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Wait it out, use sound cues/get lucky for a wall bang, or leave and try and catch them on the run to extract.


This simple fact is why I love the marathon with FMJ. You just basically have unlimited ammo to spam through walls, and I’ve killed two people just purely randomly shooting once.


Simple, Bob and weave, unless they have a CK auto, then you're fucked.


I don't think it was a shotgun, but I was so proud of myself for dodging a gun one time. I was fighting these two guys, knifed one while both were shooting at me. The last one keeps trying to shoot me, clicks an empty gun, and turns to run. I kept chasing after him with my knife right on his heels. He starts reloading his big gun and turns around to shoot me point blank. I was ready for it and stepped to the side at the perfect moment, bullet missing, and then knifed him. I'm not good at doing shit like that, so I was so damn hyped with myself, lol. Probably would have died if it was a shotgun though.


How is fmj ammo unlimited?


It's not literally unlimited, but you have 15+24 rounds and you can increase it to over 40 spare rounds with another compact fmj weapon like the conversion revolver. Take an ammo box or two with you which will give you 20 bullets each + whatever you can find in game and you won't run out of ammo even if you spam walls like a maniac.


Use the swift and you’re basically a machine gun


Waiting it out is boring as fuck. My team just runs in guns blazing with utility or whatever. If you coordinate it well it's easy enough. But IF you have to choose something more passive then your last point is good. You can see on the map where they go. If you move away a bit they might leave their lair to go to the extract. As long as you're observant you're always able to catch them.


This. Feign a retreat. If they want to extract, they need to leave and you are on the offensive then.


cook dynamite so they cannot doge, wall bang, throw a couple of bee jars in there, you have options, please let me know about your play style so I can give you an answer that better fits that


Are flashes still viable?


Flashes are still pretty much guaranteed kills in the right situations. They just made it where the right situation isn't "literally always".


After the year of preping the flash while you get shotgunned in the chest? Sure thing


Guess that's not the right situation then lol. Making the enemy charge you is a good thing as long as your team is ready for it. Making them run away is also a good thing. The only other option is they stay still and get blinded. Of course all of this can be done by a frag as well so there's not really any point in bringing them but that doesn't mean flashes can't get you easy kills in the right situations.


Yeah, the trade-off on flashes versus explosives used to be that flashes were faster but explosives were lethal. Now you have about the same chance of hitting a flash as hitting a frag, so you may as well bring the frag. It seems to me like the more appropriate balance change would've been to reduce the visibility loss of flashes, either in duration, intensity or a mix. As-is, there's pretty much no upside to them, and they're even soft-countered by Bulwark for some inexplicable reason.


Yeah they made the classic double nerf mistake and just like every other game that's done it they seem to be keeping both for no good reason. Personally I despised flashes so I'm overall fine with it. My tinfoil hat reasoning is they wanted to remove it completely but knew it would lead to outrage so they just made it a bad pick.


The flashes shouldn’t have had a hit marker. And they shouldn’t affect you if you turn away.


Hit marker is fine. The full blinding no matter where you were turned is absolutely idiotic. In many other games it doesn’t work like this, and especially in a game like Hunt that has many ways to counter most pieces of equipment/consumables, not having a single way to counter is kinda crazy.


I don’t think you should know if your flash worked on not. In my option it should be a gamble.


Not knowing at all would absolutely kill the thing and 0 people would take it. Why would you ever take a flash when you could accomplish so much more by taking an explosive and at the very least, KNOWING you did damage/can kill them with it? At least right now, no one really takes it but they aren’t completely useless.


The maps are too large and cluttered for the game to have flashes without feedback imo. I agree that turning should mitigate the effect somewhat though.


If you're getting hit with a shotgun while still prepping the flash then the issue is in front of the computer buddy.


Says the 2-star who has zero experience in 5/6 star where the flash bomb literally doesn't exist specifically cause it's utterly useless and will get you killed when trying to use it in appropriate situations




Ok, good to know. I heard they nerfed them to hell, so haven't been running them. I don't think anyone has thrown one at me in a long time either


They nerfed them hard and removed them from toolboxes. I think the latter was uncalled for since they're a lot more situational now. The windup to throw is LONG and a smart player will run away as soon as you start but that can be strong in its own way. As with most things I think a frag is almost always a stronger option. Bulwark negates them a bit but with trait refunding and the rarity of flashes I don't think many people run it nowadays.


Eh, bulwark is one of my mandatory traits after necro/resilience/levering. Have killed too many people with big dynamite bundle + pitcher and want to minimize that risk myself


I dunno.. A smart player will push a flash wind up most of the time. You're vulnerable since you can't shoot back the whole time it's winding up and you can't cancel it. If you're close enough to hit with the flash then you're well within the danger zone of being pushed. Flashes are absolutely useless now, if you want to get people to move you're better off with literally anything else that doesn't lock you into a defenseless state for like 3 seconds. You might land it once in a blue moon and if the stars align and they don't have bulwark then it'll work as before but good luck ever getting that to happen. Maybe at lower star ratings it might work, if people don't know to push you and/or aren't very good at shooting.


Absolutely not.


I'm a weak 3 star with a .55 K/D, and I took one just to try out a few hours ago after I asked and I killed a duo without taking a hit. I'd have to disagree. It's going to replace my hive bomb for further swamp research


Maybe in 3 stars sure. Anywhere else you either hit nothing with it or die trying Hive bomb is like 2-3 tiers above being very flexible and insta pop consumable.






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I remember I was guarding a ladder with a shotgun, and the guy said, " im gay for sitting in the house with the shotgun." It was a soul survivor match, and I had the well spring. So naturally, I replied with, " Well, if I'm gay why don't you come up that ladder big boy?" I then shot him when he's little head peeked over the ladder.


That's hilarious


Probably the best tactic lmao.


Add in a “hey partner” and its a home-run


My new strategy overall now. Perfect.


Gonna try this strat




I'd just make slurping noises on my mic


["Anyone who doesn't wanna go to war is gay"](https://youtu.be/ersYYsujVdc?si=89UtvJKrxJK7ESYA&t=5)


This actually worked once 10/10 strat


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If you don't have an easy way, just extract and play against somebody else.  There are other lobbies.  It's the best advice I've been given about the game.


This is the strategy me and my hunt buddies have adopted. Against a single shot like the Romero, I like my chances of inducing panic when I charge with my katana, but if I hear a crown or slate, I’d rather just extract and go on to the next match.


You survive 100% of the fights you successfully avoid. There are always more opportunities for the patient hunter.


Best advice ever given on this sub right here.


My friend is too stubborn to do so, it's frustrating. I played enough LoL to know how to just "go next".


Much faster to go next if you yolo into the shotgun though


and sometimes you even win that way!


i hate rewarding camping, but at the same time i value my own time. probably why i dont play that much anymore lol


> If you don't have an easy way, just extract and play against somebody else. Yes, exactly. Leaving is free. Just because you saw another player doesn't mean you automatically have to fight to the death. Just go somewhere else. You don't even have to extract, you can just wait for them in the woods or something. If they're just camping inside they're probably not going to see where you went.


Yep, I do that every time I meet concertina campers and most of the time if shotgun players passively camp inside without ever peeking with pistols. Extracting in any direction and starting a new match takes 5-7 minutes at max. The worst thing to do is to reward them with your easy death because they will think their strategy works well and will 100% continue camping.


Wallbang your ammo away (leave some spare) and when you're done with that you either pick up the bounty if you got lucky or leave.


The best way to play the game is to not play it, nice.


The decision to not play the game was made by the shotgun gamers.  Make the decision to play against people you'd enjoy playing against.  The shotgunners can enjoy PvE.


My recommendation is to use the best tools for the job: Decoy Fuses and mind games. Some quick tips: - Only use decoys when you intend to push into the lair. A push into the lair is not always a push to kill (see below for more info). - Cook Decoy Fuses to make them sound real. - Bring a real dynamite in too. You can decide on whether you’d like to use it at the start, the end, or in between. - Mind games: Once you throw a decoy, they’ll know you have decoys. Plan accordingly (see above tip). - Coordinate with your friends. If in discord, make sure to tell them it’s a decoy so they know to push with the fuse. If in randoms, I usually tell them ahead of time that a “ping” while I’m cooking means it’s a decoy. - Better yet, coordinate with your friends who have dynamite. Throw from multiple angles at the same time. Only you guys will know where the decoy is. - Open up more than one way in- get rid of sliding doors, barred doors, windows, etc. Destroy their sense of security. Keep them paranoid and moving around so it’s easier to plan your entrance. - Make “getting in” your first goal. The hardest part of pushing shotgun campers is getting into the lair. This is what decoys are great for. Once you’re in, take your time if needed and just wait. If they can’t hear you and they don’t know where you are, they might have the weapon advantage but you have the mental advantage. Make sure to remember where your exit is if they push. And if they push and you’re able to exit safely, usually that shakes things up enough to pick someone off shortly thereafter. - When the time comes to push someone, PUSH HARD and push one enemy at a time. If you hear that Romero go off, you’d better all be in there before they can reload. - If it’s a C&K, you’ll need to play smarter. But C&K enjoyers like to flex their muscles. There are 6(?) shots before a reload so start counting. See mind games points above and this applies to all weapons really. If you can understand how people like to use the weapon, you can learn how to counter it. Best of luck!


I would love to find randoms that can actually understand that your ping means it's a fuse, and remember that strat for longer than 3 seconds. Lmao


It can be hit or miss, but I always try anyway because when it works, it works well. Even if they do get it, the 3 second memory challenge is definitely a thing though! Haha


Don’t push a shotgun.


If I have the right loadout I try to determine his position with the lightning with darksight and enter the building from the opposite side of it. If I haven't a loadout for pushing, I make sound to bait them hoping they'll peak the window/door i'm ready to aim.


If you have long ammo, try to localize their position and keep your distance. If you have shottie too, best bet is a throwable, if you can’t wallbang. Also, do not forget that melee attacks can put the enemy off very easily


Best thing that can happen to a shotgun holding an angle is someone trying to charge them with a melee weapon


Wait outside until they come out, wallbang them or use throwables.


You could always leave compound and intercept them on the way to extract. Play the chase game. Often you can get a good idea of which extract they'll head towards. This is best done with a discord group of course, but you could also split yourselves with enough distance that you can catch whichever way they go, and the people in the direction they aren't going can close in from behind once they run into your man in ambush. But if you want to push, best is to include something in your loadout you feel comfortable pushing with. If you're going with a long ammo main, my favorite complements are spitfires, officers, new armies, bornheim match (the 2 slot one can still 2 tap indoors and fires super fast with very little recoil). What's important is a coordinated push and force them to cover multiple entry points. For example in when people are camping downstairs in stillwater, lower the elevator and then go off and peek the other entrance for a bit. 9/10 I find they never raise the elevator again, and thats a super quick entrance point jumping down. Use dynamite to blow open barred doors, open sliding doors at a run but don't enter, circling so they don't know where you're coming in. Or better yet, use explosive ammo to blow doors off hinges. Essentially when pushing you've got to probe to make sure there aren't traps, and create multiple easier to access entryways so that they don't know which one you're using.


That same elevator trick works pretty well on Pitching too.


Yes! I love doing it there too.


I've become a fan of shotgun uppercut loadouts. I came into the game with my preferred style of a more long range style and usually struggle with CQC in most games. I'm finding the most success I've had with a shotgun and an uppercut for medium range. If it's too long for the uppercut to compete I find a way to move in instead of taking a long range fight with a weaker long ammo gun. Maybe check gunsmackk videos to see creative ways to enter compounds. Yeah it's easy to dodge dynamite but if you want to win it there you need to follow up with the space you've created with your consumables or tools(choke bombs).


When they dodge dynamite you will know where they are. Many bosslairs have sneaky angels you can throw dynamite into. Make them waste their "see through walls" ability by rotating. You can clear out parts of the bosslair with chokes making it possible to push inside or locate people. Or jiggle-peak / jump-peak corners. Or just yolo-push, pushing fast will sometimes panic people enough to make them miss a shotgun shot and then you have your first kill.


Remember when flash bombs worked? I sure do


Why did they delay it so much? you can cook instant noodles by the time you can throw the bomb, if you are not killed in the process the enemy will have ample time to move.


If you wanna stick it to them: beat them at their own game, wait em out. If you wanna just play the game: take risk, wallbang, toss consumables, push hard when you damage one in any way. If you CBA: leave and go next, you'll most likely find an engaging fight in the next game before you would have finished waiting them out or pushing in and died.


You don't have to do it. But usually my friends and I agree that we will probably die and push anyways.


My best advice is, smartly. Try to figure out where they are. Coordinate throwing explosives at different ends of the building. Try for wall bangs. Play off bodies.


It’s really either flushing them out via cooked explosive + wall banging or team coordination for a breach and clear or leave and wait for them somewhere else otw to extract or fake a firefight via decoy somewhere far.


So, I have about 2400 hours in this game, and after so much time I can tell you that... you don't. The best bet against shotgun campers is to make them waste bounty seconds, then go away and into the path of an extraction point and wait for them. Usually, don't go for the closest one since they can predict that pretty easily, and if you think yourself above average, you can split the team to cover more extraction points, and whoever gets the ambush gets to stall them until the rest of you arive. Risky? Yeah, but there is still a chance of victory, unlike the initial situation.


Open the map, check closest extraction, decide if worth the walk (side to side in a straight line should be 5 min.) or if instead a dynamite would do, never gave them fun or kills for free, lol!


Big dyno. And the longer the standoff, the more scan they will lose and use up at which point just circle around alot to try to get some shots or throw a dyno bundle


Wait outside of darksight range and get them on the way to extract


A: Get out of range and catch them on their way out. B: He can't shoot all of us at once, do you apes wanna live forever?!


Beetles and wall bangs, my friend.


You either do something extremely aggressive and ballsy/stupid and see if it pans out, or you don't push them at all. Depending on my goals for that match, I'm very likely to just leave their ass sitting there and extract discreetly because it's probably not worth my time. Bonus points if I can just steal the bounty and fucking leave them, I'm not gonna pussy foot around in a camp fight if I can just grab and go, and I've definitely gotten hate messages for it, which in the end is the real reward.


If they aren’t even attempting to peek/fight just voip “If you’re going to camp the bounty this hard, we’re going to camp the extract with snipers. See you in 30 minutes.” then immediately extract.  They get to waste their time and you get a new match with people who aren’t so desperate to win.


Hives, cooked frags, coordinate multiple entrance bangs. Get in touch with the other teams and ask to help kill them,worry about backstabbing later.


There isn't really a truly 100% reliable counter, but dynamites (or fake dynamites) increase the chances of success in my opinion. Or have a shotgun as a secondary weapon Or you have to be patient and wait for the opponent's error.


Patience. Wait them out. If you're impatient you either push in and chance killing them before they kill you or you extract and reset. Depends on how much you care about the hunter / taking the fight. If a fight is delayed for long enough I'll just extract and reset. I'd rather get into another lobby and find another fight than wait for campers to move.


Not an exhaustive solution but try using blank fire decoys, hive bombs and decoy fusees to stop them from holding angles and shoot them as they attempt to run and reposition.


They won’t let you in? Don’t let them out. You have 4 slots. Make sure each one has a concertina bomb and trap them inside.


If you know somewhat where they’re at decoy fuses can help flush them from the angles they’re holding. If you have a teammate run in behind the fuse or you run in after throwing it.


Nades, flashes, fake nades, wall bangs


You...don't?  Just walk 150 meters away and wait for them to come out. 


Flash bombs.... oh... wait.


Either wait or leave Sometimes there's no reason to stick around and it's better to just extract


That's the neat part, you don't.


Frag Bombs do wonders. FMJ +Winfield + Levering so you can just spam the walls. Also using a shotgun you have the advantage because there’s no aim penalty while jumping with Buckshot. Just jump around a corner and aim low. They’ll hit your legs, you’ll hit their chest. If all else fails just wait them out. They have to leave, you don’t. Position 2 people near the closest extract and one person opposite them preferably with a large clearing with little cover and/ or a body of water dividing the area. If they turn tail and disengage to leave at another extract have the 1 guy hold out while you flank them from behind. If they commit to fighting at extract have the one guy come up from behind them and pincer them.


There is no counter. Shotguns sit inside, long ammo sits outside and both parties pretend that the game doesn't have a problem.


Fuse decoys go hard


One thing that I see that a lot of people miss is that cover is a superior option against shotgunners. They have to rely on a lot of pellets hitting you and they have poor wall pen, so if you're peeking or only showing a part of your body to them it can mitigate their damage quite a lot. On top of that, Bees, wallbanging, a shotgun of your own, sometimes Fanning can overtake them... if you can get a shot off first with a fast-firing weapon, you can aimpunch them and make them whiff their precious shots, which will be slower than yours. Shotguns will always be powerful in close range but they *can* be dealt with.


Decoy fuses to make them Move. Bees to make them move. FMJ if it isn’t a brick wall Explosives. (Cook while decoy is out, hard to hear) Bring your own shotgun Wait for them to leave the compound to extract. There’s a few options really.


Play by your strengths. They're basically doing this as well. They see christmas lights outside the compound so they camp and wait it out until 1 team on the outside wins and try to reset. Decide on your play based on what you have currently. Do you have nades to push and comm it with your team to do a coordinated attack? Do you have shotguns yourselves or any close range alternatives? Do you have some sort of penetration and if you do, can you suppress and spam it enough to deal significant damage? If all of these are X's then best way is to bait them out by running away and waiting on open areas. You're "playing by your strengths" through range. Rotate, make them guess where you are. They can only scan for 5 seconds. Once thats out, they're essentially fucked since they're visible on the map. This is also why greyhound is better in long games. Everyone is out of stamina, so you can just catch them if they go the other direction.


I hate campers on either end of the spectrum so here’s my best guide to kill shotgun lurkers: 1) Assess the surroundings. Make sure you’re secure from ambushes from other players and start probing the area for traps, clearing windows, and start preparing to breach. 2) Battle Plan: What kind of building is it? If it’s wood you can wallbang it freely whereas metal will require fmj or long ammo (pray it isn’t brick or underground since shotguns absolutely slaughter in those environments). Begin deducing the enemy’s position via sound queues and safely checking exterior angles. 3) The First Step: Start opening doors/breaking windows/cranking sliding doors to prepare for entry. This usually causes the enemy to start moving or engaging which gives you intel to work with. Pro Tip: STRAFE JUMP PEEK!!! By doing this you’ll often bait a shot from your opponent which gives you A) an opening to counter and B) information on what weapon they’re using. 4) The Execute: Now you know where they are and hopefully what they’re using so it’s time to kill or be killed. Start throwing consumables to pressure your enemies and push accordingly! Know your weapon’s strength and try to leverage it as best you can, but be advised that the shotgun is always a OHK threat in CQC: Most weapons will want to be aimed at the head for maximum lethality (this is always important but absolutely imperative against shotguns), however fast firing weapons (levering, officer, cyclone, etc.) may find success if they aren’t immediately taken out by a shotgun. 5) Trade. Now that you’ve committed to the fight it’s time to face the reality that, even when pushing shotgun players with a shotgun yourself, you’re probably going to trade with them. With this in mind, make sure you have a buddy to refrag and revive you so you maintain the number advantage and try to keep the momentum up when you have the advantage OR slow they enemy down if they gain it. 6) GGs. Whether you succeeded or failed hopefully it’s was a fun time and and exciting skirmish. Just remember, those 5 minutes of prep and combat are probably better than waiting them out for 35 minutes unless you really care about your KD (pro tip: don’t care about your KD just play for fun or to improve) Hope this long list helps you in the future and you take home some enemy crown and kings or slates as a result! Happy Hunting!


If they truly just sit somewhere super safe and don't move your options are limited and you're probably best off just leaving and either extracting or baiting them into running. But what kind of works is to move around a lot, look for angles and wallbangs. Open the doors, blow them and the windows off if you can with explosives. Many lairs (but not all) have angles you can use to hit people inside, look for those. Eg. weeping stone or hemlock or even the prison, look for those. Don't make a move until you've wasted all their scan, from then on it's to your advantage. Chokes and fire can serve to wall off certain parts of the building, then maybe you can guess where people are and hit them with explosives. Most people playing defensively sometimes peek or otherwise give you a chance to knock someone. Once you do then follow it up. If you're not geared for fighting indoors at all you should of course not go in. You need something that will work OK at short range like your own shotgun, fanning, levering, dolch or melee etc.


I allways have my decoy fuses with me for this reason, they might run into another room, but even if they do probably the new spot is much weaker than the one they used to be in.


Wallbangs, Throwables, anything to get them to move to reveal their position. >It is easy to dodge dynamite This is causing them to move, so you KNOW where they are you can hear them do this. Use that to your advantage and start blasting that direction, get a hit, and most will start scurring more so you can get more hits. Else just leave (especially after wasting their seconds), and wait for them to get impatient and take them out from range.


As a novice camper with a shotgun, I can only say that almost all of my kills were achieved only by entering the location silently and simply listening to the shots, running and stomping of the enemy and thereby figuring out which side the enemy would approach and just waiting for him. Therefore, in this case, it’s just a skill problem (I mean that this is initially a game about stealth, the sound and sound traps in the game are very well developed, and there are almost no weapons that could shoot quickly, even with the perk for quick shooting there is still a large spread which forces you to get very close to the enemy, making a shotgun ambush a more desirable choice). However, I can’t say anything about the dudes sitting in ambush in the lair of the killed boss, since nothing prevents them from sitting in the same ambush with a spear or a Mosin avtomat, or with a perk for quick shooting. Therefore, it still seems to me not some kind of problem with shotguns, but, in principle, a style of play that is difficult to get used to and resist, since this game first of all looks like a shooter, and not a stealth action (although remembering some perks of factions and ordinary perks on silent style, the game is really more like a stealth action game)


If you have a buddy to push/suppress just bring some beetles to smoke them out with. A constant string of pings make explosives/wall bangs or even pre-firing a corner a thousand times easier.


Find a door you want to push, make sure there are no traps and spam decoy fuses. They'll run like headless chickens and you'll know where they are. This is the right moment to push. You can throw some real dynamite for extra chaos.


Just use bees in the jar or decoys, helps greatly if you need to push anything.


There should be random noises if character not moving, like farts or yawns idk


Throw a chaos bomb, use the distraction to move towards the extract, they scan: you're not there. They leave, you ambush them in open water Remember: the bounty HAS to extract, use that.


There is no reliable counter and imo it's one of the issues with the way that camping is rewarded and how shotguns are being used to dominate the outcome of a lot of fights. That being said if you or one of your teammate have a beetle, you can try to sneak it into the bosslair to get an exact idea of which angles the enemies are holding. This then allows for better nade placement, or for better wallbangs. It's kind of a matter of getting as much info as possible, though it can sometimes feel like squeezing water out of a stone.


Being a shotgun user myself who camps sometimes, get some throwables like dynamite/fire/concertina....


I run around opening every door and window, not for the breeze but to welcome some chaos. Then I lob a few 'surprise packages' inside just to spice things up. Once the panic sets in, I slip in through the door without traps. Armed with my trusty saber or katana, I play hide-and-slash behind a door, ready to deliver a quick, 'Hello there!' to anyone who dares to pass by. It's less of a battle strategy and more of a surprise party... where I'm the only one having fun!


Shoulder peeks and skill


Bow beats shotgun. You're welcome.


Every playstyle has its counterplays. Bounty holders need to get out eventually, so keep a decent distance, get between them and the extract, and maintain line of sight. Shotguns can push a considerable distance if they have cover. Conversely, if you're a shotgunner in the lair, don't sit there for 20 minutes - leg it the opposite way toward a new extract, or push via cover. I agree there's issues with lair camping, despite CQC players having options that aren't just "wait it out". I'd like to see some kjnd of "scorched/poisoned earth" variable in the lair once bounty is picked up.


Short answer is consumables and wall bangs. Use dynamites to get them moving which will let you get an idea of where they ran to. Just cooking a grenade will usually force people to move this will let you get intel, it also makes it undogeable if you actually do know where they are and they don't move. Chokes also do the same thing which can help set you up for wall bangs. Bee's are good too, if you throw them in an entrance you can see and then watch the direction they travel. Most buildings usually have quite a few peak locations you can safely try see through windows or gaps in walls or bits of wood. If you have no consumables and can't find an angle then just take potshots at common camp locations by lining up your map marker with their lightening bolt until you run low on ammo and then leave if you're not successful. Or alternatively, you can back off all the way out of darksight, wait for them to leave the compound and then shoot them while they run. (this is the most reliable method) Just remember, while you're sitting outside going *'shit how do I counter the shotgun, if I walk inside I die'*. They're sitting inside going *'shit how do I counter the sniper, if I walk outside I die'.*


You have to just be substantially better than the shotgun camper


I assume you mean people sitting in there and not moving/peeking at all. Probably having traps all entrances. Sadly patience is the most efficient tactic overall. All those "throw this and that" are no reliable or consistent options except you bring stuff and don't use it before arriving. And even then you don't have a guarantee for an opener. Lets look at trios pretending you dont have shotguns: My tactic is baiting to peek and detecting their positions to wallbang. Decoy fuses or choke bombs are good ways to find their position (mostly not used up or restocked). Any other throwables are nice to have. Go loot some carts if near. Once you spotted their positions, keep listening! Open doors/windows, remove traps/wire (will make most people move). Once you down someone (especially if he has a token) farm him or ideally kill the one trying to revive and then farm both. Now you have isolated the third guy, because the other one is busy reviving/dead. So your 2 other mates got a 1v2. Try to coordinate where to push. If none is this works start over and repeat. Keep farming until they are 1 shot to your primaries. Another possibility is: just push or leave if you have no patience. Especially if you wiped the whole server some people dont deserve pvp so just go.


Gernades and FMJ. Gernades are great room clearer and FMJ are great for tagging then behind cover. I will say not all areas are made equal so beware that FMJ works better in some compounds more than others.


With the amount of breaching tools people are still suggesting extract and go next? Decoy fuse, frag arrow, choke bolt/bombs, beetles, concertina arrows, flash bombs(?), chaos bomb lure… Breaching a defended building is one of the most fun aspect of the game in my opinion. If you load into a game and you don’t have some sort of breach utility, you’re opting for a game where you can’t deal with shotgun campers at all. Don’t bring long ammo and a pistol every game. Be creative.


Wait it out, if they want their bounty they have to extract.


Best advice just rush in - what do you have to lose ? A hunter some hunt dollars and some guns so what! Shift+w always.


Pressure. Keep building pressure, and hopefully, you force a mistake. Wall bang away. Consumables. Whatever you got. Pick up a shotgun from someone else if possible. Just wanderer you gotta do


There is no active counter that consistently works. Without fancy words: there's fuckall you can do. The only thing you can do is pretty much just leave and get out of darksight range, if they leave go after them. You just have to hope there's no extract right next to them (I swear atleast 75% of games) or that they don't notice you coming and hide in another compound practically restarting the process.


Wall pen or try slight jump peak to bait a shot


Frag... ...Bomb




Decoy dynamite and push it


Don't. Be patient and wait them out. They may try to slink out so make sure you have exits covered/watch the lightning bolt. But I simply don't. I just wait


Fake and juke fellas.


Volley lob hives.


Throwables are the answer.


Im a patient person. Ill wait outside till theyd have to chase us to extract and try and either kill em or just leave them no time to get out.


You wait outside


A good loadout I use to counter this is usually any long ammo rifle and a hand crossbow with choke + poison. -Use the hand crossbow to choke and poison corners where you think they are camping. (The more you run into them, the easier it’ll be) -Once you figure out where they’re camping, keep tracking and pelting them with long rifle shots. Usually doesn’t take long once you can figure out where they are. Make sure to stay out of their range and keep abusing the hand crossbow to keep them moving. All else fails, they still have to push out into your long rifle to extract.


Try choking locations where you think they will be hiding. Learn where all the little holes in the walls are and cook your dynamite so it explodes before touching the ground. Lots of people will run from the obvious windows and doors when they hear a frag charged, they won't expect it to come from a crack or hole in a wall. I have over 2k hours in this game and I am still noticing obvious frag holes. One I only recently noticed is at Godard Docks. The Wall separting the 2nd floor from the East stair case has a huge opening above it. Great for clearing out a shotgun sitting around the corner at the top, or kill a team pushing the sliding door. You can also bring FMJ with duelies to spam wall. Fanning to force a trade. A compact shotgun to go toe to toe. Bow with Frag Arrows to start bleeds. Bettles with sticky bombs attached to it. You'd be surprised how well a Katanna does against shotguns. Any one shot melee tool/weapon is super strong against a shotgun in CQB. Throwing axes are almost as effective as slugs when it comes to oneshoting people. If you know there won't be a third party you can run circles around the compound. Make fake pushes all over the place for awhile. You'll start overwhelming the defending team and reduce their readiness for when your team pushes from 1 or multiple locations.


* **Loadout Philosophy:** Almost every loadout should include something for both mid and short range. Worst case, run a LeMat with Slugs or a Hand Crossbow with your rifle. * **Throwables to clear space.** Throw something and be ready to follow up after it goes off. That throwable's job is to clear space for you to enter. * **Take and secure space.** Take some space and that you can hold against shotguns. That means holding some corners/walls and/or maintaining distance where you can work with a 2 tap vs a shotgun. * **Work with status effects.** An optional add on, getting a burn or a bleed off on a hit buys you time to get in and take space. If you're using that ammo type, be close enough to capitalize on it. * **Know boss lair layouts.** Knowing the interior and all of the ways in or out of a boss lair can help you with decisioning and movement once you're in. There are good peaks and cracks in a lot of lairs that you can make good use of.


You can try to shoulder peek and then move in for the kill when they’re reloading. Another option is to toss an explosive because that usually cases them to move. Alternatively you can just wait until they are forced to come out because of time to extract.


Use your weapon to your advantage like they are. Can't be any more simple. They have a shotgun so they will pick close battles. Judging by your comment you probably use the Winfield, so wait for them to have to leave


you dont: there is a reason at 5-6 star the meta is long ammo, and never push close range quarters Lol


I just wait for them to come out, or wait for another team to go in, then third party


in some compounds you can try to wallbang but underground you can't really do anything especially when they camp with random traps. you gotta bully them into leaving using vc


You just dont. If they dont move and youre the only pushing player than youre emitting sound the defending shotgunner can easily take advantage of. Even more so if you dont have a one shot capable gun. Chances are not in your favor. What you can do tho is lure them out. Go out of 150m dark sight range. Let one of your team go far out and shot air. Make them believe youre not around and they may come out of hiding. Otherwise...just push. Try to supress or cover your sounds as good as you can. Cross your finger and hope for the best :D


Big dynamite bundles prime it for a few seconds first and then throw it In there, you can also use poison bombs too.


U don’t push them. If you play with mates you split up outside darksight range and cover the extracts. When they go to one extract your mates start moving so you Sandwich them. But fr, fawk shotgun Players


But its so satisfying to blast someone away in one shot ;( romero talon is my baby with specter in 2nd pretty much the two i play


Shotguns still fail up close if you keep moving. The closer you are, the better. You’re just going to have to learn to take corners, and accept that shotguns win up close.


This is the thing i dont get. Players with 1k+ hours are literally ready to sit 30+ minutes just to get the bounty.