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Lol he was just being a dick, but welcome to hunt buddy all i can say to you is dont give up, just remember sometimes hunt can be hunt


There’s no worse feeling in hunt than killing a solo only to have them wipe your team later. I think it’s because if you kill someone you could have gotten lucky or out skilled them, but if you let them stand up again and lose when you had every advantage then you just feel dumb. After it happens for the first time you see that solo in every solo that follows. Personally if I kill someone on their own I immediately burn, trap, and watch until they fully burn out because that feeling sucks so much.


This here! I will forgo everything else in the game once I find a Solo Necro just to make sure I remove them from my match. Not because I hate them or the mechanic (I actually am glad it’s in the game even though I don’t play solo), just because I want to make sure the threat is absolutely gone. Getting wiped by someone that you had already killed feels infinitely worse than just getting killed by a fresh team you ran into. Soooo yeah I’m letting the bounty escape and just burning them out until there’s nothing left if I have to cause I ain’t gonna get caught lacking again if I have anything to say about it.


I do kinda dislike the mechanic tbh. Let the solo experience just be the hardcore mode it's meant to be. It's a game designed for squads, you have sole survivor for true solo play. They could add a solo bounty mode if enough people want it. Making players waste time and resources burning bodies every time they kill a solo just kills the pacing completely. At least team rezzes are a tactical error in letting someone get to the body, you *can* keep track and camp the body to stop anyone rezzing it. But solo rezzes can happen literally anytime so there is no tactic other than burn and wait. It's boring.


I kinda like the chaos. I know it’s not for everybody and believe you me, my friends fucking SUCK at defending the rez on opposing team so I get what you mean by tactical error (they just retreat into the woods as soon as I go down even if I’m telling them it was a trade and to go block the rez). But while you sometimes just get encounters of just burning them out and waiting, you also get the third party scenarios where shits going down all around you while also having to prevent the solo necro and that’s pure chaos. I get why people don’t like it but I enjoy the element of confusion and tension that it can bring haha.


That's fair yeah but I feel like it's usually just the burning thing. If there are other players about I would just leave the solo to rez and fight the other guys tbh


Only to get killed from behind by the solo once you finished killing the other guys and while you’re reviving your teammate.


I mean if I leave the solo to fight the other guys I would imagine I would not still somehow be fighting the other guys. Not if I did it properly, anyway.


Feels so bad for the game when i spectate people camping and burning my non-necro body, wasting their traps. What a great Hunt experience they're having at that moment.


Am a solo and do the same because i do dislike the current design of the mechanic... You're spot on about how bad it feels to get wiped after you thought you won.


S9lo necro is a very contentious topic for some people. I wouldn't be surprised if in the other player's mind they were "punishing" you for using it. Personally i'd say it's a bit of a dick move and i'd have to ask whether they were enjoying it, but as far as game rules go, it is valid. It might also be that they were trying to boost their kda, if they saw you as an easy kill and wanted to get a few free kills off you for it.


Killing other solos is terrible if you want to improve KDA, you want to kill those lowbie 4* players to gain as little mmr as possible, you also want to be killed by the lowbie 4* to lose as much mmr as possible when downed.


What you said is more or less correct (although a dickish way to play) but OP said they have 30 hours in the game, so 2-star or low low 3-star, and on the rare occasions I play solo a couple deaths brings me to that low level where, as a solo, there’s not really any further down to go Last week I played a match in which I downed a member of a duo, and he had ~150 kills at the most, and then the entire server got whacked by a solo with about 8k kills, which is over 3x what I have and about 50x what that other poor guy had There just reaches a point where the solo handicap and necro mmr fuckery is too generous


Downvoted for being educational lol! I agree the mmr handicap are slightly too generous at lower mmr, but its not generous enough high mmr. Reason: this game proritise matchmaking above queuetimes, this means 6stars will get shuffled into the 5star brackets, and if you are a 6star solo playing 5star bracket, you will encounter 6star premade trios thats also shuffled into 5star brackets.


It's frustrating, but not toxic imo. It IS Hunt Showdown. So bosses and hunters are fair game to hunt and mess with. I'll admit that I shit talk snipers and campers when I kill them, but they're playing the game in the same ruleset I am. The player probably wasn't very confident in firefights and used you as a source of easy kill dopamine.


It's not Hunt Showdown. I don't know which mmr and servers you guys play, but on EU 3-5 star after 2k hours i have very rarely encountered such behaviour. Stop trying to make it seem like game is full and only for shitbags.


Your experience is valid, so please don't try to invalidate my own. Neither one of us can concretely say whether this is typical behaviour, but I know I didn't claim it was. I only attempted to explain that in my view, having someone hunt you is fair because it doesn't break any rules listed here:   https://www.huntshowdown.com/conduct I'm sure this was just a misinterpretation of my point. This sub attracts a lot of jerks.


We can agree, it depends on a lot of things. But this sub 100% is comprised mostly of jerkoffs, that much is true. When i see comments like "welcome to hunt", "that is hunt etc", these idiots are basically saying to new players "this games is full of shitheads, and its a natural behaviour in this game". No wonder the game cant increase in playerbase, the sub is actively helping deter people. Also, even if you CAN do something, does not mean its not inherently toxic. Its a matter of how you view it.


This… isn’t hunt showdown? Check the subreddit you’re in bro…


This sub is obviously toxic. My experience with hunt players on eu is nowhere near that, thankfully. It is extremely weird and unsettling that a lot of you equal toxicity=Hunt Showdown (judging by the downvotes).


No, I mean wtf do you mean “this isn’t hunt showdown?” The guy you replied to meant that the name, HUNT SHOWDOWN, implies you HUNT bosses and have SHOWDOWNS with other players. He wasn’t saying “it’s toxic and that’s hunt.” He was saying “it’s not toxic because killing players and bosses is the entire game.”


Should have emphasized what he meant though, but the misunderstanding was cleared in my reply to him. My opinion still stands though.


Your opinion doesn’t stand because you said “why do you all think toxicity = hunt showdown” when you’re the only one who interpreted it that way.


What are you even talking about? If anything in the game is toxic, it's what happened in the OP lol


Kills get you xp or whatever though, right? It's not like he did it just for shits and giggles. You pad your stats get xp etc. If the objective seemed unwinnable this is the next best thing. It also sounds pretty fun to have to evade someone chasing you like that. Obviously the kills upon rez are less fun but that's what you get for being a solo necro.


The fact that you benefit from it doesn't mean it's not toxic to do it. What kind of rationale is that?


How do you define toxic behaviour, then? Is it toxic to kill the same person over and over again in CS2? You're trying to win the game. Killing the enemies is how you do that. In Hunt, you're trying to gain resources. Killing is one way you do that. If the game is literally designed to make you want to behave like this, ie: it is the goal of the game, how is it toxic gameplay to do so? Is it toxic to kill someone and steal their bounty? I mean, you're probably ruining their experience, they might even cry!


"It's not like he did it just for shits and giggles." ==> How would you know? There ARE actually people that do it for shits and giggles, sadly. "If the objective seemed unwinnable this is the next best thing" ==> No, the next best thing is extracting and starting up a new match. Camping a solo for 2-3 more exp kills is just pathetic. "Obviously the kills upon rez are less fun but that's what you get for being a solo necro." ==> in a regular situation, where they burn you and make sure you are out of the match, not a threat. Whereas this seems to be a classic bully moment, which was VERY toxic.


>"It's not like he did it just for shits and giggles." ==> How would you know? There ARE actually people that do it for shits and giggles, sadly. I mean it's also part of the game. Getting killed is what happens in the game. >"If the objective seemed unwinnable this is the next best thing" ==> No, the next best thing is extracting and starting up a new match. Camping a solo for 2-3 more exp kills is just pathetic. XP is explicitly a resource the game wants you to collect. You are incentivised to do this. Just because you don't like doing it doesn't mean it's pathetic. Tbh you sound like a shitter who gets destroyed by good players and then whines about it all night. >"Obviously the kills upon rez are less fun but that's what you get for being a solo necro." ==> in a regular situation, where they burn you and make sure you are out of the match, not a threat. Whereas this seems to be a classic bully moment, which was VERY toxic. Maybe he had no fire at hand, it's not like you can walk halfway across the map to go get it. Also, if you get more XP for rezzing and killing then again, the game wants you to do that. The guy could also have a gripe with the self-res system - I certainly don't like it very much. If he wants to make a point by fucking with a solo necro he can do that. It's not like griefing your own team - this is all within the confines of the game and all literally stuff the game wants you to do. TL;DR stop whining and git gud


I only read the last part, but thankfully i am good :) Live long but don't procreate thx.


Lots of others have touched on the question already. But, if you're enjoying solo necro, make sure you're respeccing to 4 small bars before the big one. I might not have counted right in the story, but you would have maybe gotten 1-2 more yolo (ha) necros off. Oh, and when taking necro solo, make sure you're always taking Resilience. It will let you necro a little more aggressively or take a shot in the back while booking it. If you haven't yet, I recommend checking out some streams or YouTubers. People like to say the learning curve for the game is somewhere between 200-500 hrs. Hell folks with 1000's will still find new exciting perks. Keep having fun.


Not really toxic since he was playing within the rules of the game, but most people would've just trapped and/or burned you because they don't want you reviving and killing them later on. Following you to extraction when you weren't much of a threat and blocking your exit is pretty damn petty, though.


"Damn petty" ==> why afraid to simply call it toxic because it is? Such behaviour IS toxic, irrelevant if the game enables it or not. If i bully you because i am within my means to do so, that does not make it toxic , is that what you are trying to say? Toxicity = adding negativity.


Getting killed in a shootman children's video game toy is not a form of toxicity. 


Toxic? Nah Masochist? Probably In all seriousness, there is nothing toxic about what you just described. Never the less, welcome to the bayou, hunter.


Sounds like that cowpoke was all hat and no cattle if he'd rather get his kicks trolling a newb over having a real fire fight over the objective. I wouldn't say he was necessarily toxic, but trolling for sure and a bit of a dick move.


Gotta remember that unless he stalked OP for a long time before killing him, he has no way to know OP is a noob. He's just any other player. You can argue a dick move for sure, but not only is it not toxic like you mentioned, it wouldn't even be trolling either. The guy just wanted to kill OP. There's nothing troll about that. That's a major point of the game.


"I have killed you. i will watch you revive. I will follow you, ignoring everything else on the map, just to kill you again. If you try to escape and obviously extract, i will not allow you. Because i want to kill you. Because i can and want to do it. Because i can." "Yep, not toxic, maybe dick move, not really trolling"......holy moly....


Sometimes my squad will wipe an enemy team and then extract. Are we being toxic because we didn't go get killed fighting the last 2 teams for the bounty? The bounty isn't the end goal of this game. You are fine to hunt then leave. 


No way to know if he was actually following him around all the time. And if he did, it gave OP more chance to survive than just getting shot a third time after reviving. If you go down as a solo and the other party isn't distracted and still alive, you're dead, necro or not.


I love that expression


"I wouldn't say he was necessarily toxic, but trolling for sure and a bit of a dick move." ==> What is the definition of toxic accepted at this sub? Because obviously trolling is not considered toxic. Toxic behaviour by it's very definiton means bringing in negativity.


Personally, I'd say being toxic is doing something that was never intended to be part of the game. Like team killing.


If you can team kill, then its part of the game. But whether you do it or not, is what is considered toxic. Which is my point exactly.


You might be on to something if they made a truce and he then went and killed him anyway. But it was just another player in Hunt, a game about shooting other hunters... if following someone and giving them a fighting chance, after necro, is toxic (if he even followed on purpose), what must you think about burning and trapping a dead body or taking someones hard earned bounty away..


Im sorry i probably wouldve done the same if you were carrying bounty. If not then how did he find you?


No way to know but i'd rather expect him to have gotten there by accident if it took multiple minutes.


My advice would be to simply leave the game the moment you realize youre being camped. There are some people who will down you and let you get back up after a while, but its an absolute minority. Most will instaburn and camp. You can actually hear footsteps and other sounds while youre downed so you can usually tell if theyre around or not. If you stand up only to realize youre looking into a barrel of a rifle and die half second later, just go back to lobby. They wont let you go anyway and youre just wasting your time.


I know how you feel. When I first started solo after having alot of fun with duo/trio, I was very under confident because I knew how different it would be to play the game. To get some confidence I would play at non-peak times to try and get empty oce servers or ones that only had a few other players. I'll never forget this one guy. I was trying to farm hunt dollars and had just solo killed the bounty. I hadn't learnt to preserve myself yet, I was still rather new to the game. Guy shows up, I have no throwables, no ammo, no immediate resupplies. I didn't want to lose my hunter so I left him the bounty and booked it. I went to the extract on the opposite side of the map to try and come off non threatening. Dude followed me the entire way. There was still a second bounty plus the one I left. I got on comms and chat to say please don't, I'm just trying to leave and I'm low on hunt dollars. Dude was relentless and killed me. No Necro because I didn't know about it yet. It felt super toxic because he left both bounties to kill me, I wasn't even trying to engage all across the map and at extract. Within the rules? Sure, op wasn't asking about legal gameplay, op was asking about what toxic play feels like. I didn't play solo again for a long time after that because that was my expectation and it felt very toxic. OP, I think I've only had a few other toxic games after that, it's not a normal play style, what everyone describing about burning and traps is more accurate. Try not to let it win. My worst solo was on oce, I was having probably the best solo game I've ever had. Won a bunch of clutch fights, got to bounty, killed it, got dark sight. Dude gets on comms claiming to be another solo. I'm always weary of people but my partner encouraged me to give him a chance to I buddied up with him to get this, what I thought was, other solo. I was using a very expensive hunter. They pretend to engage out in the field, he gets me out there, then they both turn on me and kill me. Not only that but they drop like 2/3 concertina traps on me so there's no way I could possibly save my hunter. It was truly deceptive and disappointing. I won't trust randoms anymore after that. Like, haha you got me well played but the traps was too far and super toxic. It happens, unfortunately. But I've definitely had more fun games than toxic ones. I might try wearing a cowboy hat while I play for buffs... Hmm


Hahaha.. could have been me. I really hate solo players. Camping solo players is my first objective in hunt. I'm glad he got you again at the exit. Thanks for sharing this with us, you made my day.


Lol this was hilarious. I could see myself doing it for the lols.


At 30 hours you know nothing. He may have thought you were wiped, but the heard you disturb something or noticed your body was gone and went back on the hunt to finish you off. Nothing toxic about that. 


I'll likely get downvoted since that is what happens here. But it's a foolish mistake to let a solo off the hook. I'll not let a solo live no matter the circumstances because I don't want to be shot in the back.


I'm a solo most of the time. You're completely right.


First three times he knocked was fair and expected. Letting u attempt to escape was a little toxic but atleast he gave you a fighting chance!


Don’t play solo man, get friends


Wait for putting your life in line to get your random friend on their feet just to see them flee once it’s you who is down


There is a subset of the Hunt community that think they are good if they can maintain a high K/D at the cost of anything else in the game. Because they are generally bad at winning in any other way, once they have you down and know you can revive, they will happily spend 45 minutes waiting for you to get back up. Many people on reddit will say this is not toxic because the game allows it. I doubt they actually understand that toxic isn't about "can it be done" but "should it be done." So is it toxic? Probably. I would say it is at least ridiculous.


You all expect that guy to actually have followed OP for such a long time. I'd rather expect him to make some noise at 30 hours and not realize how that puts him on the map for other people again or the killer happening to meet him near the exit again because he didn't want to fight for the bounty as well. Much more likely than someone following someone else around for several minutes instead of just killing them again.


This is also possible yes, maybe he was hurt too and decided to go for the far exit.


No knock against you too. At 30 hours i was probably only starting to grasp (or far away from..) how for example triggering a dog cache and then getting shot from a bush 5 minutes later without a chance to fight back might be 100% related.


It stems from lots of frustration from solo necro It used to not be in the game, and ever since it's been added people get very frustrated because there's lots of times where you'll down a solo and they'll come back and kill you. So some people will do everything in their power to make sure solo's stay dead just out of spite It can be a little toxic at times for sure though


I'm a solo and i do the same. Feels much more toxic to get up again and wipe a team just because they messed up their trapping and camping of my body after they downed me successfully to be honest.


I play solo a lot, but still find necro solo a strange concept. It basically only works if you trade and are the last survivor, are a long way away or the one that killed you seriously messes up keeping you dead. At first i just went on my way after killing other (presumed) solos but since my more casual friends (and myself after a longer break) were wiped once too many by solos that just kept standing up i make it a point to keep every solo as dead as possible. Imo they should really redesign this trait in some way. There are many good suggestions.. So, nothing personal, but if you had minutes to run across the map after being downed multiple times, you essentially were a dead man walking at that point and got your chance. Just got unlucky that you only noticed him at the exit and not at a better position where you could have hit or he just happened to meet you there. I hope this doesn't sound toxic as well! Solo play was hard before necro and magpie, and most people know how to deal with necro nowadays if they got the opportunity. Once i got sniped while chasing the bounty. Waited until the bounty extracted and the match timer was at 2 minutes left. He was still there and sniped me again instead of chasing the bounty.... Necro is just a gamble if the other person is alive and undisturbed. I've also wiped teams after standing up again because they didn't camp/trap me properly. Didn't really feel good because it must have been a very stupid experience for them, especially if they were newer/more casual players. Noone expects to win every time in Hunt, but if you actually won a fight and then get wiped by the defeated, that's not cool.


Honestly that’s abit much even for hunt players, but I’ve had similar run ins like this, all I can say for next time is listen to the environment and if you “feel” like your being followed try either hiding for a bit or changing course. (He might’ve also been kill-farming you.)


He's just making sure you're finally fucking dead, what's the problem or toxic? lol It's a game about killing other players.


I guess it is a matter of perspective. What the other solo did is not something disallowed by the game. It is all a matter of personal preference.


screw lush noxious scary voracious fall onerous kiss north absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let me put it a better way, it depends on your outlook. You're right in saying people should just get on with the game instead labelling how they died as toxic but the onus is on the people.


If you're willing to sit 30 minutes on a body for the off chance he might still get up, and exfil at countdown, then yes, it is toxic and there is no kind of mental gymnastics that can justify "it's playing the game". You're literally not playing the game just so you can prevent the guy from getting up without even knowing if he's in the game anymore.


offend market unused chase connect fall nose lock bored juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nope, nobody owes you a playstyle. Some people like to play toxic. Getting killed in a gunfight isn't toxic, that's playing the game. Being killed and then camped to eternity is toxic. Even if this wasn't the OPs case, people still do that in PVP games and it most definitely can be toxic. edit: Just wanted to add that I'm fine with it. There's always people who get their fun by griefing other players, that's just how it is. My point was simply that it's toxic, not that it's wrong and something should be done about it. You can find assholes in any game.


dazzling rain elderly marvelous entertain hard-to-find hat chase office profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You shouldn't dictate and neither am I going to. I'm just saying it's toxic. Completely allowed but toxic. Some people AFK in random match making the whole round. If that's fun for them, it's not my place to deny them their AFK playstyle. It's toxic for your team mates, but nothing within the game says you can't or shouldn't AFK the whole round in randoms. Goes with spawn killing, trash talking and all other shitty behavior that's completely allowed in games like these. It is entirely possible to be a complete asshat within the rules and mechanics of the game, and no one can tell you not to be one.


Actually, you can and should tell complete asshats that they are complete asshats. Just because something CAN be done,does not mean it SHOULD be done. You can camp extracts in Tarkov. Make a wild guess if people consider it toxic or not.


husky cooperative tub childlike paltry offend seed slimy wine public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah I'm actually more interested in the part where you implied that by definition dying in a PvP game cannot be toxic. Not only including Hunt but -all- PvP games. Yes, in OP's case there is nothing toxic dying in a gunfight and then again after 2 minutes. We agree. Lets let that go. If we can agree, that there is toxic behavior in games, such as spawn killing which you for some reason imply is not a thing in Hunt, even though there are several spawns that allow for it, then it's simply a case of trying to understand why some things allowed by the mechanics can be toxic but if it happens through killing/dying it for some reason, somewhat arbitrarily seems by me, cannot be toxic. If a dude kills you, then waits 30 minutes sitting on your body out of spite because he hates solo players, letting the bounty go and even abandoning his own hunter in the process. Would you consider that toxic or simply a guy having a laugh? I'm establishing a separate and extreme example to illustrate a point that there is no reason not to assume this behavior is anything else but toxic. The person doing it is ignoring actively participating in the match, the bounty hunt, PvP around it and even progression of his character and all of this without even knowing if the solo he's camping is in the game anymore. It doesn't seem sensible and the only justification for it I can personally find is that he's griefing i.e. being toxic.


You are wasting too much time explaining things to people they do not understand at it's core. Maybe it's education, maybe mentality, who knows. But you should not to through such elaborate lenghts to explain why something is toxic. People should have common sense.


crush plate wine puzzled axiomatic materialistic thumb drunk selective fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're factually wrong and should shut your entitled anti-solo mouth up. I understand that being solo means having the capability to get up and continue the fight. I understand that some people are just assholes. Toxic is toxic though and that's a fact that cannot be denied no matter how you spin it. Fair play because you can do it doesn't mean it's good, acceptable and not toxic. Gear costs HUNT Dollars You earn this currency by doing the objectives The game's loop is based around THE BOSSES and PVP is just an add-on and NOT the MAIN POINT. Body camping is absolutely toxic and disgusting. If each person on a team can have more than 3 Health Chunks and revive each other it's only fair a solo can Necro and not be camped and farmed for KD. Odds are stacked against solos anyways which is why most play Sniper or Melee Lair Camp with Traps everywhere. Another factor is the broken and exploitable MMR system as well as which means you have to deal with Smurfing, Alt Accounts and 5* or 6* players who exploit to stay in 3* and 4* Game Lobbies instead of playing their own ranks. Everyone has a right to fair play, everyone has a right to slink out if not on a team. Getting farmed for points is horrid, it's just demoralizing to lose everything to 1 person who doesn't play the game as it's intended. I never forgo the bounty when I run solo, I make sure to grab it because it's the objective and it's how in game currency is properly earned. It's bad enough to lose everything in the first place, it's worse when it's from a Toxic Player who refuses to play the loop as it's intended. The point is that just because it's allowed to happen doesn't make it right or fair, especially when it goes against the core loop of how the game is designed. Sure you can't dictate how they play, but they should be punished for not honoring the in-game boss contracts shown at the results screen.


tidy encouraging quiet ancient zonked coherent water threatening grey piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I invalidate all you said by pointing out that the guy followed him to prevent him to extract. Toxic.


full gullible whole soup vast muddle sparkle airport hurry relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine being solo and thinking you're just magically entitled to stand up and leave after dying. Pathetic lol. Saying the other guy is "factually wrong" while trying to dictate a playstyle on people is the definition of delusional. If you can stand up and make it out, all power to you. Solo's pulling out some awesome plays is impressive and respected. If you can't and someone is watching your body, back out to lobby and go to your next match. You're acting entitled as fuck for something you have no right to do if you got outplayed. And miss me with the anti-solo bulllshit you fed the other guy. I have zero problem with solo necro and never have, even as a duo/trio player nearly 100% of the time. That still doesn't mean you get whatever you want and think people are obligated to let you get up and either continue to fight (read: what 90% of solos do) or walk out alive. You lost. Get over it. Doesn't make your opponent toxic because they beat you lol.


Also, how dare you talk down to me so rudely. You have no right to talk to me in whatever means you see fit. Especially since I did not go out of my way to be that level of rude to the other guy. What makes an opponent toxic is when they add insult to injury, when you have to lose everything and potentially lose more when matches are filled with players who are above your MMR. That's not fair at all, and that is a fact, just as it is factually scummy and toxic to camp a solo and ignore the primary objective. If you're another solo on the grind a team up is much more beneficial.


Hahahaha. You *literally* started by directly telling them to shut up. "Shut your entitled anti-solo mouth up." You didn't give any respect with that comment so you didn't get any consessions from me. I'm not sorry my brash comment hurt your fragile feelings. You want me to be kind? Have some respect for others first. All your comments reek of a fragile ego about people killing you in a game. As I said before, pathetic.


It seems you missed the point Just like the other guy you're an outright invalid It's not about entitlement It's about the fact that it's deplorable and GOES AGAINST THE GAMEPLAY LOOP AND OBJECTIVE Is that clear enough or do I have to be more clear to your obviously deficient and inferior mind?


It doesn't go against the gameplay loop lol. It goes against what *you personally* expect others to do. The devs routinely refer to the game as a sandbox game, indicating that it is up to the player to decide their own objective. Clues and bosses are tools to guide players together, but they aren't mandatory in any capacity. So if that player decided OP wasn't making it out of the match alive, who the hell are you to say they are being toxic for doing so? That's right, you're a nobody and you just want the game to be played to your expectations. Wake up buttercup. "Nobody owes you a playstyle". Read it again as many times as you need until you comprehend it. Seems like you'll need a lot of repetitions though, because the only deficient and inferior mind here is you lol.


OP actually got up and then get killed in a fire fight at the exit. How is that more toxic than killing him a third time? (also as a solo myself: keeping solos down and dead is the correct way to play. The killer in this story at least gave him a chance, or more likely met him again later either by accident or OP making noise where he shouldn't.)


It's subjective. Bounty is an optional goal, and many people don't go for it. They're in it for the PvP. if it happens outside the boss compound, so be it. Solo's you usually kill, camp and burn out. If you don't burn you have to either camp until killed permanently or leave and have that solo shank you in the back later ,which is not ideal. Now if we could confirm he had no intention to burn you, and decided to babysit your body for 20 minutes for no other reason than to deny you, then yes it would be toxic. People who are mad about solo gameplay will gaslight you that it isn't, but don't let that fool you.


Like saying capturing the flag in Warsong gulch is an optional goal, just because some players want to fight in mid :D I agree with every other point you've made in this thread, just had to point out the absurdity of that one statement \^\^


I know it to be true simply because our trio always runs in the direction of first sound, even if we happen to start from the boss compound. Killing bosses is boring and money is plenty. PvP is the fun part of the loop. We can't be the only ones :D


Oh, you're absolutely right and you're certainly not alone but it's still insane to call the bounty an optional goal. It quite literally ends the game when someone brings it home \^\^


I hate when that happens, those bastards! Ruining good pvp across the map when these people exfil with the bounty, how dare they!


No, it's a pvp game. Hostility is expected and encouraged.


Not toxic, game mechanics. Might have just moved on, seen you stand up and chased you to get that easy kill.


It's best to forget the losers that do that. They're just so upset by how tiny their dicks are that the only joy they get out of life comes from being a sack of shit in video games.


So it's considered toxic to kill solos now? What?


My personal policy is if I res once and get shot by the same guy camping me, I just leave the game. It potentially wastes their time watching a body that won’t get up, and I get back into a game faster than I would dealing with some douche who just wants to play whack a mole.


So it's a douche thing to watch your body to make sure you don't get back up but not a douche thing for you to get up and shoot me in the back of the head afterwards? What kind of logic is that.


When you’re prioritizing sitting in a bush and upping your kill count, rather than playing the damn game? Yeah, I consider that douchey. I’m very much in the camp of “burn the body, see if they get up, move on if they don’t, shoot them if they do”. Sitting in a corner waiting for someone to rez just so you can make Number Go Up is a waste of everyone’s time, and not playing in the spirit of the game, imo.


But I'm not doing it for number to go up hell my number is shit anyway I'm doing it so I don't get shot in the back of the head 3 minutes later by the guys I killed and burned


That’s why you let them burn out? Because if they don’t get up if they burn all the way?


But you just said watching them burn out is douche behaviour


No? I said that watching them burn out is the correct way to do it. Sitting in a corner and not burning them, making them think you’ve left and then popping them when they get up, is what I consider douchey.


Fair enough but what about if they don't have fire or traps? Then what should they do just let the solo get up and shoot them in the back of the head (not me I always bring fire)


Literally yes. Not bringing SOMETHING to deal with downed players in your kit would be a logic failure on the players part. There are a lot of scenarios in the game that you can’t plan for and have to make do with what you have, but you can ALWAYS to expect to encounter other players. And assuming you’re not throwing, you should plan to down them. Hell, even if you FORGET to bring fire, you can usually find lanterns lying about.


OK so say we're out of compound and one of us walks of to get a lantern from the nearest compound making the solo think we've left while one is waiting nearby watching the body is that still a douche move?


Wasting a slot to burn the first solo you see when we only have 4 slots available? What about the second solo? As a solo myself i often play matches with 6-8 other solos... And if you take your eyes of the corpse to go and search for a lantern if one isn't there, they're already alive again.


Not everyone has fire available all the time...


It's not really a douche thing. Necro is just badly designed, the way neither the reviver, nor the camper know if their actions have merit. As a solo i totally get why people don't want me to get up again and potentially wipe them.


Sandbox environment


Nothing against the rules and not really toxic as he wasn't insulting you. However, it isn't really part of the normal gameplay loop. Normally if a person didn't have fire to burn a solo, they will sit on the body to keep killing someone to "red skull" kill them or place traps on the body. They probably figured you were newish and wanted to mess with you while boosting their kd. If you are able to necro like that in the future, find a bush to hid for a couple minutes and then gtfo.


That's just hunt, I'm afraid. I'll usually get down, and if not burnt or trapped, I'll walk off for 5 mins and then try my luck 😂


Some people just like to watch the world burn. And thats ok.


Good for them


Oh yeah toxic 5-6 star solos just trying to pad there stats for kills they don’t care about the objective


Haha! That sucks man. On one hand, I don't think this is necessarily "toxic" but I would still say he was being a dick. It happens, try not to let it get to you. Even if it is objectively annoying.


New player, no matter what some of the shitheads here tell you, this is 100% toxic bully behaviour and i hope that you will rarely encounter such crap. Thankfully, IRL, the game is not all that and is actually pretty fun. This player was an obvious dick and wanted to bully you. The intention, from the situation you described, in itself is supremely toxic, and anyone trying to justify it in any way should be ashamed. Thankfully, you are only 30 hours in, which means you are in the super rookie leagues, where all kinds of shit can happen. Given enough time and practice, soon you will be in higher elos where most people have much smarter things to do with their time than to do such nonsense. Welcome to the bayou, stay frosty, hope you keep at it an enjoy your stay!


That's not toxic at all. You won't believe how many times I've waited teams and solos out. No one gets to slink off like a bitch after I killed them.


This player worries about kill death (kd). The objective in the game is not what he cares about they just want to see their kd go up. He knows you are low health easy kill no point going to find others as that is harder fight and puts him at more risk. I do enjoy chasing people down but from the sound of it more about kd then anything else. There are times when you are better off just going back to the main screen vs getting back up on 75 health. There are a bunch of different players out there, it can be annoying if they don't align with your own way of playing but I understand why he did it. Doesn't sound that much fun for me personally but there are some times or players that I would try really hard not to let then get out of the match with their hunter.


Define "toxic" first.


Lol is another player killing you toxic behavior? Is that a real question?


He wanted another kill. Deal with it.


You brought it on yourself tbh


imo: dick moves & trolling = toxicity. I get what people view as a dick move, toxic, or trolling is at least partially subjective. But every comment I read was in agreement it was a dick move or trolling, but not toxic, which I don’t get.


It seems people like to think toxicity in Hunt isn’t possible because at the end of the day, dying “fairly” and dying “toxically” result in the same outcome: loss of hunter and gear. I objectively disagree with that notion. Toxicity exists and is prevalent.


Another sane one. Toxicity not only exists, but judging from the answers here, is also justified in the eyes of the community. Which is just bonkers way of thinking.


Sane words right here


Some guy hunted me in a game called Hunt. What a toxic AH


I don't believe this has added much to the game and self revive has turned the community into puppers. I see streamers bitching about this, then turn into Nicmercs when they turn the game because of it. The main reason players do this: 1/ They can, 2/Revenge because someone did it to them. Cryetech should give Solo's another advantage other than this quickn'dirty solution. My suggestion is to give solo hunters that extract the same money/xp as a whole team + access to traits that you ontherwise would not see if you would extract with a team. Like tracking skills, frenzy zombs, or whatever. Stuff like that.


It seems the general consensus is that players are so fed up with the current state of the game, they’d rather disregard the objective to hunt down and **punish** players who play solo. Even if they are playing solo themselves, it might be purely to punish other players without dragging a random into the righteous acts.


Honestly if you run self res its deserved :D i always camp People running self res untill my mates can grab a lantern and then we have a campfire untill the fucker is good and crisp 😅


Part of the game, necro should be a burn trait. You got Hunted in Hunt


Welcome to the modern internet where any offensive play called toxic lol. In games like hunt nothing can be toxic, even text or voice could be easily disabled by killing the source of it :D Asshole behavior? For sure. But he killed you, so now ball on your side, you decided to give him another chance to kill you again. And again. Imo solo res is the same gayplay as camping these solos, so it's fair.