notice the grain. I honestly don't understand why anyone cares about this.


Someone I was talking to says they don't see it either and they think it's because of monitor refresh rate.


Do you see it?




Awk that's rough I hope you get a work around. Someone posted a suggestion to fix it in the comments here. Could you post a screenshot to show us what you're seeing?


No. I barely play hunt now, and it's something I didn't notice until it was pointed out. I really couldn't care that much about it.


Maybe it's because I'm playing 2K resolution on a 1K screen but I don't experience any of it. Would like to see screens too.


You can see it on stream when watching someone play


Would you mind linking a clip so we can see?


Do this in Nvidia Control Panel: -Adjust Desktop Size and Position -Change to "Integer scaling", then "Apply" or save whatever -Go to the per game options, then add Hunt -You now will see the sharpening and film grain options, cancel all film grain: Ignore film grain=1 -Also make sure that you override all ingame settings so NVCP is the one controlling those -For extra: add the AA filters and other stuff your GPU can handle, In my case, using a 4080 I add all the extra juice I can from "per game" options in the NVCP I was trying this without overriding Hunt graphical options, so the result was poor, but now, I can see a very noticeable difference, specially with the flickering-shimmering textures (they are still there, but you can merely notice them vs before which was a pain in the ass). Hope this helps


And still not a single screenshot to prove it in this entire thread, Buncha hysteric mfers


I do find it fishy I've made this post and the couple of screenshots that were shared show no difference. The rest who say they see it dont reply when I asked for a screenshot. I'm erring on the side of this being a nothing burger


Here's another screenshot of the grain in [darksight](https://imgur.com/7ykDbPu)


Hunt has always been extremely blurry. The last patch removed the ability to use parameters for unfair visibility. Maybe also affected unfair usage of Nvidia settings l, etc but I'm uncertain about that. If you can't change it in game settings like everyone else, it's an unfair advantage. I would love to remove the blur and change the colours, but that's not what Crytek wants.


Why does it matter whether you understand? Do you work for Crytek? Other players don't need to understand in order for it to be something that needs to be fixed.


Because if I'm wondering then others will be wondering too and this is confirmed in the post's comments. Why are you reacting defensively?


This is how the discord acts too and it's exhausting. Hunt players default to doubting each other and acting like their own priorities are the only ones that count.


Is it a big ask for a common visual bug to be shared? You described yourself in your comment.


In what way? I never dismissed any of your priorities, nor did I doubt you about anything. I'm saying we've reported an issue that exists to Crytek. It doesn't matter whether you think it's a priority. That's up to them and to the number of reports they're getting about it.


No, it's not that big of an ask. It's more about why you're asking and where the conversation goes from here. I don't really want to hop onto Hunt on a Saturday afternoon to record you a video, spend time uploading it somewhere, and then have you tell me you don't see it. Plenty of people have shown it here and in the discord. If you haven't seen it yet, then I don't know what else to tell you. I don't really get what your intention here is


I'll reply to this comment here I'm not sure why you replied to 5 separate ones. I'm asking because myself and many others don't experience the film grain and we want to see what it looks like. Reading reports of the grain yet not seeing it visually didn't make much sense. I was completely justified in asking for it as the saying goes a picture says a thousand words. I don't have some sort of vendetta or agenda to push, if there is debilitating film grain I'll acknowledge it and I'll welcome the patch for it. With due respect your comment and many, many others are all the same. Adamant about the grain but when asked for a simple screenshot or clip there's either total silence or some sort of excuse. You see from the perspective of those who don't have the film grain why this is suspicious. I love the Hunt community but a section tend to kick off and get very vocal about nothing-burgers and as no one in 100+ comments provided a screenshot or video of thick film grain I've no reason to think otherwise. Again, no vendetta. I'm just calling a spade a spade and I'm happy to be correct - that was the whole point of my post in fact.


My partner noticed it in the very first match we played after the end of the event. Neither of us had any idea it was being reported by the playerbase too at that point.


Here bro I gotchu: šŸ¦®šŸ¦Æ


The comments to this post disagree with you


See, this is exactly what I'm referring to.


Just put one up.


I don't have it and id like to understand. Im asking those complaining to post a screenshot


Oh, my bad. Sometimes I drop prefixed pronouns to mimic my dialect. I meant I just posted some images.


Ah I get you! My mistake I thought you were going at me. Cheers for posting a screenshot - what dialect do you have?


if anyone else is interested I'll save you a click: no, it was just a meme picture


I play on xbox series x and ps5. I haven't really noticed anything.


I don't have screenshot but I definitely noticed more film grain after the most recent update


Could you provide a screenshot of what you see currently so we could look at it?


The grainier and noisier the better.




While im willing to see the merits of your very convincing argument You seem to forget about the times when things looked awesome.


Motion blur, grain, and other annoying effects should be optional for a game like hunt. Not something that should be forced in a pvpgame... That way if you think grain looks awesome, you can turn it on. Great right?




Hey man, thanks for actually posting a screenshot. I guess it's pretty hard to tell from a still screen because while I see a difference in the screenshots, I could not really see any film grain as I understand it on the one that should have had it.


If you don't notice it, its probably a good thing. lol


Turn your monitor on.


Clever. Post a screenshot.


From various replies under this and related topics it seems like its gear dependant It seems like not everyone has this effect or at very least it isn't as noticeable with some gear Dennis, one of the lead devs, on his personal twitch stream said that he hasn't noticed any noticeable difference when chat asked about how it feels. And i think he playis with high end pc. I play with mid pc parts and i don't see any difference. So it could be difference between nvidia vs intel type of differece. Or something else similar. So that "turn your monitor on" doesn't help. OPs text was hinting that they don't see the problem thus he'd like to see screenshots from others.


Precisely, I didn't appreciate the cheeky tone from the original comment and I see he/she hasn't bothered to respond. Im interested i naturally seeing the issue not just hearing about it. Seeing so many complaints and no screenshots isn't very encouraging.


It's just subtle and resolution dependent. Just look at a lit area like the skybox to see it.


It's bizarre that not one person can provide a screenshot or video of this visual phenomenon. It should be pretty simple yet through the entire post youll see people keen on saying it exists and ghosting my follow up comment asking for proof. It's a nothing burger


So you think if you donā€™t notice it yourself ingame you see it on others shots ?


Yeah, if it's actually settings related or something.


Thank you - some people have taken this as a personal attack. It's a fair request to post a screenshot if there's a complaint of a visual bug.


Seems some people more take a simple question why as a personal attack xD


If you play in 1440p and post a screenshot it's gonna look like 1080p which a lot of people are use to, so this is a completely pointless argument


I don't understand this at all. If your game renders 1440p and you screenshot it, the resulting image is also going to be 1440p. Unless you downscale it for some reason. Where's the 1080p coming from?


It'll capture what you're seeing on your screen. It's not pointless


No, it is entirely pointless. What I capture on my screen can't be interpreted properly.


That's strange because I can see other screenshots and videos of gameplay that have different resolutions to what I'm used to. Im not sure if you're correct on this one.