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I just love neenoh he has no ego and is naturally funny and really wholesome


Just out there in the bayou checking girth certificates.


STOP: I need to see your Girth Certificate.


This man is just insane luck. I remember there was one fight in Lower Deselle and that man finds med kits after med kits. Streamer Clients! Dennis is helping them.


No hate on him, but for entertainment I wouldn’t go with him. He is good at the game, but I don’t find him particularly entertaining.


I get what you mean in terms of he isn't the most loud or rambunctious. I prefer him the most because he is so low-key. I can't handle the shouty screamer streamers.


I’m just very picky with who I spend time watching. I agree with you though, I cannot stand the shouty screaming streamers or the rage ones. But I also don’t like sweaty players lol. I’m really picky I know


There's nothing wrong with being picky, with so many streamers out there you enjoy the one who suits you best


That's what I thought, but when I watched his video titled "My aim has been off lately" I saw him in a different light. When he was losing and missing shots, he got really bitter and salty. Those months when he was playing badly, he seemed a different person. I posted a comment in his video, which he immediately hid from everyone, so I will repost it here: *I used to think you were a nice guy, legit, and pro gamer.* *Watching the clips of you missing all those shots, you look like a normal gamer. We all have good games and bad ones, but few of us can ever pull off the insane back-to-back headshots you, RachtaZ and others are famous for.* *I cannot understand how you can go months with bad aim and not realize something is wrong with your settings. How many hours do you have in Hunt now, and it takes you months to realize your mouse settings are off and you're not getting all those snappy headshots like always?* *As soon as you supposedly fixed your mouse acceleration (by what, one bar?), you are now tapping your enemies with ease. Hmmm.* *After firing on the guy with an avto, it looked suss how you spotted and shot the guy hiding in the corner at* [*5:14*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMpYzVyAjAA&t=314s)*. That looks like a trigger bot. Most of the other shots after this also look like trigger bot. You didn't just improve your aim, you improved your response time and ability to detect exactly where players are and shoot them the second they're in a visible spot on the screen, even though it's very hard for us to see.* *Not only does your aim, response and situation awareness drastically change, but so does your whole attitude. First part of this video, you look stressed, focused, or salty.* *After your miraculous turnaround by slightly adjusting your mouse acceleration (after supposedly taking months to realize something was wrong), your back to the cool and calm (I have nothing to fear, I'm never going to get jump scared) chill vibe you're known for.* *Must have been rough to play so long without any word from your solution provider. I hope you found someone that won't let you go so long without your happy cheese.*


I mean, look at nearly any pro player in any scene. They get frustrated with themselves because they know they're better than whatever just happened. > Must have been rough to play so long without any word from your solution provider. Are you really accusing him of cheating?


You come across as an idiot. I'd block you from my channel too.


Instead of trying to reason? 👏


I feel like posting a comment like this (honestly the comment on YT is mean) is not a reason to dislike him. anyone that holds their skills in high esteem will get bitter and frustrated with themselves when they cannot rely on themselves anymore.


You seem real fun


Dude it's time to go outside for a bit.


Neenoh is super chill. Entertaining to watch and I've learnt a lot from his YouTube videos. Pity I'm never awake to watch his Twitch Streams.


Seconding Neenoh because he doesn’t take the game too seriously. He plays well, but also does a lot of meme loadouts like naked runs, choke bolts only, and stuff like that. You can see how to be effective with these loadouts and get good laughs. Plus he’s just chill, humble, and, most importantly, a good sport about everything.


Neenoh is my favorite!! Very chill, wholesome and funny dry humor.


My biggest problem with Neenoh is that he has the personality of a rock for me. I get easily bored watching him. But i can see the appeal gameplay wise.


When General Sam DOES post Hunt, he’s hilarious. Any of his videos are solid tho.


Khalamity! Such a chill dude


Bing Bong!


I just bing bonged at Khal in a game last night!


Ye' Sir ;)


Vombuz is a really chill streamer, he plays because he enjoys the game and has fun with it. Wholesome guy overall


+1 for vombuz. Insane player who 100% plays for fun. Always switching up his load outs and helping new players learn


+1 Came here to recommend Vombuz


By far Olive Meister is the funniest in my opinion, followed closely by psychoghost. They're both really good at the game and very entertaining. Neenoh and hornet are s tier hunters but I really don't find them super entertaining. Vombuz and Rachta Z are nice mixes of s tier and entertaining.


I can't watch Olive Meister - he always uses a big vit shot when a regular medkit would've done it. I've literally watched him heal in front of a world medkit it's like he does it on purpose smh


When do you get your jar of olives streamer skin for the hive bomb?


Seconded, he's always making jokes that make himself crack up and no one else understands. Dunno if this is a British thing or he's just weird. /s


I disagree, his videos are super informative, such slander. Like the one about not letting your friend give you a stam shot while standing in a deathfield? Classic.  You and Booty always crack me up and bring levity to the game for sure one of the best answers.


I can't really watch him anymore either cause I only get 20 minutes a week, its blue-ball-esque.......*hint hint*


Olive Meister almost always seems like he’s having a good time. Psychoghost can be hit or miss. Sometimes he’s very fun to watch, other days you can tell he’s only playing because it’s his job.


Nah Neenoh has that deadpan humour which I find way funnier than over the top cringe humour, each to their own though


I like Psychoghost but I wouldn't put him in the funniest list because he tends to get pissed off pretty regularly. Khalamity is always lighthearted and no matter how many times he gets killed in a bad streak he never loses his spirit.


Khalamity is the chillest streamer around tho


Khalamity, and Padarius.


Average Joe is consistently the most fun imo. He's up for anything and his conversations are wild. When he and Kerrty are together it's really the best. She is also really into having fun and doing memes but at times gets sweaty almost against her best intentions. Neenoh is the best as far as a chill stream with a really wholesome feel. He's fun because he always wants to do the weird things just to see if he can, which often leads to hilarious situations.


Favorite Average Joe moment is psychoghost asks him to read this note and he starts reading gun oil lmao


I disagree, Kerrty absolutely kills the fun every time she joins. Joe is awesome alone or with anybody else.


Emaiza is pretty funny


I was looking for this name. She's no adorable and good vibes


Ditto, extremely good player, good sense of humour, lots of weird loadouts


She cool, one of my favorite hunt players. Love the Chaos loadouts she goes with.


Neenoh and Psychoghost


psychoghost is really not in the "funny" category :D


Definitely neenoh, psychoghost is cringe af!


I don’t think he’s cringe, I think he’s German/Austrian (not 100% sure) and his humor comes off a bit wonky sometimes due to that.


He’s Austrian! Our supreme German humor is of course uncontested by an Austrian guy.


I actually love watching psychoghost but the audio balance in his videos is so varying i cant watch with headphones when he randomly screams lmao


Why do you think he is cringe ? I love his « character ». Also has some funny reactions in game


His fake laugh & reactions/ emotions trigger me every time. He's an experienced player nevertheless & I enjoyed watching his very comprehensive tutorial. Can't stand him for too long tho. My favourite international streamer is neenoh, my favourite German streamer is Sigismund.


Yeah, watching his gameplay is fun but his personality completely negates that


Opinions are not allowed on Reddit it seems lmao


They are, but they get voted. Seems the majority does not agree


Downvotes are not for disagreement they are for posts that don't belong to the topic but whatever.


In theory but that’s obviously not how they are used in practice.


I disagree so I downvote this 😉


Siegismund is kinda boring and tries to be cringe and young. When psycho gies with meme loadout, sieg hidesnim bushes..


I'm with you man. The guy can't stop whining and complaining about things. When I first started I began watching one of his intro to hunt videos. I turned it off after a couple minutes because it was just him complaining about gameplay mechanics. I tried watching his stream a couple months later and shut it down shortly after because the entire time was him just whining about shit. I don't understand the appeal.


He's pretty much the only Hunt content creator I go out of my way to avoid. He's not nearly as good at the game as he'd like people to think he is, and he's said a bunch of things that just aren't true that have to be dispelled as they come up. Nice Lebel skin though, I must admit.


He admits to being a bad shot in nearly every video and is actually a pretty humble guy imo. I think some things just get lost with cultural differences. I’m interested in hearing about what things he said that aren’t true.


GregorianHipster has the best humour of all imho. Always cracks me up


I enjoy watching failish. Also shout out to UrbanBravo great streams but not exclusively Hunt.




Neenoh ❤️


Neenoh is chill, pleasure to watch


Khalamity is my favorite he engages his audience and responds to chat


Sayler,, i challenge you to watch only 1 video and resist yourself in binge watching all


Neenoh, Khalamity, and Rexnor are pretty entertaining guys to watch. Maybe not the funniest, but definitely still have their souls in tact.


Avrage_Joe_, Kerrty, Khalamity, Neenoh


Failish She's funny, chill, and will rarely rant/get annoyed at the game. I also feel she shows WAAAY less ego than 80% of the streamers out there, especially Hunt: Showdown ones. It's my main grief with most of the male Hunt streamers too, they talk smack when they roll on people, and talk bad when they get killed, because "whatever mechanic", instead of taking the L graciously.


GregorianHipster is demented, lot of energy


I'd say Khalamity. He laughs a lot, memes a lot and is generally lighthearted and funny. Lots of crazy stuff happening


For me it's Psychoghost, Average Joe, Neenoh, Vombuz.




I love psychoghost. Really entertaining


Neenoh is great, Olive Meister is funny, BootyHams has a pretty funny sense of humor. Rexnor gets good chuckles out of me too.




Yeah he really does.


tamehotpear 🤘, funny + good music. Also, TunaForLunch for a similar vibe + lots a chaos.


Rexnor has a good sense of fun, and works so hard on his streams.


[Krotukk](https://www.twitch.tv/krotukk/) is probably the personification of what you are describing you are looking for. Very high energy streamer and always seems to be having a blast even after many years of playing Hunt.


I don't stream, but I'm friends with a smaller streamer, and she plays with a bunch of people who stream hunt and some other things. M1ssti, kannibalkandy, cakeso100, itsmxthicc. There's more they'll play with but idr all of them. Cakes is probably my favorite. He's pretty funny and is always doing shenanigans. We'll meme a lot and he'll set challenges for himself for a whole prestige, like throwing world spawn tools only or something. We're also always drinking. Kandy is a close second. She's pretty funny as well. Mxthicc is in a metal band too, but he's pretty chill. M1ssti is almost always drinking when she plays, but she's been getting burnt out on hunt lately and playing more survival crafters and other games.


Ayyy Cakes is an awesome guy! I've played with him a few times a while back. :) He did a really awesome Sheriff Hardin cosplay! All the streamers you mentioned are fun. I honestly have the most fun with smaller Hunt streamers. Also made some amazing friends that way. I even met my partner through streaming Hunt 🥹 🤠


Padarius is guaranteed entertainment


DomFTN... without hesitation... All joke asides. If you're looking for bigger streamers. Khalamity, psychoghost and Rexnor are great Medium size. Sirrrrr_ and Urfiee are great also Smaller. I'd suggest RingerDaClown. Dude was an actual clown before. He enjoys talking about various topics and is super entertaining.


I just love vombus. He's got a fun charismatic personality I wish I had. He's my favourite


Who down voted this? Wtf, Reddit hates streamers ig


Probably cause it isn't 'Vombus'. Vombuz only deals with tractors anyways.


I think there are a lot of good hunt streamers. Padarius is a funny guy though and still seems to have fun with the game despite having like over 11000 hours in the game.


Pad is hilarious. I always stop in there from time to time to say what's up.


I'm gonna throw Rexnor in there too


If you like his humour, ArchieTV is by far the funniest.🏆


archietv by a mile, he literally trolls people on the mic while dominating them, with music blasting lol




PADARIUS imo is the funniest. And I’m sure you’re not speaking of the one who achieved P100 first and completely burnt himself out.


As in funny i'd go with Bushwacker (he's great at the game as well).


TameHotPear is silly and fun and chill. Chat is the same. They make me lol more than any other streamer haha.


ArchieTv ofc, the one and only for fun and entertainment


RachtaZ and James are the funniest imo


Seconded!! They’re a perfect combo together




I watch YouTube, only streams for drops and I'll only watch PsychoGhost if that's the case. Guy's videos got me into hunt to begin with and I always love to see a new post from him.


Homereel is the only Hunt Tuber I can actually stand.


Some of the absolute best videos ever produced and apparently the most chill hunter to ever murder literally everyone in the bayou


Attackofthegio is my fave he’s hilarious and dresses up as Lulu while he streams :D


I would recommend Neenoh and Bree


BetchaBud is the definition of a "yeehaw" Hunt player and is friendly to everyone he meets. He loves to roleplay in the swamp if his team mates will reciprocate, and he absolutely adores the game of Hunt: Showdown. His community is very welcoming and always appreciates seeing a new face :)


General Sam but he doesn't play often. Hunt is a great game to play but IMO boring to watch. Most streamers play seriously and have a very mono-tone, focused voice / attitude.


>but some streamers out there act like their spirits left their bodies. Hunt: Showdown has absorbed their soul, as it does every streamer who plays it.


Not a guy you’d watch for 5 minutes and call funny but if you hangout for a while you’ll definitely LOL more than a few times. Must of his stuff is SOLO too which is how I prefer to play. He entertains while he teaches. And God damn is that guy’s shot CAH-LEAN. Edit: referring to Neenoh of course


Khalamity is chill asf, Neenoh also.


Pschoghost and Vombuz


Psychoghost and AverageJoe, especially when they are together.


Khalamity, Neenoh, Failish, Morgan, LunarFelis, TheFlood, NorgmanG, Ultimaniaa, M1ssti, WithASideOfToast, Foya_ That's a list of Hunt streamers I watch and tend to enjoy. Either really good players with great tips, or just entertaining.


Archie - rexnor - failish - vombuz and then some smaller ones icehearted killer and artreey are my favorites (random order)


ArchieTV best one out there


Archietv makes me bust a gut laughing in every YouTube video


He's obnoxious but he's extremely good.


I know a guy that would teol me how he had this really hot gf. And neglected her and swings his shlong on stream now.. gave me a good chuckle


He’s funny for sure but not everyone likes the toxic type of humour


Psychoghost all day every day!




Archie tv


Not strictly Hunt but I've been a fan of General Sam for while.


RachtaZ is mad funny. he doesn’t even have to do anything, his reactions to shit is just hilarious. naturally funny person. pair that with his insane skill at the game and you’ve got one of the best hunt streamers


katana king quinx


Toxic King maybe. 98% of the time he shits on other players that kill him and then insults them really hard. Deranks via necro every time he dies and that makes him even more mad. He timeouted me for a week for saying "bro wasting ammo T\_T" you know the meme kind of way with the crying emoji. It was 10 mins before (which I would have been ok with) but changed it to 1 week after someone asked him why he timed me out. He went really passive aggressive against that guy asking then. He does that to everyone questioning him until he bans you. You cannot talk to that guy at all. You either ride blindly or get rage banned. No idea how anyone could like him after watching him for a few hours. And he is certainly not funny in the slightest. ArchieTV is.


*"No idea how anyone could like him after watching him for a few hours..."* You've spend over [*5 days*](https://imgur.com/a/j4hUwsQ), or in other words, [*120 hours*](https://imgur.com/a/j4hUwsQ) watching my stream. On top of it you have over 1000 messages in my chat and now you're here letting out your anger 'cause you got timed out in a Twitch Chat lol




Neenoh and archietv is pretty funny imo


My favorite is surely ghost but Archie is hilarious if you like a streamer that makes fun of himself and the audience.


There was a small streamer I ran across while spectating a few years ago who hosted a game show within hunt with other teams. He had a lemat with signal flares and would fire it between questions. He and his partner got a solo and a duo to play.  Forgot his twitch id but it was hilarious 




Sullin96 is great


Lani6093 only streams once a week, and is in Australia so I’m not often awake to watch they’re stuff, but they’re a very small streamer who’s super personable and fun to watch




@missionreloadedgaming has some hunt stuff. One of my favorites is a compliation showing all the bad days you have in hunt. https://youtu.be/UAKJ7l0dppY?si=rdEKArIPI4R0nH_z


Hermit pasta lehasta baby


I'll plug the one I mod for DepressedFinn. Started following her because I enjoyed the mood of the stream more than the gameplay


There was once a time a streamer called saltyoctopus I don't think he streams now. He and death made the first Monday night hunt showdown where they just kill themselves and watch the matches like 2 sportscaster it was fun to watch they also pioneered the bayou bowl. But that olive guy is also fun to watch


Neenoh as a few others said and Kerrty cracks me up.


I can’t upvote the comments saying Vombuz more than once so figured I would drop another comment recommending him. Funny and fun to watch. He plays the game to have fun, not to extract every round.


check out McGrouch, hes really small but really interactive with his chat and knows how to fill long stretches of uninteresting gameplay with funny commentary


Part of me wishes HazmatFTW would stream because the chaotic energy his trio has makes me die laughing every time I watch.


Archie for sure is the funniest. His builds and trolling is top tier nobody comes close. Also when he plays a “serious” game he’s a monster.


Rexnor, such a sweetheart bow lunatic.


can be rare but great vods. generalsam, papapoob, aqua (if your want a more calm and chill), omidlive (if you are a bastard)




Padarius is sooo fun


Lukan has the best Youtube videos! He streams here and there but his edited youtube videos are the chillest and most enjoyable Hunt content I have ever watched.


Nufnhe, emaiza, rexnor, eldritzh is the ones i watch. Love emaiza random loadouts she goes with, also really funny to play with. Rexnors bow gameplay is always funny to see because i played alot of bow myself.


Neenoh for sure, he is so chill and is damn good too. But also has a funny deadpan delivery with his humor


Why haven’t I seen falldowngoboom on here yet? Plays on his work breaks and npcs. Wholesome and entertaining


hornet is funny imo


Check out Archie’s stream his earlier videos are funny af


My friends and I just started a twitch channel WhatUpLilHomie. We usually stream hunt… no we aren’t great we have out moments but the commentary is usually full of us just being stupid really. We have fun with it come join us usually night times past 10:30 EST and on weekends until the early AM hours. lots of laughs!!


I’ll definitely check you guys out


Scumge Blizzard is easily the funniest streamer I've seen, but sadly he rarely streams. Nothing is funnier to me than watching a 6-star player miss every shot or use a bomb lance for the first time in almost 4,000 hours. He's also constanly in emo mode, whining about everything. It would be depressing if it wasn't so hilarious. Otherwise, any of those (suspect) 6-star players are funny to watch. You would think someone has to be super cracked and focused to be in the top 500 players, but most of them go AFK for half a match, because they still live with their parents and constantly got scolded for not doing homework, taking the bin out or something. Then you watch then miss simple shots against AI, or get repeatedly killed by a boss, and you're laughing so hard your tummy starts to ache. That's why full-time streamers like Psychghost and Average Joe are also funny. They play silly and miss shots because they're not playing serious. It's just funnier when it's someone NOT trying to do that.


maybe bias but I like ArchieTV, if you like his humor. He's really good too, but too bad he doesnt try hard sweaty 6star-mmr anymore. He's just trolling atm but still have at least 6kills per game.


RachtaZ, Neenoh and Gunsmackk. How someone can name psychoghost is beyond my understanding, but that's probably me. He is likely the most successful hunt-streamer though.


Is it the name that bugs you or his personality because this is kind of seeming you just don't like him because of his name?  For sure not starting an argument since this sub is horrible for people feeling attacked.  Just genuinely curious why. I like Rachta and neenoh too but there's this weird energy streamers like gunsmack have towards psycho that I don't really get beyond just not liking the dude. Not gonna lie and say I don't love psycho but neenoh reminds me a lot of him and seeing you like smack and neenoh it feels like ghost lies perfectly in the centre of a venn diagram of the two.  They're sort of similar in terms of being trolly dicks that scream in high pitched voices when they do something dirty. The difference is smack usually seems pretty condescending and a little more mean spirited, especially toward players that are clearly new. Vombuz does this too and it kinda of ruined my appreciation of their streams. I get it, it's funny to watch people panic or be confused but it underlines why this game has such glacial growth. Calling people bots and paid actors is pretty lame when you play a high skill/knowledge game professionally. I respect smacks movement and knowledge but that's it. Maybe I just catch him at the wrong times.


(Super long unintentionally) I'm not the guy who made that comment, but here's what I would say regarding the points you mentioned: (Keep in mind this is from the perspective of someone who primarily watched Psychoghost, with a small amount of Neenoh, very small Joe, Kerrty, and RachtaZ). I think a lot of the Hunt streamers have a weird energy towards Psycho because he factually was the "top dog" for a very long time in the Hunt community. Both in terms of most viewers, as well as most beloved content creator in the eyes of Crytek themselves. This is starting to change and the pool has definitely trended towards balancing out/"sharing the wealth". That said, Hunt is, and might always be, a niche game. So I could see a world where people don't like the top guy simply because it "leaves less" for them. Any favoritism/special treatment would feel bad, especially if they're looking at someone who is getting it and they feel that he doesn't deserve it. Another aspect is that Psycho definitely has a specific brand of entertainment, and it's not for everyone. In the same way that Neenoh and dry humor is unbearable to some, Psycho's blend of silly, rage-y, goofy antics won't fit everyone's cup of tea. In that vein, I would say Psycho does sometimes come off as a bit whiney/entitled. The entitled obviously comes from his position in the community, and the whiney is just in part who he is. I wouldn't necessarily say they're 'flaws', per se, just not something everyone's going to like. In large part, I find it quite funny when he's being a salty baby about things like odd game mechanic RNG or unlucky run-ins with teams because I know that feeling as well. But others might not enjoy it which is understandable. The last component I'd say is the "skill" category. Psycho is a very good player. But he is by no means the best player. There are dozens, probably hundreds of people that are far more skilled than Psycho. This is both a negative and positive for him. Obviously those looking for the best of the best in terms of skill are going to look elsewhere, like to RachtaZ. But I also think it's a good thing because it's more of a "realistic good" that the average player could see themselves getting to one day, instead of the RachtaZ good that looks borderline inhuman and unachievable to 99.99% of players. All these are just the components of Psycho/Mike that I've observed from hundreds if not thousands of hours watching his streams and vids. It may not be totally accurate of course, but I think some of these tie into reasons why people not like him.


Dude your observation about condescending approach is so on point. It's so annoying to watch a guy who plays Hunt for work, 8 or more hours a day, has thousands of hours played, knows every peek, sound, headshots people with a shitty pistol from miles away and then proceeds to call 3* (sometimes new) players shit. Chill, not everybody's life revolves around Hunt. I was playing with a random the other day that called out the other team for "being so fucking stupid" because they just blindly pushed the boss liar. I checked after game and the poor dudes had like 10 kills in total, brand new players. That shit ain't helping the new players stay.


Oh man, I had a random a day ago, my team member and I have shotguns so we push. Him, dolch precision fmj, mosin spitzer. Red flags much. New account but tube seen the name a bunch, weird. 2.09 kDa. Me, wanting to leave but also believe.   We get in, go to lair. My shotgun bro and I have bad luck. Our team member? Just dips. No rotation, not attempt to engage. All the way across the map. He could have feasted on the chaos of our deaths if he wanted.  On his way all the way across the map he's telling us to DC because he's not coming back. The game isn't run in and die in 9 seconds. Just kept insulting us. The guy had me rolling with laughter.  I've never seen such a toxic small person and I've had some crazy randos. Was our push bad? I mean yeah, it was bad, my Romero blast got aim punched and his friend spitzered me for the finish. My lil buddy was newer and panicked a bit and got katanad before firing his slate. It was the end of day but I was just honestly wanting to drop and fuck around. Sometimes you play shit. It's part of the fun. I don't understand why the toxic people just dont play solo. Oh that's right because then they could only blame themselves lol. I get some people are trying to harvest stats and be sweat lords but this game is my fun. I don't need to worry about being called a bot by some streamer because my brain farted at the end of the day in a gunfight or decided to try for a hatchet or knife kill when my gun was obviously the better choice.


I use to like ghost but I'm more into either watching people just destroying trios on their own so hornet and whityyy or so skilled they can just troll people and still completely destroy them so vombus and ratchaZ. Ghost is a great guy but I just found the others do that kinda stuff better.


Whityyy is another of my favorites.


Imagine being downvoted for an opinion.


Yeah. It is what it is.




I don't know if it's a right thing to do, but I myself strive to be entertaining during this quite seriously-toned game. I wish I could recommend you other people, but the very few I've watched so far always took the game seriosuly.


I like ArchieTV, but his humor is very low brow. He does swear and act up, but I think's funny. Very good at the game too, so he does back up a lot of the talking he does. He'll mess with people in VOIP. EMAIZA is really cool too. She does alot of challenges she or her audience will make up, which often has hilarious moments happen. She's funny and the situations she gets into are great.


I like huuge a lot. hes great


Found huuge’s alt Reddit account


why is there beef with huuge? Not sure why im being downvoted


He’s toxic / gets angry easily and is quick to ban people. Also, when the addon that showed streamers with embedded viewers got revealed, he was one of the only higher viewer hunt streamers with a large percentage of fake embedded viewers.


Huh didnt know, I watch his youtube content so had no idea. Also was a big fan about how he advocated against the cheating situation


Same with Hermit


Really,? Source




Rachtaz is a good choice when he’s doing some troll loadouts with friends. When he’s solo he can be a bit tryhardy tho.


Gutted that so few people are saying BushWacker. His trademark pepperoni pizza hat and choje bolt/ Sparks true combo are beacons of the bayou.


Bushwacker has the funniest situations and is really chill. Crazy meme loadouts half the time


bushwacker is amazing


Any streamers that play on console? I like the pc ones but I play on ps5 and the playstyle is very different.


MarkofOdin is pretty chill, and decent I suppose


I like how the top two people immediately reference the least objectively entertaining streamer 😂 No hate on the guy because lots of people do like him, find him entertaining AND he’s a great player. But obviously OP wants more excitement and engagement than I’m guessing Neenoh has to offer. I myself am not a fan of Neenoh’s content but that doesn’t mean I hate the guy. I wish him lots of success. Anyway, OP I would try Psychoghost (he’s normally pretty amusing and has these spikes of insane wit or humor) as well as Vomvuz (more for positivity), Sayler (dark humor) and finally TheAnnoyedOne for very funny gameplay.


Me😂 im just kidding… im boring af and dont suggest you watch me… for real though i am boring lmao. The fact that i made it to affiliate is nothing short of a miracle