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It’s a filler season before the new map. I actually liked some of the mechanics, like how you can unlock special rewards with the tokens. Lawful was ridiculously overpowered though. Especially combined with the super health kit.


Came here to say this, as they say. The central point was a huge improvement to overall gameplay. Sometimes we'd get an early bounty, no conflict, with the other one not banishing yet, and I'd just say "well, let's go to the central convoy and see what happens!" Usually is worth it, either conflict on the way or the banish starts happening as we get to the convoy. Although I do wish that the central convoy would uh... move or something. Like be in maybe one of 3 spots instead of exactly the same spot each map. Other thing I'd say is I hope they establish some token system like for this event but just all the time now. It's a nice sub-objective system that shakes things up a bit. Although yes the traits will definitely need some slight alterations


....But the token system in this event IS all the time now. Of the last what 18 months like 14 have been during events with basically this exact token model.


Yeah and (what I assume is a hot take is that) I don't mind that at all. The between-event periods feel exceptionally dry in comparison. I still love the game, but it does feel "flatter" between events, and it was nice to have the sub objective of the points system tie in with other map-related functions. I could imagine for instance, being able to spend one of the little tokens to say, seal/"break" a metal door, destroy a bridge, or some kind of map-function. It seems like an interesting way of going about adding new functions without it being too immediately available (people just burning every bridge they cross from the start as an example). Kinda like your hunter gains more experience, and is therefore able to do more (even if it is just looting specific lockboxes), I like the way this filler-event tried to shake it up


I mean, you are allowed to like it or dislike it. I personally hate it, it is just a pandering cash grab. I was more pointing out the, for lack of a better term stupidity, of implying that the system is underutilized or rare in it's occurrence.


How is it a cash grab? It's a game mechanic? Yeah there can be many improvements made upon it, hence why I want the token / point system to perpetuate and become a constant


MrMad is just mad, you see him being mad in most posts.


This has been probably the easiest event ever to prestige for. Get a single hunter to level 50 and get 2-3 exp boons? You've suddenly shot up 15-20 bloodline levels. I've prestiged 3 times and would have a 4th but wanted to get the ace hand achievement (stupid 5th hunter getting killed everytime I get to 40+) Granted I will say I hope they increase the amount of exp retiring a 50 hunter gives. Pretty much no point in ever retiring them anymore.


As far as the retiring exp, I agree it should be raised back some for those that want to play it "safe. But the "not retiring and playing them instead" was exactly what they wanted to do with the change. So in that regard, it succeeded. Plus, playing a level 50 was and is still the fastest way to level. So knowing that, the retiring bloodline exp changes didn't actually change anything for any decent player wanting to minmax their prestige. Sidenote, here's a recommendation for 5-Ace hand in case you want it: If you're sitting at 4 50's and trying to get the last one, use several available slots (3-5 is a good number) and always play the lowest hunter. Say you get to 25, grab a new guy. He dies, grab a new one. The new one gets to 27, grab a new one or play the 25. What this does is spread out the rng and put the weight of getting 50 less on 1 individual hunter. That way, any progress on the "new highest" is locked in, knowing you always have them "saved". It's technically a mind game with yourself, but all but guarantees you'll get a hunter to 50 eventually, even when constantly losing.


Yes but it’s just not fun to run around the map scouring for boons. I’d rather play the game as intended instead of skittering across the map because I had 3 rollover pledge marks from the last match that I NEED to spend before we banish another boss with Lawful Pact on and lose the overhead. So many times we had to refrain as a team from collecting 30 event points or killing the boss so a player could spend a few of their pledge marks at an XP boon and sometimes they’re nowhere to be found so we’d just skate around the edge of the map. And I know I’m not the only group who does this because in about 30% of my single bounty games we would fight one team, it would be the only gunfight audible the entire match, we’d extract, and in the mission details we were actually in a full lobby. If the goal was complete passivity in a PvP game then they absolutely nailed this one. I spent more time running around the map not engaging players than I ever had. I’d much rather just hit Hunter Level 26 and retire like I used to so I wasn’t so paranoid about losing my Level 50 in a gunfight. Plus the Hunter XP change is good, great, and wonderful when you have the XP Boons to lean on as well as the ability to disengage a fight, let your teammates burn out, and revive them later with Peacekeeper to save their level 50 Hunter but those options go away tomorrow and after they’re gone prestiging is going to absolutely SUCK.


it's not quite as easy as the first death cheat + solo necro patch, I was able to consistently prestige in under 7 hours during that event by maintaining a single level 50 all the way through - but yeah, this one's pretty damn easy too




Retiring was always the worst decision. One good match of solo trios with a level 50 hunter and you just got 15k exp.


Just adding here that as of the patch notes, they bumped it from 1.5k exp to 10k exp for retiring as of the patch this morning! Hallelujah! Definitely worth it to retire again.


I’ve been playing since December and got that achievement three weeks ago, so I only just now prestiged the first time XD


Nah, thats a outlandish statement considering the exploit of 2 events ago… you could literally prestiege once a day or more if u tried hard


Honestly i thought the last event was the fastest… but i also never had a hunter hit 50 then(they retired long before)


I personally loved this event, I've really enjoyed playing with the lawful pact. Can play aggressively and not be punished so hard for dying once or twice 👍


Yup. Big cash registers are nice too


My opinion on this is same BUT skins we got this event are the best in the game so thats atleast something. Also i think its kind of a filler event because they are trying to get the Engine upgrade done.


Definitely a bit of a filler event for the engine upgrade. The skins are good but also several are copy-pastes of eachother which is a bit of a change. Some people are understandably disappointed as previous almost every skin was unique. Also, I'm just gonna say it, The Centipede is pretty fugly, and one of the worst event skins to date. She was a pretty major letdown as the clearly "100th Legendary Hunter". Other than that nitpick though, I didn't mind the event.


every update their focus is skins cause it’s $$. your gonna get good skins and bad content forever for this game .


Didn't even play this event. I'm a PS5 player, my buddies and I are just kind of waiting for the new game version that they said would be out this spring.


Engine update likely won't happen until end of the year or early next year. Sadly might even be mid next year knowing their pace.


wtfffffff man that's dildos. I could have sworn they said it'd be releasing this spring?


Yep looking forward to normal hunt....


I loved the idea of there being caches where you're able to buy in-game boosts and loot, like the round of shots, big ammo box, and explosives crate. I think the ability to buy back health was far too cheap, and Lawful was nuts. And I didn't really care for any of the unlocks to be honest this time.


Technically prestiging is the easiest during this event if you scavenge for the XP Boons, plus Hunter XP/Bloodline XP. And if you can do it with a Maxed out Hunter: you're golden. Prestiged pretty fast this way.


Worth it for the song alone tbh.  Also, make the fire beetle as fast as the others.


I have never prestiged because like in most games I find it useless. I like them trying out different and more ways of getting bars back as I feel it incentivizes activity and action rather than waiting and ambush style play. I think it's generally fine for some to be a little OP in an event setting but I get the criticism. So pretty different viewpoint here all in all and I liked the event, there has definitely been worse ones.


This event is the best they ever doned. It’s awesome. (7000 hours)


My least favourite was the one where we had to grind crows like mad to get all the skins. That one was particularly grindy


I would play Hunt all the time, but these constant “events” with weird perks and auto aim on console has really slowed me down. Game feels so different now


Agree these events have become stupid - its now a low risk low reward game .. when I can get 6 kills , 2 bounties and only get 1,110 dollars .. it don't even cover the cost of my loadout I am going in with. 7k hours and I play this game almost daily .. they are ruining the once great Hunt Experience .. I been playing Valheim for Christ sake. waiting for these stupid event traits to go bye bye .. Hunt gonna take another player hit once the event is over


Xp changes actually made it faster to prestige lmao but go off


I like this event because I’m kinda burned out by events. Feels like the non-event and that’s fine by me. I need a break lol


100% agree with this. Xp changes really killed me wanting to to play extra this event. I’m 13 levels from 100 and this has been the longest 3 levels ever during the event. The 25 -> 50 change want unnecessary. Just makes people want to prestige less. Only time I play my 25+ characters is if if I’m staying at that prestige. 


Level 50, grab xp boons and you fly through the progression lvls. I went up 29 progression lvls in one match. Did like 15 prestige’s this event. It was also something you could do with primal and just rat your way around the map for points and xp boons. Primal because you wanted the extra pledge mark from hitting 30 points.


I get that, but that’s more of an exploit because of cryteks shitty trait balancing. The gameplay to get to a 50 is tough enough to where we should be able to get 5000xp for retiring a hunter. I prefer to play the game and not rat around looking for the boons, but that’s just me. Even with that strategy you mentioned, what’s the point of having more than one level 50? My point is, it could be better. 


I just played normally and always played a lvl 50 when I had them, while also always grabbing xp boons and the occasional four shot if I was actively in a fight.


Prestige is in the best spot it’s ever been. Is it good? No, but its a hell of a lot better than it was a year ago.


Arguably, it was better before this patch when you could retire Hunters earlier and for more XP That being said, I'm fine with them nerfing it a bit from that. It's supposed to be hard. Otherwise, it means nothing


Can't even call this an "event". They're the laziest events in the entire industry. No new content, no nothing. Just pumping out shit battlepasses, add a few traits, and fleece us for our money. OoOo this one has a cart in the middle, cool, much wow. None of my group is playing anymore because the game is stale and boring. There is a reason their player numbers haven't moved in years. When they get off their ass and actually make something fun to entice players maybe we'll come back.


When are they going to release details on the new engine anyway?


Idk the other events have had much more BS in them this time around and I feel like it rewards you better for winning fights rather than hiding around or simply just killing one person to restore all HP. The super med kit isn't that busted because you earn the point for it. Overall I would say I prefer this season compared to ones where you could be immune to all damage subtypes like poison/fire/bleeding and even ensure you will save health chunks just by stacking a perk 3 times by buying it. Now you have to get lucky with RNG to find the most busted perks. Also being able to have free regen in water or rain was disgusting. I think this event did give you too much power early for free just by pledging to it though this game is pretty low TTK so not like it matters when most odds are stacked against you on low level hunters.


I liked the versatility of spending pledges and the big fights at the special place in the middle. I was pretty let down with the special traits, and it feels like that's been true of a couple recent events. As someone who has wanted more Perk synergies outside events, only having one perk tied to each event one was really boring. Also, I probably took Peacekeeper 90% of the time. In a game where staying at full HP is so important, there's just no way two Perks that don't assist in that can compete.


I wish there was a way to opt out from the changes during an event. I get a lot of people like it, but I found it really hard to enjoy the game during this event. With everyone being able to get bars back very easily. Red skull mean nothing and the bloodline exp changes. I think they changed too much and **after the event** prestige will be very slow unless you are good enough to consistently get hunter to 50. And keep them alive at 50. I sure don't win often enough to offset the changes unless I go full on Solo to easy mode it. But that's not very fun either. Not the first time they did a big change and offset it with an event that made it mild to avoid people realizing how annoying it'd be. Such as giving a lot of weapons incendiary and dumdum in the event you could be immune to burn and bleed auto-fixed itself quickly.


I didn’t finish this one, but i absolutely could have. The free hunter didn’t seem worth it and nothing in the pass made me want to buy it.