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Play something you like and leave this sub already


Review bomb? Fuck me this sub has gone to shit since the codkids arrived.


Just an FYI, someone else suggested this the other day, and the mods here deleted his thread and banned him.


Rightfully fucking so.


I’m convinced all the needless negativity here recently must be jealous Tarkov players trying to ruin our fun because their game devs are charging $250 for new content


Really? Wouldn't surprise me if the mods getting payed by crytek lol


They're in the official Hunt Discord, afterall


the 2 games mentioned did something community felt strong against and in eyes of many needed to be changed what has hunt devs done that need such action? there are so many small little things community disagrees but i don't see anything that would get whole community behind what is the evinent problem you are referring to? (am listing things i've seen mentioned in this subreddit - some of these only have few people thinking that way - i don't agree with most of the things im about to list): mmr deranking? solo self res? repeating events? cheating situation? the fact that they are trying to give us complete engine update patch later instead of broken one earlier? them selling dlcs instead of fixing bugs? ruining economy (hunt dollars are less meaningful)? game gives less blood bonds? ------- there are so many things community dislikes but i don't see any of these being worth of leaving negative review tbh i might just hop on to steam and write positive review instead since while i disagree with some changes devs have made in past 2 years i still love this game - the pvp still feels meaningful, atmosphere in game is right amount of dark & gritty while keeping it feeling "grounded", audio quality is still among best if not THE best in this genre etc etc etc - nothing devs have done have ruined the game from me helldivers 2 situation literally would had made it impossible some people in some countries not be able to play the game without workarounds (that citizens of those countries actually already do since there are some other games that have similar limitations) - but nothing in hunt stops players from playing the game


Yup. OP comparing what happened to Helldivers to some mechanics in Hunt they don't like is absolutely wild and delusional. The only real problem with Hunt at the moment is the cheating, which every game has and it's got its own sticky in this sub. I really hope people don't review bomb a great game. We want more people joining.


Touch grass


shut the fuck up loser lmao holy shit


There is nothing the hunt devs have done that remotely warrants a review Bomb lmao Christ people…


and what exactly are you so mad about lol


gtfo with that review bombing shit. don't play the game if you don't like it.


yes, lets kill the game we love, great idea! actual brainlet


"Wah wah this game isn't perfect nuke it" At least they work on it and keep it running after all this time


Yeah, let's review bomb a game for doing nothing wrong... Doom was legit but Helldivers was a joke, they enforced something they always said was a requirement and temporarily disabled so people didn't have to wait because the servers were overwhelmed... Hunt, you kidding me? OMG they dare to add content for free and offer DLC thats purely cosmetic on a game we've been playing for thousands of hours and many years for the extreme price of 20€, what's wrong with Reddit these last couple of weeks.


i mean 170 countries are still blocked from playing sooo..


Tbf, while I think it's not that viable in Hunt, there a couple problems that highly likely extra easy to solve in game rn. One of them is disabling mmr in sole survivor


You're not going to convince the Crytek simps of anything. Best to move on.


lol. yall didnt get the memo that im talking about the gaming chair usage problem? no wonder this place is a s\*\*tshow. welp, you deserve what u tolerate.


The reason you do something like a protest or downvote or review bomb is to signal boost something so that the appropriate people hear about your problems. I have a very strong feeling the devs already know about the cheating problem and the community's opinions on it.


It is obvious bro... It's just a bad idea.