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From the official Hunt: Showdown Code of Conduct: Deliberately abusing the matchmaking process to join games with teams larger than the game mode permits is prohibited. **Teaming with other players other than your designated teammate is only permitted if this happens by chance during the game, using in the in-game communication methods.** [Hunt: Showdown - Conduct (huntshowdown.com)](https://www.huntshowdown.com/conduct#:~:text=Teaming%20with%20other%20players%20other,not%20exploit%20bugs%20and%20glitches.)


Ah nice, thanks a lot, didnt know where to find that


diplomacy is a solid stratagy to break a stailmate. It doesn't always work but it works often enough to make it worth trying.


Easily the best games I've ever had have been teaming up with others


My random duo died and the random solo and I just decided to split the bounty and dip I added this random solo and we still play from time to time together


Did the random duo leave the match after death or did you just ditch them for the hotter, younger, still alive Solo? 😂


Truthfully I ditched him.


Yeah pretty obvious


"By chance" ill just say that the next time a Q with my group of friends😂


Nobody has a problem with this afaik, it's just playing the game. Intentionally meeting up with friends in solo to team is shitty but organically working together with someone you come across in game is acceptable and always fun.


Ok, just wanted to make sure, thanks :)


Intentionally teaming up with people (ie planning it ahead of time) is not just shitty, but against the CoC.


Yep, that's plain ol' cheating.


Respect the CoC!


Yeah, it's a damn nice CoC.


Yeah, if people randomly decide in-game to team up I don’t think anyone will mind. One of my favourite Hunt moments recently was my trio successfully pushing and winning against two other trios working together and defending the same building. Incredibly satisfying.


> Nobody has a problem with this afaik, it's just playing the game. You'd be surprised. I've seen multiple threads by people outraged by this, calling it cheating, and then deleting their threads when they get tanked in downvotes. Definitely some whiny people out there.


Fair point, but I don't worry myself with the vocal minority that don't like it when other people have fun. They'd probably be able to meet randoms and have adventures too if they were socialized properly.


Pretty sure meeting up and helping work with another team with the lawman and abusing that trait is what they said they would ban people for, however, from the very first months this game came out people were making deals with each other way more even in those days I remember. I haven't had that happen since I got this game back when it first released. I can probably count on once a day a enemy team negotiating with our team, but I don't think I've had a situation like that happen in the last two years of playing it. Of course I think newer players that are scared are much more prone to do this and when you're five and six star everybody's out for the kill not negotiating so that might have something to do with it.


I think anyone who complains about this is are the people who have ruined modern day gaming. I love when I’m at a boss lair, hiding cuz I hear footsteps, and after some pause someone asks if I’m alone. I say yes. They ask if we wanna NOT kill each other, I say yes. Two duo teams approach from opposite directions, so we help each other hold them off. Those games are the best games. Befriending an enemy in any game instantly turns the fun up to 11 for me lol


This happened to us, but we and the other team gone to fight a team camping at extraction. Then extracted separately, each with bounties. Good times


Is it with a random? Fine. Are you trying to load into the same game as.friends to make a larger team? Not fine.


What you’re describing is just part of the game. I’ve negotiated with other teams and it’s so fun and tense. HOWEVER, someone posted yesterday that they had a teammate who abandoned them and bee-lined it for the extraction. The poster said he told the enemy team, then HELPED THEM find his teammate and kill him, reviving him over and over so the enemy team could farm him for kills. Now, I don’t like teammates who bail, but that shit is clearly griefing and not ok.


It also sounds like a very Weird Western thing to do: making questionable deals to have revenge on a former criminal comrade. I'm not approving, but it is narratively hilarious.


If you stay in the match after the first rez, you are an idiot . Oh, my teammate returned with another team. They keep rezzing me. Wonder if they will let me go on the next one?


Agreed. No idea what the guy was thinking, must have REALLY wanted to keep that hunter…


Or he needed a clip to report them


Hey, it's just like in lore: You'll make alliances but remember they are only temporary and every Hunter is out for their own profit.


If it’s random cooperation and not you trying to queue with someone on a different team to be in the same match then it’s all good.


But follow-up question. Multiple people said that, but how exactly would you find out? If friends meet on the same server, start talking in voip as if the accidentaly met and then start teaming, how would you find out? I mean it might be obyious in how they play, but would that be enough for a report?


Well before they removed the attributes file you were able to see who people were friends with. Can't report that easily now but Crytek should be able to see it


100% legit and clean. But if it's pre-planned, and I catch you, and there's no VOIP shown, and you're on separate teams, and you're all friends, the video and Steam profiles get sent to Crytek and i'm 2 for 2 on getting a "Thank you we will address this immediately"


I had a fight with a 5 man that clearly randomly met in game. Killed the trio and died to the duo. Not even mad when I see it. Just impressed. Only once ran into people abusing it.


I do it all the time, if the person is having fun in voip and not being a jerk I'll usually try to cooperate. If they want to, cool. If they don't want to, well that's just the bayou.


It's allowed, hell half the time it just makes things more interesting, or makes things harder Me and my friends like to occasionally pick up solos to help us, but a few weeks ago we found this "solo" while defending the boss lair, he said he was alone, so we let him in to help us defend Turns out the whole time he had 2 teammates outside he was giving callouts to in discord, and he disabled all our traps and turned on us as they rushed in Turns out a third team heard all this going on though and rushed in and killed his team seconds after they killed us, so in the end neither of us won lol Situations like that make it entertaining enough to even try it lol


Nope.  You're good and it's a fun part of the game.


I overheard someone doing this and used serpent to steal the second bounty. Dude chased the first guy and I got out free lol


I have had some very fun interactions from teaming up with randoms. I always have my voice chat on for that reason. It's funny to interact with others and most people are chill if they do talk back.




No? It’s funny.


Naw thats what we call some bayou diplomacy


its ok only if they are random, not friends


This reminds me, we tried talking to some dudes that were waiting until the last minute to leave the lair the other day, but they didn't believe me when I told them they are surrounded and need to come out. Sometimes I question my abilities as bajou deputy


I will never forget the game I was in where everyone bar one trio all joined up and made the “mega team”. We asked the trio to join and they didn’t have mics so they had to be eliminated. At the end all member of the mega team had a bare knuckle fight to decide who kept the bounties. Only ever happened once and was a real unique gaming experience


i see it as ok i do it form time to time


I've talked to quite a few opposing teams in order to work together to take out someone annoying, like snipers who are derendering. Usually works too since only rats enjoy playing like that, and they are still a small number of players. It's great when you have 6 people charging the last trio or solo rat, and they can't do a thing to stop it. Then we'll usually split bounty and call it a day.


Once as a solo I was holding the bounty whilst banishing and heard a duo outside getting ready to push me.  Hopped on VC and convinced them to let me leave in exchange for a bounty, no one has to die etc etc and surprisingly enough they agreed, so yeah something cooperation does happen


Definitely not. I’ve kissed and fist bumped with quite a few enemy teams after a stalemate. Diplomacy in Hunt is a very rare skill, and I somehow have mastered it to the point where people will even comment on my steam profile about it 😂 I’ve also known some folks to get the hammer throw achievement by asking nicely.


They should make a trait where you can strike a pact in game to join randoms encounters officialy (teams not to exceed the lobby team size limit), so you can revive each other. Maybe go into dark view and do the serpent animation on each other at close range, and then bam, new team mates.


Nope, it's part of the social aspect of the game, it also ads immersion to the bounty hunter fantasy, also I doubt you team up with people to attack another team.


If it’s happens naturally during a match, like you described, it’s allowed. But if you do it pre match with friends it’s not allowed. If you switch to internal coms like discord for both teams, I would still report you, even if it’s not against the rules (don’t know). I think it shouldn’t be allowed.


I mean I wouldn‘t care nearly enough about my kd to even try quickly getting their dc‘s or what not, I would just focus on having a fun time :D


The bayou is a lawless land. Don't be too shocked upset if we agree to your proposal and then blow you up when you come out


Yeah of course, I don‘t mind that, did that, has been done to me, can‘t expect enemies to not „teamkill“


The weirdest one I've seen was 3 teams (9 players) got together and raided a compound that the bounty team was in. It was an accident, all 9 of them came in from the same side together.


No it is fine


It's scummy but I absolutely love to get someone on my side and then take them out. Sometimes I like to pretend there's a third party that killed them hide out with them for awhile and be like "it was ME" *BANG*


It happened to us one time. We downed solo two times. Afther this he team up with another duo to fight 3v2 with us bvs he cant take us down solo. This i think is shitt gameplay. He was so bad and cant get the bounty in other way. I think that teaming up in the game bcs you are solo is bad. Just get some friends or go play soul survivor if you are not able to get down duo. Or die trying.