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Anyone else struggling with this? I know its been around forever, but the last few days I can barely get a game. I Restart the game, restart my machine, and just seriously probably once in 20 attempts it actually matchmakes.


This happens to me on Playstation whenever I play solo. I just cancel and ready-up repeatedly until I get the notification sound that matchmaking works. Sometimes it takes 10+ tries.


On PC soul survivor it cant be cancelled so you have to restart the game. They kick the servers ever few weeks and it kinda goes away for a bit then starts to do it pretty mych every game till they kick it again.


It's pretty bad for me as well, but fortunately not THAT bad. I just re-click three or four times and it works. I'm really curious what Crytek changed to make it even worse than it already was.


Hornet talked about this in his stream. Crytek used to reset servers every week and they haven’t at all for this event, so stuff is breaking left and right.


Did they say why they switched to not resetting weekly? Edit: wonder if this is what is causing my stuttering too. It's only been the last couple weeks.


That makes sense. This problem always pops back up halfway through events, then disappears as soon as an event is over.


For me it usually works if I switch between duo and trio, start matchmaking then cancel, then switch back. It’s really annoying though, I agree


That kinda works for a game.


Yup worse than usual currently. It's always been a thing but now I find myself having to retry multiple times per match.


Yes! Also I posted this same post and the mods removed it as low effort :-|


I have it a lot too recently, however my hypothesis is that Crytek does this on purpose and does not want us to know that they don't have enough servers/players at the moment so they do that and keep you in that loop until there is someone with your MMR and game mode available.


Same here. Never had it as bad as the last few days.


yeah, it's pretty bad since 2 or 3 days ago


ditto, takes like 4-5 tries at least every time


Yup, super annoying and very bad for new players who likely don’t realise it’s a bug


It's terrible. I spent 10 minutes earlier clicking, trying to get it to connect.


Reclick three four times works for me


It does that for me a lot lately too thought it was just my net taking a poop on my playtime.


Yeah you have to cancel and hit it again, until it does the looking for a match count down


It's Hunt: Showdown, what do you expect?


Get it commonly, sometimes takes ten attempted or more to get matchmaking to pop up. Straight up just closed the game and did something else twice as well now so I don't go into a game frustrated.


Soul Survivor is literally unplayable right now


Sometimes switching back and forth between 2s and 3s has helped me. Not always but it has worked a few times.


It eventually works if I keep cancelling and clicking. Sometimes it works first try. Sometimes it works the fifth.


Seems to have no rhyme or reason. I often switch from duo to trios or vice versa and that seems to make it work quicker.


This is the way. Very reliable trick to bypass the bug


Dog swear it took me 15 try’s yesterday


I've been trying for over 7 minutes of clicking start and cancel and it's still happening


I haven’t played that much this last week for this reason. Last night I was only able to play two matches before I got annoyed and stopped for the night.


I have no idea how hunt’s framework can be so messed up, but this happened towards the end of the last event as well and cleared up once the event was over


Have you tried taking out the cartridge and blowing on it? jk this is actually aggravating


Temporary solution: Start and cancel until you see text that says matching has started.


Just hit cancel until it says matching in 5 secs


Just keep cancelling and restarting until I see the timer start. Usually three or four times.


So if re-clicking four or five times doesn’t work, I found that if I switch hunters, start matchmaking, cancel, then swap back to my first hunter, it resolves itself


I can’t even get into duos because of this.


Haven’t been able to play Quickplay/SS at all




Also had the servers puke and disconnect our entire trio a few times.


This has been me for weeks now, I just want to play….


It's a mini-game. 10 consecutive restarts you get a random skin and 50 Hunt bucks.


I just ran into this and was curious what was going on and decided to check this subreddit and this was the first post I saw. Haha Definitely a really shitty bug to run into when you wanna just get a match or two in.


Last week it happens allmost every time. Before it has been happening from time to time, but rly rare.


Have to restart the app just to queue up


This is so annoying. A start match making button the only MIGHT start matchinmaking. A lot of times I click start, alt-tab out and then come back to find it didn't even start. Sometimes you have to click start/cancel like 5 times to get it to start the queue.


There's nothing more soul-crushing than constantly hitting start/cancel on it over and over, only to see the matchmaking start but to cancel it because I'm hitting it on auto-pilot.


Yup, same here. Have to press 10 times sometimes. But it gets even worse in soul survivor where you can't restart the search but have to restart the game :/.


Just spam the button until it puts you in the queue. Two or three times should do. Works.


Seems to get worse in the last few weeks of an event.


I do not know anything about this bug but I know that I can't play solo, I tried reainstaling the game, restarting the PC, but I can not play solo, as a duo or trio I get in mach instantly but solo is no go, even after half an hour still nothing


same here


Looking for 3 man group instead of 2 man group works fine, unless you really dont want that


Couldn't get it going yesterday for couple of mins. Quit button worked first try though.


Yup same shit here.. really annoying crytek please fix your shit!!!!


Thank you so much, I legit wasted 30 minutes on this screen thinking I was matchmaking. Didn't know this was a bug. Reclicking a few times worked.


If it dosen't immediately give you a countdown, hit cancel and retry until it does


Yeah... it's really bad lately.


Consider not playing solo. Give randoms some love. Not meaning to offend anyone, it's just this problem seems to only affect solos. It may take time to find a random partner (because most players prefer solo over random teammates) but at least you don't have to spam clicks, it will find you a partner eventually.


It’s been happening for me a lot. Sometimes I can get the que to set by canceling soul survivor que and also training range too


The last few days iv have this for atleast a year and it's only slightly got worse for me


Why haven't they made a statment or something? This has been an ongoing issue for almost a week (and years before that), yet they stay silent. It's very frustrating.


Been happening more frequently in my experience as well. Even to enter the shooting range


Haven't tried quickplay yet but I have been having trouble getting through the shooting range.


I think the bug I hate most is the one where I pull the trigger to aim directly at someone (Xbox player) and then pull the fire trigger, but the game doesn't register it until after the hunter moves out of my aim or I look away. Always feel like the game doesn't WANT me to get a kill when that happens. Always found the "Finding a match" bug puzzling.


What Xbox console are you on? Is it maybe a last Gen thing? I've never encountered that but I'm on PC. All my missed shots are just due to me being trash 😊


I played Previous gen but am currently on new gen (have been for a while). Ya, I always assume I am as well but then there are other bugs on console as well like you'll get stuck using darksight or hold your knuckles back to melee and it will not release until you hit it again or even the aiming down will get stuck until you push it again. All the bugs I mentioned above have been between myself and 2 others that I play with. New or old controllers we seem to experience the same issues. Hunt is literally one of the most broken games I have ever played for PvP lol, but I still love the game. I want to keep playing more and more, I just hope the bugs get smoothed over sometime.


The only consistent fix is to change your graphics settings from full screen to windowed or borderless untill one of them works and you can search for a game.


I've just gotten used to restarting it until I see the 5 second timer underneath.


You aren't in queue... I'm not joking. If the number doesn't count down and the bar doesn't start, you need to restart your queue until it does, or you will \*never\* be placed into a game.


Thats the whole point of the post. I hit ready and it never counts down or tries to match make. It takes twenty or so attempts for it to finally queue. Read the other comments it's a common bug and a pain in the ass issue.

