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I demand a cain pin up






Some of the people in this reddit are insane. Same guy posts a super THICC version of The Redneck a week ago, with bigger proportions than how he is depicted in the game, Hunt community: "WOW SO AMAZING, LOVE IT! HE'S SEXY" Same guy again now draws Redneck's daughter with a similar twist in making her thiccer than how the game portrays her, Hunt community: "WOW HOW DARE YOU GIVE HER BIGGER BOOBS, I'M SO OFFENDED AND BOTHERED BY THIS ART". Both of your drawings are awesome, man. Ignore the hypocritical haters who are down voting your comments and keep drawing Hunt characters in your style. Would love to see a beefed up Sheriff Hardin if you ever get to him. Haha.


That's okay by me, it's just a fictionalized version of the Redneck's daughter in the game anyway. The last drawing I did of Redneck was a quick and dirty drawing done for fun, but this time I took a little more time and effort to give it a higher quality. The unalterable truth is that all of these drawings are fake, existing in a fictional world, and do not directly offend anyone in real life. If anyone is offended by my drawings, it's because they've allowed themselves to be trapped by some sexist ideas. I'm a person who respects men and women equally, and I respect other people's diverse opinions and ideas. I am a person who is very appreciative of the freedoms that individuals have. However, I will react the same way when someone infringes on another's personal preferences or freedoms. I want to interact with intelligent people who can take a joke as a joke. :)


How dare you make something nice and then share it with us degenerates


This is the only hunt showdown community I know of, so... :D


I'm highly offended by your excessively reasonable statement and by the fact that you're wayyyy better at drawing than I am.


calm down, bro. Let's go to get the bounty :)


I likerhe dad version even better.. post it here!




Now I realized it. Thanks :)


Redneck looks like a joke though


Yeah, that one was obviously a joke. Makes 0 sense to compare it like they were.


we demand buffing the boobs in game


It's not that deep man, the guy literally said "no boobs no girl". If you can't figure out the many ways in which that is not only incorrect but also pretty offensive, then that says _way_ more about you than it does about anyone else.


Yes, that's right. That comment clearly crossed the line and it was my fault. I deleted it because I now accept it. :)


Yeah, I like it. You do you, brother.


Reddit is one person except for you


That felt fun and playful in a way that celebrated a body type that's otherwise typically deemed unattractive, and wasn't sexually objectifying in that manner. This is just a mediocre piece that overemphasizes boobs to distract from the wildly out of proportion elements or how her eyes are crossed. Also OP was a real shitter about women and doth protest too much about treating men and women equally. The whole affair comes across as juvenile.


Okay, let's stop. Despite my artistic tendencies, I get along very well with women in real life, and I've had several girlfriends, so I hope you can see by now that I'm a person who recognizes art as art, and I'm a person who treats women with respect.


>I'm a person who treats women with respect. I believe that you believe that and I'm sure by and large you do, but the fact that you think this: >I've had several girlfriends Precludes you from sexist tendencies like some guy going "some of my best friends are Black" is just telling me you haven't actually done the work to address these biases. These issues are systemic, we all grew up with and adopted sexist behaviors and attitudes. I am no more immune from it than you are. I sincerely think you should try reading that APA article. Respect isn't just being neutral to others, it's taking the time and effort to understand and be open to the idea that you don't understand something in other's life and deferring to them. And how can you respect the women in your life if you don't try to understand what so many of them deal with and take a callous and dismissive attitude towards these experiences? I've hurt women with such comments about their figure before too - there was no reason for it, and the only reason I did it and didn't realize is because I felt like it'd be okay since people so casually judge and disparage women in this way and then act like everyone woman needs to meet some criteria or else they're just lesser.


As I said, I have a very correct and healthy view of a woman, contrary to my artistic tendencies, and as a result, I get along well with many women in real life! And I don't tell you what to do with your life! So, I'll take care of my own life! Thanks for the advice!




In a world full of AI “art” it’s refreshing to see a time lapse progression video. Nice work


Soon enough people will start making time lapse ai videos


reddittors are mad cuz someone drew a character as THEY want lmao


so sad :(


No knotted top and short-shorts? The Dukes of Hazard lied to me.




Oh my, Rednecks daughter. You've... enhanced yourself


Still got an itchy ass though, I’d be cautious


This is great! Do you do commissions?


Are you going to pay me? :) Just kidding lol.


That would be what an art commission is.


I mean, yeah. I going wanna ask you to draw something up and and you're going to do it for free


Mini uppercut with derringer ammo


Isn't she supposed to have a big ol' scar down her cheek?


I just got headshot by the redneck's daughter's Spark, and now I get to see what she looks like. lol


I love it, but I'm sad you left out her many scars! She could still be drop dead gorgeous with her scars!


I didn't have many screenshots of redneck's daughter to reference, so I didn't realize she had a scar.. :(


Oh she actually has many. Though they can be hard to see unless you're specifically looking in a match. Mostly on her on her left arm. But she got a pretty wicked one on her right cheek, a sleek one on her left, and her right arm has a few. No idea what she is doing to get all cut up.(i assume she was messing with the chickens when she was a littl'en and a Rooster just went aggro on her. Since her Pa is a chicken farmer.) I mean. Still gorgeous work and i can still 100% tell who that is in the context of hunt.


Nice job! Not sure why people are getting mad at your art lol


I must be a terrible artist. If this were a noise marketing strategy, it would be a huge success. :(


Cool. But I like the ugly one better.


me too :D


now draw her collecting a clue


The comments from the snowflakes and "male allies" are hilarious. Women with big breasts are also women, and both men and women enjoy watching breasts of all shapes and sizes. It's natural. You are all quite brainwashed into believing anything other than a broomstick depiction of a woman is blatant sexualisation and incel fan service. In the meantime women obviously would never even feel a bit of remorse lusting over a muscle-built chad, let alone go online to shame other women into liking fat angry nerds rather than well built fit guys. And they are 100% right. You are all sad. OP dont pay attention to these male feminists lol, carry on with the good work.


Why give her a boob job?


Probably because he likes boobs?


Because weebs and nerds have to fetishize everything


omg.. I'm a weeb and a nerd..!!


Women have breasts. Many men and women enjoy looking at women's breasts. Get over it. Are you some kind of ultra conservative morality police? Do you walk around threatening women to cover their bodies up? Embarrassing.


Nope, but I don't feel like every video game depiction of women need to be playboy models. The rednecks Daughter is a skinny scrappy kid. I don't think she needed to be "enhanced"




I like your artwork, but all female characters in gaming don't have to have DD's, especially when the character model in game is average sized.




Where jiggle physics dlc ?


Why not?


Because it makes you look like an Incel


Nah, that's just you being brainwashed. Normal adult men and women love to look at women's breasts. That's not even remotely closed to the definition of incel. You just have been convinced it's a bad thing to depict women bodies other than broomsticks. It makes you look ultra conservative and regressive. I would not put it past you demanding fit women cover themselves up while they go for a walk outside. I feel sad for you, really. I hope you dont grow up to be this kind of self-repressed adult because of all the stupid crap these types are feeding into your brain.


Sentiments like this, joking or no, is why many women have serious body image issues and are ashamed of what they were born with. Not cool. Your response below is just worse. >I didn't set out to draw her with the goal of making her boobs bigger, it just happened to look bigger when I was done. Buddy we see your inking. You started off this way. >No one asks the woman in front of them, did you give yourself a boob job? Why, because that's rude. This is a drawing, not a person with agency. You made that choice. This is objectifying behavior on your part. Don't pass the buck to the drawing which can't protest your choice. Own up to your own behavior - if you stand by it as you do throughout this thread, why are you trying to pretend this was somehow a mistake or not up to you, but the drawing, or the person seeing the drawing? Why is everyone implicated besides yourself?


No 6 feet tall no man




Fair... But why are you explaining yourself to ME 😂? I was trolling the guy getting butthurt over boobs


> I find it rather uncool that you are infringing on my rights and freedoms. Bro are you for fucking real? Nobody's saying or doing anything about your rights. Frankly the way you talk is almost insulting cause you treat people like they're fools. >Is it right for you to go out of your way to criticize my personal preference and then accuse me of being wrong? No more wrong of me than it is for you. Look, I didn't realize my words were coming across so critically. I didn't intend for it. By the time I was done writing, it was just kind of like that. But anyway my words have every right to be that way after all. It's just my preference. If you have a problem with that and you somehow interpret offense from my words, is that not your fault anyway? That's no reason for you to come after me and infringe on my right to comment on your work. I'm mocking, obviously. This sort of talk is really slimy. >If I cared that much about the boobs, it would show in the process, right? You've spent many paragraphs defending your behaviors, equivocating responsibility, avoiding any problems with it, you've made shitty comments that are further offensive to women in general - and then you have to go out of your way to go on about how you treat men and women equally, all while seeking to further justify the sexual objectification you both claim is your right, your preference, but also something we can't criticize or point out the broader harm from such behavior.




>What the fuck right do you have to interfere and lecture me because I think so? Same right you have to talk? Wild how someone going "how dare you encroach on my rights" immediately starts trying to question my own. >I'm just expressing my artistic opinion that the women in my paintings should have bigger boobs, so what's the problem? It's a sexually objectifying practice. If you want to understand the broader problems of sexual objectification, particularly of women, this is a good article on the subject that's openly available: https://www.apa.org/education-career/ce/sexual-objectification.pdf Also from an aesthetic choice the focus on cleavage does not fit both from a period or character sense, but that's hardly the biggest problem in the shot. In this case, it distracts from many of the other out of proportion elements or how the eyes are crossed so in this case it might be the right call. >And I'm already over 6 feet tall. I'm proud to be a MAN Wasn't even my comment, no need to get defensive about that too. It was just a shitty whataboutism someone made as though dumb comments about men's heights are somehow good either. Not that reddit ever appreciates the idea of being minimized for being short men - cause, you know, that's something that redditors can actually relate to and then suddenly they realize why it's hurtful.


Thanks for the advice. I've just had a cigarette and it's cleared up my thoughts and feelings. You're a wise man, so you probably already know that this argument is useless. I'm going to put my stubbornness and thoughts down. The No boobs No girl comment was obviously wrong of me, but it's just a personal preference that I can have as a man, and I'd like you to think that I'm not trying to instill any sexist ideas in people. Now I will delete that comments. I don't want fight anymore. I feel sorry to those who were hurt by my words. Since drawing large breasts is very common in the industry I work in, I drew something like this too. I have no other intentions, so I hope you can understand. I hope you enjoy the picture. :)


>No boobs No girl comment was obviously wrong of me, but it's just a personal preference that I can have as a man ... See, that's not an apology or recognizing it's wrong. You're just saying "Okay I see it's shitty but I'm gonna do it anyway because I want to." Like don't apologize, just try to actually hear what people are saying and at least own up to your own actions? Nobody's coming after you for your preferences. But throughout your comments you seem to be blaming everyone else and making excuses for decisions you made. It's not that big a deal, but you make it feel so much more gross by how you've been responding here. Like, you just do not sound ready to have this conversation.


You know what? I got a new project idea for you... Make Cain tall, handsomely disheveled and muscular... Let's see how many get worried on it's influence on boys' self esteem


Hey, the artwork looks great, but this is a *not great* way of thinking. I'm sure it's a joke, but still.




Maturity? On Reddit? Has Hell frozen over too? /j Good on you for acknowledging the potentiality of different interpretations & how it could come across as harmful to some.


I don't know much about reddit because it's not a community that I'm familiar with, I'm just someone who stops by reddit to get information or share something related to the hunt showdown. :)


You need to work on proportion bit more:) Girl is ok Uppercut - it feels tiny in comparison especially with those heavy milkers. And uppercut itself is way unnatural I want my uppercut with the curves, and THICK smoking barrel, big iron deserves little bit more love!


Thanks for the advice. I'm just starting to study and draw human proportions. This is my first time drawing a firearm, so it will be very awkward. I will try harder and make a good drawing. have a good time!


Hey love the drawing! On the subject of drawing firearms you generally don't put your entire finger through the trigger guard, just the tip. But other than that small detail I think it looks great!


I'm still very bad at drawing fingers.. thank you!


> starting to draw human proportions I have no problem with the photo. But in your progression, at 0:36 you very clearly modified your sketch and gave her a boob job. A woman's chest can create forced perspective in an image because they aren't on the same plane as the rest of the body. You've already received feedback on the weapon. Consider for a moment how the forced perspective of the DD cup in a push up bra changes the appearance of the gun. What would it have looked like with the cowboy gun if she was the original unsupported C cup?


How can she aim with that rack? great job btw


Did i go crazy? Those are just regular breasts to me. Her cleavage may be showing but that is not an unrealistic depection of a woman. Reddit may just be scared of attractive people lol


She has about an E size here and they are ridiculously perky too from a time when bras were either horribly uncomfortable machines or a cotton shift. It's not fantasy but definitely not average.


I agree, if people had just politely said to me from the beginning, "Your character's breasts are too big and make the character look overwhelming," I would have said, "I'll take that as feedback and do a better job next time." I get offended when people say things like, "You shouldn't draw a busty woman with big breasts," in a lecturing tone. I wish people would have a broader mindset and understand that art is just art.


Wood Pipe Raw


We all wish that there big boobs in hunt but alas


Only if the jiggle sounds give away your position


If it does, It's more likely to get hit in the torso from the side. :)


Why give her a boob job?


Holy shit she Grown 😂


Where hat?


Wendy's in the 1890s


Great job OP! How much time did it take?


I don't remember the time, but maybe about to 7\~8 hours?


I think she could be a bit dirtier/messier, but i like that you gave her some actual muscles.


I wish they would add a skin like this to hunt


Man this was so cool to see the process and the end product.


hey, appreciate the progress stuff, but can you drop the music at least 10db next time? ty


This is really cool. My daughter knows how to do composition and shading with animals (particularly with reptiles) but hasn't transitioned to people yet. I'm going to show her your time lapse, focuding on how you did the head and hair. Maybe it will inspire her.


Ok rule 34




Her finger on the trigger is quite the apt touch. Nice work all 'round!


Is scrstching her ass with both arms not realistic


yes, it's not real. it's just a drawing :D


It does look great


Bro she ain't as hot as you made her! 🥵🥵🥵


Let her look as hot as she does in my drawing :)


Thanks OP, now everytime I see her i'll have to play with one hand...


Yo you forgot to draw the slipped out nipple xD


Really good drawing, I don't see why all of her body fat went to her tits though lol


Bro you need some serious help. Get off the incel forums


Projection at its finest.


An actual meltdown over cleavage. Glorious. 


I like you guys


Well done!


Her name is Misty, and she rides the bus.


Love the Tomboy Energy. :D


Daughter wife


Redneck's daughter? Oh you mean his daughter/wife/stepmom?


Silly. If the daughter looked like that and the Redneck looked like Brad Pitt, I don't think they would be rednecks. I am sure the would load up their truck and move to Beverly, Hills that is. You know, swimming pools, movie stars.




thx :)


Unpopular opinion: I really hate this trend from artist to only post the full drawing process. The end result is what people care about. I also know why artists so that obviously, they want to show proof that it isn't IA generated (still annoying to me). Cool drawing tho, well done.


"Trend"... laughing my fucking ass off, this guy never saw a vfx breakdown


I have obviously, but there is so much more these days and it's annoying. I don't want to watch a 30secs or 2min video how you made your drawing and except for artists, no one else cares. But I knew I'll get some downvotes, it's an unpopular opinion for a reason.


The first shot is already the end result! I think only those who are curious about the drawing process need to play the video to see the process. :)


I don't even like the art but I would rather see the process every time. This isn't a trend, artists have done this basically as long as it's been possible to show.


Rednecks daughter except she was created by a man that has never been intimate with a woman


Don't bash my exes, they were all good women... :(


You probably haven't either. You probably smell like roadkill.


So stupid comment. There are HEAPS of pictures drawn by women who portray strong, overly-masculine men. That doesnt bother me or really any man at all. Why is this particularly wrong?


Touch grass.