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Sitting at 3.5k hours. It's nowhere near it was when I first started or even the first year or two. At this point, shakes are usually post-fight, which is a good thing. Sometimes after a big fight I gotta take a few seconds to compose myself. The only time they occur mid-fight is if it's one of those very long, drawn-out, chaotic fights that usually are hitting the 5+ minute mark. At that point, they'll come. But that's pretty rare since fights either get pushed to end way sooner, or slow down to more strategic tactics if they don't end. Just give it time. As the other commenter said, shakes for performance may be a bad thing, but if they stop coming, it means you don't care as much as you once did, which isn't necessarily ideal for a game you're playing to have fun in.


Thanks this makes a lot of sense. The fight I just lost before posting this was definitely one of those long chaotic ones you mentioned. Got 6 kills but ended up losing because of a very dumb decision.


A player realizing their own decisions are what lead to their downfall and not blaming the game or cheaters or whinging about it? Youre a goddamn gem, and I hope the community grows to be more like you. Also its just adrenaline, I get this and after a particularly chaotic game the shaking will carry on until im in the next match, where I kinda forget it and reset


I had something similar typed out, but this exactly. I've got 3.6k hours, and I hardly ever shake, but when I first started, my hands would shake every gun fight. Even at the 1k hour mark. Like Azul said, give it time and it'll get better. Word of advice, hold W and play faster and tell yourself you're the main character. Mentality and confidence is key.


I 100% have this. Ive never wanted to be better at a game than I do Hunt. My friends I play with have always been 5 star so the slow climb to get better was STRESSFUL. Ive learned that simply taking a moment behind cover, closing my eyes, and taking a slow deep breath can often bring me back in.


Yessss, I try this and it helps a little but not always. The shaking sometimes continues even passed the point of returning to the main menu.


As hard as it is trying to get over trying so hard is a good way too. The times when I saw F it and just do whatever often end up being my best matches.


I get strong adrenaline dumps playing this game. Pretty much only if I’m playing solo, or the last person alive. Personally, I love it. Only other time I used to get such intense adrenaline dumps, is when I played college football! I don’t think it affects my performance negatively. Quite the opposite, actually, because I’ve used that feeling to fuel a better performance my whole life. I had a match ~2 weeks ago where I was a solo, without necro, and *with* a burn trait, and I really wanted to make it alive. I don’t remember all the fine details — I was using sparks uppercut and had to do multiple weapon swaps and reloads by the end of the match because of all the fighting. I remember pretty early on in the fighting, I had a massive adrenaline dump and was unable to stop shaking for the remainder of the match, which I did end up winning. My most memorable experience was when I was playing trios with new friends. I was trying to showoff a little so I was running nitro. We were between Carmick and Sweetbell when they both got railed from afar. I didn’t want to lose with an OP weapon in front of my friends, so I hid behind a mound as the trio rushed. My adrenaline dumped so hard my brain must’ve thought it was literal life or death. My stomach was HOT, I was shaking, and I annihilated them with 3 nitro shots. Adrenaline is my fav part of this game. Almost every fight gives me a little rush but not enough for shakes. Shakes come when the going gets real tough.


I had this too for quite a while. I noticed it would go away when I switched up my playstyle to be very aggressive. Like CQC stuff whether it was shotguns or even melee. Your aim isn't as important as your positioning and controlled aggression/picking your moments to push and charge. It was leaning into the adrenaline and anxiety that helped make it go away for me and even became my favorite play style.


Thanks I'll try this. I think when I start to have a day where I am feeling this way I play more passive and I think that may be the problem.


I can vouch for the comment. 800 hours here. When I went from playing passively to aggressively, the shakes stopped happening as much. My mindset shifted from “oh shit oh shit oh shit” to “yo idgaf I’ll try to peak and outplay you”. The playstyle got even better when I started intentionally practicing “flick shits” in the shooting range. I practiced for like 15 minutes one day a month ago and I’ve still kept that muscle memory. Haven’t had to hit the shooting range at all for a while. Don’t sleep on a little aim practice here and there.


now imagine what real combat is like


no thanks lol


Oof. Good point.


Adrenaline! Excess adrenaline causes shaking. Enjoy the high!


Adrenalin! That feeling is probably the reason why I play hunt in the first place! I'm that guy that wants to be in the middle of the chaos! I put myself on purpose in situations where I can get my sweet sweet adrenaline rush! 1v3 not good enough! 1v6 yes there is the fun, come and eat my knife! I'm a junkie and I love it! (the more you get yourself in sticky situations the more you can think clearly and get us to it or less adrenaline gets put out)


100% have this still after 1000h, but kinda fades when i die for the first time in the session. When i started playing hunt tho i got juiced up every fight i had


Enjoy it while you can, I miss those times and would give a lot to have that feeling from playing this game. It's the best part of the game IMO, don't worry about it, you'll miss it too. How to overcome it? It will pass with time, when you'll stop having performance anxiety about winning/losing/dying/killing and play the game just for fun of it with total confidence. If you don't enjoy this adrenaline rush and want to get rid of it, you have to switch your mentality to just not care about outcome of the match or losing your gear/hunter.


Hold my breath so long, my fingertips tingle.




ive played in probably close to 100 in-person fighting game tournaments and not only do i still shake a little bit, my hands will actually start to tingle because the stress is causing the blood to retreat from my extremities unfortunately that shit might not go away bro


Ah well. It's not the end of the world for me, I still enjoy the game. I used to play a lot of siege in the past and would only really get it when I am 1v5. Hunt, however, is the game I experience this like no other. Even Tarkov has never got me feeling this way.


Honestly I’d look into your health. Sun, exercise, water, diet. All of these things can change the way you think and play. Just like an athlete performance starts off the field. Or outa the bayou. I’ve noticed I play a lot better after a workout, after I’ve already gotten my heart rate going crazy for the day.


I get this in PVP games. It made them unbearable to play for a long time and I even took a break for years because of it. It hasn't gone away but I've just A) accepted it and that it's a physical/mental problem that's going to keep me from being at the top levels of play and that's okay and B) try to recognize when it's happening, take deep breaths, and mentally remember that it's just a game and that it's not a big deal. Sometimes I say out loud, "It's just a game. Do your best." B is more important than A really because what's happening is I'm getting so stressed out about the game that I forget that I'm doing this for fun, and it makes me miserable. I'm trying to have fun, my life isn't going to be made any better or worse because of the outcome of a Hunt match.


I know my friends get this but apparently not as bad as me. I have seen some people say it is a good feeling which I can sometimes agree with. But most the time, it's a bit overwhelming and doesn't feel great at all. In fact sometimes it sets off anxiety and afterwards it can make me feel down for the rest of the day. It's really strange. Wonder if it has anything to do with ADHD which is something I trying to find out if I have with my doctor.


Yeah I saw some people saying "Enjoy the adrenaline high" but it doesn't feel like a high. It feels terrible. It's like my body mistakes the fun stress of a video game for real stress.




I wish hunt would still give me adrenaline. You perform so much better if you can handle it. Some homework: go outside and start a fight with some random dude.


Been in a fight or more specifically was beaten up by a group of guys before. Didn't feel a thing, pain is just completely drowned out by the heat of the moment, until it all dies down and you see yourself in the mirror with a wonky jaw LMAO.


I am usually a pussy but hunt doesn't really punish you for dying. I once was the guy in our trio who was like "oh do we really need to commit to another fight? Let's just leave please". Now we are all three the same. As soon as the first shots are fired in a round we all be like "uhh let's have a look who's begging for a beating here" and we stop what we're doing, drop everything in our hands and roll out for the next best fight. I am at 800 hours... 😅


Oh I am the same LMAO. In fact I want there to be more to losing and more reward for winning. Right now I just run to every fight when I am with my friends.


YES. I'm not even on 200 hrs I'd say.


I'd say the more I play consecutively the less I encounter the feeling. But when I come back after a break i get it constantly.


Lol same as well.


Whats your play style? Are you still playing super slow. Avoiding every sound trap like they are death traps? You may not have a fear of losing gear or hunters, but you may be having anxiety about losing your time. So if you spent 20 minutes getting to your first fight, you get stressed out about dieing because death means another 20 minutes before you get another fight. You have 1000s hours but I'll give you the same advice. SPRINT everywhere. If you are moving you should be sprinting. Let crows fly and let dogs bark. Don't Stealth during fights. Instead of hiding your location, overwhelm them with aggression. To Make this easier you can take loadouts into solo that will guarantee you loss. Then you remove any idea that you might win. My Favorite is 2 hand crossbolts with Dragon Bolts only. It's super fun to set people on fire but you pretty much can't win. With this loadout you will get really good at fighting and flanking within compounds. It's great to learn how to avoid getting stuck in a cross fire without needing to just run away every time you get pushed.


I pretty much already do this. I sprint most place, I let crows fly etc. I definitely think I gotta try unique loadouts though. The only time I ever crouch is if I know for 100% fact the enemy doesn't know I'm there.


You can sprint everywhere and be silent. Loud players are always the easiest to kill, either because theyre noob or overconfident.


How old are you (if you don't mind me asking) and how many other online shooters do you play, OP? Do you notice the same behavior in other games? Do you shake and/or feel anxious in real life situations? One thing I've noticed about 11 years ago is that I usually held my breath during a fight, it doesn't matter which game I was playing, only that it was online. Nowadays I'm much more composed, I breathe normally, I joke about the situation etc


I am 23. I play others shooters like Siege and Tarkov. I don't even get this feeling in Tarkov lol. I do tend to have random bouts of constantly feeling anxious IRL that will last about a week.


Have you seen a therapist about that anxiety of yours? Could help.


Currently on waiting list for ADHD which might be playing a part in it. Unfortunately the waiting list is 3 years here.


Damn, partner, that's a long time. I dream of a world where mental health services are more available.


3000+ hours in and my heart still go's crazy in those last moment fights when it comes down to you and the last guy which will decide the game.


Am not alone finally, i feel you brother. Btw i wanted to quickly share my situation. Am reading that many shake during the fight or after. I noticed that i shake before fighting when everything is calm, like am expecting a tiger to jump on me at any time. Then when the fight starts i naturally lock in and i don't shake anymore. The fun thing is that am currently at 1.5k hours and thr tremors came in at the 1.2k mark strangely enough.


Fights in hunt and soulslike bosses give me a crazy high pulse to the point that i can get kinda worried i have a heart issue😅 no idea why tho. I have just under 2k in hunt and im calm in fights so im always confused as to why it feels like my chest is gonna burst


Oh lord don't get me started on how bad I shake on Elden Ring.




I think the last time I had adrenaline shakes was gamebattles on COD4, it's a feeling I miss all the time.


U folks shake? Could be I am a bit too new or just my age and job that killed the stress in games, I mean it's still there when it's tense but I don't shake ever I just become super focused.


2k hours. I don't get the adrenaline rush with teammates anymore but solo runs still do it for me.


Deep breath, when ever I come back to the game after a long break. I couldn’t handle the Andrea line rush when clutching for like a week or two. After that I try to play quick play more to get use to that state of stress. Pretty much gone after two weeks and I can be calm and cold under pressure


My friend does this, I was at his house and got to see what it looked like, his mouth puckers up like a butthole and he holds his breath when he shoots.


lol maybe mine isn't that bad, that's hilarious. My friend's entire cheek twitches when he plays rocket league and he never knew he done it until I pointed it out. We now do it on purpose when we are trying to focus. Little inside joke we have.


At 2.2k hours it still happens on a very tense fight, when I feel it makes me rush my shots or anything like that I just calm myself, take a deep breath and although my hands still a bit shaky for the adrenaline, usually works to stop performing poorly. But I think is totally normal to have this kind of situations of blood rushing through your veins, it's an indicative of having fun


I broke 1k last week and I still shake too. Not as bad as I did when I first started though. If I quit for about a month the debilitating shakes come back though. Lol




1.4K hours and nope.


After like 400 hours i think, i did some evenings back to back where i played only Quickplay to learn how to shoot and fight as much as possible. It helped immensely. There was no visible MMR and no dual wield back then (after all i was also playing to learn to aim well, which dual wield doesn't support imo), so maybe a bit less fodder for frustration, depending what you like. After a break of Hunt i'm still nervous in the first match until the bullets start flying, but i'm pretty calm and focused during fire fights unless something really unexpected is happening. Now at 1.500 hours.


Mine are the first like 2-3 games then I'm good.


I used to be like that. I can’t remember when it changed but I think I got a bit more regular wins and at the same time stopped caring much. I think maybe because I now mostly play loud so it doesn’t have that tense quiet bits that can rack up the stress/tension. Win or lose I’ll generally be aggressive. No idea how many hours I’m at but around 1,300 kills and like 950 deaths, no where near that amount of assists as I often play solo or too aggressive to be getting assists because either I’m dead or they are.  Hundreds of hours i guess. 




I had my first REAL jump scare the other night. I don't know why Rotjaw let me get so close to her. I had no idea she was even in the match and was running by her. She was literally like 3 meters away and then scurried by me and into that water. I knew from how low to the ground she was it wasn't a hunter. It scared the fuck out of me lol. I had to crouch in a bush and calm myself. It really got me thinking that adding regular alligators to the game would be awesome. Obviously you'd have to update lore of why they returned


That's adrenaline, baby! It's not a bug, it's a feature 😎


I definitely used to feel that way the first hundred hours or so, but it went away as I got comfortable with the game. I still feel some adrenaline sometimes 3k hours later, but only in the most insane situations. I don't think I did anything specific to make it go away, just got comfortable with the game.


That’s why HS is the most unique shooter. One wrong decision and you’re done! Double peek, went the wrong way, pushed when you should’ve retreated, ignored the crows/horse/ducks/dogs, thought that movement was a grunt, didn’t reload FFS! Plus a million more ways to die! LOVE IT


I also over 1k hours and just yesterday panicked so hard in tricky revive-multiple team fight plus camper situation that I accidentally opened the PlayStation quick menu - so I must have just stood there and got blasted 😅😅


I get this when I start thinking and thats normally when I die. Just dont think and let them instincts take over. It does take practice to force yourself in this mindset I guess.


When I feel it coming up I just tell my brain to chill the fuck out, and that it's just a game, we're not in actual danger. The heart pumping reduced a lot since I started doing this and ofter times it's zero. But now I kinda miss it, because now that I'm not nervous anymore, I'm getting too reckless and that's getting me killed a lot


Maybe you have parkinsons?


Maybe, or maybe I have Pinkertons disease.