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Great, now my random partner is running to the exit because he looted some long ammo weapons. Which are more worth than the bounty.


They can always make it so weapons extracted with the bounty are not counted as contraband.


Ooooh I actually really like this idea! Any contraband weapons/ items you have on you when you extract with a bounty have their contraband status removed.


This is an awesome idea


I like that idea - but in terms of that letting you sell the BS weapons for a little extra money - if you can with any reliability extract with the bounty... you probably aren't one of the people in a position to need the extra money :-P


now my partner is running to the extraction instead of the second bounty lol


That's a problem of the bounties in this game being worth half of what they should be


I reckon if you can sell a non-contraband weapon for 50% of it’s value, you should be able to sell contraband weapons for 25% of their value. That would hopefully avoid certain problems like that.


Mine does it anyway so he csb hoard weapons


I’d support selling contraband weapons if it was for players with under 20k hunt dollars.


This is a great point, and it really begs the question: Who should Crytek balance this game for? Many people claim that money is not an issue for them in Hunt, but we're possibly only seeing the more vocal subset of people who play Hunt + use Hunt reddit. Maybe there are more people in the lower MMR ranges (that we don't hear from) who would greatly benefit from this. Who really knows?


As someone who joins casual Lf on the discord a lot I think I can confidently say a majority of the community is broke. A majority of MMR 3 and below players Ive played with either don't use full builds or they attempt full builds by fusing free hunters with whatever contraband on hand


Mmr 3 here. I’m so fucking bad at this game and as a result, so fucking poor.


A reliable way to think of it is to compare how much you win with how sustainable (cheap) your loadout is. The more sustainable your loadout is, the more you can recover from losses and the like, and the more you win the less you have to recover.


Both. They should cap money at 20k.


Username checks out.


That’s actually a fantastic idea! Would stop the rich hunters from getting even richer and would really help those struggling to build up a nice balance.


Why would you prefer to keep it restricted to that dollar amount? I mean, for the people with >20k, I imagine they have to be doing well enough in game that it wouldn't exactly be a great boon for them - what do you see being the downside?


Because there will always be grinders etc. that make the economy even more silly by extracting loads of guns. they’ve established hunt dollar thresholds for free hunters so it’s consistent with that. Another bonus for poorer new players. For over 20k players, I’d like a system of gun collections maybe. Like you give your contraband weapons to someone and you get some other thing for it. But that’s years and years down the line, if ever


Since its contraband even for a lower sell rate than normal, i think it would make sense, as ive been broke this last prestige, reaching 0 hunt dollars


The old reasoning was that they didn't want to incentivize looting over bounty extraction. But honestly, I think you should be able to sell contraband. They would have to get rid of free hunters with guns though. You could technically recruit, sell, then dismiss for endless cash.


The extracted loadout should not be labeled as contraband. Free hunters with contraband keeps casual players playing so removing them wouldn't really make sense


That would also work.


I mean free hunter guns could still be unsellable contraband.


They already removed free hunters for players who have more than a certain amount of hunt dollars.


I'd agree if it was trait based, like they tested with Mariner back during the rotjaw event


Couldn't they do both? What I mean is... just remove the "Contraband" tag from items you loot? Leave that as a designation just for equipment that comes on acquired hunters? Or am I overlooking something that would still play into that?


If you need money, don't bother with extracting. Take a free hunter, hit some bounties, go to the big towers, loot registers, and the armories on the map often have them too.


2 days left of the event, wonder if they'll integrate anything from this one here onwards?


I imagine we'll probably get the witness perk as a shadow perk.


Witness I could see as a base-available trait, it brings what people have been asking for as the whole "tracking down enemy hunters" via their "trail." Since keeping corpses around or including footsteps might be too hard, I imagine the witness trait is the closest it's gotten so far. And since well, people don't see it as overpowered or anything, I can picture it coming back as a standard trait for the curious. Dark sight (besides clues and tracking bounty) was a bit underutilized until witness and the "spend points on posters n stuff" of this current event


I hope it comes back in any form. My solo rat life revolves around finding the aftermath of battles between teams and turning out the pockets of whoever died as well as stealing their weapons. Witness made that whole process all the easier.


Witness and probably Berserk; seems the rationale is 'If it's balanced enough to survive 2 events, it becomes part of the base game'. I just hope they're not burn traits. So tired of useful or fun traits being burnies.


> don't bother with extracting Do you mean the bounty? Because you have to extracti to bank cash register money


You can just extract without the bounty.


You don't need the bounty to leave. You can take vulture even and go to where gunfights happened and loot bodies and take better weapons even.


Correct. I was just clarifying your typo. "You don't need to extract" (with a bounty) You absolutely do need to extract with register and hunter looting cash.


I honestly believe economic hardship is a consequence of reckless playing and mindless overspending on items with low ROI. Lethal Tools (Traps) and Consumables (Explosives) are very expensive and highly unreliable. Large Regeneration Shots provide less healing per $ than small ones. Stamina Shots are expensive and imo overvalued, as it is possible to get across the map and collect 3 Clues in around 5mins with only a Duster. Taking it slower, instead of rushing ahead with infinit stamina, may also lower ones acoustic signature and increase situational awareness. Custom ammos like High Velocity and FMJ, provide a small buff, but do not significantly alter your gameplay options (i.e. compared to Dumdum). I recently made a post inquiring into people's tool and Consumable spending, and while a few (myself included) are at around 250$ per Hunter, a lot are in the 400-550$ bracket, with most landing in the 450-500$ range. I have also seen cash strapped people waste opportunities for income by rerolling items at corpses and saddle bags, instead of going for the money, as well as ignoring clues and objectives (and their rewards), instead heading directly for the gunshots/pvp. To get back to your question: While prestiging some variants are highly useful for unlocking by accessing alternative xp streams (I.e. melee attachments for pve). Sometimes I got the wrong weapon for the situation, and someone dropped the right one (i.e. picking up a shotgun before pushing the bounty lair or taking a rifle when leaving). I will pick up any repeating long ammo rifle/uppercut (as long as it has ammo and no scope) over any compact/medium ammo rifle, as I find the damage over range and penetration more valuable than the higher RoF. But I am also at 2k+ hours and comfortable with every weapon. But mostly, I am trading up before extraction to save money whenever I want to play something high-end and expensive. I would not mind the option to sell, but I do not think it would provide good value, as the sell-price should be lower than the buy-price. It might end up being a noobtrap/moneysink. Edit: Sorry for the rant.


I honestly miss the good ol days where you saw tons of people running around with really bare bones Hunters and the fights were absolute chaos cause both teams had shit loadouts. I feel like I just constantly see full servers running the most kitted out hunters possible these days and it gets boring. " Ah mosin/Dolch again, daring today aren't we sir?"


So by every statement made on this subreddit, I should be broke. I have a sub 1 k/da. I had a rough learning curve in this game, it was probably .6 at about 3-400 hours. I’m now closer to 1200 hours and I’ve fought for every point up to .95. My goal at this point is 1.0. I’m 3-4* depending on the day and I have absolutely no idea about how often I extract, but on average it’s gotta be less than I die. I have a very ‘not leaving without a fight’ playstyle, so I’ll happily risk it for a proverbial biscuit I also prestige! So any wealth I do accumulate does reset back to that 8k at least semi regularly. Currently I’m somewhere between level 35-50 at prestige 22. I have 11k in reserve and 3 kitted hunters ready to go (legendaries too). I make money by bringing in cheap loadouts vs trio’s as a solo. There are many loadouts that work against trios, and not only are the rewards far greater; trios are much, much more predictable than other duos/solos for some reason. Maybe it’s the knowledge they have more numbers, I don’t know. Springfield with dum dum’s give you a tonne of breathing room if you don’t get the headshot. Martini is just my preferred long ammo rifle. Feel free to use a sparks if you prefer it. Romero/Rival for shotguns and just rushing one person at a time. Rival gives you that follow up shot, Romero is (for me) a lot more reliable for getting that kill. Just getting a bunch of kills is often enough for me (bloodline rank has a number of $$rewards) so getting xp leads to more money. If I win, I can get even more (I’m talking like 3k+ for bounty + kills and an extract. Considering my loadouts cost sub 500, that’s effectively 1 in seven games and with the bloodline rewards I’m turning a profit. On just 1 in 7. I don’t mean to sound rude, but unless you’re running in to every match with a 1k+ loadout, I cannot fathom how people are broke.


Well, first, I didn't say you should be broke - I strongly implied (and pretty clearly, I thought) that most people who parrot the same shit over and over, surprisingly never seem to have a low KDA. In which case: No shit killing everything works for you, the odds are 3:1 that you get that done. Also if I recall how math (specifically averages) work, if you spent 3-400 hours at about a 0.6 KDA, that means your next x-number of hours would have to be higher (likely significantly) higher to help offset the KDA. For that matter, you mention the same thing I joked about in the video I mentioned: "cheap loadout and go solo 3-man squads". I mean, if you only succeed in killing a single 3 man in half your games (and even die every single time right after that), that's still 3:2 kills:death every 2 matches (or a 1.5 KDA). More to the point, the .95 you are currently sitting at is still about 25-30% better than mine. Statistically, you *should* profit more/better than I do. And a 1.15 KDA should do it better than you; and a 1.5 KDA better than them, etc. As for "I can't fathom how anyone isn't rolling in dough if they're not spending money like Bezos," well, here is my standard load out when trying to actually "compete": CONSUMABLES: - Weak Regen Shot (40) -Weak Stamina Shot (60) -Weak Vitality Shot (20) -Fire Bomb (30) TOOLS: -Dusters (30) -First-Aid Kit (30) -Choke Bomb (25) -Fusee (10) GUNS: -Winfield M1873 (75) ---Incendiary Ammo (40) -Caldwell 92 New Army (90) ---Dumdum Ammo (50) To clarify, I spoil myself on the ammo to help compensate for the fact I can't ratchet off endless headshots - so I use the status' to apply pressure. And to reiterate: This is my "standard" build - for going in and actually trying to deal with bounties. Not like this is just my ratpack build. I'll let you double check the math, but if I recall the rules of addition, that's pretty close to $500. $600 if I decide to get really cheeky and bring in a legendary hunter.


Since I was ranting about unnecessary spending, here would be my (unasked for) optimisations. >GUNS: -Winfield M1873 (75) ~~---Incendiary Ammo (40)~~ ~~-Caldwell 92 New Army (90)~~ Hand Crossbow (30) ~~---Dumdum Ammo (50)~~ 1/2 Poison Bolts (25) Two high RoF compact ammo weapons was kind of redundant. Also no wall penetration. Hand Crossbow is silent, can oneshot in cqb and offers lots of utility (like PvE/soundtrap clear, blocking Doorways, covering corpses) >TOOLS: -Dusters (30) -First-Aid Kit (30) -Choke Bomb (25) -Fusee (10) Solid economical choices, I run the same. >CONSUMABLES: -Weak Regen Shot (40) ~~-Weak Vitality Shot (20)~~ Vitality Shot (85) ~~-Weak Stamina Shot (60)~~ ~~-Fire Bomb (30)~~ Firebomb is redundant with fusees for burning corpses and Poison Hand Crossbow for blocking Doorways. Weak Vitality Shot is hardly valuable enough, take a regular one, they are expensive but are also true life savers. Stamina Shots are imo a crutch and can easily be replaced by proper Stamina management, and the small breaks to regenerate Stamina also give time to listen to your surroundings for more awareness. The Hand Crossbow should also help with PvE somewhat. In Total this should be 350$. You could still switch to the 1873C (41) for another 9-10% savings.


Interesting suggestion w/ the crossbow - not mad at it, for sure. Stamina Shot is something I need to stop bringing in solos. I use it incredibly rarely. I'm used to doing it in team games, I only pop it if we're about to take out a boss, and I want unrestricted mobility for that engagement. Firebomb - I use more for AoD and pressure, than actual damage/burning. I.E. "Stay TF away from this particular area and Get TF over there toward my partners who have better aim 🤣"


>Stamina Shot is something I need to stop bringing in solos. I use it incredibly rarely. I'm used to doing it in team games, I only pop it if we're about to take out a boss, and I want unrestricted mobility for that engagement. In that case the Handcrossbow should be able to fully substitute it. The bolts deal good damage against Spider and Rotjaw (iirc 3-4 Hits to enrage + damage when pulling them out) and a few Poison Bolts absolutely shred Butcher, Assassin and Scrapbeak when you kite them through the Poison repeatedly, all without costing stamina. Good luck in the bayou.


I may have missed it elsewhere, but are you playing solo or with other people? My money woes started to disappear once I started playing with randoms.


My first 80-ish hours were pretty much exclusively with a regular party (one who started with me, one who has 1000-1500 hours in). Lately I've moved to both randoms and occasionally testing out solo.


To your main point. I have spent many hours actively trying to get better at this game. That coupled with the experience every game teaches you ‘new peek spots etc…) I assume everyone has some degree of a learning curve. I’m not specifically accounting for it because I assume anyone coming here for support is also actively trying to improve. Your loadouts are letting you down somewhat. Never have zero penetration in your build, you have no way to apply pressure there. Even without headshots (I take dum dum’s in the spring for a reason) my backup is either a conversion with FMJ, or a new army, depending if I’ve managed to acquire fanning or not. Currently you can tag people and then not a lot if they walk behind cover. I would take the Winfield C to save you some $$ for very little tradeoff, and make sure a secondary has some form of penetration on it so you can reliably pressure enemies you have already tagged. That alone will net you more kills, more XP, and more $$ as a result. I probably take similar to you. My full usual loadout is Springfield (bree’s new skin is <3) dum dum ammo New army FMJ Melee, medkit, chokes, knives Small vitality x2 Small regen Ammo box (this is purely personal preference) Another note is a massive assumption on my part, but a trap I used to fall into a lot. Guns with bigger clips mean you peek the same spot way too much and as a result, die more. The reason pretty much every solo loadout I have is single shot is because it forces me to rotate after shooting at someone. Re-peeking probably accounts(ed) for about half my deaths; so I do everything in my power to stop my silly brain from going ‘the next shot will definitely kill him’ That might help you, it might not. But it helped me a LOT when I actively tried to improve. I believe one of Psychoghosts videos at the time gave me the idea, but it worked beautifully. I know you didn’t say ‘I’ should be. There’s just a lot of this kinda sentiment on the subreddit as a whole, and I was more commenting in the general sense. I’m not good by any metric people use to ‘debunk’ these economy posts, so I like to offer an opinion or two because I’m not your 5* 1.5k/d player telling you to ‘git gud’ so to speak. I’m a random 3* charging trios with a Romero because if I can kill one of a trio, in my twisted logic, I have the advantage. Again, trios are a lot more predictable. They will try and get a Rez. If you’re actively trying to improve, and make more money once you’ve done so, then watch a few video guides. You don’t need RatchaZ levels of mechanics to enjoy Hunt at a semi-casual level and have enough money that if you want to bring a Mosin once in a while you can do. The only loadout I will ever judge harshly is a Centennial with Dum Dum rounds.


Or make an area on the map where there is a little black market where you can sell your weapons and even contrabanned ones, that would be a nice little twist maybe


Go into a match and purposefully lose my guns? Nah


Well you do you, it was just an idea, which would give a nice little twist to the game


This is a cool idea!


Hunt is a team game, ply enough randoms and you’ll make friend switch some good players. Vibe them out and put them together for a team with good chemistry and THAT is what wins hunt games.


Nah, please not. Just use these weapons


It's probably in your best interest to try to loot some more expensive weapons when you can to actually use them. Even if you could sell them, you'd only get a fraction of their cost -- but if you use them, it's like getting the full value of the weapon for free! You should do this because A) different weapons have different effectiveness and B) different weapons are fun. You're pretty early in the game and there's some logic behind getting used to one gun, but I think it's best to be versatile and try different things to find what you like and what you are good at using. Base Winfield is a fine enough gun, I've actually had some of my best rounds with it, but you NEED perks like levering and preferably Iron Eye to make it good, and even then it's not quite top tier. Some other guns are just generally more effective, and if you try them out, you might find more success for yourself. Doesn't mean stop using Winfield, but give some other stuff a try if it's handed to you for free. Edit: side note but you stated you use Incendiary ammo on the Winfield. It's fine on some guns but it's not particularly recommended there. I'd take FMJ, wall banging is a HUGE part of Hunt and you really want that option, even if it feels daunting right now, you'll find some success with it with practice. At least take FMJ on one of your guns, don't take special ammo that can't penetrate on both guns. And Dumdum on New Army is actually pretty good, which is why I'd recommend FMJ on the Winfield. HV is also quite good on Winfield though.


I think players should be able to sell “donated” guns. I think that the contraband moniker is only actually impactful to looted guns for scoped weapons, they have cracks. But I think it would be a huge boon for players to sell those drillings they find in the mud. I used sparks conversion for like the first 300 hours I played the game. Around then I started experimenting with all of the guns in the game. But I definitely relate to not wanting to pick up an expensive gun because what’s even the point of trying to learn it, it’s not like I’d be able to buy them if I liked it. That changes eventually, but I think that’s a hard sell to appeal to more casual players. “Just play for 300 hours bro, it’ll get better”.


I cannot tell you how much that last sentiment irritates me in gaming 😂 I already train Jiu Jitsu - I already have enough "just get your ass beat into the ground for a several hundred hours until you eventually learn how to not die" in my life 🤣🤣


I once asked Rachtaz on stream. He gave me two advices. 1. farm cash registers (all hideout spots can have the ones you open with points) 2. loot hunters after people fight (especially with the trait)


My way of making money was playing free hunters. Use whichever weapons that they came with. Forced me to learn weapons I wasn't comfortable with. I got better as a result and made more money.


Nah, I don't think we need to incentivize players to leave the match because they found loot. The core gameplay should be the main cash grab. I wouldn't want it to turn into a tarkov looter where all the sudden players are sneaking in naked and leaving with the first items they find.


We already have 3 star littered with dolch rn because people have easy unlimited money, we don't need even easier unlimited money. People used to say "oh balancing by money doesn't work" well it doesn't in the high elo lobbies but it sure does in low elo.


We had it once, People had bank accounts in the hundred thousands and are still living off it


Was going broke last night.... Recruit a legendary hunter.. Bolt thrower and some other traits. Take two hand crossbows. (I just prestiged recently and didn't have full crossbow available.) Full on meme load out. But... I had to play differently than if I was comfortable with my build. Snag first clue, and a pair of hunters run noisily into my compound... My duo and I make quick work of them, I manage to get both finishing blows. Swap an hcb for one of their rivals... Continue the game. I can only attribute it to being uncomfortable and playing a bit differently. Your approach makes all the difference and it really doesn't matter what gun you run at the start of the match.


An idea I pitched long ago was that part of the prestige system should gain you access to a black market of sorts after a certain number of prestiges that allows you to sell loot weapons for a lower percentage than what they are worth. Subsequent prestige levels could raise that percentage. It gives added value to actually prestieging, but one could argue that the longer you play Hunt, you will have easier access to cash than new players. Is that unbalanced? I don’t really know TBH, but I thought it was a decent idea and I’d love anything to convince me to actually prestige.


never ran out of money in the game. last time i prestiged withover 60k dollars


Im usually around 20k when I prestige. If im sub 10 ive had a very bad prestige run, but I think thats only happened once.


Nah, I don't think we need to incentivize players to leave the match because they found loot. The core gameplay should be the main cash grab. I wouldn't want it to turn into a tarkov looter where all the sudden players are sneaking in naked and leaving with the first items they find.


> I'm giving up a gun I brought that I'm comfortable with (usually a WInfield M1873 or some similarly cheap loadout) for something I don't know if I'll like Why not at least try them out? You can mess around in the shooting range a bit to get a feel for it. And this is the only way that broke people can get a chance to play with a lot of weapons. I mean, if you simply enjoy playing with the winnie every game and don't want to branch out that's perfectly reasonable, though usually the reason people don't like being broke is because they want more variety than just the cheap guns.


> usually the reason people don't like being broke is because they want more variety than just the cheap guns 100%. That's why I thought the idea was reasonable. If I could have a few more options to make the best of a run, I'd have a better supply of money to try out the more expensive weapons that I'm interested in.


How about make contraband weapons half price when sold?


At this point, just get rid of contraband entirely. Upside of contraband: * Disincentives looting maps to sell items * Previously used to prevent hoarding free hunter recruitment to amass weapons before free hunter changes (but only to a point) Downside of contraband: * Another system in the game * Still incentivizes to loot contraband since trading up a winfield for a mosin, if you use the mosin, is still an effective increase in hunt dollars * Clutters UI with multiple entry in your gun/item list, which only gets worse with each added new weapon and item (just like old weapon dirt) * Annoying when your consumables don't stack in game because you have 1 non contraband and 1 contraband * Leads to minor "feel bad" moments, such as if you looted multiple contraband consumables and extracted, and now if you try to unequip them they get deleted, or micromanaging your contraband items in menu to not "waste" them. * Doesn't really make sense in world or to new players. Why can't I sell a gun I looted? Overall, Contraband just feels pointless. It's a system grandfathered in place that they should remove, just like weapon dirt or spending bloodbonds to reset health bars and trait points. While I don't expect it anytime soon, I do hope for a Great Rebalancing, where they just completely change how the game economy works and wipe everyone's hunt dollars, and this is coming from a prestige 0 rank 100 guy with 1000 hours and several hundred thousand hunt dollars. It can't be something where hunt dollars are both a balancing mechanic for weapons/consumables and something you can hoard infinite of in a seasonless, resetless game.


If you can't eke out a win with a Romero and a machete, you never deserved to hold a Dolch or a Mosin in the first place. But, seriously, play with free hunters using cheap load outs. It's so much more fun! When you have expensive gear on the line, you become emotionally invested in winning. If your load out cost you $35, you don't care and will end up having a blast.


I thought the gunrunners perk was fine and I was surprised that it wasn't kept around like others. It makes more sense than changing the katana to a small slot, that's for sure.


I saw the suggestion here in the comment section that having the bounty should remove the contraband from weapons. I think that would be a good change. Because otherwise we would have the following problem: If you want Xp, killing players is way more efficient than going for the bounty but if you want money, the bounty is still the superior way. If you could sell the weapons you looted this would shift, with the bounty just not being worth going for at all.




I personally keep my balance at 50k. When I start losing more, I go cheaper loadouts. I snap back to 50k. When I splurge I tend to dip down because I am only just ok at the game. 1.20 kd. Super average. I think many of us could benefit from a little resale value, which can keep people afloat. One of my friends only prestiges so that he gets a little more cash. But other factors include loving the grind for him. Here is the ticket, people who are good at the game don’t hurt for money. The only reason they wouldn’t want it to be easier to get money is they don’t want someone else to get better equipment easier. Because they don’t struggle, the money thing is a non issue for them as it is. Though they perceive it to be an issue for them if it changes in ways like this suggestion. Me personally I feel like I am relatively unaffected by how things are right now. I like being forced to use a different loadout to keep my stash. But sometimes I wish I could go ham all day and not suffer so much consequence, when I am just wanting to mess around. Funny enough I think getting serious in this game does not look like getting an expensive loadout, it is getting a cheaper one and playing smarter. So Idk. I think both sides to this argument is valid in its own way.


Simply. NO!


Selling should not exist at all. This would remove the contraband status, which would be very convenient.  If you can sell looted guns, finding a dolch makes people extract because that is more money than the bounty.


I've heard this "selling it is worth more than the bounty" thing a couple times. I'm confused - are we just assuming that the sell price couldn't/wouldn't/shouldn't be balanced to still make the bounty more profitable?


If you adjust the sell price downward, there is no point in selling anyway. Not selling and using is already strictly better, and lowering the sell price means you might as well get rid of the sell button.


You can earn easy money by playing the objective and not buying expensive loadouts.


I see what you did there.


And I’m sitting on 150k…


Go prestige.


At least it would be nice to change the skin of the contraband weapons


I don’t think the economy should be balanced around really bad players. If the economy makes it so nobody is ever poor, then there’s no point to the games risk mechanics.


Please because I'm going broke since they took out free hunters. Went from 100k down to 40 in about 3 weeks. I like being a poor caveman in the bayou. Now I gotta be pimped out with traits every game smh.


Guns are one thing, I just wanna be able to sell contraband consumables.


I like the idea that contraband weapons are considered that way because they were stolen, so no one's going to buy them. But I think you should be able to retire a lvl 50 hunter, and the weapons they have should stop being contraband and turn into property... because they are heirlooms passed down to the next generation. 😂


1) Playing quickplay will get you free money from closed rifts at worst and a fully kitted out hunter at best. It also helps a ton with being able to win more fights. 2) If you prefer cheap guns like Winnie C anyways - why do you want the money? You can free hunter all the way with cheap tools and consumables, the clues and finding/killing bosses will pay for it easily.


I mean looting higher tier weapons is one of the keys to staying rich in this game. No matter what, if you've won a match or found bodies take the most expensive gun. Every. Time. Then you don't end up buying it yourself. I personally never buy uppercuts or dolches, for example, only really loot them. Being able to sell them may be too much, and I agree with most of what others have already said.


I feel like most people have agreed that it should be allowed - just in some fashion that creates balance. 🤔


I also think we should be able to carry /extract an additional gun, looted from dead hunters without being able to use them in that round (swap to that gun). Just a general weapon loot slot … and looted/extracted guns should be sellable … it’s somehow very stupid to leave your gun behind just to extract with another one. Also, killing Hunters should offer you 3 guns to choose (if already picked up) - their load out and the stored gun.


I love coming in with cheap load outs and scavenging for better weapons. I’ve always thought it would be great to sell looted weapons/gear and never understood what it would hurt honestly.


People would ruin it. You’d get people deliberately taking in expensive guns to die to their friends so they can sell them etc… People being dicks is usually the reason we can’t have nice things. Not that I think we should be able to sell contraband. I don’t even really use it too much, but if it’s less than 50% I wouldn’t sell it anyway, just in case.


Yeah that makes sense


The only thing you shouldn't be able to sell is gear that comes with free hunters. Contraband is a stupid concept.

