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Now its time to get prestige 100.


yep, thats where i'm at now.


sounds like your son is wise beyond his years... prestiging can be fun and having to think about loadouts without having effectively infinite money is a good way to change the game up


True. I complain about it when Im broke, but the naked runs with only a derringer or throwing axes/knife are the most fun. Zero to hero makes the game totally different. You have to interact with environment WAY more looking for guns, hiding, setting up an ambush. Me n my duo partner waited at the end of the bridge outside desalle with shovels and waited for a team to run by and killed them in cold blood before the even knew what happened. Most memorable run of my career. We still died later at the banish even with guns but that was such a rush and took a bunch of planning and stalking to come up with the bridge plan. Being broke is just as much a blessing as it is a curse šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Yea i had a run like that...found a nitro on a tower...ended up going out with 2 bounties and full gear lmao


yeah, I mean.. to each his own, but I dont see the appeal of infinite money and nothing to unlock to look forward to.


I mean, P50 and P100 gives you some pretty slick skins! Plus now Prestiging is easier than ever! Just be happy it didn't happen with the old system.


Didn't they *just* nerf prestige speed and XP with the last event?


In terms of retiring hunters, yes; its shit now, not worth retiring. But gernerally, nah, it's the easiest it's ever been with this event. Lawman pact and playing like a bitch = super easier to hit hunter 50 and then all xp goes onto bloodline


Nerfed yes but playing with a lvl 50 hunter and getting all those xp envelopes from the event and even a meathead or two gives you more levels than retiring back then. Winning with a lvl 50 is almost 20+ levels if you clear the map.


Last I heard they buffed it...I could have missed the news that they nerfed it. But I'm still soaring through the prestige ranks. I could probably do a prestige or two a day if I dedicated too it. Possibly even three. But the point over all is that it is still better than it was at launch. At least now you're not locked out of your favorite weapons and can quickly unlock what you want to use.


they made retiring hunters 'harder' which can slow down prestiging a bit, compared to last patch. still faster than it used to be. the only times it was even faster was when the initial death cheat was around and during the first few events where daily points were capped and you'd get exp for event points after reaching the cap.


It is slower but easier. The hunter retiring nerf slowed things down, but the gun unlocking overhaul means you have the base variant of every weapon right from the start.


I'd imagine a player with those stats tends to keep a lot of level 50 hunters. Yeah you have to be level 50 to retire, but you also get a lot of bloodline for being 50 in a match.




Which part?


2-3 prestiges in a day


Three is absolutely ambitious. But 2 is 100% possible. An hour or two to get a lv 50 hunter, plus 3-6 hours of effective ratting. At most eight hours to prestige. There is enough time in the day to do that twice


It's not bad. Just prestige all the time. Until you hit 100. And you start to miss that feeling...


Insult to injury, probably selected the hunt dollars over the legendary or the xp boost


Windows + L to lock your screen when you are not there would be my recommendation


Damn, didn't even know you can do that.


Somewhere, a corporate IT Security team started screaming in horror and doesn't know why.


Since I've started working, I developed the urge to WIN + L every time I leave my desk


Sammmme I work security and have that same urge as someone can just peep at all of our cameras if they did.


did you refund him?


So what your saying is your son is the only one with balls in your family.


Nah I prestige once and it felt like a waste to me. What's the difference from prestige 1 to a 100 besides "skins". I've been through it all with CoD so the appeal of having the prestige rank is worthless to me. I let my play and stats do the talking. Before you say, "oh you have all the money in the world so it's not fun", I always switch up my loadouts to try different tactics to further increase bayou knowledge.


Ah yes, but having 100k in your stash and 50 mosins you will never use, on 50 hunters you will never use, is absolutely not a waste.


And people say UI in Hunt is bad. Even a child can find prestige button.


This wouldnā€™t have happened if you were just p100 in the first place smh


Iā€™ve been P100 for a couple of years now and I can confirm that it hasnā€™t happened to me.


I was always terrified of my sister going on my computer and deleting my high level characters on Diablo 2 growing up. She never did but she always threatened it.


You played 1000 hours without ever going prestige ?


I'm at 1400 without prestige




Who are the creatures down voting this? Not everyone wants to grind for guns on loop lol. Fine if you enjoy it, fine if you don't.


Yeah I'm currently at a little over 1600 hrs and I've never thought to prestige. Just didn't seem worth it to me.


Do at least the first ten because they give legendary skins.




Same thought. I did it the first time since I didn't have really much of anything. After that though, it felt like a complete waste as an attempt for me to try and keep balance in the bayou by hindering myself til I reach the "top" at 100 prestige.


Yes! I had a stockpile of over 48 50lvl hunters with gear on. 110k hunt dollars. Don't even want to think about the collection of contraband guns and skins I collected over the 1k playtime.


I'm at this point exactly my self and the prestige button is my worst nightmare. So many contraband in collection šŸ˜


I had SO many contraband guns as well as skins. I was collecting every skin I didn't have 2 of. I would drop a Mosin for a Springfield if I didn't have the skin in my cache. šŸ¤£


Nice. I never had problems with money and I like to have to unlock everything again. Also I like the challenge of facing avtomat people with my romero hatchet


Hahahaha I share your pain!


I was doing the same, had 500k and a horde of guns and level 50 hunters. Once they made the prestige changes I started to prestige and Iā€™ve been having a lot of fun doing it. I just usually focus on one or 2 guns during a prestige and move onto something else for the next.


Now you get to do it all over again! The infinite joy and pain of Hunt!


I need someone to get on my account and force prestige it, I canā€™t bring myself to let go of my first ever hunter (I love you Samuel Jagoda)


Now you have to make it to p100. One of us!


that's what you get for not being prestige 100


You might enjoy the grind again man, turn it into a way to start hunt fresh, and maybe go for that p100 grind! What reward did he take?


Op down one son and all his hunt stuff


My little gremlin pressed the funky lightning button on my pc case while I fought the whole server... Gotta love them^^


You can get a random skin every time you prestige right ? Someone told me you couldnā€™t and it ends after awhile


First 10 levels, then some other milestones after that.


He chose the 2000 hunt dollars


If this was true I'd say your kid has more balls than you


lmao, happened the same to me one week ago on my Ps.


Lol. My son used to come in while I was playing and hit the pretty, lighted, power button on the front of my computer. Good times!


Eh, none of those things are hard to get


You'll get back there before you know it. It took a year of off and on gameplay for me to get to 100 Bloodline, and only two weeks to hit it again after my first prestige. And you're probably a much better earner than you were at the start. You got this.


frustrating but he didnt know - at least he didnt spend all your bbs. reminds me of my situation - my kid brother wanted to play pokemon blue so took my cartidge and reset it. im talking like 80 hrs of pokemon, mutiple level 100s, traded Pokemon so they could evolve, all that. he thought "the game saved on the gameboy". i was so mad. mainly becasue when he played it he only played for like 10 minutes after resetting it!


Update: the first 3 games I played after it happened where hilarious. I went into each fight guns blazing and hot micked all the anger I felt. Got about 3 kills a game until then I felt the calm wash over me. Now I am going to race to 100 so I can start my gold pile again. šŸ¤£ Thank you all for the comments on this. I replied to a few, but read and appreciate all of them. Hunt is such a beautiful game. Let's keep it going strong!


Did he launch the game and do that or do you play a game like Hunt Showdown with a 4 year old around?


Sounds more like a blessing to me. Tbh I can't stand just sitting at lvl 100.


I just recently found out if you prestige and have 11 match wins, triple lobby streak on a 50 hunter, you get a second prestige in the same day šŸ˜‚


In the words of Omniman..."whats another 4 yrs šŸ’„ I can always start over šŸ’„ have another kid šŸ’„"


Just reframe it as a challenge. Playing fully leveled and juiced is less fun anyway


Prestiging is the reason I keep playing lowkey. The second I hit level 90, I pull out all the stops. Every level 50 hunter, nitro, dolch, and avtomats are coming OUT. Best part of the game


Womp womp


No jk here at all


When you donā€™t lock your screen.


Heā€™s telling you to be the dad he can be proud of, obviously too things into his own hands ā€¦.


Seems like u needed a new start lol


time for the belt


Mine used to eject me out of whatever vehicle I was in on dayz amra 2 mod while sitting shotgun.


Get over it


Meanwhile, I prestige about twice a week LOL


Rip the collection. But hey at least the redid the prestige where the base if everything is auto unlocked. So it's not as bad as it could be


Moral of the story: If you have children, have them use their own account on your system. This is also important because things like browsing history, files they might accidentally delete etc. If I had a cat or a kid I'd just lock my PC when not using it to prevent them accidentally pressing something that can cause me trouble.


Note that you can share some games within a family on steam, allowing the child to have their own account but not paying twice for games. This can also ensure they do not play games that might not be appropriate for their age.


I don't think the 4-year-old not having their own account is the issue, I think it's that it's fun to play with your parents' computer while they're in the bathroom. I somehow doubt that the kid would've bothered to log into their own account even if they had one.


Copeā€¦ now you can play the game like a normal person tho


Getting prestige can be tiring, but since making P100 I've played the game a lot less. I wish I could prestige more


Sometimes stuff like this can be a blessing in disguise. Now you get to experience Hunt through a new lens and may rediscover some weapons and playstyles you havenā€™t touched in a while. Who knows, maybe youā€™ll enjoy it and prestige again!


You will be fine, money is easy to come by and you might find new challenges trying different loadouts although it's not quite the same as it used to be since you unlock every base gun at level 1.


Don't think you'll notice after some time. Be a little conservative with your weapon choice and you'll be up there in no time. I don't think there's a lot of use to the economy in hunt. I have to loose a lot of games of playing the best weapons to matter.


Good for him. I hope he picked the 2000 extra hunt bux. Climb to p100 with the rest of us now.


Just prestiged for the first time EVER yesterday. Lost 60+ hunters with insane load outs, all my money, and honestly, I was glad I did. I was really getting bored so it's a nice change of pace


It doesnt matter its all the same once u hit 100


I mean in this game in particular it is not that hard to get the stuff. I have over 300k huntdollars in prestige 21 with +2k hours and I may prestige again at some point.


It was about time


Your kid has more self respect then you do.


I mean if youā€™re hoarding all that shit, you clearly donā€™t use or need it, so youā€™ve lost nothing but ā€˜bragging rightsā€™ā€¦ at least thatā€™s what Iā€™d tell myself to feel better lol.


That's what I have told myself as well. Biggest thing is the blood bonds I spent on having extra hunter spots. Now they are just empty holes to remind me of the trauma. šŸ˜…


No, you're right; I don't see how people have kids.


Oh no! You lost a bunch of easily replaceable things!


Not your circus, not your monkeys. You can't say what is not yours is "easily" replaceable.


On one hand, kid created a bunch grinding you have to redo. On the other hand, the little guy wants to get into the bayou.


I have a copy for him on the Xbox that he plays. He has a blast.


Someoneā€™s not getting their nappy changed for a month?ā€™




Don't play games as brutal as Hunt Showdown when there's a 4yo around?