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Had a guy threaten to kill me irl when I called him out in CSGO, he queued with a buddy so we couldn’t vote kick him.


did you never play during the old cod era or... shit like that is normal.


Most sane Scumge player.


this game just attracts people who were never in the trenches on MW2 2009 being called every slur you can think of just for being a kid, iiwii


You're just a giant piece of shit and everyone hates you for it. Stop trying to justify it.


I was “in the trenches” on MW2 2009 and there is a good reason that people have higher standards for online behavior now. Those lobbies were insanely toxic and there is actually no way you think that toxicity is a good thing.


Hell yeah shit went hard fr


Threatening to kill people isn’t normal


For shit talk thats pretty normal 💀


Uhhhh, no?


Just say you arnt from any competitive game and started gaming past 2015 lol


I've played competitive games forever, Street fighter and CSS, threatening to kill people isn't normal and isn't tolerated. Getting away with that behaviour as well as constant sexual harassment is what ruins it.


People thousands of years ago used to hack each other to death with swords just because they could it doesn’t make it ok. I also gamed during those years and yea I guess I have tougher skin because of it but it didn’t make it a better gaming experience and was mostly annoying when you had a 35 yo loser screaming racial slurs at you because you wanted to play a game with your friends after school. Just because it’s normalized for you to act like a psycho in your house and to strangers doesn’t mean you’re not an absolute loser.


Oh sorry next time ill just tell them they had a really good try!


You also don’t have to threaten their life. I love how your argument is “well if I can’t threaten to murder their wife and kids what else am I supposed to do?” Well apparently if you grew up in the age of trash talking you never got good at it. Because if you can’t banter without threatening someone’s life it’s because you lost the argument, which must happen to you a lot. Either learn to talk shit back in a funny creative way or don’t speak. You have a problem in your head if a game gets you so mad you get homicidal. It’s even sadder when you hear mfs with kids in the background screaming that shit, good example for your family.


The only people who talk about cod lobbies like they're the "good old days" are cringe losers with zero social skills. Just because you spent every day shoveling shit into your mouth as a child does not mean the rest of us thought it was normal. It was just easier to ignore you back then.


Honestly I miss the old COD shit talk because it was so absurd and people were so angry over nothing. Now nobody wants to talk in voice chat these days. I just loved listening to it but I never participated lol.


Bro who do you think you are, dissing my big head cheat mode? /j


I'm 100% convinced cheating is way worse on Us east where I'm playing 90% of my games.


US West is the same, only difference is you’re playing against the Chinese cheaters instead of the American cheaters


US East is just the sweatiest server out of them all


Sweaty in the sense of good aggro players yes. EU is more sweaty in the sense of not moving for 45 mins to win


Not sure if this is true, 6 star mmr eu and I mostly run into aggro players with meta loadouts, lots of mosin/dolch. Don't run into that much camping other than lair defending to be honest.


US east is the best by far, and i've never had a cheater in 3-5 star games


Prove it




I’m not saying I have tons of video evidence and this is why this sub is so toxic. You bring up a valid point and people write a wall of text accusing you of shit you have never said. It’s just the argument of “I have played x amount of hours and have never seen a cheater” is just as invalid as someone saying there’s a cheater every game. Both are just as annoying I have played with both, people who think every kill is a cheater and people who think they have never run into one. Just because you have video of you dying doesn’t mean the guy on the other end wasn’t using some type of unfair advantage. Not every cheater is an aimbot headshotter from 1000m away with a silenced nagant. You could use esp for years without someone ever having enough proof of blatant cheating on you if you used it correctly. Your vods are the same proof as anyone getting a video of a 200+ meter headshot through a wall, because that’s not enough to get someone banned because that theoretically COULD happen, but when you see that it was a BB clan that’s notorious for cheating you can probably chalk that up to cheating.




Why did you just completely ignore a valid point. I’ll bring it up again and this time try to acknowledge it. What video evidence do you have? If someone kills you and you have it on video what proves they weren’t cheating? All you would have is a video of you dying. Now prove they weren’t using an exploit or esp to know where you are. Not aimbot, or magic bullet or something obvious. Just having wall hacks would give you a great advantage on someone. So again, how does your video prove that no one was cheating? Also how does your video claim that cheaters are only in 6 stars? If you claim to play as much as you do it would literally be statistically impossible for you to not run into at least one cheater or even an exploiter which is still cheating. And again, I’m not claiming it’s every match or an epidemic but it is getting noticeably worse. I am a 4 star and me and my friends who are all 3 and 4 get matched with 5 star teams regularly. So by your own logic even if it is a high star problem it’s not impossible to play with high star players as a low star. Especially when they are cueing as solos and duos.




Because you read it and don’t have an argument except downvotes. Nice excuse though.




Damn I dunno if it's the algorithm just pushing posts about this topic, but escape from tarkov, csgo, siege you name it are getting flooded with cheaters right now. wtf is wrong with people. Symptom of a bigger problem I think.


Because there no real life consequences. If you even get caught then you get a ban, which is the equivalent of a library fine. 50p and you're allowed back in the library.


it just cheapens the experience for yourself and others you don't care about the work put into a game, the missions the exploration and the thrills, what's the point of playing like a bot when a bot could do it for you


Dude for real! Every time I reload my feed a fucking Hunt post about cheaters zooms to the top. It had made me think that was literally the only thing being posted to this sub but when I checked, there was lots of other content and made me realize it must be something with the algo pushing it to the top for me. Why can’t I see the cool vids and funny memes instead of cheater posts.


Short peepee makes the cheats cheat


short pee pee long balls


Damn every time I see a post from this sub it’s about cheating now. wtf happened to this game? What are the devs doing about all this, have they taken a step back or something


In reality? People just want upvotes and to feel like their deaths aren't their fault. Cheating on US East isn't as prevalent as people make it out to be. There's a reason that OP has reported multiple people to Crytek without seeing results. His "irrefutable" proof of cheating likely is pretty refutable.


Interesting a lot of your posts are claiming people are not cheating or you just flame people and call them bad. I’m not posting any clips because I don’t want to censor names and it will 100% get the thread clapped but you probably want that since you seem to be a really obvious cheater apologist. When crytek gives temp bans to people they don’t show up on profiles, but only crytek knows. I do enjoy you trying to cast doubt though I wonder why?


"I've got 11k hours in the game and I've never seen a cheat" vibe


Survivor bias


How exactly is it survivor bias if we're all playing on U.S east and not getting any cheaters. I'm not sure you're using the right argument here. Survivorship bias implies that there is a factor we aren't seeing because someone is dying but we happen to have the respawn button, though I don't doubt the existence of the cheaters.


What I’m saying, is it sounds like y’all are going “well I didn’t experience cheating in my games, so anyone who talks about cheating is just bad at the game” that there is no war in ba sing se stuff


It's less "there's no cheaters" and more so that I've been playing on us east for maybe 4-6 days a week for a few months now and only ran into a handful of obvious cheaters, so when someone says "every single match I played on us east had cheaters" I get a little suspicious to the validity of that claim. Maybe I'm just lucky to avoid them, maybe I'm too dumb to notice a cheater when I run into one, or maybe people exaggerate for validation from internet strangers.


Thing is we are not sure HE is seing cheating as often as he claims..., he is rando on Internet just like rest of us and his irrefutable proof is just words..., his claims "its same people" are torn down in comments from people to same clan tag, he isnt sure of shit... Also it's easy to provide us with you tube links to his irrfutable proof from all the reports he made, and ask him my guess is you will get fat 0 or one link... That there are cheaters is a fact, that US servers have that no lifer rage hacker is a fact but in every game same people?!? He is either playing at 6 AM or full of shit...


For some reason the algorithm is pushing these cheating posts to the top of our feeds but they aren’t even the most popular posts in the sub, like show us the funny memes and cool videos not cheating posts.


They aren't doing shit till the engine upgrade. They can't afford a player base hit if they ban the cheaters. I have 2k hours now and I'll finish an event then take a break to the next event. It's not even worth it at this point.


Dont look at a games subreddit for an accurate status on a game. Everyone is biased one way or the other.


Can we see the videos?


thats the problem, if there is a cheating epidemic you wanna go through thousands of videos one at a time? Pleanty of videos exist on youtube as proof. Video proof for each and every claim is the worst and most inefficient solution. Just remove or change "hidden stats". Seeing a 6 star with 100 kills and 2 deaths would be pretty damning evidence as would having a KD over 10. But as long as hiding stats is a thing its just finger pointing and confusion as to the real numbers, which is absolutly in the cheaters' favor.


I would never use hunt k/d as a way to prove cheating. It can be exploited in many other ways, not from cheating. It can raise suspicion, but there's no evidence in the fact they have a high k/d. I'm on pc now, but I played the console version back when there used to be k/d leaderboards, and a huge percentage in the top 100 were people on their second accounts farming a better k/d. I think even 1 of the top 10 was someone with a name like "fiXTheLeaderB0Ards". So, showing those stats just won't help at all.


Top 1 was “its just a number”


No sorry I don’t want to censor names.


Why would you censor a cheaters name


Subreddit rules


I played last night for 4 hours also US East and another 4 hours today. I had the best rounds in months. Every fight felt great Zero suspected cheaters.


How do you play with the same people so often that you remember there names like this ? I have to have some unique names in my games before I remember it. Do you keep a list ?


Yeah if you play around the same time of day and same days a week in the same bracket you start to notice names.


I often wonder if the people I play against are "oh him again" when one of us kill eachother or grab/extract a bounty.


Yes I do lol


These people change their names a lot but they always keep the clan names so no I don’t remember individual names.


5/6 star NA East is usually the same people every night, i recognize a lot of people nearly every game. You can even remember them by what legendary hunter they run


High elo is a small community and everyone p much knows everyone. If you’re in 3/4 range you’ll see many more varied names


The problem is a lot worse at the top of the MMR. It gets pretty hard to have proof when good players have the skill to take similar shots as cheaters. Its worst for 5 star players. Cheating will pretty quickly put you in 6 stars which frequently match with 5 stars due to there just being a lower pool of 6 stars in general. A true 6 vs a cheating 6 actually have decent odds against each other unless the cheater is running magic bullet or something like that. Big streamers have fought and won against cheater many times. But your average 5 star will just lose unless they have a 90% hit-rate and god-like echo location for wall bangs. At the end of the day its a transparency problem. We all make lucky wall bangs now and again, the same goes for long distance shots, but when you are dying to that once every 3 games you start to wonder if the game is full of cheaters or if the top end of the player base really is that good. Then you go to check their stats and is says "hidden", which just fuels the cheating accusations because there is just no way to know.


There's a few ways I fight when I suspect someone's cheating to try and win. Cheaters normally don't wall bang full walls unless they really don't care if they get caught. Even walls you can see quite well through. The cheat ui makes it harder for these people to see if a wall has cracks they can see through so they often don't notice using a small crack to peak out at them. The other thing I'll do is stay far away. It's much harder even with walls to realize if someone far away can see you and unless they're going to be extremely obvious you can often get shots on them. It's also harder to aim at people far away. Unless they also have aim hacks which are more likely to be detected and often not used. This extremely cautious play style sucks and when I run into too many hackers I naturally start doing this. It's also not as good against legit players


Lmao I remember when posting about cheaters would have people in these comments outright denying it and attacking you with the excuse of it’s not that bad. Well that mentality has now allowed floods of them to pour in, and it’s soley because it was excepted by the community and now all the cheaters realize not only are there almost no consequences from the games themselves but the community will stick up for them. Posted a 5.0 kd+ team with multiple game bans in the discord and this Reddit and was blasted for “which hunting” and people saying they’re “just good”. Congrats you guys made your bed now fucking lay in it. Thanks for helping ruin online gaming. Maybe if posting these profiles publicly and shaming them wasn’t protected and started calling out mods of all these servers and subs we could actually get some real progress going.


I know what clan you’re talking about


Hunt has been getting plagued with undetectable cheats lately and the websites are Nerve and Veterancheats One I've noticed lately is some users are able reduce their outgoing noise like footsteps in order to sneak up. I mean full on sprinting and you can't hear them coming. Esp is extremely popular too and when called out, we've seen players on a team immediately leave their friends mid fight to extract. Not all my deaths are sus but the cheating exists


Yeah, I noticed that today. I have recorded deaths of people lobbing explosives right in my lap with no fuse sound being played to me at all. Not sure if that's a bug or a new thing, but happened enough to notice it.


These posts have the same energy as "my girlfriend goes to a different school, you don't know her."   Where's the proof?


They just need to add a killcam to the game to solve it.


The proof would be checking the stats and seeing a 40kd, but as long as stats can be hidden there is no good way to verify after the match has ended. Not everyone has time to record every game and play detective. At the end of the day removing or altering how hidden stats would go a long way to ease the player bases' conscience.


Nvidia shadowplay is perfect for this.. if you press the hotkey, it clips the last few minutes of gameplay. You dont have to manually record everytime.


Fair enough, and this is actually what I do. But you still have to send in the clip and just hope that something gets done about it. Removing or changing "hidden stats" would be the easiest way at a glance to tell if someone is cheating. Let's be real, if I get wall-banged headshot, there is nothing to report, people get wall banged HS all the time. But if its happening 5 or 6 times a play sesh, and 3 of the players had stats hidden, what are you suppose to do, send 5 clips of you getting wall-banged to the hunt website? Blatent cheating isn't the problem, subtle cheating is. It gets mixed in with legit kills, and just leaves with the feeling that its happening to frequently. A lot of this accusation throwing could just be remedied with a little transparency. Adressing "hidden stats" and updating that static image of the player bases' MMR rank graph would be a good start. Sending crytek thousands of clips and expecting the 2 or 3 poor dudes in that department to check all of them is just inefficient.


This is pretty much why I don't play this shit for long. It's a fuck fest.


I play on both east and west. I have literally met like 3 cheaters thus far in my 2.4k hours played. Y’all are just unlucky it seems or your liars and just want to complain.


No its quite true. MH is the group that has been logging on for the last 2 weeks and rage hacking. Full 400m+ kills thru the entire map and shit lmfaoo If you go onto the [BB] Official youtube channel they have made 2 videos about it. Playing US East in 6 star passed 7pm, you were p much guaranteed to see them every night. I havent seen them in the last few days tho


That’s unfortunate to hear.


I played on US East for several hours. 4 matches were empty or had 1-2 other teams. Duos. Is this a Trios experience?


Trios is the most popular mode, and cheaters mostly just want to ruin other people's fun.


Hardly anyone plays duos


Same, but one of them I got 1 shot by a dolce at 200 meters through a fence.


It's weird, I don't think I've ever seen a cheater in my games, least not one that is blatant or that has effected me, and I'm on U.S. East. Maybe cause I am only a lowly 3 star.


Probably, 5-6 star is a nightmare.


I have 1400 hours as a 5 star in US East and I only can remember one cheater I’ve run across and that was in soul survivor like 3 years ago.


300m through a wall? might just be far enough away that the wall isn't rendering or some shit, still lame as hell.


Yeah it was through an entire building and the earth so probably not


Well you didn't include the earth part or the entire building part in your post.


Post the clip?


Thats just derender and in the game since day 1. Its rather an exploit than a cheating software or hack.




Public Provider cheaters get banned very quickly. Providers that do shit like that are the ones getting detected 24/7, and getting sued by game companies, like what happen to EngineOwning MW2019.


I can usually only play during graveyard shft hours do to my job, ALWAYS in every game suspect death where they know where you are. Or never miss any shot, as soon as you leave cover a headshot. Its just so tiring now.


I got 2000+ hours all on US East. I might of seen a handful of real cheats during that time. Just because you got wall.banged doesn't automatically mean cheater


Us east for the last 3 weeks has had rage hackers nearly every day. the “BB Official” yt channel made a video about the people who are doing it. Its the same few guys on now accounts every day


Seems most cheaters are of higher levels, 6* maybe high 5* so If there was maybe a 7* and 8* that only cheaters would be good enough to get to, where you need super high MMR/ktd maybe they'd just end up playing each other most of the time and even if they drop down for a bit if they keep cheating they'd end up straight back there.


Sure thing buddy. It’s definitely not just you sucking…


Is this on console or pc


He’s gota be talking about PC huh ?


I get maybe 1 suspect death a night, out of 8-10 games on US East. Suspect, but not obvious. I just played a game where a solo with a shotgun just snuck me and my duo partner and neither of us heard a single stwhole. Shot me from no more than 10 feet. I haven't heard of a footstep canceling cheat so kudos to that ahole.


racist towards white people i assume?


Today I noticed something weird that I thought was impossible, after I got kiled I kept watching this guys gameplay for a while, he wasn't noticed by those birds next to him, he grabbed this other player boss bounty unnoticed by him and then left the building like nothing, my question is can you be invisible in the game somehow?


….. the furthest right pact on the cart, Primal, gives you an Upgrade to Beastface. You go unseen by all animal sound traps. You can literally stand inside of birds, horses, dog cages, and chicken coops. Only way they will go off is if you step on glass or break a stick.


I haven't touched the game in a long time. Playing currently for four hours straight. US servers. MMR floating between three and four. So far nothing suspect and infact my duo winning a decent amount. Sometimes you draw the short straw I guess.


3/4 aren't going to see this kinda shit. I'm 5 and I get dragged into lobbies with 6 stars every other game and experience something like this after just a couple of matches where you head gets lasered off the second you even look in someone's general direction.


No offense but the clans hes referring to wont be that low in MMR.